All About Emily

Disclaimer: CBS still won't let me claim that Criminal Minds, but I do own Emily's alters, wanna trade?

Summary: Emily's ready to return to the BAU following her integration of her alternate personalities. How will she cope with her return?

A/N: All right everyone, here's the last chapter. I hope you've all enjoyed this and that this lives up to everyone's expectations.

Thanks for reading so far, please do remember to leave a review.

"It's hard to face tomorrow, but it's easier then facing no tomorrow." Ashleigh Brilliant

Beth stood warily in the doorway of the interrogation room. Her head was in pain along with the rest of her body but she could tell that the woman staring back at her wasn't the same woman from the park.

That woman held malice and glee in her eyes, when she shoved her back into her home. But this woman, this young dark-haired woman sitting in the sterile room with a blank look on her face, this was the one who attacked her.

"They said you wanted to see me?" Beth said, watching Hotch give the younger woman a glance before leaving, silently instructing an officer to stand by the two-way mirror.

"Yes, I do" Millie said with a professional nod of the head, "Please take a seat, we need to talk."

The injured woman slowly moved towards the empty seat across from her, not missing the way that Morgan cuffed her to the desk, "For your own safety and hers."

Nodding, she felt somewhat relieved at that. She'd been told by a few of the hospital staff and Detective Stone that Emily was sick. But she needed to see it first hand.

"How are you feeling?" Beth asked, "They said you were..."

"I am fine" Millie said without a trace of emotion, "Emily, however, isn't."

"What's wrong with her?" Beth asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Dissociative Identity Disorder" Millie answered, stunning the woman silent, "That's when the host personality splinters off into alters, and I am one of them. The Gatekeeper."

"Gatekeeper?" Beth repeated, "What's a Gatekeeper?"

"A Gatekeeper is the most powerful alter there is" Millie told her, "We are the ones that keep everything balance, making sure everyone and everything in check. As the Gatekeeper I maintain control between Emily and Mia..."

"Mia?" Beth asked, "She's the one from the park?"

"Yes, you did encounter Mia at the park and when we came to your home earlier this evening" Millie told her, "You have every right to be upset by the actions of the assault, but there's no need to blame Emily for this incident."

"Incident?" Beth repeated, pointing to the bruised side of her face, "You call this an incident?"

"It's understandable that you are angry with Emily" Millie commented, lacing her fingers together, "And despite the fact that you want revenge by seeing her locked up in prison..."

Beth took a deep breath, eyeing the brunette alter warily, "I don't want revenge."

"Of course you do" Millie told her, "Every person holds some aspect of anger in within themselves after they've felt slighted or wronged. Humans are very emotional beings."

"I don't want revenge" Beth repeated, "And yes people are emotional, but I'm not speaking about wanting revenge or justice, that's beyond the point now. This is about what's right and wrong."

"Yes to a certain extent there is right and wrong" Millie said, "But as I said, Emily had nothing to do with your attack."

"Yes, I know" Beth told her, "And I do believe that. But this isn't just about me, this is about Emily. She's sick, and needs help."

"I'm glad that we both see that then" Millie told her, "Because she clearly is in dire need of professional help."

Beth looked over at the two-way mirror, and knew that she was being watched. Remembering what she had been instructed by Hotch's team and the detectives, "Will you let her out to get the help she needs?"

"When the time is right, I will" Millie told her, "But we're not done with our conversation. I know you hate her, especially since you're seeing Agent Hotchner..."

"I don't hate Emily" Beth told her, "I just want her to get better. That's all any of us want, is for you to get better."

Millie turned around looking at the two-way mirror, "I know that, and I know what you're trying to do, Ms. Clemmons but we're going to have this conversation."

"What?" Beth asked, "I'm not trying to do anything, none of this is Emily's fault."

"Don't worry, Ms. Clemmons" Millie told her, "I'm not offended, after all its only natural to fear someone who caused you great harm."

"Great" Beth murmured.

"No one blames you for not thinking straight," Millie exclaimed, "After all, one can not comprehend why one is attacked but I assure you that I mean you no harm now. If Mia hadn't behaved in such a reckless manner I wouldn't have had to take over to clean up her mess."

"You" she said, "I remember it was you."

The two women locked eyes, and earlier in the evening played out in the unstable woman's mind, showing the two locked in personalities what really happened.

Mia shoved the stunned older woman on to the floor, smirking as she closed the door.

"Emily?" Beth groaned, her back sore from the fall, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Do I look like Emily to you?" Mia snorted, picking up a large wooden handled, multi-colored umbrella, "Tacky."

"What do you want?" Beth asked, crawling backwards away from the unstable woman, towards the oak desk her telephone was on, "Why are you here?"

The hostile personality walked towards the woman stomping her black heeled boot down on the woman's wrist hearing her cry out in pain, "Like I said, we need to talk."

