Plot: Scene took place after 3x20, when everyone was taking in all the events that took place in one whole episode. Elena has become a vampire, Matt is still on coma, Klaus is dead to them, Tyler and Caroline has fled. Damon and Stefan are aiding Elena transition. While, Bonnie, she had been doing a hell lot of thinking.

A/N: A Klonnie fanfiction, can't blame that they do look like they have some chemistry. Let's just hope they do have scenes together on season 4, since they are rumours that Bonnie would be going dark and maybe, just maybe would join on Team Klaus. Well, she should really need a partner in the story, Jamie wasn't that good enough for her. So, depends on the reviews that I will get from this chapter, would see if I would be making this a long story or a very short one. & a slight warning to the readers whom are not fancy of smut scenes and that I may write more sex and explicit scenes in the future chapters. You have been warned. I will try to cut down the smut so that FF won't delete my story. Prays. Since it is labelled M-rated, accept that there will be not only smut, maybe a few cursing and perhaps violent in the future.

At the last note, review please, so that I know they are people reading. Review is love 3. Hugs and Kissed. Okay, back to the story.

Kol Mikaelson watched at his sibling's confrontation, Elijah was mad at Rebekah when she did not abide to the "do not hurt, Elena" rule. He yawned when Rebekah threw the vase at Elijah when he ended their conversation and started to walk out. Elijah turned and glared at her when the object hit him on his back.

"What the hell, Rebekah!" he barked, grabbing his sister throat and lifted her up to the air before flinging her across the room.
"Go on, Elijah! Kill me, just because I turn your precious Elena into a vampire" she retorted back at him. "Do say brother, you have a thing for her don't you?" exclaimed Rebekah challenging him to make the next move. Elijah anger flared up at the accusation of his sister and charged towards her with his fangs protruding out but he was halted by his action when Kol stood in between them.
"BREAK. IT. OFF." shouted Kol shoving both of them back to the wall. "Klaus is dead! I don't need any of you both to be dead. I suggest you, Elijah, go to Elena, she may need your help. Rebekah has gone through enough!" said Kol sternly. Elijah stunned at Kol's words, he was right, he didn't think of Rebekah's condition when their mother took her body. Realising what he had done, he slowly made his way out of the house.

"You took his side, which means you take Elena's side!" shouted Rebekah obviously still holding up her anger of her lovely brother's death. He knew that she and Klaus had a strong bond; they have been together for years. If Rebekah was human he would guarantee that she would end her life over the misery.
"I am not taking sides! Rebekah, please get a grip of yourself. Stay out of their life, you have done enough damage!" retorted Kol, gulping down the bourbon he was holding and smashed it on the wall. Tears strike wet on her cheeks, Rebekah retreated back to her room not forgetting to slam the door.

Kol sighed at the turn of events, his hatred towards his mother got even worse. Killing her was not even enough; her soul still lingers around the earth. With Elena being a vampire, he was glad they did not need to run away. They have spent half of their life's running away from vampire hunters. Although they had burned the white oak tree, they would still try to identify other alternative ways to destroy them. Kol sighed exhausted at the turn of events, he really needed a drink.

Bonnie snooped into the basement searching for her father liquor closet. She needed a distraction, she had enough crying, she needed something to release the anger and sadness she feel. She shouted with glee when she found a bottle of red wine, an old one though, she remembered her grandmother present it to her father by mail. Bonnie took the wine and corked it out not wasting any time she drank it from the bottle. After half an hour, she dropped the empty bottle and continued dancing at the blasting music from the speaker. She felt high and all the sadness she felt vanished away.

She didn't feel wasted or even drunk, grabbing her car keys and her wallet she drove to the nearest local store. The cashier didn't recognised Bonnie being underage to purchased liquor so she managed to buy five bottles of beer. Bonnie was at her third bottle, she was not in the state of driving. She leaned her body on her car, continue drinking like there was no tomorrow.

