Hello! Hi! This is my first Vocaloid fanfic! I have been afraid to write one but now I'm not hahahahahha I'm just gonna give it a try! I love writing stories and usually mine are flippen crazy! So please comment and review and I apologize before hand for my spelling and grammar! Thank you so much! ^.^


I don't not, sadly, own Vocaloid! But I'm glad they where created!


Kitty Café

Chapter 1;3


My brother and I watched our parents as they ran like crazy and packed their things like star cross lovers. Mother giggled and father made weird sex noises, I rolled my eyes I guess that's how we were created? Mother's blonde hair was short and dyed platinum and father dyed his hair from blonde to bright red that it looked like a tomato, they said they wanted to look tight and awesome. They both wore bright neon colors and huge sunglasses, their skin tanned bright shrimp colored. We just wore our black and white school uniform with our small case by our side ready to be shipped off anywhere but here.

"Sweet Orange! Be good with your cousin! Okay! Remember Len take care of your sister! I know you don't know Leon but he is a nice guy and very kind!" Mother yelled now running to our crappy car, sticking the luggage like a turkey in the car, father ran to her and helped her as well. They yelled at each other and then kissed each other like teenagers in love. I made a puking sound, Len laughed, my twin brother.

You may ask where the carp are they going. They are going to travel Europe but most likely Spain and they so decided to do such when we turned 15…

"Um, Rin…what the hell?" My twin brother asked looking at me confused, I shrugged and grabbed my suit case and stepped outside, he fallowed me.

"Len, don't ask, our parents are fucked up!" I mumbled as mother and father began to fight over whose luggage is whose but then made out again. Len watched me his sapphire eyes like mine, his golden hair shiny like mine with his small pony tail, he smiled," It's gonna be great okay!" he smiled at me and I smiled back," I hope Leon is not a pervert!"

He nodded with agreement as we went inside our crappy car with our parents and sped away into the morning to Cousin Leon's house…We held hands and waited for our new life to begin, but we were too ahead of ourselves…



We were standing in front of this café that was called Kitty...It was big and pink…with black windows and on the sign it was written with curvy letters and with a hot sexy kitty woman on the side. The lawn of the place was filled with pink and red roses and some nice trees, this place was very disturbing and our cousin lives in it…?

"Now kids have fun and see you in 5 years okay!" Father said inside the car, he had a very annoying smile. Rin smiled at him and waved, I glared at him; they promise they wouldn't do this…

"Bye babies have a great time okay! Mommy loves you both my little twin devils! Don't do anything nasty! Len take care of your sister's vagina! Okay!

I glared at my mother, since when am I the damn babysitter? Since when do they care for my sister's virginity neither mine? We are going to both get rape in this place! Leon is a damn pervert with a kitty sign! This whole place screams sex! How can she say that and trust in our bloody cousin who you can see is a damn pervert!

"Rin just smiled and waved at our brainless parents as they left us hear. This is the second time they do this! The last time they did this they dropped us of with grandma when we were three to five then they picked us up and now again they dump us hear…

I hate it.

"Well they are gone now…we should greet him now…" As we both turned we bumped into green eyes and blonde hair dude, he wore not shirt but black jeans and a smirk. This is him?

"Hey there kitties, how ya doing? Name is Leon and we haven't met even though we are in the same family? How grams? Wow you cutie baby, (looking at Rin)" he asked rubbing his crouch, then this brunette with brown hair appeared in this slutty red leather dress and red leather boots, her brown eyes glared at us.

"She is dead," Rin said in a serious tone, I turned to watch Leon," Really? Fuck! That old fart died and I didn't know! Meiko babe she is dead!" He said looking at the woman in red, she turned and rolled her eyes," Like you fucken care! Now who are these kids? Aren't they like 6 years old?"

"We are 15 years old…" I corrected, they both looked at me, Rin sighted annoyed," Um, cousin is it? We will like to know where we will stay. Since our parents contact you and you said your cool with it so…"

"Oh yeah! Come this way!" Leon said leading us into the whore joint…The woman Meiko watched me, and was right behind us.

