A/N: Last chapter, this was supposed to be uploaded a long time ago but Uni started and I forgot about the half written thing somewhere in my laptop.

Plus I didn't want to write the smut, in my heart I know no one I know will approve and even I think I might get someone else to start writing them for me.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Warning: Bad grammar, punctuation and not-quite-there-humor

Rating: Def M

Pairing: SasuNaru, Gaalee previous SasuNeji

It's been thirty three days since Naruto and Sasuke got together

Fifty six days since Naruto pretended to Sasuke's ex-husband

And fourteen days since Naruto moved into Sasuke's apartment and things have been going well

"What the hell should I do to make him have sex with me!"

Atleast for one of them,

For the other, well not really.

The blonde was close to pulling out his hair, ok so he did manage to pull out a strand or two. His bad.

But his problem demanded him to be overdramatic, you see his boyfriend refused to have sex with him. Not the outright refusal like "No Naruto I don't want to make love to you, you despicable little leprechaun!" could leprechaun be blonde? He once saw a blonde one once in the American dragon.

But that's beside the topic, his sexy not so little boyfriend is either not as smart as the world thinks or just plain stupid if he thought Naruto undesirable. The blonde tried giving out hints, first few time subtle touches then a few bold moves that clearly suggested that he wanted to take it further than the second base they always manage to land themselves into. All that was left was to lay naked in their shared bed and tell his boyfriend to fuck him. But he was a virgin and no matter how unbelievable you think it might be but our little blonde was shy. Don't laugh, it's the truth maybe only in the matter of penetration he found himself blushing like the virgin he truly is. That still counts as shy. Believe it.

And it was not like Sasuke was pining after Neji or something. Naruto had his doubts so he went up to Sasuke and asked him the clear deal behind the whole thing. So Sasuke told him, everything.

He told him how he had gone home the night of the party and told Neji that he was calling off the wedding. He told him how he had blackmailed the blonde into pretending to be his ex-wife err husband, how every single thing that happened next was a sham.

How he realized that he was completely in love with Naruto, so much infact that he was willing to forgo everything he had, owned or made just so he could be with him. Neji had understood but still put up a fight and pretended that he was still in love but Sasuke called him out on having an affair with the Nara heir, and then proceeded to blackmail him into leaving for good.

"So your saying that you love me so much that you were willing to sacrifice the Hyuuga deal?" Naruto couldn't believe his ears.


"But if you had done this, that very night than why did you wait so long to confront me on it?"

"Hn, I thought you'd come to the office and I would have the advantage of cornering you there"

Naruto nodded.

"But you never showed and then I was afraid….."

Naruto's head shot up too-proud-to-be-scared-of-anything –Uchiha say what?

"Afraid that you would reject me"

Naruto knew that already but his heart soared, tears welled up in his eyes and he threw himself at Sasuke. They kissed for what seems like hours, their lips met again and again in frenzy, tongues were battling and soon Naruto was a panting mess beneath Sasuke with his shirt half off his body hickies adorning his tan neck, shoulders, chest. But before they could get to the actual act…..

"I uh have some work to do, see you later dobe" Sasuke all but ran to the door.

Naruto laid there in a daze, wondering what was wrong with him and really What Just Happened?

Today though our little blonde had a full blown plan. He had ordered the dress or lack of it especially for this occasion. The black lacy thing would get him what he wanted so badly and if this didn't really work than he needed to straighten things out with Sasuke, once and for all.

He quickly got ready and covered himself with a robe, petals of roses were spread all over their bedroom and fake candles were lit because the blonde had a phobia of fire.

He had just setup the wine and that sickening saxophone music that was supposed to 'set the mood'. He heard foot-steps and laid down on the huge bed. The tan man could feel the cool petals even though his silk, he was sweating a little in anticipation and a little in fear that he was being too bold. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the door to their room open followed by a sharp intake of breath. Naruto hid a smirk and got up from his to walk towards his beautiful boyfriend.

Sasuke's Pov

I saw my blonde angel no devil walk towards me like the seducer he was, clad in a thin white silk robe and illuminated by the shadowy light of those fake candles. I knew I was breathing hard, who wouldn't be? His eyes were darkened by lust and his tan thigh was glistening with a little sweat that my tongue begged to taste. He stalked towards me and for the first time I felt like taking a step away from the petite man.