Kol drained the blood from a blonde girl, which he found her sitting at the bar flirting with every man like a slut. Dropping down her body when he had enough of his fill, he walked down the alleys searching for his next prey. Kol stopped in his tracks when he smelled a familiar scent, he smiled when he recognised the smell. He followed the trail of the scent and realised that he was in a treat. That witch didn't even smell ravishing she was drunk like hell. Kol smirked at the view.

Bonnie held her head up when she heard her name, there stood one guy she would rather die than seeing him. She turned away disgusted at his appearance blood stains was all over his shirt. He must have fed over a stranger and left them to die. She started to open the driver's door but Kol stopped her actions. Bonnie glared at the vampire, if she was not light headed and drunk she would have lighted up his body into flames.

"Witch, you're drunk. Wouldn't want to get into another accident right?" he exclaimed moving her to the opposite seat and started the car. After minutes, he stopped the car on the driveway. Kol turned his attention to the witch, she was asleep and was totally wasted. Exiting the car, he opened the door and carried Bonnie bride style and walked to her house. He ranged the bell and waited for someone to open the door. Kol frowned when nobody opened the door after half an hour standing.

He leaned down to Bonnie, "Bonnie, wake up! Or invite me in!" He could easily break the door when he can't find any keys on her pockets. Bonnie grunted at the disturbance. Kol cursed silently and carried her back to the car, he drove off. After two hours of driving, he was beat and need immediate rest. Lifting Bonnie in to his arms, he entered his house.

Bonnie felt like she was constantly moving around. She relaxed when she felt the mattress below her and slowly falls deep into sleep. Kol eyes gaze down at the view in front of him, Bonnie's petite body laid down on the black sheets. She was still dressed in her clothes, his fingers began to itch to undress her and take her that night. But he does not want to take advantage of her drunken state. He had other ideas.

Bonnie surveyed her surroundings, she was standing on a field of sands she heard the waves crashing down on the coast. She realise she were at a beach, no a private beach. Bonnie felt as she knew the place, a strong vibe was pulling her, she followed and then came on to a huge house. She gulped at the appearance of the house, slowly, she entered the private house. Inside, she stood rooted to the ground floor, it was eerily quiet she could even hear her heart beating. Another strong vibe pulled her from the staircase, next moment she knows it she was standing in front of a wooden door. Open it, a voiced told her.

Bonnie walked around the room, inspecting any object that will identify the place she is in. Sitting down on the bed that was covered with black mattress in defeat, she couldn't find anything. Where is she? A clicking sound disrupted her thoughts; the sound was from the bathroom. Bonnie armed herself with a bed lamp, which was the only weapon option she could get hold of. She tip toe towards the bathroom, opening the door. When she saw a shadow, at reflex Bonnie hit the lamp at the figure.

"Fuck! Bonnie!" shouted Kol, grabbing the lamp and flung it towards the wall. The lamp shattered into pieces, he frowned at Bonnie. What the hell was she doing with a fucking lamp?
"Kol! What are you doing here?" she asked, not realising that Kol was half naked, a towel draped around his waist covering his manhood.
"This is my house!" wincing at the pain on his forehead walking passed her towards his mini bar.
"Your house!" she shouted, but calmed down when she remembered last night events. She was wasted and met Kol. She grunted at the head ache.

Kol noticed her pain and offered a glass of his blood. Bonnie frowned at his action; no way is she going to drink blood.
"Drink it, Bonnie. It will clear your system, god knows, how much alcoholic content is inside your body."

Kol was right. She had been mixing her liquor yesterday, no wonder she was hallucinating standing on a beach. She had been on the bed from last night; she wouldn't be on a beach, wouldn't she.
She sighed and took the glass, gulping down at the metallic taste.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, walking out from his walk in closet, dressed in black from head to toe. Bonnie nodded.

Kol trotted down the kitchen. He smirked at how she gained his trust. He had drugged the blood, more like spell it. It will work sooner or later, Bonnie Bennett, the witch would beg for his blood.

