I am so sorry for not updating. I am just... lazy. So for the ones who don't remember this story/ don't want to read the first two chapters again: I have made a recap, and will probably do this every chapter.
I hope I haven't lost most of my readers. I'm really happy for the reviews you're giving me.

Thanks to jackiestolz for doing the beta.

Previously on Yume Miru:

Ian has a gift that has been giving to him through generations in his family: To see the future in his dreams. His best friend and roommate Anthony knows about this, and they took advantage of this since High School.

But recently, dangerous things happen to the boys, and more specifically to Anthony. After he almost got run over by a bike and blown up, he burst out at Ian. Why is he predicting him to die?

Is Ian somehow capable to not predict the future, but actually change it?

Chapter 3

Anthony was having trouble sleeping. When this happened, being on the computer or checking Twitter on his mobile would help him get sleepy, but he still couldn't manage to sleep for more than two hours straight. He kept waking up at a random time with a headache and the feeling of his back burning. He tried rubbing some cream on it to soften the pain, but to no avail.
He let out a soft growl and stared at the ceiling, already hearing the birds chirping as a knew day began.

He couldn't stop thinking about his fight with Ian.

Sure, he had fights with his best friend loads of times. Ian being his housemate and business partner, he was bound to see him a lot, so it couldn't go well all the time. But last night was a way different fight than normal.
They never had troubles with the visions. After living with a person who can predict for a while, it became a lifestyle. But if the visions were ending up killing him…

Anthony was more mad about Ian not knowing what is going on. He kind of guessed that Ian's dreams were not really predicting, but more of making the day. If Ian wasn't dreaming, the day would go differently. But why does he have to dream about getting his best friend murdered?

Anthony was so deep in thought that he jumped when his mobile buzzed. A message from Kalel.

I saw on news that ur fav pizza restaurant exploded!

"Oh yeah, I have a girlfriend," Anthony said to himself while smirking. He replied:

I know. It was pretty damn hot standing next to it!

Anthony gave it two seconds, and right after the counting, he received a call.

"Good morning!" Anthony said cheerful, but soft so Ian couldn't hear him.

"What the hell do you mean?" Kalel said, referring to the last text. There was worry in her loud voice, so Anthony stopped with the jokes.

"Me and Ian were having lunch there when it happened," He confessed.

A small pause. "Oh my god… Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Anthony got up, but he felt his wounds opening from stretching his back. He gasped from the sudden pain.

"Ant, I don't believe you." Kalel obviously heard Anthony's soft cry of pain, and more worry filled her words.

"You know what? Shall I come over to your house?" Anthony said quickly while rubbing his back. He saw this as an opportunity to get out of the house before Ian got up.

"Now? But it's still early…"

"So what? We are both awake, and you probably don't have any plans in the morning."

"True," Kalel admitted. "Fine, you can come. But I won't let you in without cat food!"

"Like your cat does anything nice to me!" Anthony protested, but she already hung up.

Anthony rubbed his stinging red eyes and prepared himself to see his girlfriend. When he passed Ian's room, he heard him moaning and murmuring some inaudible words. Anthony caught Ian speaking in his sleep often, but it sounded more fearful this time. That always happened when Ian dreamt about something bad. Anthony shrugged, not interested in what his friend was seeing anymore.

When the tall boy got to the garage, he was reminded that his car was out of gas. They used it for the new Smosh video they recorded some days ago, and the gas station was too far for the car to go. Anthony cursed himself for not remembering to get some fuel. He reached into his pocket for his mobile, which showed the time in large digits, 08:23.

"I have to… take a bus… car has no gas," Anthony texted out loud, and sent it to Kalel. He sighed. With a car he would have reached Kalel in 30 minutes. The bus however would take a detour that made for an hour and a half of travelling.

"Why can't I have the power to teleport?" he sighed.


Ian screamed himself awake. He clenched his sheets, sweat rolling of his forehead and back. His blue eyes were wide open, revisiting the nightmare he just saw. But what the problem always is when waking up after dreaming; you can't remember it anymore.

Ian wiped off his sweat under his messed up hair. His clock showed 11:30. Was Anthony still sleeping? He normally would've woken him up since he was always the one who woke up sooner.
And that's when the light bulb went on. He dreamt about Anthony! And at that moment, Ian felt his cheeks turn red about the thought of it. He grabbed his sheets and covered his face, feeling embarrassed like a foolish teenager. Why was he dreaming about Anthony again? Was it because he kept thinking about him last night?

It was as if his brain started to work again. He remembered he saw Anthony on a bus and he was screaming...

"What the hell," Ian mumbled. "Anthony never takes a bus."

He kicked his sheets off of him and yelled his friend's name. He checked his room, bathroom and living room. Ian scratched the back of his head. Where the hell did he go?
He started to panic a bit. His friend's screams kept replaying in his mind. He sounded terrified.

He called Anthony on his cell a couple of times, but it kept sending him to the voicemail. Ian now started to shake a little. He changed into his normal clothes, called Anthony again and cursed at the familiar voice when the voice mail rang in his ears.
He sat on the couch and fumbled with his phone while his nerves got to him. He would never forgive himself if something happened to Anthony because of him. But the dreams weren't his fault…right? Ian could almost scream because of all the questions he had.