"About what?" Beth cried out, holding her injured arm close to her chest, "Aaron's not here and he won't be happy that you're doing this to me."

That made Mia knock the brunette in the face with the handle of the umbrella, "Shut up."

Beth's free hand went up to her aching cheek bone, already feeling the sting from the bruise that will soon to be there, "Stop please just go. I promise I won't tell."

Mia leaned forward, "I just don't believe you, and you've caused enough damage for Emily."

That made the pained woman look over at the other woman, and she recognized something was off with her when her eyes squeezed shut and she was muttering to herself.

The injured woman took this as her opportunity, rolling on her stomach she tried crawling away only to meet with the brunt end of a candlestick holder, feeling a rush of warmth hit her face before landing face first upon her dark carpet.

Even in her hazing state she could hear a detached voice say, "It had to be done, Mia."

Snapping out from her memory, Beth looked across to the same face that hit her despite which personality was in charge.

"I don't want to see you go to prison, Emily" Beth told her, "You need serious help and I don't think being locked up there is will do any good."

"Playing the martyr" Millie said, "How noble, I'm sure Agent Hotchner will find that commendable."

"That's why you asked to see me, right?" Beth asked watching the woman warily, "To make sure I won't press charges, right? You win."

"As generous as that is," Millie told her, "That was one of the reasons, the other is about Agent Hotchner and your relationship."

"This is some sort of countermeasure to make sure that I'll keep my word?" Beth asked, "When I give my word, I keep it. I just want to make sure Emily's helped. I have no designs on Aaron. All we are, he and I are friends, you don't have to worry about anything else. Just let Emily out."

"We'll take it under advisement" Millie said, lifting up her handcuffed hands to smooth down her hair, "Thank you for stopping by."

Beth watched the woman shut down, and slowly got up, moving towards the door she passed by Hotch whispering to him before leaving.

"Has the doctor arrived yet?" Millie asked, "I'd rather like to either be put back in lock up or transferred to the local hospital."

"He's outside talking with Emily's mother" Hotch told her, "Well, we held up our end of the bargain, when are you going to let Emily back out?"

"In awhile, she's resting" Millie told her, "So I assumed you were listening in on my conversation with Ms. Clemmons?"

"You assumed correctly" Hotch answered, "Mia started the assault, but you finished it."

"Yes" Millie replied, "I'm not one to get my hands dirty but I did what I felt was necessary and I had to take over for Mia, because she wouldn't have stopped with just the beating."

"It wasn't just a beating, Millie" Hotch said, trying to reign in his temper, "You nearly killed her."

"She lived" Millie said, "Feeling any guilt is a waste of time, Agent Hotchner, not with other pressing matters at the forefront."

"What pressing matters?" he asked.

"I told you as the Gatekeeper that my only function was to keep everything in balance" Millie reminded him, setting her hands on the table, "To ensure that the host personality remained in tact, and with Mia's reemergence at the sight of Ms. Clemmons, and the subsequent break up and attack, not to mention the surprise appearance of Daniel..."

"Where are you going with this?" he interrupted.

"Mia's actions have consequences, along with my own" Millie told him, "But Emily shouldn't have to pay for our transactions. I just want to entail this before Dr. Merrill makes her appearance."

"You don't want her to pay for the two of yours mistakes" Hotch commented, "We all understand that, none of us really blame her for the mess you and Mia made. But you already know that."

"Then you know where I'm going with this conversation" Millie said, "I need to know if you are going to abandon Emily after I leave?"

Hotch sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. He looked at the two-way mirror motioning that this discussion wasn't for viewing.

"Shall I take that silence as a 'no'?" Millie asked, "Because the last few months at Wellstone were rough for Emily, and she had to work on being self-reliant again."

"Emily's a strong woman" Hotch told the woman, "She doesn't need to rely on anyone, she's handle herself well for years."

"No she hasn't" she told him, "We've always been there for her, just under the surface. Bits and pieces of myself and Mia, though Mia tried to take more than give."

He sat there listening to the woman give him the rundown on the two different alters, when he finally interrupted, "I'm not giving up on her if that's what you're wondering but this conversation needs to be between me and Emily, not you and I..."

"What I want to know is, if you can forgive her?" Millie asked, "Emily may be a strong person but I can hear the doubt that she'll be forgiven for Mia's actions."

"And yours as well" Hotch bit out, he did want to have this conversation just not with this alter, "Beth will recover and she doesn't want Emily arrested anymore then any of us."

"I'm not asking about Ms. Clemmons, I'm asking about you" Millie said, "It would be logical if you can't extend any forgiveness towards Emily for harming your friend."

"I don't blame Emily for Mia's or your actions" Hotch repeated, "No one does, none of us are heartless."