After, Bonnie freshen up, she walked down the kitchen. Weirdly, she did not felt like leaving. Bonnie was more than happy to be anywhere than Mystic Falls, everyone she love had left her, all of her friends had used her. She needs space and a break. Bonnie had enough drama in her life, she just need some peace and escape away from the supernatural stuffs.

"Do you prefer omelette or scramble eggs?" asked Kol, breaking the eggs.
Bonnie frowned at his friendliness but brushed it off when her stomach grumbled.

"Scrambled" she answered, taking her seat at the kitchen island, glancing over Kol whom was handsomely cooking her breakfast. She shuddered at the thought. Her mind whirled about, she pondered, she didn't want to go home yet but she doesn't want to stay with a vampire under one roof. But then, one original is better than hybrids, werewolf and vampires in a whole. Looking up at Kol, she hesitates at her plan but she won't be in danger with him, she will put her guard up. She's a god damn Bennett for god's sake! Bonnie sighed, sipping the black coffee before clearing her throat. Kol looked at her, riveting his attention towards her. Bonnie fidgeted at her seat, trying to put her words into place.

"Kol, can I asked you a favour?" she asked hesitantly, poking the scrambled eggs with the fork. Kol nodded.
"Can we...I-I..." she sighed failing to put her words in sentence.
"You want to stay here for a while, right?" said Kol finishing off her sentences. Bonnie gasped when he read her mind, she nodded in reply.

"Sure. I needed the company anyway" he said nonchalantly. He smirked, well the spell did work. Kol will lure her to bed she would just need to sniff his blood for her to be under him. Then, that witch would be his. Only his.

"Bonnie want to go for a swim?" he suggested, dressed only his swimming trunks. Bonnie blushed at his nakedness. Well, the weather is looking fine, she agreed on for a swim. She paused, when she realized she didn't have any clothes.

"I got you clothes last night, everything's there." shouted Kol from the staircase. Bonnie rolled her eyes, when he read her mind, yet again. She opened the closet and was stunned at the display. Caroline would die if she saw the brands of all the clothes hanged in front of her. Bonnie searched for the undergarment section; she noticed that most of it was lace. Kol must have picked it, what a pervertshe thought. She picked the black pink lace bikini and put it on.

Kol was at his forth lap, when he smelt Bonnie at the entrance. He turned to glanced at her; she was dressed in the bikini he was fond of. Bonnie looked beautiful, he felt himself hardened. He licked his lips, oh god, he wanted to tasteher.

Bonnie entered the pool; she flinched at the cold water. She dive into the water, wetting her hair and swam towards Kol. Bonnie merges out of the water only when she felt his hard stone chest. She gasped for air, not noticing that she was hurting Kol at the bottom. Kol stared lustily at her eyes. His eyes travelled down to her body, the bikini is wet and hugged her body emphasising her breast and her waist.

Kol eyes flashed at her hardened nipples, his mouth leaned down on to her breast and bites it. He clenched his teeth on her nipple. Bonnie arched her back at the pain, but soon turned pleasure when he massaged at her other twin breast. Kol hand progressed down to her sex, he could smell her arousal. He slipped his finger into her, god she is so tight. Bonnie adjusted at his entranced; she tried to relax, so that it was less painful. Kol plunged his third finger hard into her.

"Kol!" shouted Bonnie, she gripped his shoulder and gritted her teeth in pain. His finger went in and out from her sex hard and fast. Kol could sense that she is nearing hence he took out his finger and lifted her body up from then pool. Her thighs were draped on his shoulders, holding her tight he indulges on her taste. Bonnie whimpered at the foreign sensation. His tongue was doing wonders to her body. Her moans kept getting louder and louder. Kol realise that she was nearing, climbing out of the pool. Bonnie moves her thighs and hugged on his waist. Pulling his head towards her, his eyes was filled with lust and his manhood was hardening every second. Kol leaned down and took her lips in a swift moment. Biting at her bottom lips, Bonnie gasped giving entrance to his tongue. She moaned in pleasure when she tastes herself. Their tongues fought against a endless war, Bonnie pulled away from the kiss, gasping for air.

