All notes from chapter 1 still apply! I used Shinra's name, from Durarara for the vampire, mostly cause i felt bad for what i did to Shinra in "A Head for a Head" and i want his name to live on. Plus it is a cool name.

"No Kyon! We've gotta get the good stuff! Our costume has to be the best one there!" She was giving me that puppy dog look that had slowly replaced her imperious glare.

It was almost New Years, and the SOS Brigade had scheduled our dance and party to occur during the break. As had been previously decided, Haruhi and I were to be going as werewolves. Today, we were shopping for the last of the materials.

"Alright, alright. Is this good?" I hold up a roll of soft dark faux fur. She pets it and grins.

"Yup! That's perfect! And... Lets get that one for yours!" She pointed over my head at a different roll. I picked it up and looked at the price tag. Of course it was the most expensive one there. Oh well. There was no way around it. I took both rolls to the counter and bought several yards of each.

When we got back to my house, she pulled a few movies out of her bag and held them out to my sister. She looked through the selection and poked one. Haruhi held up the selection for me to approve. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I gave my thumbs up and she put it in. I looked through the other options. Underworld and Van Helsing. I smiled. Werewolf movies.

"So where should we start?" Haruhi held up the bags of materials. I thought about it and took one of the bags.

"Lets start at the feet and work our way up." I pulled out two pairs of shoes and some of the fur. We set to work, and by the time we had finished our stack of movies, we had two pretty awesome werewolf costumes. I stretched and yawned.

"This is gonna be great! Thanks for working on it with me." She smiled and leaned against me. I hugged her.

"It was my pleasure." I kissed the top of her head and we quickly fell asleep there, sitting on the floor, leaned against the sofa, as the credits rolled on our last movie.

The next day, we had out last meeting before the party. Mikuru asked about finding a way to bring our vampire consultant as a guest and I volunteered to invite him personally. Yuki surprised everyone by asking if she could bring a friend from the computer club.

The guest list was still very short. Apart from the Brigade, we would have Tsuruya, Yuki's guest, my little sister, and Shinra, the vampire. All in all, I thought it would be more fun this way. I was looking forward to spending the day with my friends like this.

I walked home with Haruhi, and spent the evening with her. At about midnight, I headed out to Shinra's home. He preferred us to visit at night. Haruhi offered to come with me, but I told her she should get to sleep. She had a busier day than me tomorrow.

The truth is, I wanted to talk to him about something that had been on my mind lately. When I got there, I knocked on the front door, then walked cautiously inside. Shinra poked his head out of one of the back rooms and waved at me.

"Hey Kyon, it's been a while!" He gave me a half smile and motioned for me to join him.

"Yeah, you sorta vanished without much warning. Where have you been?" Oh. Shinra had told us all he was going on a trip a few weeks ago and had just sent word he had returned a day or two ago.

"I was in England, as a matter of fact! I was consulting with an organization dedicated to destroying rogue vampires and other monsters." My eyes widened.

"Are you serious? There is actually a group of vampire hunters in England? What other creatures do they hunt? How many people do they have? How far out do they travel?" I was a little curious and a little worried. What if someone came and decided that Yuki or Haruhi or someone else was a monster?

"Calm yourself! They do exist, and I have applied for a job, although I won't be working as directly under them as those at there H.Q. do. And as for how many... They have a large organization, but they rely mostly on two operatives. Both, ironically, are vampires."

"They use vampires to destroy vampires?"

"Of course. We aren't all as easy to kill as some stories would lead you to believe. And as for how far they travel out, it just depends. In years past, they've fought in nearly ever country on earth. Recently, they tend to stay on their home turf unless a major out break calls for immediate attention."

"So, they wouldn't show up here, looking for aliens, time travelers, and espers?" I sighed in relief.

"No. That is part of why I volunteered. To make sure they had someone in the area they could depend on rather than sending their usual man." The vampire shivered.

"So... Their "usual man" sounds pretty unpleasant." I said pointedly. Shinra laughed nervously.

"You couldn't even begin to imagine. He is fear incarnate. He is not allowed into heaven or hell. The Devil himself is afraid of him. And with good reason. Believe me, you never want to meet him." I believed him.

