A/N: hey guys sorry it have took me over a decade update. I was having health problems and had a recent breakup. After so time to myself I feel like my old self again SoThanks everyone for the kind words of encouragement and a patients!

A/N2:I want to thank all the new followers who is following this story! So with that said please enjoy chapter 6 of Follow your heart!

Please don't forget to review ,follow and favorite

The girls looked towards where the voice was coming from and low and behold it was Finn and Dave walking towards them.

"What's the tranny doing in a Cherrioes uniform?" Dave asked.

"See Finn I told you since they obviously believe I have a dick and you were dating me, that it would make you a fag and Dave a guy that hangs with fags, very proud of you Dave." Rachel said as the bell sounded and people left their classes to get ready for their second period class.

"I don't hang with fags bitch!" Dave said upset.

"Hey you were the one that said I had a dick and since I was dating you're homie here that means he's gay and your his friend sooo." Rachel was drawing a crowd.

"Listen bitch..." Dave started but was interrupted by Rachel.

"No you listen here bitch, I am not taking your shit anymore you over grown, pea brain asshole."Dave and Finn starting laughing.

"Finn check this out man hands has a potty mouth. She thinks we're scared because she has that fucking uniform on what a joke."

"Please and she's fucking the school's door nob." That did it. Something changed in Rachel. She didn't know what or how she did it, but she brung her fist back and punched Finn square in the face knocking him out cold."

"DON'T YOU EVER SPEAK ABOUT MY GIRL LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU PIECE OF SHIT." Dave charged at her and she stepped to the side putting her foot and making him crash into the lockers. Puck showed up right when Finn hit the ground.

"Hey man chill... What's going on?"

"I'm gonna teach this half dude a lesson."

"You need to leave dude, trust me."

"I'm not scared of this tranny bitch!" He charge at Rachel again and this time he got knocked out just like Finn, but he woke up fast." Rachel bend down and grabbed his shirt whispered in his ear.

"I know why you hate me, because you wish you were me. You're gay and scared and that's okay." You could see the fear in Dave's eyes like how did she know. Rachel released his shirt and stood up and turned her attention to the large group of people watching in shock because 1. Rachel the schools loser was in a Cheerios uniform, 2. She admitted to dating Santana, 3. She knocked out both Finn and Dave.



"As the HEAD BITCH IN CHARGE, YOU FUCK WITH B AND I WILL FUCKING END YOU! NOW FUCKING LEAVE!" For the second time today Santana had people tripping over each other to clear the halls. Puck helped Finn up and Dave was already getting up.

"This isn't over bitch!" Finn said and Dave looked at Rachel then back at Finn.

"She's not worth it man, let's just leave her alone, we can still torment the rest of the freaks. Plus she does look better now."

"You running scared like a bitch, maybe your the fag and not me." Finn said pushing Dave.

"What did you say to me motherfucker?" Dave said pushing Finn back but harder as Finn went crashing into the lockers. Finn swing his fist at Dave and missed and Dave punches Finn in the stomach he turns to Rachel and say,

"I'll leave you alone if you leave me alone and keep your mouth shut."

"Deal." Dave walked away and so did Finn. Rachel finally let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Where the hell did all that come from?" Brittany asked.

"I don't know really, I just blacked out when he started in about Santana. I didn't like what he was saying." Rachel said and Quinn looked at both girls, before saying,

"Now you know you both just claimed each other right? Santana earlier and Rachel with you just now."

"Can you give Santana and I a moment please?"

"Yeah." Brittany and Quinn started walking down the hall to their classes.

"Santana look I think ..."

"Listen I don't do this feelings shit, you got my back and I got yours enough said."

"But I thought..."

"Don't think next time. I'm sick of people telling me how I should feel. Damn let me think fuck!"

"I wasn't trying..."

"But you were. Look I'm not interested in anything right now."

"Especially with me right?"

"No that's ..."

"No need to explain I understand." Rachel voice breaks a little as she walks to her classroom and sits near Brittany.

"So congratulations. How does it feel? You got your girl." Brittany said smiling and Rachel just look at Brittany and bust into tears. No one saw anything because they were in the back of the class.

"Rach what's going on?"

