I don't own Starcraft.

Another World

Prologue: The Results of Brood War

Computer entry 392:

Everyone is dead. Everything is dead. We shadows that remain cannot last forever. There is no hope for the future that I can see. The forever lost cry out to us, yet we cannot avenge them. Our power is diminished, our faith has dissipated in the paths and terror of the swarm. Life is gone.

It started with the loss of the human Kerrigan, from the failure and arrogance of Arcturus Mengsk. Today, though his 'greatest enemy', the Confederacy, is no more, the remaining humans under his domain are few and disheartened. The hearts of the people are lost to him. One of the universe's most noble soldiers, James Raynor, has despised the rule of Mengsk, and indeed in his attempts to aid the Protoss he has lost everything he held dear. If only he had not trusted the lies of his fallen comrade, the void of space might not have consumed him and...Fenix might walk among us again.

The hero Fenix fell twice before the zerg, the first time to rise as a dragoon, the second to rise no more. His former master and servant of the lamented Conclave, Judicator Aldaris, is fallen as well; slaughtered mercilessly before he could reveal the Matriarch Raszagal's mental slavery to zerg motives. She in murderous turn died by the hand of her own servant, Dark Templar Zeratul, who has disappeared into distant stars and faded outside the bounds of knowledge. The only one left to guide the Protoss is the young and flighty Artanis, who is by no means ready for his own position.

Perhaps the more tragic tale belongs to the United Earth Directorate. Their expeditionary force was decimated entirely, other than the infested, but not before the admirals Alexei Stukov and Gerard Dugalle were betrayed, one by a supposed former Confederate, the other by own his arrogant demeanor and melancholy hand. Earth never found out what happened during that last battle when existed the alliance of the Protoss, Dominion, and UED. When destroyed, they were unable to tell Earth that they had allied with whom they had formerly considered enemies or subjects of conquest. The next UED forces will not aid the universe, but will persist in their own selfish motives and put us all in fool's graves. Even so, they will not be here for some time. Earth is distant, I have heard.

And this Sarah Kerrigan, self-appointed Queen of Blades, she has become our greatest enemy, our greatest fear. What force can now withstand the swarm? Is it the Protoss, diminished in number and motivated only by survival? Is it the Terrans, whose strength is not near what it had been prior to this futility, or who are far away and do not understand what we Korprulu Sector natives must contend with?

No, there is no longer any help for us, not even in our own means. Our existence is based upon the weariness of Kerrigan. It is fortunate the Overmind is gone; this foul zerg would have destroyed us steadily, being as it was without human frailties and attitudes. But the hand of the Queen of Blades shakes for reason unknown; it is in this pause that we shadows must breathe our last.

One small human girl I once met while at the Terran world of Moria still has hope. She claims that if we are shadow, there must be a source of light. The child realizes our peril, yet her heart shines on in faith of another world, a new universe without the encompassing creep of zerg. Yet how can I wish that she is wrong? Or how could I deny the capabilities of the swarm and their dark mistress? Either the end is coming, or miracles still happen.

-Judicator Namixis of Shakuras


Author's Notes:

- Hi, Starcraft section! I missed you! I've been over at the Mega Man side of things for a while, and I feel like I need a break from it. I've actually got a new, unique Starcraft project brewing in my head, but I'm not going to talk about that until it's closer to being complete.

For now, allow me to explain. Those of you who might have read this story before knows that it was originally begun well before Starcraft II came out - several years, in fact. Most of you probably don't even remember. I completed the original form of this story many years ago, but then, sometime later, decided to rewrite it. This was mainly due to fixing my "unique" grammar and coming up with some more interesting new units for each race.

Trouble is, I had to write all new battle scenes. I am not the greatest at those, particularly because I usually find battle scenes boring. In Mega Man it was easier to overcome this because it was usually one vs one, and I don't have the military background to write a very convincing massive battle scene. Also, this story was originally written to be the first part of a three parter. This would have been the Zerg central part, and next Protoss, and then Terran. However, I ran into a huge brick wall, and I've never had this kind of block before or since. I now feel that the trilogy was never meant to be finished, and as I'm out of inspiration, it won't be. Don't worry, you'll like my secret project better once it's out.

So my rewrite of this particular story was never finished. And now that the real Starcraft II is out, I don't see the point. However, I did find an old file containing the complete, original version of this story. For the sake of having a complete story up instead of having a sad, half-finished mess in its place, I'm going to be posting a chapter a week of this story until it's all up.

And so yes, this story has no relevance to the real SC2. Just an old story that I hope you at least find entertaining.