"I've wanted to ask you for a while, but you've been gone. Are there werewolves?" I looked at him expectantly.

"There are a few, but they are nearly extinct. Mostly thanks to the walking nightmare I was telling you about. Generally, werewolves are mindless monsters once they've been infected, but a very few through out history have had something special in their blood that made them tame. They kept their human mind when they transformed. Right now, there are two currently alive on record."

"Are either of them near here?" I was curious now.

"No. And it would be a bad idea for you and your friends to try and seek them out. They are extremely dangerous." He watched me closely, trying to read my face. "You're worried about something. No. You can't become a werewolf without being bitten. At least not to my knowledge. You're all safe." I relaxed.

"How do you do that? Can you read minds?" He gave me a strange look.

"Not exactly. Vampires have certain abilities. One of them is empathy. We are able to see things through the eyes of others. It is useful sometimes. Less of an invasion of privacy than actual mind reading." I stared at him and briefly wondered how much easier my life might be if I could do that.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I was supposed to invite you to a dance that the S.O.S. Brigade is hosting. If you come, there will only be a total of nine of us, and five of us already know you. The other three won't bother you any. Interested?"

"I don't think so. I'm actually heading out to Australia tomorrow to talk with my friend about joining the organization as well. Thank you though. And the empathy thing makes life a lot more complicated sometimes. Don't envy me. Besides, the marks on your neck say you're doing pretty well without any special abilities."

I may have actually blushed at that. But I couldn't really argue. When Haruhi and I spent three evenings a week together, watching movies, playing games, or just talking, I couldn't really complain about not understanding her.

"Well I hope you have a good trip. Let us know when you get back. I've gotta head home. Haruhi wants me to help her set up for the dance tomorrow morning."

Shinra waved me off and I smiled. The chances of either me or Haruhi getting turned into a werewolf were remarkably tiny.

The next day, I discovered that Haruhi had talked my two old friends Taniguchi and Kunikida into helping with the preparations. It took us less than two hours between the four of us. Afterward, we all went out to eat. Haruhi and I were passing a piece of paper back and forth between us, taking turns adding little details to a strange doodle, when Taniguchi addressed me.

"What is your opinion, Kyon?" I tried to remember what he had been talking about. No luck.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention, what did you ask?" He looked at the picture we had drawn a rolled his eyes.

"A flying saucer abducting a robot disguised as a cow is more interesting than your oldest friends? I'm hurt, Kyon. We were talking about which day of the week is the best. I say Saturday, but Kunikida says Friday. What about you? What is your favorite day of the week?" I thought for a moment.

"Tuesday." I said simply.

"What?! Why on earth did you pick Tuesday? There is nothing special about Tuesday!" I laughed.

"My reason wasn't part of the question. Sorry." I knew that would bug him. Haruhi was staring at me intently. I wondered briefly if she had Shinra's empathy powers.

"I think I can guess." She smiled at me suddenly, then leaned across the table and kissed me. "I gotta go! A friend at the book store is sick and I said I would fill in for her for a couple of hours until the next shift could get in! I'll see you guys at the dance tonight!" She ran out and up the street.

"How does she know why you picked Tuesday and we don't? We've known you for a lot longer than her." I leaned back and stretched.

"Maybe she pays more attention than you do?" He shook his head.

"No, that can't be it. I'm like Sherlock Holmes. I don't miss a thing. I'll figure it out by the end of break, or I'll pay for lunch next time!" I sighed.

"Alright, but I hope you know that includes the whole Brigade's lunch's as well. I usually pay." Not technically a lie, as I actually was usually late, and thus earned the penalty.

"It won't be a problem, because I'll figure it out!" I laughed. I knew what his idea of "figuring it out" would be. He'd be heading straight from here to every gossipy girl he knew from school and trying to see if anyone knew. Unfortunately, he'd probably find someone who did. Not everyone was as oblivious as Taniguchi.

"Whatever you say. You two coming to the party tonight then?" Kunikida nodded and Taniguchi shrugged.

"That crazy chick is going to be there, isn't she? Tsuruya?" I grinned and nodded. He shrank in his seat. "I'm not sure I'll be feeling up to it."