"I wanted to talk to Santana to see if we were on the same page and maybe start dating. But Santana said she doesn't do feelings, that's she's sick of people telling her how to feel, that she has my back and I have hers and thats enough. I tried to tell her I wasn't trying to tell her how to feel but she cut me off and was like she isn't interested in anything right now. I asked with me, but I left before I could hear her answer. One rejection was enough."

"I'll talk to her she's just scared that's all."

"No please don't. It's okay I understand."

"No you don't."

"Let's get started today please turn to page 264 in your text books." The teacher announced to the class.


"Quite Ms. Pierce."

"Sorry." Brittany said turning to face her book and feeling sad for Rachel and a bit pissed about Santana.

"I'm definitely about to fix this shit!" Brittany said in her head.

Over in Santana and Quinn's class. Mr. Schue wasn't teaching anything that matter at the moment. Santana was currently sitting next to Quinn listening to her tell her how much of an idiot she was for doing that Rachel. Even though Santana explained that wasn't what she meant, it didn't matter. Quinn was pissed and was determined to fix this mess.

"You are an idiot!" Quinn said for the 10th time in the 15 minutes they have been class.

"I get it okay I fucked up. But I wasn't lying Q. I'm very fucking tired of you, Brittany and even Rachel telling me how I feel. She telling everyone I'm her girl in shit. I don't need the added attention of being a lesbian. I guess I don't have a choice."

"I again say you're an idiot."

"How explain it to me?"

"Gladly, this morning when Finn was getting grabby with Rachel you announced to the whole school that she was fucking you and doing a damn good job at it too. Then you told everyone if they had a problem with it to basically go fuck themselves. But Rachel does it defending your honor and you reject her like that. You might not have meant to hurt her, but you did and deep I'm guessing." Quinn said looking at her phone.

"How would you know how much?"

"Based on this text Brittany is going to kill you."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because Brittany literally text I'm going to kill you in all caps."


~ 40 Minutes Later ~

The class was over and once every one was gone Brittany entered the class pulling Rachel along with her.

"Britt let me go, I don't wanna see her okay, she made it clear."

"No she didn't." Brittany walked towards the back.

"What the fuck is your problem? Why would you tell her your not interested in her?"

"I didn't say that."

"Really? Because it sure as hell sounded like it." Brittany said clearly annoyed.

"I said right now." Santana said trying to defend myself.

"Listen Britt it's okay really. Yes it hurt my feelings but I'm okay really." Rachel said standing next to Brittany.

"So crying for 55 minutes is okay?"

"It wasn't crying for that long."

"But you were crying."

"We have to go to 3rd period. The bell is going to ring at any moment." Rachel said really not wanting to have this conversation right now.

"Okay we will talk about this later."

~ At Lunch ~

By the time lunch hit, the whole school knew that Santana and Rachel were dating, but people really didn't care because they were scared of Santana and to be honest a little bit of Rachel as well. No one knew she was that much of a badass. She laid Finn and Dave out with a punch. Once the girls walked into the lunch room. A couple of girls walked up to Rachel.

"You think your hot shit because your a Cheerio? Please you will always be a loser."

"Really okay and you will always be the bitch that fucked more dudes then anyone, are you going for a record to see how much cum you can shallow? But hey now be careful or you will end up like lil Kim getting your stomach pumped."

"You think your funny huh we will see at practice. You're small so your a flyer, but oops I hope I don't forget to catch you."

"I'll see you at practice." The first girl walked away and another one approached.

"Rachel I think you look hot and totally badass. If you ever get tired of Santana, I can show you a really good time."

"Thanks I'll keep that in mind. See you at practice."

"Okay, maybe you can help me stretch."

"Maybe." This time a few hockey players walked up.

"Got damn all I want is to sit the fuck down and eat for fucks sake. What can I help you with boys?"

"Hey the football teams a joke and if they fuck you let us know and we'll fuck them up for you and you know sorry about the slushies and shit last year. I didn't know you were this cool or strong."

"It's okay and thanks for your protection I appreciate it and I'll let you know if it's more then I can handle which I doubt it but thanks."

"Yeah sure." The hockey players walked away and the glee club came up.

"What does a girl got to do to get some food."

"What's up with you Rachel? This isn't you. Are you trying out for a new roll?" Kurt asked.

"Listen this has always been me, but I never had the confidence to showcase it and to be honest it was way too much energy to give a fuck. But last year was horrible and I just had enough. I will not be bullied anymore."

