Author Note::I have this idea stuck in my head for such a long time now that I decided to make this into a fanfic. If you don't like FemNaruto then I suggest that you don't read this since this is a FemNaruto fanfic.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

The village of Konoha was a village well known for believing in the will-of-fire and was often known as a strong village that had not only survived both shinobi wars but won it. The villagers were often seen as kind, caring people well everyone but one Naruto Uzumaki.

If people were to ask her on her opinion of the villagers, the young blonde would simply answered that everything was not as it seems or that even the most prettiest of gardens would have weeds. However no one ever ask her opinion about the villagers.

If you were to ask the villagers opinion about the girl, the most likely reaction to their question would them telling you how bad the girl was or spread rumors about her. But if you were to ask the Hokage or a ramen stand owner, they will tell you that the blonde was highly intelligent who at times like do the pranks on the villagers.

Now what they wouldn't tell you was the fact that she held the Kyuubi in her or how she always held a calculating look as if she was calculating her chance to win a fight or figuring out your motives. They also wouldn't tell you that she at times would stare out of space or that she at times seemed like she was talking to herself as they thought that she was talking to the Kyuubi.

But what none of these villagers knew was that the twelve-year-old girl was seeing the ghosts, who would try their best to amuse her or the very least give her information that she needed or tell her the motives of the people talking to her.

Naruto never understood why they did it but she didn't complain or acted ungrateful to those ghosts. They were her friends and would always listen to her when she rants about her teammates and sensei when he wouldn't train them or more specifically her.

It was a miracle that she was a good ninja or how she passed the genin test. She had been grateful that the ghosts had helped her with her training and helped her cheat in her exams. Her favorite ghost had to be the Fourth Hokage, who had always been there for her.

The Hokage had always given her guilty looks and she had always taken it for the fact that he sealed the Kyuubi in her even through she didn't honestly blame him but she was grateful that he did not haunt her but always seemed to be hanging around the Third Hokage and a few times with her but only to train. Still she didn't blame him seeing it was better take an orphan then a child with parents since the parents would most likely abandon the child.

Now as there were benefits with seeing ghosts, they were sadly some disadvantages. Most ghosts couldn't move on because they wished to see their family as the case of the Uchiha's clan, who Naruto will tell you had a stick, shove through their ass and had a huge ego the size of the Hokage Mountain and that was saying something. Some just couldn't move on because their friends and family couldn't move on in the case of Obito Uchiha, who was extremely funny.

However the most depressing thing was when they had died a terrible death and couldn't accept the fact that they are dead or wished to protect something very dear to them. Not only was that depressing, there were ghosts that always followed the people that they knew or wished to haunt.

Yes, seeing ghosts was truly a gift and a curse.

Especially now as she looked at the redhead boy and his teammates, who looked so scared to see him. If she had been anyone else, she would have been curious as to know why they were scared but, the ghosts in front of her were all the answers that she needed.

"S-so many." Naruto whimpered out loud. There were over two hundred ghosts in front of her, all of them were either staring at the redhead boy in anger and hatred or at her with curiosity and wonder. Why were there so many dead people with him?

The pink-haired girl stared at her teammate in shock before frowning at her. She didn't understand what her teammate meant by so many. There weren't many people here except Konohamaru, Sasuke-kun, her, the blond Suna Kunoichi, the make-up wearing Shinobi and that scary redhead, who was staring at her teammate with interest.

"G-Gaara." Kankuro stammered. The boy was no longer glaring at them in fact he looked very frighten and Naruto didn't blame him. She could already tell that Gaara was terrifying by the number of dead people.

"Loosing control of yourself in a fight, how pathetic." Gaara said, crossing his arms at his teammates. "Why do you think we came to Konoha?"

"Listen Gaara, they started it and…" Kankuro began, in Naruto's eyes, a childish explanation.

"Shut up or I will kill you." Both his teammates and the Konoha nins knew that he would really do it.

"Yes, you would even kill your own siblings just like the monster you are!" One of the ghosts shouted in Gaara's ears. Naruto immediately flinched at the tone in her voice and the venom in her words as she said monster. The way she said it reminded her how the villagers said it to her.

"Why would you say such a thing?" Naruto said loudly, looking at the ghost beside Gaara. Her question was intended for the ghost but it was Gaara who answered her question.

"Because then I would be ridded of a headache and besides what else-"Gaara was interrupted by Naruto, who was trying her best to control her temper.

"I am not talking to you!" Naruto snapped. "I can see that he is giving you a headache but give threats when you are at the hotel not here! It is between the three of you, not us!"

"W-What!" Kankuro and Temari yelled, surprise that the girl had such audacity to snap at their brother. Did she not know what would happen to her? They looked at their brother, who was staring at the blond haired girl in shock.

"I speak the truth Milady! He had killed me for no reason in fact he had killed all of us for no reason including his own mother! If that is not a monster then I do not know what is!" The ghost lady yelled, pointing to her the ghost beside Gaara.

The blond haired girl trailed her eyes to the ghost on Gaara's right side. She hadn't really noticed her because of the ghosts surrounding her but with closer inspection, she noticed that this ghost neither had hatred nor anger at the boy but sadness and it was a heartbreaking sadness.

"You can see me?"

The blue-eyed girl hesitantly nodded and the ghost broke into a big smile. She looked at her son and then to her, allowing her eyes to linger at the three scars in her cheeks.

"My son wasn't always like this," the sad ghost said, smiling sadly at her son. "I wished that he could be like he used to be more but I fear that he could never be the same." The woman eyes started to brighten at her and she excitedly asked, "But you can help me milady! I need you to show him that he is wrong! Please I am begging you!"

Naruto's eyes soften at the lady's words and she looked at Gaara once more. The way he looked and the hardness of his eyes made her doubt that she could help him but nothing was impossible! She would help the ghost if it meant that it would help her move on. But could she really do it?

"What is your blond teammate name?" Gaara asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

The blue-eyed girl narrowed her eyes and answered coolly, "I am right here you know and to answer your question my name is Naruto Uzumaki…" she then gave him a smile and continued, "It is nice to meet you Gaara and I hope that we can be friends."

Everyone stared at her as if she was crazy and maybe she was but she wanted to help that ghost. The beaming look on the ghost's face made her feel like that she had done the right decision by saying that.

Author Note: Please review to tell me whether I should continue it or not.