"As usual I have to do everything" Millie replied, listening in on the protests of Mia but Emily's soft words were reaching her, "Do you love her?"

"Of course I do" Hotch whispered, "I've always loved her."

"Practicality is more effective than inefficiency" Millie murmured to herself, reflectively thinking, "Emotions are based on a conscious human reaction directed at a specific target or goal..."

"Emily?" he asked, he could see the cold woman relaxing and her shoulders lowering, "Emily, can you hear me?"

Grasping her had with her free hand, she lowered her face to the table, a light moan escaping her lips.

"Hotch?" a soft voice asked, raising her head his dark eyes meeting soft ones "What happened?"

"Emily, is that you?" he asked, seeing her nod "What do you remember?"

"It's me" the brunette whispered, biting her lip as a lone tear slid down her cheek, "God, what did they do?"

"What do you remember?" he asked, leaning forward placing his warm hand on her cheek thumbing away the tear, "Sweetheart."

"The park" she sniffled, "The last real solid memory is the park" Exhaling, her eyes sliding closed, "And Jack."

He frowned, "Nothing else?"

"Why am I in a police station?" Emily asked her eyes widening as she took in her surroundings, "It was Mia, right? Hotch, what did she do?"

Emily paused mid sentence, her eyes widening in fear as she sob rang out from the horrified realization on her face, "God what did I do?"

"Shh" Hotch murmured, moving the metal chair close to her, pulling her into a hug, "Emily everything's going to be alright now."

"No it isn't" she said, he could hear the unshed tears in her voice, "I... oh God, is Beth alright?"

"She's fine" he told her wrapping an arm around her frame, "She's fine."

"Oh God, she must hate me" she wiped her face, "And you too, she's your friend."

"Emily, you did nothing wrong" he said, lifting her face to meet his, "None of this was your fault, you hear me? You are not to blame."

She felt him press a kiss to her forehead, "How can you forgive me? I can't even forgive myself, not after..."

"Emily listen to me" he told her tilting her chin up to look in her eyes, "I love you, you hear me? I love you."

Sniffling, she gave him a watery smile, "I love you too, Aaron."

Dropping a kiss on to her cheek, he inhaled, "You have no idea how much I've missed you."

"Believe me, I know" she whispered resting her head against his chest. The sound of his heartbeat was music to her ears, "I think you're going to have to bring in Richard, I'm ready to talk to him."

"That's the thing," he started watching her pull back, "Your Mother's out there talking with Dr. Rubin, and..."

"Oh yeah" she whispered taking a deep breath, "I know where this is going."

The two looked up as the door opened, "Emily?"

"Mom?" she said, biting her lower lip as the older woman rushed forward pulling her daughter into her arms, "Mom."

"My sweet girl" Elizabeth whispered soothingly, running her hands along Emily's back in a comforting manner, "I'm here, Emily."

Hotch quietly walked out of the interrogation room, leaving the mother to comfort her distraught daughter. Walking towards the two-way mirror he saw that his team had given the duo privacy and walked over to Dave who was speaking to the two doctors.

"I never thought that she'd fall apart so quickly" Richard said, peering in the glass, "She was making tremendous progress, I don't know how this could've happened."

"You never saw any signs of violence?" JJ asked accusingly, her best friend was in pain and she felt this doctor let her down, "I mean you treated her for nearly four months, what did you see?"

The older man shot her a look, "There weren't any clear signs of the two alters after she checked in."

"I noticed from your notes that you did hypnosis to draw out Mia and Millie to speak to them" Dr. Merrill said, "Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? Drawing them out after they had been inactive?"

Hotch shot the man a look, "I'll be speaking with Emily and her mother about her treatment, but needless to say she won't be checking back in under your care. Dr. Merrill, may I speak with you?

"Certainly" the older woman followed him to the other side of the room, both speaking in a low tone.

Richard stood there dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that these agents, Emily's family could just dismiss him like that. Looking around he noticed that the group was preoccupied and wandered over to the door slowly opening it.

Emily sniffled looking up, "Richard?"

"Emily" the male doctor greeted, slowly coming into the room, he nodded to Emily's mother, "Dr. Richard Rubin, Emily's doctor from Wellstone."

"Elizabeth Prentiss" the concerned mother narrowed her eyes, "Emily's mother."

The older woman watched as the doctor maneuvered himself from the doorway into the small interrogation room taking a seat opposite the mother and daughter watching, gauging them for a response.

"What are you doing in here?" Emily asked Richard after several minutes, "I thought they said I was going to speak to Dr. Merrill?"

"Do you not want me as your doctor anymore?" he asked, searching her dark eyes, "Because if you're uncomfortable or wish for another psychiatrist then that'll be fine."

"I don't know" she said, "I think that..."