"Come on your still the same self centered diva." Mercedes said rolling her eyes.

"A diva yes at times, self centered nope not at all. I have always come up with songs, diets, exercises both physical and vocal for everyone, but no one listened to me. You all thought I was trying to control shit when in all honesty, if you would listen to me, then you would be on my level and maybe you could actually win a solo or two."

"Bitch please like I need your help. I am an amazing singer."

"Yes you are, there's no denying that, but you ever wonder why your always at end of the song? It's because you got the biggest mouth and you know how to use it."

"You bitch...You better your back."

"Okay I'll do that and would you keep it warm for me? It's gets awfully cold with my front always being in the spotlight." She walked away and another girl showed up.

"What now!"

"You've been saying that your hungry and with all these people bothering you, I figured I would get it for you." Rachel smiled at the girl.

"Thank you and your name is?"

"Heather...Heather Alvarez."

"Well Heather come join me." Rachel and the girls along with Heather walked over to sit down and eat.

Quinn whispered in Santana's ear,

"You better fix this and quick before your spot gets taken." Quinn said as Santana was going to sit down.

~ A Few Hours Later ~

The bell rings notifying everyone that school was now over. Rachel made her way to her locker only to find Quinn and Brittany standing there waiting for her. Rachel walked over to them and said,

"Hey guys what's up." Rachel asked she opened her locker.

"Nothing much, so Rae you ready for your first day of practice?" Brittany bouncing from one foot to the other.

"Yeah I'm ready, but to be honest I am kinda nervous about the squad reaction to me being their trainer." Rachel said closing her locker.

"You have nothing to be nervous about Rachel. Really you're a bad ass and you definitely got this okay." Heather said as she approached her from the other side.

"Chill Rach if they have a problem with you being on the squad, then they can just go talk to Coach Sylvester about it and trust me I don't think they want to have that conversation with her." Quinn said laughing, thinking about the last girl that questioned Coach Sue's orders. I wonder if she made back from Canada? We had a competition, this new Cheerio thought since she was a senior she didn't have to follow orders and questioned why has to follow them and Coach made her walk home as in America. Quinn shook her head of the thought as they approached the door to the field. Rachel's mind was going a mile a minute with millions of thoughts going through her head of bad this could go. Then Rachel remembered what the Coach said about demanding respect and showing who was in charged.

As they approach the field and joined Santana in the front of the squad and Santana as Captain started to speak.

"Listen up you talentless waste of space. I am your new Head Cheerio and I don't give a damn about what you think or how you feel about it Now we have a few announcements that my second in command will tell you. Quinn go ahead." Santana said as she passed the bullhorn to Quinn.

"Okay, so first off we have Rachel Berry here as our new Assistant Coach/ Trainer A and Brittany as your new Choreographer / Trainer B. Whenever Coach isn't here or running late Rachel is in charged. Next practice we will discuss the changes in times, workouts, diets and etc. Now ..." Quinn was interrupted by few girls.

"What the fuck?" One girl said standing there with a disgusted look on her face.

"Who put the freaky ass tranny in a Cheerio's uniforms in the first place?" Another girl asked from the back of the squad.

"I'll quit before I will ever take order from man-hands." The girl said in front next to the first girl that shouted out.

"What a freak."

"You got me fucked up if I'll listen to that bitch."

"Santana's fucking her that's how she got on the team."



"Let's quit."

With all the different voices getting louder and louder it was clear no one was happy about the arrangement, so Santana took the bullhorn back.

"Okay Enough...E...Fucking Nough! Rachel is on this team and if you don't like it then you can …" Santana was interrupted by Rachel having enough of the bullshit and took the bullhorn.

"Okay first off stop whining you bunch of fucking babies. I am the fucking Assistant Coach and trainer and I will not tolerate your disrespect. You may not like me but you will fucking respect me. As for you Angelica, yes I know all your fucking names and contact information, because I do my job and I do it well. Hey Britt come here." Brittany walked to the other side where Rachel was.

"Yeah Rach."

"Didn't she say she would quit before taking orders from me?"

"Yes that's what she said."

"Okay, give me your uniform and get the fuck off my field." The squad grasped. Rachel noticed the girls face went from disgusted to terrified.

"Angelica we don't have all day, now bring you ass up here." Angelica slowly walked up to Rachel.