Inside it was pink, hot pink, with fur and tiger print. There where black tables and chairs surrounding a silver metallic stage big enough for 5 people with bright lights above it and large speakers on the sides, at the left side was a large bar with crystals on top and black everything and behind it where stuff like drink mix and other café things to drink, the right side was a pink bar with cakes and other pastries on top of it, cutie stuffed bunnies and kitties surrounded it. Over the entire place it was pretty cool but very sexual and dirty in some way shape or form. Rin was walking in with her bow white on her head and her blonde hair delicate at the sides. I just walked close by her making sure she was safe around our naked cousin.

"Now, brats, you will go to school in the morning, Meiko will take you (a growl was heard behind us) then come here and work till 8 for me, yes? Since you're both cutie and innocent looking with your big blue eyes and blond hair and shit you will bring a lot of fan base! Now if anyone tries to rape you, contact me and I will handle it." Leon said smirking and once again grabbing his ball rack, really?

"First off this is a café, for anyone, young, teens, old, rich and poor. We serve them they pay; we perform on Fridays and depending on how I feel we have themed weeks, no excuse, alright? I'm your Manager Meiko, Leon's second hand on this place since he likes to cook not run it but his money is very helpful!" She said glaring at Leon who was checking out…my sister yet again. He was probably wondering how she can be related to him, or in that case us, how can we be related to this dumbass, WHO IS LOOKING AT MY SISTER.

"Um, hi? So can this be considered a Host Club?" Rin said blushing red; Leon smirked and kept walking removing his hand from his balls, Meiko glared at Leon's back. If looks can kill, he would have been vaporized, which would make me happy.

"Yes dear, you can say that, some guests ask for certain maids…" Meiko answered with such poison I thought I was going to die.


What the fuck? This crazy bastard getting little kids to work for him! I'm serious I'm just tired of this but then again he did say this will bring even more fan base! Our performance and themed weeks are loved by the costumers. They as well love our handsome staff and sometimes ask to be served by someone specific, we of course charge more for that…Which is good for this lame town…

We walked to the way back where we lived; it was a small house behind the café with only 4 rooms. No kitchen no living room, we only had rooms, bathroom and a big closet. Leon's room was on the left, mine was on the way back and I guess the twin's room will be in the way back next to mine.

"Now little kitties this is your room, Meiko will take care of you, oh you will sleep in the same bed and room, don't do any incest shit or whatever, alright? Now get settled," Leon left and went to his room closing the door. I lean by the door frame as the little kids put away their stuff.

"So your job will be simple, go to tables, greet, take order and bring the order at the same time be cutie, if anyone asks for you, you go to them, alright?"

"Yes, Lady Meiko," They both said sitting down on the bed looking at their feet, they are so cutie!

"Hey, what are your names…anyways?"

"My name is Rin and this is my brother Len," They both lighten up and smiled at me, okay they are very adorable and will make me a lot of money. I smiled at them and sat at the bed edge next to Rin," Hey, don't worry you will be safe, we are all well a happy family! You see this house connects to the café but behind us are little houses with the other employees, you will make friends and junk, some go to school too like you and I take them as well." I tried to be nice, since it's not their fault Leon is an ass.

"Really? And are they nice?" Rin asked, her eyes where shining, I nodded and she giggled, Len looked up at me," Will we get paid for this?"

"Why not? Your tips of course!" I smiled, not paying them more, these brats!

"Okay, sounds good and well are we going to get rape?" Len asked his face turned to the side looking at me with a question face; Rin as well did the same thing, OMFG!

"You're so cutie! No of course not, I hope…but I don't think so! Be happy okay!" I left the room running, my balls! Kaito better stay the hell away from Len and Luki or fucken Mikuo better stay the fuck away from Rin!

I burst into Leon's room, who was sleeping in his bed but when I broke in there he stood up and looked at me with shocked eyes, "What do you want?" he asked watching me, my short brown hair out of place my brown eyes wild," They are going to be eaten alive you hear! ALIVE!"

