A/N: And now we hit the end of this story. I am making NO PROMISES, but there is the possibility of a sequel. But either way this will not be my last Calzona. I actually have another idea I'm really excited to try out as well. I will be taking a break for a bit however. I started a story in another fandom like 2 or 3 years ago I want to finish first.



11 months later…

Glad to finally be home, Callie crept quietly down the stairs, not wanting to disturb her girls if they were sleeping. It had been a long day for her and she was never so grateful for a day to be over. She finally finished her last class of the semester and now had all summer to spend with her girls.

They enjoyed last summer, but there had been so much going on with the adoption, the wedding, and their honeymoon, that Callie was looking forward to having a more relaxing break. Of course they talked about going on some kind of family vacation, nothing extremely exhausting, maybe just a trip to Utah to spend time with Tim or something. At only two years old, Amelia was still too young to really enjoy anything bigger.

Reaching the basement floor, Callie smiled at the sight in front of her. Arizona and Amelia were snuggled together on the couch, sound asleep. Little Mermaid was playing quietly in the background. And if the discs lying around the DVD player were any indication, her girls had spent most of the day on that couch.

Moving toward the couch, Callie faintly heard the sounds of a cough coming from Amelia, but her daughter continued to sleep. "Poor baby," Callie whispered, squatting down and running her hand gently through Amelia's dark hair. She was glad to see she wasn't as hot as she'd been when Callie left earlier that day.

Caressing Arizona's cheek lightly, she roused her wife from sleep. "Hey, beautiful," she greeted when blue eyes finally opened and spotted her.

"Hey, yourself," Arizona whispered. Never taking her eyes away from Callie's, she placed a kiss in Amelia's hair and pulled her daughter closer. Cuddling with Amelia was one of her favorite things in the world, one she never took for granted.

"How's she doing?" Callie asked quietly.

"Her fever broke a few hours ago, but I think the cough will be around for awhile longer. I did finally manage to get her to eat though. Just some toast, but it's better than nothing," Arizona answered.

"Good. And how are you doing?" Callie asked concerned. She didn't want to leave earlier, knowing her family was sick, but Arizona insisted they'd be fine. There was no reason Callie needed to miss her last class because they both had a cold.

"I'm feeling a lot better," Arizona assured her. A small cough interrupted their conversation and caus both women to look down at the sleeping toddler. "We should probably get her into bed," she suggested.

"Here let me take her," Callie told Arizona. Standing up first, Callie leaned over and gently pulled the little girl into her arms. "I'll put her down for the night, you go get in bed," she all but ordered when Arizona stood to follow.

Nodding her head, knowing she wouldn't win, Arizona did as she was told and headed into the room she shared with her wife. 'Wife', she smiled at the thought, almost a year later and she still couldn't help the swell of love that came over her at that word.

She knew she wouldn't be going anywhere today, so Arizona hadn't changed out of her pajamas, but thought a fresh pair might help her sleep better. Her cough was almost gone, and only came intermittently. Her fever, however, still lingered.

Climbing between the covers, she sat up against the headboard to wait for her wife. There was something she had wanted to talk to Callie about lately, but was unsure of how to bring it up. The thought wouldn't go away, so she decided she needed to just get the conversation over with before it drove her crazy.

"She's out cold," Callie announced as she entered the room. She left the door open just in case Amelia woke up and came looking for them. Even with the baby monitor, the little girl still managed to make it to their room undetected from time to time, banging on their closed door.

"Good. I hope she sleeps better tonight," Arizona said.

"Me too," Callie agreed.

Climbing in next to Arizona, Callie wrapped her arms around her lover and pulled her close. She'd long ago won the argument about the possibility of getting sick. She didn't care. A little cold wasn't going to stop her from being close to her wife or daughter.

After several minutes of cuddling in silence, Arizona pulled back a little so she could look Callie in the eye. "There's something I wanted to talk to you about," she started.

Hearing the hesitance in Arizona's voice made Callie's mind go crazy with possibilities. She didn't let herself react though and waited for Arizona to continue. When the blonde didn't speak, Callie kissed her on the forehead. "What is it?" she whispered into her hair.

"I know this is probably going to seem really sudden and possibly crazy. But I've had this thought and I just can't seem to get it out of my mind. No matter how hard I've tried it just sits there night and day," Arizona rambled.

Now more curious than ever, Callie tried to hold in laughter at Arizona's cute ramble. She knew how nervousness affected Arizona. She just couldn't figure out what her wife had to tell her that would make her so nervous. "You know you can tell me anything right?"

"I know. I uh…" she paused, trying to get the words out. "I was thinking about us having more kids. How I don't want Amelia to be an only child."

Callie studied Arizona, wondering where this had come from. "I always figured we'd have more kids someday. Once we were out of med school and more settled into our careers."

Arizona sighed, realizing her thoughts hadn't come out right. "I was thinking more along the lines of trying for another baby now," she finally admitted.

The surprise was evident on Callie's face. Never in a million years did she think they'd be having this conversation. "Now?"

"I know, it sounds crazy," Arizona agreed. "I thought it was totally insane when it first came to mind, but the more I thought about it, the more right it seemed to feel."

