Last chapter!

"Ok, what the hell is going on?" Alex demanded as she watched her parents fuss around her on the couch. They were the type to fuss over her normally especially since the separation but today was especially strange. Sam and Quinn were getting along and they weren't just civil to each other, they were laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Her first day home after nearly 3 weeks in hospital, Alex had been ordered to spend at least another few weeks resting in bed or on the couch. Her surgical stitches were still healing and her fractured wrist had been cast.

"Language Alexandra" Sam warned as he laid Alex's patchwork quilt that her grandmother had stitched over the teenager's legs. Alex in particular was happy to be home just to have her own things around her again. With a snobby old woman for a nurse once she was moved to the ward, the teenager wasn't allowed to have the quilt that had kept her warm since she was 5.

"Ok now it's officially reached freaky. You never call me Alexandra" the teenager insisted as she crossed her arms loosely across her chest. She still had healing scars all over her skin; Alex had to still be careful. It would be a little while before she didn't have to worry anymore.

"Which movie would you like me to put on first?" Quinn asked hoping to get her daughter off topic.

Sam and Quinn had been hiding their relationship from Alex, waiting til she was home and better. Starting off slow, Quinn and Sam were working toward normal again. Quinn had moved back to New York and into the apartment and while it took a little while, she was back to sleeping in the same room as her husband. Intimacy was still a sensitive issue between the pair but they were working their way up to that. Cuddling and kissing had been the extent since the night after Alex's accident.

"How about the one where you two tell me what's going on" the teenager grumbled under her breath as her parents continue to fuss. If she didn't have a brace on her knee, she'd kick them both away after straightening the quilt for the hundredth time.

"What was that Allie?"

"Uhm, Aaron was telling me about Uncle Mike's new dance movie, have we got that?"

"Sure do" Sam smiled as he flicked through the menu on their TV and found the movie Mike had choreographed for. A big step from the music videos he worked on with Sam, Mike had a hit on his hands with this movie and of course Sam got one of the first copies.

Turning her attention to the TV and the opening credits of Mike's movie, Alex kept an eye on her parents as they pottered around her. Quinn found her notepad as she started a shopping list making sure they had Alex's favourite foods stocked up while Sam started a load of laundry.

"Before you start that" Quinn chuckled as she jumped up and raced into their bedroom grabbing her jeans. Throwing them into the washing machine with the load Sam was doing, Quinn pecked him on the lips quickly before walking back into the living room. Unaware that Alex had leant over the couch and saw the whole thing, the pair went about the business like nothing was going on.

"Hey Mom? I'm a little cold; could I borrow your old Yale hoodie? Y'know the super soft one?" Alex asked knowing this request would confirm her suspicions. If her Mom had moved back in like she thought, that hoodie would be in the chest of drawers in her parents' bedroom. That was one thing Alex knew Quinn had taken with her back to Ohio.

"Sure I'll just grab it for you" Quinn nodded oblivious to her teenager's experiment.
"Finally!" Alex gasped causing both Sam and Quinn to race into the living room with confused expressions.

"Allie? Are you ok?"

"Just peachy" she giggled

"Are you sure?"

"Is it crazy that I might just miss Dr Walker?"

"What are you talking about?" Sam sighed trying to keep up. He underestimated his daughter and what hints she'd picked up over the few weeks since the accident. He still thought she was oblivious to his and Quinn's relationship.

"What tipped you off?" Quinn chuckled knowing exactly what her daughter was talking about. Taking a seat beside her, she wrapped her arm around Alex's shoulders gently.

"First you two have been super friendly to each other since the accident which has been a nice change" Alex smiled leaning into her Mom's side "Then I knew if you had your Yale hoodie here, you'd moved back in and then that kiss..."

"You saw that?" Sam gasped softly. He'd wanted to tell Alex about all this a little differently but the cat was out of the bag now.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Quinn asked softly

"Just promise me one thing..."

"Anything Allie"

"If you two start to fight again, don't let it get as far as it did before" the teenager pleaded. She never wanted to see her parents in so much pain again so if it was meant to be over, she just wanted them to end it.

"I love your father and we are going to work hard for this but yes, if we start to fight, Dr Walker will be the first person we see" Quinn assured her daughter as she kissed her forehead softly "We just want to be the best parents we can be"

"You're already the best parents I could ask for; I just want you guys to be happy"


"Ooh, no stop" Sam chuckled as he walked into the kitchen and saw Quinn cutting up bananas. Making Alex a fresh fruit salad because the teenager was sick to death of the crappy hospital stuff, Quinn was just thankful she had a kid who liked fruit over junk.

"What's wrong with the bananas?"

"Alex won't eat them, she doesn't like them"

"Since when?" Quinn sighed and put down the knife. Her daughter has eaten bananas since she was a baby, why was now different?

"She just doesn't seem to like them anymore" Sam shrugged unsure as to why Alex didn't like the fruit.

"Anything else? Does she now hate the colour purple? Does she now like Orange Soda after hating it her whole life?" she snapped with a sigh as she leant on the kitchen counter looking over at her daughter immersed in some Disney movie. The last couple months away from her daughter had been tough especially when she felt like she'd missed so much.

"It's just the bananas" he chuckled and pulled Quinn into a gentle hug "Oh and she likes to drink tea now but I think that's just because you do"

"I've missed so much with her"

"She's still the Alex you know and love, I promise" Sam smiled and placed a soft kiss on his wife's lips "She's just got a little extra metal in her skull now"

"I just don't want to fail her again, Sam" Quinn sniffed and she buried her nose into his shirt. The last thing she wanted was to hurt Alex like she did the night she cheated. She was yet to forgive herself for putting the betrayed expression on her daughter's face that night.

"We won't fail her, not again" he assured her "Alex is the best thing to happen to both of us and I know that as long as I have you and her, I'll be a very happy man"

"I love you"

"I love you too, Q"

"I really want this to work. I can't imagine life without you two"

"This will work" Sam smiled and tilted Quinn's chin up til she was looking at him "We're all going to live happily ever after ok?"

"Ok" she chuckled

Your thoughts on the last chapter?

Thankyou all for being amazing readers and reviewers, I'm glad you liked my story :)