"What you mean? They are cutie and 15? They are old enough to drink, fuck and party in my book," He smiled and lay back.

"Who are they anyways?" I asked sitting next to him, he turned to look at me," They are my little cousins my aunt called me like yesterday that her husband and she are leaving to Spain? And are not coming back for like 5 years? So I was like why not help them, right? Poor dude, ya know?"

"Yeah, that's kind, they look like good kids…but devilish with their innocent face…but I can handle them…"

"Yeah, I knew I can count on you!"

"You little fucker," I leaned over and kissed his head as I walked out. Nope, we are not going out, we are like brother and sister taking care of ourselves and since I'm the eldest…I hate it…but I have to handle shit around here!

I walked outside and head to the back which was surrounded by trees and cutie small houses one was pink Luka and Luki, teal Miku and Mikuo, yellow with Lenka and Rinto, green, blue and purple for Gumi, Kaito and Gakupo; I have no clue why those freaks decided to live with each other? But each of the houses where painted by them, they got to decide. So im hear doing my round to check that they are alive and not fucking any guests, because the guests sometimes get a little dirty you see?

I walked over to Lukas house since her and Luki are the second eldest, well Kaito is but he is a loser so whatever, I knocked softly. The morning light burst from the trees, it was already seven on this lovely Friday morning.

"What the fuck?" Luki opened the door, I pushed him away from my face and met Luka on her chair drinking tea by the window with a little table, she wore a cutie pink summer dress, her pink hair down in curls," Meiko good morning," I smiled at her and sat down in front of her, Luki rolled his eyes and sits down on the floor next to Luka drinking tea now on the floor, his long legs in Indian style.

"Well Luka we have new kitties, twins, names are Rin and Len, they are 15 years old and very cutie," Luki looks up from the floor and smirks a devil smile at me. The word cutie spelled pervert for him, always after the little girls.

"Oh really? Ilike the Rin girl, is she gonna be a maid?"

"Yes, she is and back off you fucken tall, anorexic bitch you don't even know her!" I fired at him, he rolled his eyes," Hey boobies, shut they fuck up I gave you my chair!" he stood up tall and skinny, he had his blue jeans and white t-shirt, his pink hair short but pink like Luka. Luka smiled at me," That's great, I'm very excited to meet them!"

"Meiko, doll, don't try to stop me!" Luki said eating now a tuna sandwich, Luka tickled him and got a bite of the tuna sandwich, I officially want to get drunk.

"Well anyways, fuck off, or else this time I will cut your nuts, these little kitties are Leon's cousins, so anything happens, off with you head, got that?"

"Alright, for now Queen of hearts, but if little Rinny wants to play, you know I will gladly make her happy!" Luki laughed going to his room, Luka smiled," Don't worry he's on a tight leash, he won't do anything," Luka smiled at me, her very creepy smiled, good, I feel much happiness…nope I feel fear.




This is our morning every day; it's very sad but true. We are the loud people in this town Vocca. In this lot, which is huge cuz Leon is a billionaire, we live and work and some go to school. We are the ones in the corner that get called in by the cop's cuz of the old farts and also are in trials for molestation and rape, even though they like it, but we always win cuz of Leon's tuff and sexy lawyers ;)

"What the fuck! Shut the fuck up!" Luki ran out his room and slammed the front door open. Miku and Mikuo where there about to kill themselves and they both turned to the huge pink dude, shitting bricks of course.

"Hi…Luki…I thought you died?" Miku said in a small voice, looking up at Luki who looked like he was gonna give birth to a troll's baby.

"No, doll, but you are…soon!" Luki yelled, Mikuo smirked as Miku began to cry.

"You're an asshole! You and my big brother are mean!" She ran out crying, Luka rolled her eyes," Go apologize Luki…"

"Like hell, what's up Mikuo, what the fuck? She grabbed your little penis or what?" Luki ignored Luka, fuck. Luka stood and went to Luki ear," I said to apologize since I know where you sleep…"

Luka then walked back to her eat and sip some tea like this was normal and 100% okay, it was, but fuck she was one scary pink bitch.