"Give me your uniform!" The girl made no movements, but eyes were getting wet a little.

"Could this hard, I'm quitting ass chick be really crying?" Rachel thought in her head and realized the girl was just trying to fit in. The girl raised her top over her head.

"Angelica stop! You may keep your uniform and stay on the squad by answering one question." The girl looked relieved.


"Who is your Coach?"

"Sue Sylvester."


"R...Rachel B...Berry."

"Don't stutter now, you were quite confident about how disgusted you were about me and demanding to quit which is still opinion. Now repeat what you said in a clear I'm a Cheerio voice."

"My coaches are Sue Sylvester and Rachel Berry."

"Thank you. You are cut from the team now leave." Everyone's eyes went wide as the girl's eyes filled with tears.

"Actually I changed my mind, get back in line. No more outbursts from anyone, because guess what I don't give a damn and the next person that volunteers to leave this team will FUCKING LEAVE!" Rachel said and the whole squad quickly understood not to fuck with Rachel.

"Now the drama is over can we start practice now?" The squad nodded there heads.

"Great, now Coach Sylvester is on the bleachers on the phone handling some business, so today will be an easy day. I just want to see what everyone's skill level is. Those of you at the top of the pyramid will go first, so I need Santana, Quinn, Brittany, Toni and Jessica to get on the 50 yard line. Then I want 5 rows of 4 and the last row will have 5. I want the first 3 rows on the left end zone and the other 3 rows on the right end zone." Everyone got in motion ready to go.

"Okay so now I want 5 sets of sprints starting from the 50 yard line to the left end zone. Once they make it to the left end zone. The first row will sprint to the 50 yard line. The same goes for the right end zone. Then after that ends I want everyone to meet at the 50 yard line and do 3 sets of push up, 4 set of planks, 6 sets of squats then finally everyone will meet at the track for 3 laps and the top 3 fastest times will not have to do morning runs for 2 practices. Let's get started." Rachel said putting the bullhorn down as she walked over to left end zone to make sure they were lined up correctly before jogging over to the right side to do the same thing.

"I bet she can't keep up with us. She's all bark." One of the cheerios said as Rachel jogged over time the right side. Rachel smiled because she loves a challenge. Once she checked the right side, she jogged over to the bench took off her cheerio top and fold it placing it on top of her gym bag. Where her coaches jacket laid. She turned back to the squad showing off her six pack and v – line. While the girls were in shock, Rachel jogged over to the left end zone and heard the chatter.

"Wow she's ripped." One girl said.

"I love my boyfriend, I love my boyfriend, I love my boyfriend." Another girl chanted in a low voice.

"Damn I didn't know she was ripped like that under those her sports bra and skirts." Santana said in her head as her eyes followed Rachel's abs right down to her v-line. Rachel blew the whistle and Santana almost missed it. Once they were all done with everything all the girls were tired, Rachel just walked over to track, got her timer out and picked up the bull horn again.

"That was fun thanks for the challenge who ever said I couldn't keep up. Now the on to the race. Remember the 3 fastest people will not do morning runs for 2 practices. Are you all ready?"


"Get some water, then get on the starting line." Everyone grabbed some water then met at the line. After the last lap Rachel waited until everyone was together again and picked up the bullhorn.

"The top 3 is Quinn with a time of 5:12. Heather with a time of 5:24 and Brittany with a time of 5:28. Santana you almost made it with a time of 5:29. Britt beat you by one second. The rest of you speed up next time especially you Jackie 7:42 is unacceptable." Rachel turned to the bleachers to see Coach Sylvester looking with pride as she gave her the nod to end practice.

"Okay everyone, good job today you all can go hit the showers." Santana did not hear Quinn call her name until she was slapped on the arm.

"What was that for?" Santana said.

"I was asking you were you going to talk to Rachel and fix things with her or not. By the way you were also drooling again." Quinn said with a smirk.

"Yea I guess I have too, before Britt kills me, and for your information, I wasn't drooling." Santana said giving Quinn a death stare. Santana looked at Rachel again and this time her back was turned showing off her tattoos.

"Hey when did Rachel get tattoos?" Santana said to Quinn.

"She got them last summer after we won sectionals."

"Oh looks good." Santana said.