That evening came quickly and I found myself outside Haruhi's house at eight. She opened the door before I could knock.

"It's about time!" I sighed. Some things never changed. "Sorry. I got ready way too early and I get impatient." Then again, some things did. I smiled at her.

"It's alright. I cut it a little close. I walked my sister over to the school before I came to get you. I didn't realize how long it would take to get back here." She smiled and shrugged it off.

"Don't worry about it. You're here now." She held out two large paper bags. Our costumes. "By the way, can I ask you something?" She looked up at me curiously.

"Of course." I wondered what it could be. She generally just asked any questions she had, and I appreciated her straight forward approach to things.

"About Tuesday being your favorite day of the week... It wouldn't have anything to do with ice cream and pony tails, now would it?" Yup. She had to have Shinra's empathy. That or she actually WAS as observant as Sherlock Holmes.

"Yes, but how did you know about the ice cream thing?"

"You and your little sister go out for ice cream every Tuesday, and you once mentioned that your grandma used to take the two of you out for treats once a week. I was sort of guessing that was on Tuesday's as well." I smiled at her.

"You like always being right, don't you?" She laughed.

"Yup! Do you think Taniguchi will figure it out?" I thought about it for a moment.

"No, I don't think he will. He wasn't thinking about it in terms of memories, just about convenience."

We walked to the school quickly, and put on our costumes in an empty class room. When we satisfied with the each others costume, we headed to the party.

Yuki was wearing the same costume she had worn in the movie. Mikuru's costume took me a moment to understand. She was wearing a very strange outfit, including a bow tie and a fez. Then I remembered a few episodes of Doctor Who that Haruhi and I had watched together. She made a pretty good choice. It was probably the most recognizable way to present herself as a time traveler.

Koizumi was wearing exactly what he always did, which seemed like a very lazy way out. Apparently, Tsuruya liked Haruhi's suggestion and was wearing the Brigade leader's red bunny suit, with a few creative additions. The suit looked good on her. I reminded myself that it didn't matter who owned the outfit, I was only supposed to be drooling over one of its wearers.

My sister was an elf, in honor of her job as Santa bait. Taniguchi came as a zombie, and Kunikida was a ghost. There was one person I recognized from the computer club, and he was dressed as a stereotypical alien. I wondered if that would be offensive, if Yuki cared about that sort of thing.

Everyone stared at us as we walked in. Tsuruya ran over and began petting us, as hyper as ever.

"Wow! It's amazing! You guys actually made these? That is awesome! You guys look epic as werewolves! You've gotta let me try one on some time!" Haruhi took my hand and grinned at me, very pleased. I felt pretty proud of our work too.

It wasn't much of a dance, since there were only a few slow songs when anyone actually danced, but it was an enjoyable party anyway. Everyone had brought food, and with the exception of the guy from the computer club, we were all pretty close friends.

Then came one of the most surprising events of my life. As the guy from the computer club was leaving, Yuki walked him to the door, stood on tip toes, and kissed him on the cheek. He turned bright red and left the room grinning, as Yuki turned back to the astounded crowd and walked calmly and quietly back to her seat.

As the shock began to fade, I thought I saw the tips of her ears turn pink and her lips curve up just a bit.

Tsuruya and Kunikida roped us all into a game of hide and seek through the school. Apparently, Kunikida had been preparing for round two with Tsuruya since the winter dance and managed to keep pace with her the entire evening. When Taniguchi and Kunikida finally left, the shorter boy had a phone number written up his arm in bright blue sharpie.

Mikuru let out a sigh of relief. Taniguchi had been hitting on her the whole evening. Yuki left next, taking a small bag of leftovers. Mikuru was yawning and Koizumi offered to walk her home. They left together, leaving Haruhi and I alone with the energizer Easter bunny and my sister.

"So have you guys slept together yet?" Haruhi's jaw dropped and she stared in shock at the energetic girl as she laughed hysterically. I would have laughed at her expression too if I hadn't been just as shocked and embarrassed. Fortunately, Tsuruya pulled out her phone and snapped a picture immediately, so I would be sure to see the face again. "Just kidding! I just wanted to see what you'd do and you didn't disappoint! I'll take your sister home so you two can have some alone time!" The crazy girl ran before Haruhi could come to her senses and pounce on her. I waved to my sister vaguely. I knew Tsuruya would get her home safely.