I didn't know if I could keep my hands from bending him downwards and taking him again and again. I wasn't stupid, I knew what he was trying to get me to do but I wanted to wait. Don't laugh!

I wanted to wait until we are married; I knew how much he valued his virginity so I wanted to cherish it by taking it with a legal permission, if that makes sense.

Right now though I couldn't remember why I wanted to wait or the feel of the heavy box in my coats pocket or the fact that I wanted to propose to him tonight. I lost all sensible thoughts when he opened his robe and let it slide to his feet. I thought I choked a little because of the heavenly sight before me, his lacy black thongs and fishnet stockings. The ribbons trailing over his chest in a cross and joined behind his neck…If I were an animal I would howl with my arousal but I was only a human and most importantly a Uchiha so I yanked his body to be molded against mine and made him feel how hard I was. He didn't help the case with moaning like a bitch in heat and I thought I could cum just from that. I yanked the ribbon on his chest and took his hardened nub I my mouth, I sucked, licked, bit and left my marks all over his chest but our grinding wasn't helping my lust muddled brain. I turned him around and started thrusting myself against his ass. The thong barely covered it but my pants were coming in the way, stupid pants. I tried to get rid of them but they wouldn't get the fuck off.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and suddenly it all came back to me. I halted the erotic movements of my lover because I couldn't think straight when he was moving that way. I took another deep breath.

"Naru" My to was lost in the moan I released involuntarily as he pushed back his delectable ass to my crouch. But I had years of Uchiha control which I barely hung to by a thread.

I was making it clear that I wanted to stop but he just wouldn't or didn't want to get a hint. So I pushed him to the bed and took his arms in my hold. Now that I had him pinned underneath me, I decided that this time was best as any to-to…

"Idiot Uzumaki, will you marry me" I was surprised that I didn't falter in the middle of it. At the utterance of my life-altering question Naruto stopped struggling and went slack beneath me. His face was towards the bed so I couldn't see his expressions but I could feel the tensions get renewed in his legs and shoulders.

Nothing though, not even the fact that I was still hard and basically could've entered him from this position if clothes were not in the way, could distract me from the nervous pounding in my chest and the uncharacteristic clamming of my hands still holding Naruto's wrists captive. I waited with baited breath for him to say something; I knew my question was abrupt but only to him. I had decided the day I had confessed to him that I would only have him as my husband. His beauty, his body, his smile were so tempting and it was so damn hard to control myself when he tried to get me to take him. That was the most torture I had ever had to endure.

So I plotted, planned and when I finally find the nerve to propose to him, when I make an elaborate scheme to ask him and make him say yes, he goes and does something that completely breaks my resolve.

Right now I feel like I've ruined everything, everything and now I'm going to loose him and….

"You're an ass, Uchiha", the blonde idiot under me muttered in a resigned tone.


"Do you think I would go to such lengths to seduce a guy who I would refuse to get married to?"

Really now that sarcastic tone wasn't needed, people really do that.

"Stupid, jerk, proposes at the worst possible moment. Gives me mixed signals and is God damn still hard….."

"Hn, dobe stop talking to yourself and answer me" I was losing my patience!

"Uchiha I think your' stupid beyond words gene has gotten activated….."


"Because if you were half as smart as you claim to be, you would know my answer"

What was that supposed to mean!

"Yes, you bonehead!" he shouted to the bed sheets.

Was that so hard, couldn't he just have said that from the start instead of stringing me along like I had a cha….wait what?

"What?" I Sasuke Uchiha shrieked it; really there is no point in denying it.

"You wanted me to say no? Well fuck you Uchiha I will never say No, if you wanted me to say it then you shouldn't have even ask….mmph"

I couldn't take his babbling anymore and my mind couldn't accept the fact that he said 'yes'. I forced my tongue in his mouth. My arousal had come back to its full rage and I just couldn't ignore it, my muddled mind turned him around to lay on his back and my fingers found his sensitive nubs. My lower body was thursting into him own with as much force as my sexually frustrated body could produce and before I could fall into the downward spiral of absolute bliss I heard the most beautiful sound in the world

"Sasuke!" My angel shouted out to the worlds. And I found my own end in his neck just below his ears

"Naruto" My own suspiciously husky voice whispered.

"I love you" I was surprised by the emotions in my voice

"I-I love you too" Narutos voice sounded so weak and in complete awe.

I adjusted our bodies so he was draped half on me with his head on my chest. This was the best day of my life. I knew that that was the absolute truth.