He opened Twitter, and gazed at the Tweets he didn't give a shit about. Until he saw a Tweet from Anthony, 2 hours ago.

smoshanthony: I now get why no one takes the bus! Fricking slow things KalelKitten

Ian hit his head with his hand. Duh, social media! First place he should've checked. He raced to the garage, started his blue car and took off to Kalel.


Spending the morning with Kalel did well for Anthony. Kalel obviously had missed him. They couldn't visit each other all the time because of Smosh and Kalel didn't live close to him.
He explained everything that happened to them yesterday. She gave him a little treatment to his back, to soften the constant burning he felt. Kalel asked why he didn't mention this to Ian, but Anthony avoided every conversation that had the word 'Ian' in it. He ended all the calls he received from him, not in the mood to talk to him.

"I can drive you home if you want," Kalel suggested, as Anthony was standing at the door entrance.

"No that's alright, I know you're busy," Anthony smiled. She had her own channel to maintain, and today she was planning on filming. He gave her a goodbye kiss and walked to the bus stop. And again, his mobile was buzzing. Anthony denied Ian's incoming call for the umpteenth time.

"Oh, now he wants to talk," Anthony murmured. But he understood he couldn't avoid his best friend forever. He kept blaming Ian for what was happening to him, but knew this all wasn't his fault. Ian always told him he knew as much as him. So he was just as clueless to why his dreams were predicting Anthony getting hurt in multiple ways.
Anthony remained with the idea of visiting Ian's grandmother for answers. Maybe they could find something in her room in the retirement home, or maybe the demented woman would say something useful.

With these thoughts in his mind, Anthony entered the just arrived bus, and again rode the long trip alone, oblivious to the danger that would come.


Ian had no idea how fast he was driving or if he was even focusing on the traffic. The only mission in his head at the moment was to find Anthony before he would travel back.
He held the steering wheel so tight it began to hurt. He was shaking more, now that he knew the danger his friend was in. Sweat was rolling on his back and his forehead, sticking on his long hair.

"Please let it be a joke," Ian whispered, almost begging. "Please let my mind be funny for once."

And what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled over on Kalel's street and ran to her house, pushing the bell multiple times.

Kalel opened the door with an annoyed face, but showed a smile when she saw who it was.

"Hi Ian, what a coincidence! I just – "

"Yeah I know," Ian said fast, panting a bit. "Is Anthony still with you?"

"No, you just missed him, sorry."

A bomb just exploded in him. He tried to keep his composure while he was pinching his hand.

"Um, I noticed he didn't come here with his car, so did you drive him back to our place?"

"No, he didn't let me," she said casually. "He said he was fine taking a bus. I don't know why, because he hates buses…"

Kalel kept rambling while Ian called Anthony again. Panic hit him when the voicemail again told him he couldn't reach him. He never felt this worried in his life.
That's when he got an idea.

"And oh, I was wondering if something was up between you and Ant, because he kept avoiding talking about you - "

"Kalel," Ian said with a low voice. "I need your phone."

Kalel stopped talking as soon as she saw Ian's serious expression. "Why?" she asked, but still grabbed her phone out of her pocket.

"Anthony won't answer my calls."

Ian got Kalel's phone and dialed Anthony's number.

"So there is something up with you guys," Kalel said slowly. "But why do you wanna talk to him now?"

He listened impatiently to the dial tone.

"He shouldn't have taken the bus."


Anthony looked out the window, bored. He was looking at the same scenery for almost half an hour; dry lands and some hills. He hasn't seen any other vehicle on this road. And unfortunately, he was the only passenger on this bus, so not a single interesting thing to look at was near him.

A yawn escaped. Anthony leaned his head against the window, but it only caused his head to bump against the glass. He stayed in this annoying position, not caring anymore. He then felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Anthony sighed, thinking it was Ian again who has been calling him over and over. But then he saw Kalel's face on his phone.

"Hi, what's up?" Anthony answered the phone.

"Anthony, you have to get out of the bus now!" Ian screamed through the phone.

"Ian? Why the fuck are you calling with Kalel's phone?" Anthony was amazed by how much Ian wanted to talk to him.

"No time! I saw you in my vision Ant. You were in a bus, and something will happen to you!"

Anthony snorted. "Oh yeah, like what?" He had it with the death sentences. "What can seriously happen here?"

He turned his head a bit and surprisingly saw a car in the distance. He barely could see it but it looked like… "Is he driving on the wrong lane?" He mumbled to himself, but still with the phone to his ear.

"Anthony? We are heading your way now." He heard a car door closing and the engine starting.

"I – Ian?" Anthony questioned. He slowly came to his senses as the car – wait, is that a truck? – approached the bus in high speed. He felt the danger coming, taking revenge for him still being alive. He was alone, left to his fate his friend saw in a stupid dream. "What's gonna happen to me?"

There was silence on the other line. "I don't know."

To be continued