When they were gone, I leaned back in my chair and laughed. "This has been an interesting night!" Haruhi stared at me for a minute, then grinned right back.

"Yeah it has!" I had learned a while ago that words like interesting, unique, exciting and weird held a lot more meaning to Haruhi than peaceful, or fun, or successful. She looked me up and down, then giggled and leaped on me. She landed neatly on my lap, arms around my shoulders. Then the chair fell slowly backwards. Thanks to the thick padding provided by the costume, I didn't feel any pain.

Haruhi grinned down at me. Her necklace had slipped out of hr shirt in the fall and now brushed against my neck and chest. We had both unfastened the necks to our costumes after only an hour. It was really hot wearing a fur coat indoors. From this angle, I could see a bit more of my girlfriend than she might like, and I made ever effort to keep my eyes fixed on her face.

She made it easy when she relaxed down on top of me and kissed me.

Our walk home was comfortable. We had changed out of our costumes and packed them neatly into the bags again, and then cleaned up the room. It took us a while because we kept getting distracted by... things.

The night was cold but dry and clear. Barely above freezing, the sky seemed amazingly beautiful. The stars were clearly visible and the full moon shown as bright as any street light, illuminating the whole area around us.

I didn't notice anything was wrong until Haruhi waved her hand in front of my face.

"Kyon! Can you hear me?!" I blinked and looked around. I felt like I had just woken up.

"What's wrong, Haruhi?" She stared at me in concern.

"You just sort of zoned out looking at the stars..." She was holding tightly onto my arm.

"I did? I didn't even realize it..." I smiled reassuringly at her. "That's why I have you. To stop me from getting lost with my head in the clouds, right?" She smiled back, but I could tell she was still worried. She wasn't the only one. I hadn't been staring at the stars, I had been staring at the moon.

"You know the term lunatic comes from a belief that the moon caused people to go crazy?" Haruhi said.

"No, but I guess that makes sense. Luna is a word for the moon." She changed the subject.

"Shinra's going to be gone for a while again, isn't he?" She asked me.

"Yeah, it sounded that way." I hadn't told her everything about his trip. He knew about Yuki, Mikuru, and Koizumi, and knew that Haruhi had to be kept in the dark about these matters, so we always made sure to be clear on what we would tell her. She knew he went to England and is now consulting with a group of monster hunters there, and she knew he was on his was to Australia to try and recruit his old friend.

She did not know that there was a creature working for this mysterious organization that was apparently the most terrifying thing to ever walk the earth.

We got to Haruhi's house in no time and went inside. As soon as I was out of the moon light, I felt tired. Almost drained. It was strange, and I couldn't help but wonder if maybe Shinra was wrong, or if maybe Haruhi was having trouble distinguishing reality from fiction again.

"Kyon, are you feeling alright? Do you want me to walk you home?" She looked beyond concerned now. She looked deeply worried. I shook my head.

"I'm fine, don't worry. I guess the party just took a bit more out of me than I had realized." I took her hand and sat on the sofa.

"Lets go out back onto the patio. It's a really nice night." She dragged me to the back door. I stepped outside and stretched in the refreshing cool air.

"All I needed was a little fresh air, see?" I turned to look at her, but she didn't look any less worried.

"Kyon... Do you think it is weird... The way you've been reacting to the moon tonight..." I frowned and clenched my eyes shut.

"Haruhi... I can't be a werewolf. I've never been bitten by one." She hugged me gently and whispered in my ear.

"What if there are other ways to become a werewolf? There are two cases in our collection that could be werewolf related..." I gave her a gentle squeeze.

"What have I done that that could possibly have turned me into a werewolf?"

"According to legends, there are actually a few ways you can become one... Such as wearing a belt made of wolf skin, or sleeping outside during the summer during a full moon... or drinking rainwater from the foot print of a wolf..." I looked away suddenly. Last summer, Haruhi and I had spent the night in a graveyard together. I had taken first watch, and woken Haruhi just as the full moon had peaked over the trees, then fallen asleep.