Luki froze smiled at Mikuo, who looked at him funny his teal eyes confused, Luki left muttering that his dog left and died and need to bury it to Mikuo.

"Dude, you have a dog?" Mikuo went after him but I yelled at for him, he came back his teal hair shining in the now bright morning sun; he wore a shirt that said "I'm Sexy", and black jeans.

"Mikuo, come here," I said to him, he came up to me; he was just a foot in a half smaller than Luki and was a little thick, healthy kid with his obsession of vegetables well leeks, not normal by the way. Loving sake is much better!

"Look, I know you think your top shit, but stop teasing your sister, your old as fuck, 18 years old and she is 16, be nice? Now we have new people they are 15 and are twins, Rin and Len, alright? Be good they are Leon's cousins, got that?" I said running my hand through my brown hair, why do these people have weird colored hair? I mean how is it possible to be born with purple or blue hair? But they are making me money so I don't care anymore but they are sooooooooooo annoying! But for some reason I love them?

"Yes, boss, by the way your boobies look tight in that red leather dress!" Mikuo winked and walked off with yet another retard coming in. Kaito ran inside his blue orbs shining, he wore jeans and this ice cream shirt," Is it true we are gonna have new people!"

"Yes…" Luka said taking another sip.

"We have new people, 15 year olds, now buzz of sexual predator!" I yelled at him, he stick his tongue out to have Gakupo and Gumi walk in, Luka spit out her tea," GET TE HELL OUT!YOU FUCKEN PURPLE BASTARD!" Luka yelled getting up to go to her kitchen and pull out her knifes and pointing then and Gaku.

Gaku stepped back," Calm down Luka it was accident, I was taking a shower you walked in, I tried to calm you down and the towel fell…it wasn't my fault!" The eggplant lover said, holding up his hands at her in surrender. Kaito and Gumi snickered but I stopped Kaito," Shut up Kaito I would not be talking you fucken jumped into my window naked, I saw EVERYTHING including you asshole," I smirked, Gumi ran to the kitchen throwing up in the trash can her green hair bright against the pale pink walls. Luka went over to help her by holding her short green hair and handing her a towel to clean her mouth and Gakupo fell on his ass laughing," You showed her your fucken white ass!"

"Damn straight he did, Luka I'm out, please no stabbing?" I said while stepping over Gakupo, why are all the men fucken tall? Gakupo was two inches taller than Luki! Luka nodded as I walked by and stepped on Gakupo, she smiled an evil smile. The samurai rolled to one side, his purple shirt was sweaty from practice on his back and wore black loose pants, he was DAMN hot.

I breathe fresh air when I stumbled to two blondes, Lenka and Rento,"Sup" Rento greeted; Lenka hugged me, her face slammed against my boobs.

"Hey, Lenka get the fuck off me!"

"You're soft! The dress just makes them jump out!"

"That's weird, Lenka, you're suppose to be talking about how great my penis was last night not of how her boobs feel!" Rinto grabbed Lenka and kissed her, yep right in front of me. They began to do some tongue work while I stood before them, what the hell why can't I get that action?

"Get a fucken room!" Gumi yelled throwing them a piece of tuna fish, which landed on Rinto's face, he turned and yelled back," Gumi kiss my ass!"

"Hey fucker, watch it that's my little sis!" Gaku glared at Rinto, the purple samurai was sooooooooooooooo protective of Gumi. Lucky her, I have shit!

Well…I dated Kaito and he was like a prince…until he jumped into my window half naked because a huge ass fan girl wanted to rape him…

Then I dumped his ass.

Well I walked away from the weird people, Lenka began to flip off Gakupo, Gumi flipped her off and a fist fight was about to happen between Kaito and Rinto.

So this is how it is at Pussy Café in the morning…fun uh? I need to drink some sake…now!


Well that's the first chapter I hope you like! And well I will try to update soon! I promise it will get much fun on the next one okay! Thanks for reading! ^.^