"Kol. Bed. Now." demanded Bonnie, her body was getting impatient. All that she thinks was she want Kol inside of her fast and rough. Receiving the demands from Bonnie, Kol smiled in triumph. Sprinting up to the room he threw her on the mattress. Pulling down his trunks he joined her on the bed. Bonnie shocked at how big he was, how was that going to enter her. She gulped nervously, she was still a virgin. God, it will be so painful. She flinched at the thought but Kol distracted her when his lips nibbled on her ear. His fingers slowly made its way to her bikini strip, loosening the strips he threw her top away from his sight.

"Beautiful" he said huskily, his voice was filled with need. His eyes glinted with lust, grasping his manhood towards her entrance. He smirked when Bonnie took a deep intake of breathe, plunging it deep into her, invading her cries and screams of pain. Kol move deep into her slowly, letting her adjust on the feeling of him inside her.

Bonnie wrapped her thighs on his waist pulling his body close to her, she knew Kol was taking it slow for her, but her body wanted it rough and fast.

"Kol, fast..." she murmured, grabbing his shoulder, her nails scrap at his back, leaving blood trickling down his chest. Kol grunted at the pain and pleasure, increasing his speed, Bonnie arched her back.

"KOL!" shrieked Bonnie, collapsing on the black sheets, she felt feverish and hot all over her body. Sweat was covering her body and she felt sore. Kol was still moving his hips into her; he was clearly not yet done with Bonnie, plunging deep into her again and again. Resuming her orgasm after it ended just seconds ago.

Bonnie eyes opened when the sunlight rays landed on her face. She moved her face away from the rays, only to face hazel brown eyes staring intently on her. She tried to stand up but a sore pain rejected her movement. She collapsed back on the bed, turning to the person beside her.

"Sorry, love. I was a bit rough last night, you wouldn't know how much your body had affected me in many ways I could have imagined" exclaimed Kol, caressing her cheeks. Kol had sex with her countless time last night; he couldn't get enough of her. When she finally fall asleep after their tenth round that he could managed to cuddle her to sleep.

Bonnie relaxed at his arms, not even realising that she had lose her virginity to a vampire. She didn't seem to care of what the events that had taken place. It's like the hatred she felt towards her vampire had turn to an opposite effect, she began to feel attracted to the vampire at her arms. She felt spell bounded, at that thought, she jerked her body away from him. Covering her naked body with the black sheet, like as if, he didn't even see her naked body.

"You put a spell on me! There is no way I could fall for your lust, you trick me!" shouted Bonnie standing up, wincing at the sore pain. Kol smirked, that witch, such an Einstein.

"Took you long enough to realise it, but, you can't blame it on the spell, Bonnie. You were so into me last night, what makes you think that a love spell would do that. A powerful spell, indeed" said Kol, knowing that his words was annoying the little witch.

Bonnie looked at Kol disgustedly, anger flared up inside her, glaring at him she started to chanted a spell. Not stopping when she heard Kol shouting, his leg was in flames, she continued chanting her spell. Bastard.

Kol screamed at the agonizing pain, sprinting towards her, Kol grabbed her throat tightly. Her body was lifted up from the ground in a second, still glaring at him. She remained chanting when he tightened her grip. Kol flung her back to the bed, her chanting stopped when Kol's lips was on her, taking her back to the lust and pleasure.

Bonnie moaned at the sensation feeling that she has yet to get accustomed to. She whimpered when his lips was off her. She frowned at his action. His hazel brown eyes changed black instantly, lowering his head back again, Kol bite on her neck finally getting to taste her luscious blood. Bonnie's eyes rolled to the back, as he started to drain her blood away from her body.

