All That I've got

They had been together. They had been together and they were happy...or so he thought. The Canadian's brother was never one to make a rational decision, and this one would be the one that ended everything. Alfred chose to be with Arthur, and right in front of Matthew. There was no way around it, how could he face the other now? What would he say and how would he act? There was no running away from it, but there was one escape that had been on his mind for the longest time. It sat there, sizzling on the top of his brain and as he watched Alfred and Arthur at this particular meeting, he could feel the vomit churning in his stomach, just waiting to creep up his throat and out of his mouth. He could feel the burn as it eroded his esophagus, and the stinging of the tears that he refused to let fall. He was in public, he could surely wait a little while longer. Just a little while, though it wasn't like anyone would see. They never did. Even if they didn't, he would feel like a fool for letting himself fall apart right there, with everyone around. He could at least wait until they all left, then he would carry out his plan. There would be no worry when they came back, either. His obvious invisibility would make it so no one even noticed his disappearance. Being lost in his thoughts let time go by faster then he had planned and before he realized, he was completely alone. It seemed everyone else left for lunch or whatever the hell they did after a meeting, and they completely forgot usual. It was then he decided to take action. The faster, the better. There would be no chance of someone coming in and ruining it. Pale hands trembled as he loaded the gun, he could feel his heart pounding miserably in his ears. Matthew stayed sitting, cocking the handgun and taking a deep breath. It was like he didn't even hear the shot but the rush of pain caused him to scream out. The first bullet was for his leg. The pounding in his head grew faster, and the second shot rang through the meeting room, that one saved for his arm. The trembling grew worse, and he could see the blood now, it was pouring out. He planned properly but shot wrong, there was a vein in his leg he wasn't supposed to hit, and he did. The trembling was too much then, and the gun hit the ground. The last shot was saved for his head but he tried to stand now, choking on his saliva as he tried to call for help to someone who wasn't there. Alfred's name continuously fell from his lips but it was too late, the loss of blood was getting to him. Stumbling and letting go of his support, the chair he clung to, he lurched forward and fell to the ground. It was then he noticed there was someone else there. His vision was starting to blur and he was starting to slip into unconsciousness but he shifted and managed to move his head only slightly, his fading gaze lifting to see who was there. Something covered him though, and he was blinded by darkness. It was only a moment after that he stopped feeling, and everything completely went dark, every thought ceasing.