"But.. That was months ago... Why haven't we noticed anything before today?" I was shocked. Shinra had been mistaken. I was a werewolf. I was a monster.

"Have you been out in the full moon any since then?" I hadn't. I had spent very little time out side. It was winter. I had worn a hat anytime I went out and kept most of my face covered. I couldn't remember seeing the moon since summer. I shook my head and began to shake.

"What am I going to do? What if I'm dangerous? I can't let myself hurt you or my sister... or anyone else in the brigade..." Haruhi held onto me tightly and whispered in my ear.

"Kyon... If you are a werewolf, then I will be too. Then we'll work it out together. If there is a cure, we'll find it, and if not, at least you will never be alone." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"No, Haruhi don't do that for me..." She smiled into my shoulder.

"Kyon, I'm going to be by your side through this, no matter what you say. Deal with it." I couldn't help but laugh and relax a little. We'd figure it out. Besides, in the group I was in, there was nothing we could not do.

Over the next few weeks, Haruhi spent a lot of time researching werewolf legends. How to become a werewolf, and how to become human again. I could tell from the look on her face every time I saw her, she had not had any great success yet.

"It's pretty bad Kyon. Most of the ways I've found involve invasive surgery, killing you, damaging you, or poisoning you. There are a couple of theories I've got that could help, but there are no legends to support them." She sighed and snapped her notebook closed.

"We'll figure something out. I got a letter from Shinra today. He's back. Maybe he will have an answer." Her face brightened at that.

"That's great! Hopefully he knows or at least he can ask that organization he joined!" I smiled and nodded, but secretly I was worried about that organization sending their walking nightmare after me if they found out I was a werewolf.

Yuki pulled me aside at the first opportunity. I should have known she would already know. "You've discovered you are a werewolf."

"Yeah. How long have you known?"

"Since it happened this summer."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You did not ask." I sighed. Same old Yuki.

"Is there a cure?"

"Several. None of them are guaranteed to work, and most are very unpleasant." That was pretty much what Haruhi had just told me.

"What do you recommend?"

"Haruhi has theorized a method of giving you control over your transformation by piecing together fragments of myths. I believe that her theory will prove correct. It would be better for you to have guaranteed control at a low cost than a possible cure at great risk to your life. If you die, Haruhi will destroy the universe. And I would miss you."

Even in Yuki's completely monotone voice, the last words were touching. "Thank you. How are things going with your friend from the computer club?" The tips of her ears turned pink again and she lowered her gaze just a bit.

"He is very kind." I smiled. Her so called "errors" seemed to be building up again, but this time it looked like they were manifesting in a much more amiable way.

"Well I'm glad you found someone to spend your free time with. And thanks again for the advice."

"You are welcome." I smiled to myself. I wonder how long it would take until she was the same sweet shy girl I had met in her altered universe?

Haruhi and I visited Shinra after school that day. He was shocked to find out that there were other ways of becoming a werewolf and that I had managed to stumble into one of them.

"Do you know of any cure that doesn't risk his life?" Haruhi asked quietly.

"I don't... And it would be unwise for me to tell the organization I work for. They take a very "better safe than sorry" approach to any sort of monster, especially werewolves." I expected Haruhi to leap all over his insinuation that there were other monsters out there, but her focus was on curing me and nothing else.

"Alright... Thank you. I found a lot of legends that mentioned iron and water as components to curing a werewolf, or at least holding one off. Do you think you could make this for us?" She held out a paper torn from her notebook. Shinra studied it for a moment then nodded.

"Yes, this should be no problem. Do you think it will help?" Haruhi nodded.

"I think it will do something. But since you're a lot stronger than me, would you be there with us on the next full moon when we test it? Just in case something goes wrong?"

"Of course. In fact, I'll get some silver shackles from the organization. They will stop a werewolf from being able to use its full strength. And if this doesn't work, we'll try something else." Haruhi nodded and smiled. I looked at the paper in Shinra's hand.

It was a drawing of a necklace with tons of tiny notes on the sides. The pendant was to be a hollow piece of iron with a small amount of water in it, while the chain was to be made of silver and iron. It looked beautiful and incredibly detailed. I looked at Haruhi.