"I know, I said the same thing. But listen up you're gonna wanna move a little bit faster then you are now, if you wanna fix things Rach, because I think someone else is making a play for you girl." Quinn said pointing at Heather walking over to Rachel.

"She's not my girl." Santana said.

"I know, right now she's looking at Heather's application, you need to step up your game before the position gets filled." Quinn said watching the interaction between Heather and Rachel.

"Hey Rachel can I asked you something?" Heather asked as Rachel was wiping off the sweat from her head and stomach.

"Yea sure what up? If this has to do with what's coming up in the next practice. I can't tell you, you just have to wait until Wednesday morning." Rachel said putting her towel away and putting on her shirt. She'll just take a shower at home.

"Umm...Well...You see... W...What I." Heather stuttered nervous as hell.

"Hey relax and breathe. Take your time." Rachel said placing her hand on her shoulder looking into her eyes and that calmed her down a bit. Heather took a deep breath and said,

"Rachel would you like to go on a date with me sometime? It doesn't have to be a date, if you don't want it to be. I just wanna hang out with you if that's cool." Heather said

Rachel looked back at Santana and her heart broke a little. The girl she wants doesn't want her back and a beautiful girl is standing in front of her asking her out on a date.

"At least someone wants me." Rachel thought in her head as she watched Santana talk to Quinn and Brittany. Rachel turned her attention back to Heather who was waiting for an answer.

"It okay I'm sorry to bother you, it totally slipped my mind that you're dating Santana. I'm so sorry, please don't tell Santana, I heard she has razor blades in her hair, and I don't feel like getting cut. From the team or otherwise." Heather said walking away, but was stopped by Rachel grabbing her hand.

"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you, and no I'm not dating Santana. So don't worry about her."

"This morning..."

"She was helping me get rid of a past. How about this Saturday night and ill pick you up around 7:30 pm deal?"

"Yea it's a date." Heather said with a huge smile.

"Okay great." Rachel said with a smile as big as Heathers.

"Can I walk you to your car?" Heather asked.

"Sure I don't mind." Rachel and Heather walked off the field together.

Quinn, Brittany Santana watched Heather and Rachel walk off the field together.

"Seems like it's too late S." Quinn said.

"You really fucked up this time. You were being your usual self destructive controlled by fear self. You say you tired of people telling you how to feel right? But Santana were are only telling you what you are too afraid to tell yourself. You just blew the chance you had at being happy with someone who loves you anger problems and all. Now you have to work extra hard and hope that Heather and Rachel don't be become a thing. Stop being scared Sanny or you will be alone and I don't want that for you. I'm with Quinn and I'm very happy. You need to go get your girl. Rachel isn't going to wait around forever." Brittany said making Santana think long and hard.

"She's right S." Quinn said backing up her girlfriends statement.

Outside the school Heather walked Rachel to her car.

"Wow your car is so sexy." Rachel smiled and said,

"Yeah this is Amelia. My baby. I love this car." Rachel said looking at Heather.

"Where is your car?" Heather pressed the alarm on her brand new McLaren GT Configurator in a sexy turquoise color.

"Damn nice ride." Rachel said looking at the car.

"Yep that's my baby Isabella."

"She's a beauty."


"So you like cars?"

"Yeah more like obsessed. My dad and I built my first car when I was 12 years old and gave it me last year for my 16th birthday. It was it a great time. Then my dad got sick and passed away. But I will always have the car we made." Heather said getting a little choked up and Rachel pulled her into a hug and squeezed her a little before letting her go.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Rachel said.

"Yeah it will be one year officially this coming December." Heather said.

"Wow the holidays must be tough."

"It is but we still celebrate because it was his favorite time of the year."

"That's good so I'll see you tomorrow and for our date."

"Yep." With that said both girls got into there vehicles and left. All that could be heard is the sexiest of those to engines roaring out the parking lot and down the street.

Santana, Quinn and Brittany finally exit the school and made there way to Santana's car where there was only one destination on Santana's mind and she was headed that way.

"Go hard or go home!" Santana said in her head. As she pulled out of the parking lot and left the school, heading west.

"Santana your house is the other way." Quinn said and Brittany had a big smile on her face already know where she was headed.

"I know Q hang tight, there's something I have to do first."

A message from Born To Be A Writer: Co writing this story has been an absolute pleasure. Please check out my stories if you want