"Kol..." she whispered, Bonnie felt weak every second he suck her blood. Kol halted her action, biting on his wrist he let the blood trickled down on to her face. Bonnie smelt the scent of his blood, her hand touched at the blood staining on her cheeks and licked it from her fingers. Grabbing on his wrist she drank his blood, filing her body with his blood.

Kol smiled at his devilish plan, now she is addicted to his blood. Only his blood. Now that he had marked her, as his own. No one would touch her more even get close to her. Everyone would sense threat all over her body.

"You're mine, witch!" he said in menace, Bonnie eyes widened at horror, noticing that she was sucking at his blood.

"What did you to me!" she shouted, shifting her body away from him. Kol propped his body and stood up from the bed. Walking towards the bathroom, leaving her at the bed, clueless at what she was doing a minute ago.

Washing away the blood from his face, he retreated back to the room. Bonnie was still seating on the bed, not moving, still stunned at what she just did.

"Go and wash up, Bonnie. I will explained to you later"

Bonnie eyed him when he opened the door, exiting the room. What had she done?

After she freshened up, Bonnie went downstairs. Kol swallowed down his breakfast, when Bonnie made her entrance.

"What did you to me, Kol!" she barked, she needed answers, was she a vampire but she still have her witch powers. But why was she attracted to his blood.

"Hmmm..." Kol was placing his words into sentence, it was quite complicating, actually. "Well, I made a permanent spell at you, then I marked you and made endless sex with you." He replied, nonchalantly.

"What?" shouted Bonnie, a permanent spell, which means she can't reverse the spell. Bonnie cursed loudly. She charged towards Kol with a kitchen knife that was lying on the table. Kol avoided the knife and pulled it out from her grasp, resulting in his blood staining on the knife. Bonnie attention riveted back at him, more towards his blood. Her tongue salivated at the scent of the blood, pulling his hand to her face; she started to lick the blood oozing out from the cut.

Kol stared at her actions, it turned him on. A witch that is addicted to his blood. He smiled at the view. Bonnie frowned; her eyebrows meet, when the cut healed after a minute. Her smile faded, when she noticed Kol enjoyment on his face. She was sucking his blood yet again.

Bonnie grunted at her weakness, how is she going to get out of this. Now she is in the state of bloodlust. Not anyone's blood, only his blood. Shit. Staying with him was a bad idea. Bonnie made her way back to the room. Grabbing her phone and bag, she went back to the kitchen and walked to the door. Kol was fast enough to be at the front of the door.

"Where are you going?" he asked, blocking her way. He arched his eyebrows when Bonnie didn't answer.

"Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie" said Kol, rounding her, he continued "If you leave without me, you would die of starvation. Every single day, you have to feed my blood, without it. You will die just like a vampire"

She shrugged at his words and shifted her body from him. Kol bite on his wrist again, the scent of blood filtered around the room. Kol was teasing her, she knew it. She turned her body, watching the blood trailing down his arms. She felt like the blood was calling her. Just like she was starving, she shook her head aggressively. NO, she must not succumb to temptation. Bonnie breathes in air and tried to calm her nerves down.

When she regains her conscious, Bonnie opened the door and exited the house. A strong shield prevented her from crossing towards her car. What the hell!

Kol chuckled at her annoyance. Bonnie glared at him.

"My witch friend had shield the house, only I can leave, not you" he pointed his finger at her. "But I won't leave; I enjoy your company, witch. How about we resumed our morning activities, Bonnie?"

"Go to hell" she retorted, walking back to the house. Kol smiled at her back, I am in hell with a beauty witch on my side.

A/N: Well, not a very nice ending I presume. They will some development at the next chapter, and Bonnie is not a vampire, she was put on a permanent spell so she is more of like bonded to him by blood. So she has to keep drinking his blood once in a while or she will die just like how a vampire would die if they don't drink blood. This is just to clear the doubts. Reviews!