"What made you think of this?" She smiled at me.

"I was looking through the files on those two werewolf cases and noticed that one of the men always wore a certain necklace. I hunted it down and found that it happened to be a silver pendant on a silver chain, and that the man was supposedly "cured" but was never seen without the necklace after that."

"That is truly impressive. Would you like me to make two of these necklaces, just in case?" Haruhi blushed and nodded. Now I was lost.

"In case of what?"

"In case it works, Kyon. In case you remain a werewolf, but just have the necklace suppressing your transformations. I'll need one too, eventually. Assuming things keep going the way they have been..."

"I still don't follow." I had a feeling I knew where this was going, but I had to be sure.

"Kyon... I didn't tell you before, but another way to become a werewolf is by... physical intimacy with a werewolf..." She was bright red now and I felt I had to match her.

"You're saying... if we slept together, you would become a werewolf too?" She nodded. Well that was a surprise. Who would have guessed that Lycanthropy was an STD?

"Don't worry Kyon. If the necklace works on you, it will work on me too. In legends, werewolves, and vampires too for that matter, always shared the same strengths and weaknesses as the person they became infected by. If something worked in a certain way on one, it would work the same way on the other."

Shinra nodded. "The man who turned me and my friend had no reaction to garlic, and neither me nor my friend do now either. But the older vampire we know can't touch it. He was turned by a different line of vampire."

"Aright. I trust you." I took her hand and smiled at her. "Thank you, Shinra."

It was valentines day, and Haruhi and I were sitting together on her back porch, fingers intertwined, and the bright full moon shining down on us. True to Yuki's prediction, the necklace worked perfectly, and during the full moon, I always become slightly more feral, but I remained in complete control of my mind and body.

Once we were sure that the necklace worked, Shinra reported my existence and our treatment to his organization. Both Haruhi and I are now registered as werewolves and not as threats. It's been a year now, and I'm still amazed how minimally being a werewolf has changed my life.

I looked sideways at Haruhi, and smiled. To be honest, as weird as my life had been since I met her, I should have expected this would only be a drop in the bucket. So little had changed. But during the full moon, and the day before and after, we were different people.

It is only on those days that anyone notices a difference in us. No one ever puts it together though. No one notices it is always the full moon. People notice the necklaces we both wear. Identical. They think it is just a mark of our relationship. It is, in a way.

Tsuruya, of all people, is the first to suspect the truth. How she figured it out is beyond me, but on a Friday, two days before the full moon, she left us both a present in the club room. A box of cookies shaped like wolves, and a little note wishing us a special weekend together.

It wasn't long after that incident that I found out Tsuruya's father was a major contributor to Koizumi's organization, and that the hyperactive girl has known about the esper since the beginning. Yuki is the only one she doesn't know about, in fact.

The others didn't find out until the summer, several months after it happened.

All in all, the event went much better than it could have.

We decided, we being Haruhi, that it was time we took the Brigade over seas. Koizumi funded the trip, and Yuki made all the arrangements online, getting us tickets and rooms. We were all set to spend a week in Great Britain.

The goal of our trip was to investigate Stonehenge. Official business aside, it was shaping up to be a fun trip. Shinra, Tsuruya, and Kunikida were accompanying us as well. Less than a month after they started dating, Kunikida and Tsuruya began spending time with the Brigade. It was a bit confusing, trying to remember who knew what about who.

We had only been in England for a day when things got tense. Haruhi, being her usual strait to the point self, insisted we visit Stonehenge at the very first opportunity. Shinra and Koizumi pulled some strings and got the land mark to ourselves for the evening.

After a long and in depth inspection of the stone monument, Haruhi decided that we needed a closer look. She marched right up to the circle and... bounced off. She looked up from her place on the ground in shock. She had hit an invisible wall. She pressed her hand against the barrier. I walked up beside her and mimicked her. It was like pushing two repelling magnets together.

Yuki raised an eyebrow and walked over curiously. As she stepped across the line, we all blinked in surprise as she appeared on the far side of the enormous circle. She turned and walked back. She blinked twice at us. A huge display of emotion from our alien.