"Alright," Callie encouraged, wanting to see things from Arizona's perspective.

"We're going to have to leave the state when we start med school. That will leave Amelia without us or mom for long periods of time. We can put her in day care where she'll have friends, but at home we'll be studying and have less time for her than we would like. When we start our internship it's going to be even worse," Arizona paused, trying to organize her thoughts.

"We already knew this," Callie pointed out. They'd already discussed their desire to be surgeons and how it would affect Amelia at length.

"Don't get me wrong, I want more children with you no matter if it's now or later," Arizona started again. "I want more babies, as many as we decide we want, no matter when they come, because I love you and I love sharing a family. But my reason for wanting to have at least one more, now, mostly has to do with Amelia."

The inside of Callie was jumping for joy. While they had never actually talked about the possibility of more kids, Callie always assumed they'd have them, someday. She was happy Arizona was on the same page. She loved being a mother more than anything in the world and she knew her wife felt the same. Still, she wasn't sure what all of this had to do with Amelia. "Keep going," Callie told her.

"So, I was thinking, if we give her a sibling now, at least she won't be so alone. She'll have somebody to play with. She'll have someone, like I had Tim."

"You know, not all siblings are like you and Tim," Callie interrupted with a smile.

"Our kids will be!" Arizona insisted.

"Okay," Callie smiled. "I'm still not sure how this would be a good idea though. As you pointed out we'll already have diminished time for Amelia. How will bringing another child into that be a good thing?"

"Well, I think doing this will also create more time for them in a sense," Arizona started. She'd thought this over again and again. So much in fact she was having flashbacks of all the thought she'd put into it before they'd decided on what college to attend.

"How?" Callie asked curiously.

"So, assuming I'm the one to get pregnant, we can decide that later," she quickly added. "I was thinking I'd take a year off, at the end of my pregnancy or after the birth, just depending on how the due date lined up with the school year. That would be put me a year behind you in school," she paused again, letting Callie process.

"This way, when you start you internship and are working insane hours I'll still be in school and have more time at home. Then when I start my internship, you'd be a resident and would have a little more time at home."

Callie could see her point. It would help to some degree, but their family would have to deal with the crazy hours of an intern for two years instead of one. She knew it was only temporary though, and anything that was temporary they could get through easily. "We wouldn't get to share classes anymore though," Callie said sadly.

"I know, and that would suck," Arizona agreed. This first year of college they'd taken all the same classes except for one. It made studying so much easier because they could do it together, plus it gave them more time together.

"So assuming I'm going to say yes to this crazy plan," Callie teased. She was already more than a little sold on the idea. Arizona made some very good points. Not that she expected anything less. When Arizona got an idea in her head, she thought it out thoroughly and explored all of the possibilities. "How would we do it?" There was no way Arizona hadn't thought this part through either.

"Like I said, I was thinking I could be the one to get pregnant. Of course I still want to see you pregnant someday," Arizona told Callie, lightly caressing her belly. "I missed that with Amelia so that's something I want to see."

Pulling away, she sat up and turned to face Callie who continued to lie there. "I was thinking I could have your baby, use your egg and have Tim as the donor. That way our baby will be linked to both of us. Even if you were the one to get pregnant, now or later we could still use Tim. Unless you totally hate that idea."

"No, no, I like that idea," Callie quickly told her. "But don't you want to have one of your own someday?"

"They will be mine, just like Amelia is mine. This is the closest we'll get to having one that is both of ours right now."

Callie raised an eyebrow. "Right now?"

"Hey, they are making some amazing scientific discoveries," Arizona said seriously. She hoped one day it would be possible for them to share a baby that was truly theirs, but only time would tell on that one.

"Alright, alright," Callie said, holding a hand up in surrender. "Are you sure Tim would be willing?"

"Um, yeah, I know he is." Arizona could see the look Callie was giving her. One that clearly said, "You already talked to him about this." In a way she had, but not in the way Callie was thinking. "We talked about it, way before you and I got together. When I first came out to him, he said he'd be willing if I ever met the right person."

"I see," Callie sighed in relief. Not that she minded Tim knowing about their life, he was like a brother to her too now. She just didn't like the idea that Arizona would have gone to him first about something like this. "So you want us to get started on this right away I take it."

"Well, we don't have to start tomorrow, but soon yes. Even if one of us got pregnant this moment, Amelia would almost be three by the time the baby got here."

"I see your point," Callie agreed. "After what I went through with Amelia, I'm not ready to be pregnant any time soon. I'm not saying 'never,' because a part of me does want that experience again, just not now." She paused, watching Arizona's face as she waited for an answer. It was hilarious to see how impatient she was for Callie to give her an answer. "However, to the idea of you getting pregnant, I'm saying yes."

"Yes?" Arizona asked, unsure she'd heard her right.

Sitting up herself, she gave Arizona a deep kiss, before looking deep into her eyes. "Yes."

"We're having a baby," Arizona smiled.

"We're having a baby," Callie repeated as Arizona jumped into her arms, pinning her to the bed. Arizona's cold ceased to be on either woman's mind as they lost themselves in celebration.

Almost one year later to the day Alexia Sofia Robbins was born.