"Sweetheart" Elizabeth interjected, not liking the interaction between the doctor and her daughter, "I think it'd be for the best if you solely see Dr. Merrill. Now, doctor if you'd follow me out?"

"Mom?" she asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'll be right back, sweetheart" Elizabeth said, giving Emily a reassuring smile and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

The brunette sat there watching her mother and doctor leave, turning to the two-way mirror, she prayed that this time that she could stay fully integrated because she didn't know how much damage Mia and Millie caused in her absence and she felt way too guilty for the pain they inflicted. She just hoped it wasn't too much for the team.

Hotch looked up seeing Ambassador Prentiss storm out of the room followed by Dr. Rubin and that made the man narrow his eyes, he specifically ordered that the male doctor not be allowed in to see Emily. Quickly moving over he heard the tale end of their conversation.

"And you will not go near my daughter again, do you hear me?" she finished. That made the Unit Chief proud, that Emily's mother was really here for her this time.

"I think this decision should be left up to Emily" Richard stated, "After all this treatment is for her, not for her loved ones."

"I disagree" Dr. Merrill approached, "The main focus is Emily, but if we want her to be successfully integrated then everyone needs to be in agreement that she is the one that should be our main concern not everyone's thought as to what is best for her."

"You stay away from my daughter" Elizabeth turned on her heel, "Dr. Merrill can you please follow me?"

Hotch turned back to the male doctor, "You heard Ambassador Prentiss, I believe your no longer needed here."

Speaking quietly with his team, Hotch informed the detective in lieu of the assault charges regarding Beth's attack that they'd have Emily sent in for treatment and the charges would be dropped pending a doctor's authorization and approval.

"Do you think we're doing the right thing?" JJ asked Hotch and Dave, "I mean we thought the last time that she'd been fully integrated, what if this time it doesn't work again?"

"All we can do is hope" Dave said, "We can't just give up on her, and besides I never got a good vibe from that Richard guy."

"Seemed more like he was trying to be her friend then her doctor" Morgan said, "He failed her this time, we're not going to let that happen again."

"How long do you think she'll be gone for this time?" Reid asked, his heart breaking for his friend.

"It's hard to say" Hotch answered watching the door open, "But we're not giving up on her ever."

"Come on, sweetheart" Elizabeth murmured, wrapping an arm around Emily's shoulder keeping her close while she looked over at Hotch with desolation in her eyes.

Stone came over to Dave passing him the signed file, "The Commissioner signed off on the transfer, she's free to go."

Dave quietly thanked the detective, while keeping an eye on the two brunettes who shared a look before she was escorted out of the precinct with her mother and psychiatrist.

Emily sat in her room at Healing Touch Facility reading her latest letter from her mother updating her on the latest gossip when she heard a knock on the door, "Come in."

"You have a phone call in the lounge, Emily" the nurse informed the brunette, "You have ten minutes before your session with Dr. Merrill."

"Thanks" she said, walking over to the lounge, taking a seat on the bench next to the phone, "Hello?"

"Emmy!" a playful voice called out, "Hi."

"Hey Jack" the brunette smiled, hearing the boy's boisterous laughter warmed her heart, "Where's your Dad?"

"Right here" Hotch's voice called out, "We miss you."

"Yeah" Jack agreed, "Did you get my drawing?"

"I did, sweetie" Emily said, "And it's a masterpiece."

"Buddy let me talk to Emily for a minute, ok?" she heard him tell Jack, and she held her breath, "Ok."

"Hotch?" she said, biting her lip, "Are you there?"

"God I miss you" he told her, "How are you doing?"

"I'm good, I'm doing really good" she told him resting her head against the wooden booth, "How about you guys? The team?"

"We're doing good" Hotch told her, "We all miss you, and can't wait for when you come back."

"Me too" she told him, "I just can't wait to see everyone again. How's uh..."

"Beth?" he finished, he knew she still felt guilty even though she had no reason to, "Last I heard she's doing better. She moved to New York to take over a curating position."

"Good for her" she said relieved, "Oh, I'm getting a dirty look from my shadow about my session. I'll call you, and you can tell everyone thank you for the multiple care packages."

"They just want to make sure you're well taken care of" he told her.

"Yeah Garcia's pictures of Sergio and Twinkies have made me real popular" she teased, "I'll talk to you soon?"

"Count on it" he said, hearing her whisper a goodnight, "I love you."

The brunette placed the receiver on the cradle with a smile on her face, "I love you too."

Emily followed her nurse to the office looking down at the picture of her and the team, smiling. Her family.

She wasn't going to fail them this time. She had a lot to fight for this time and she wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong." Mahatma Gandhi


I hope that you all enjoyed this story, I hope it was believable and lived up to "The Three Faces of Emily".

Don't forget to leave a review.