"That was interesting." That was all she said.

Shinra didn't fair so well. Upon touching the invisible barrier, he was repelled violently, as if he had touched an electrified fence. Koizumi broke his fall. The vampire stared at the circle in shock. Koizumi tried his luck next. He cautiously stretched a hand toward the circle. After several moments of stillness, Mikuru pulled him back.

"What happened?" He looked at all of us, confused.

"You have been standing there for almost two minutes, Koizumi." He stared at me, then smiled.

"Well it could be worse, at least you all were here to pull me back." I sighed. Always smiling.

What really made the event noteworthy was when Tsuruya, Mikuru, and Kunikida all passed through with no difficulty.

Yuki of course knew what had happened immediately. Haruhi and I figured it out next. I turned to our leader. She was looking at the members of her Brigade slowly and carefully, sizing each of them up and thinking the whole thing out.

"Alright everyone, I think it is about time we all do away with our secrets and be completely honest with each other. Kunikida and Tsuruya are now official Brigade members and have equal rights." Koizumi and Mikuru both looked terrified.

"Miss Suzumiya... I don't understand what you mean..." Koizumi started. Haruhi silenced him with a look.

"First, Shinra here is a vampire. He works for an organization stationed somewhere here in England." Only Kunikida looked truly shocked. Shinra gave his usual half smile and waved cheerfully at the boy.

"Now, It is my theory that only pure humans can cross the edge of this circle. Koizumi, Yuki, would you like to tell us exactly why it is neither of you can do so?" The esper was pale and squirming. No trace of his usual smile. I was loving this.

"Well... you see... I... uh..."

"We are both supernatural beings, as you suspect." Yuki stated bluntly. Koizumi stared at her in horror.

"Can you be more specific?" Haruhi pressed.

"Koizumi is an esper, and I am an alien. We were both sent by our superiors to observe any supernatural phenomena and neutralize any threats, while remaining undetected." Yuki rattled it off as if she had the explanation prepared for years. She probably had.

"Is this true Koizumi?" Haruhi demanded calmly. He nodded.

"Alright. Thank you for your honesty. Kyon and I are werewolves. Anyone else feel like sharing?" Haruhi and I could only grin at the shocked faces surrounding us.

"I'm a time traveler..." Mikuru raised her hand. Things were easier after that. With everything out in the open, at least between the members of our group, no one had to watch what they said any more. Well, except for Mikuru. Some things were still classified.

The rest of the trip was a real vacation. After that, everyone noticed our changes during the full moon.

Eventually, our new life felt normal. We always wore our necklaces. I never told Haruhi that I was John Smith, but I knew that she knew. She kept both necklaces. During the full moons, we always spent the night together. No other plans took priority.

My parents didn't give it much thought. We were just two normal high school students that liked to spend a certain amount of time together. My sister comments occasionally on my wolfish behavior, but Haruhi says we should wait until she makes it to high school to tell her. Haruhi's parents remain as oblivious as eve, but she doesn't seem to mind as much anymore.

Even before we told them about our condition, all our friends knew when we became more intimate. We didn't really try to hide it. We both knew we would have probably waited if it hadn't been for my lycanthropy, but she was adamant that we share it from the very beginning.

Now, as we lay in the moon light together, she smiles back at me and squeezes my hand gently. I can't help but think that becoming a werewolf has been an improvement to my life. I have a beautiful girlfriend that I love and that loves me in return. I have friends who are just as weird as I am, and together we hunt down things that are even weirder still.

She grins and I see the wolfish hunger and desire in her eyes. I grin back and without a word we stand and go inside, our hands locked together. Life is good.

Plus five awesome cookies to anyone who guessed that I was referencing the Hellsing Organization and their two main operatives Seras and the No Life King himself, Alucard.

I hope this lived up to the expectations that Stakeout set. I sort of wrote this as I thought of it rather than letting it all come together in my head before vomiting it on paper.

Rewritten because both me and my readers thought the ending was rushed, which it was. Hey, it was 2 am and I wanted the thing finished. Now i'm writing a third chapter maybe:) If you want Alucard and Seras to show up, leave a review and tell me!