"This is the best day of my life Sa-" he bit his lip and I yanked it out with my teeth, why did he stop himself? I nibbled on that upper lip for some seconds and then said in his lips

"Say my name again"

I gave him the look that if he didn't say it then….then I won't be happy.

"Sa-sa" he took a deep breath and "Sasuke…"

I definitely knew what I had to say to that

"We are getting married tomorrow; I can't wait for you to be Uchiha Naruto any longer"

-Due to the laziness of the writer no particular details of wedding will be given except that Uchiha wore a crazy ass expensive suit, Naruto was in shorts and the wedding efficient was hired on internet. The ceremony was in an inexpensive, almost pub-ish type establishment that Itachi owned.

Only Itachi, his current lust-interest miss-we-don't-know-who, Kakashi, Gaara and Lee were invited into this small scale wedding.

Now on to the night of the wedding…

Sasuke could feel the tension in the air, the anticipation of what was to come. His husband having his long, tan legs exposed was not helping his case at all. He had to keep his hands restrained in the car till they reached inside the safety of his house after which Sasuke Pounced on his husband.

Naruto didn't even know what happened, one second he was walking towards his bedroom and next, he was yanked by his husband and pinned to the wall.

Now what the deal with him being pinned all the damn time.

He was about to mouth off but he saw the crazed look in his husbands eyes, they were tinted red. His body felt even more hot all of the sudden and the sweat at his neck started to make its way under his shirt, he could feel the cool path the droplets were taking. Intent on the hypersensitive sensations Naruto missed his now slack and freed arms. His focused was brought back when a pair of hands suddenly groped his rear. He gulped.

Sasuke gave an inhuman howl feeling the shorts in his way and forced them off his husband. The boxers gave way too, with the force applied. Now he could feel the tan, hot luscious globes of his husband's ass and his mouth salivated at the thought of taking a lusty bite of them. He groped them with force and Narutos breath got hitched.

He felt his ass cheeks being massaged and his entrance twitching. He knew that he couldn't take it anymore any longer.

"Sasuke, please…" Sasuke pulled on the flesh so now Naruto had his legs wrapped around his waist and ass just above his crotch.

He smirked at the flushed and soon-to-be-incoherent-mess that was his husband.

"Please what?" His own voice was thick.

"Please…" Naruto knew he was begging, pleading to be taken.

"What, Naruto? Say it" Sasuke commanded to Naruto, who had his head thrown back and eyes closed. They weren't even doing anything yet and still both felt like coming.

"Please Sasuke, I-uh-I need you inside me" Naruto breathed out.

Sasukes eyes turned red.

Next few hours were blurry at best. Naruto remembered being taken to their room and getting thrown on the bed. His limbs felt heavy and wobbly. Sasuke had ripped off his shirt while kissing him with ferocious need. At once all of his body was being touched, licked and prodded. His nipples were bitten and sucked upon. His thighs were spread to the maximum ability and he could feel Sasukes teeth nip on the tender flesh.

So many things were happening at once, Sasuke had his mouth on him, his fingers in him. Though he disctinctly remembered when those red eyes turned to stare in his own and his ass was raised higher. That eye contact said everything and he saw the craze in his husbands eyes increase tenfold.

His entrance was invaded by long hard fingers and his moans coursed around the house when a tongue invaded him so completely.

Hazy and hazy, he remembered coming and feeling like he was out of this world. He felt the burn of the first thurst and then the frenzied rhythm of being filled so completely, being used so freely and the accentuation by the hoarse whispers of 'I love you'.

He felt the thick long hard member twitch inside, the mushroom head prod his bundle of nerves and the burst of the hot essence of his husband. Naruto came again and he felt like he was coming for an eternity.

When he started giving into the blackness around his visions, he felt Sasuke push his own softened member back inside the now reddened opening and pull his husband into his chest.

Naruto gave away to his sleep with the mantra of 'angel' going into his ear by Sasuke, his boss, his crush, his brief-tormentor, lover and now his husband.

I didn't want to go into the elaborate depths of the meaning behind the title so ending is okay I guess.

People I have already half written Must have been blind my love's next part of the previous chapter.

Favourite and Review.

Now on my reviewers and those who added it to their favourites, followed it:


This is the first and probably only time I'm doing this










And the guests, You guys are awesome!

I'm sorry if I have missed any name, thank you all of you in which ever form of support you showed.