Author's Note(s): I don't own Supernatural. I DO own Saphira, Cain, and Abel. Do NOT use my characters without my permission. Thank you!

Chapter Nine: Hook Man

Saphira finished her scheduling, smiling a bit to herself. If things went on schedule, she'd beat Sam and Dean by at least four hours. Enough to get settled in to a comfortable hotel and get a lead. Hugging her kids goodbye, she grabbed her bags and went out to her old Diablo. Breathing deeply, she let her mind wander for the most part until she hit the traffic of Albany. Roughly three hours later, she was tucked safely in the business section of the airplane. The Winchesters never took an airplane if they could help it. Their drive time would equal out to sixteen, eighteen hours at the most. In six hours, she would be asking which rooms were available at the inn.

Her flight was spent in slumber, mind at ease despite the small amount of turbulence. The woman beside her was kind enough to wake her up once the pilot announced the ETA of ten minutes. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she tried to wake up for the drive ahead. Shuffling out of the plane with the other passengers, Saphira hoisted the carry on bag further on her shoulder. A trip to the rental agency and she was staring down the road in a new car.

The Impala rumbled along the road at a fast pace, putting Cold Spring, New York behind them. Dean didn't feel bad about leaving her there. They were both stubborn, and he knew she needed to stay with her kids. Some part of him did miss her, and wanted her to come along. But it was too dangerous. "Dean," Sam interjected, breaking the elder's thoughts. "She's going to kick your ass, you know that, right?" Dean scoffed, shrugging it off.

He was perfectly aware that if they saw each other again, she would beat the living shit out of him. Key word was if. "You know, Sammie. I don't deny that. But we're not going to see her for quite some time." Sam looked back out of the window, a smirk on his face. Something told him that they would be seeing the woman sooner than Dean thought. Leaning back in the seat, he proceeded to get some sleep on the long road.

Upon arriving at Ankeny, the boys pretended to be new fraternity brothers. A few well laid lies later, they were in the church of the victim's girlfriend. Service let out, and before the Winchesters could approach the woman, a certain platinum-haired lady came. They hugged, exchanging a few words as they came up. Clearing his throat, Sam ignored Saphira and asked, "Are you Lori?"

The girl nodded, hands clasped over her bag. Saphira looked at Dean, smiling lightly as the youngest did the talking. The preacher came up, placing a hand on his daughter's back. Lori introduced the three, and as Dean walked away with him, Sam turned to the girl. "Tell me, Lori. What are the police saying?" The three started to walk away, each hanging onto her words.

Her head hung down before she shook her head. "Well, they don't have a lot to go on. I think they blame me for that." Raising an eyebrow, Saphira questioned why. "My story. I was so scared, I guess I was 'seeing things'..." Wrapping an arm around her form, Saphira and Sam managed to coax the entire story out of her. Saying goodbye, Saphira turned to the male before lightly smacking his shoulder.

"That's for letting Dean leave me. Oh, and next time, make sure I don't know where you're going." Glancing at where Dean left to, she pushed a lock of stray hair behind her ear. "What else do you guys know?" At the end of his words, she shook her head lightly. The amount of information they had was a bit different. Dean joined the three of them, looking at her incredulously.

Looking around, Dean noticed there wasn't much people around. "What the hell are you doing here? I left for a reason," he snapped, coming closer to her. Sam left the quarreling couple alone, looking a bit awkward. Frowning, she narrowed her eyes. "For once, you couldn't just stay at home! I mean, come on! We have kids-"

Saphira cut him off. "That we need to think about. I've been there over six years while you were off doing God knows what!" The urge to strike him became pressing, but biting it back, she continued. "So before you start lecturing me, take a look at yourself. Now Dean, be an adult and let's go. Unless you want to end up on the ground?" Storming off, she joined the younger Winchester at the Impala. Dean frowned, glaring after her. Every time she came around, she found some way to screw him up. Running a hand over his face, he entered the car and drove them to the library.

Hours and several dusty files later, Sam drew their attention to him. "Hey, check this out. 1862. A preacher named Jacob Karns was arrested for murder. Looks like he was so angry over the red light district in town that one night he killed 13 prostitutes." He paused before finding the right place in the file. "Uh, right here, "some of the deceased were found in their bed, sheets soaked with blood. Others suspended upside down from the limbs of trees as a warning against sins of the flesh." Saphira grimaced, shaking her head lightly.

Putting the files back into the box, she sighed. Dean made the next discovery recalling that the weapon was a hook. "To sum it up, we have a psycho-religious spirit with a hook hand that goes around killing people who are... immoral. And let me guess... 9 Mile Road?" she stated, placing a hand on her hip.

"Yep. Same place where the frat boy was killed," the younger male said, nodding to her. Dean chuckled as he started to clean up his mess.

"Nice job, Dr. Venkmen. Let's check it out." Between the three of them, they gathered the research and left the boxes on the table. Gathering back into the Impala, Saphira curled up in the back. Playing on her phone, she ignored the look he shot her. Letting the engine roar to life, Dean pulled out and headed towards the diner in town. Both of his companions kept an uncomfortable silence, making the older male fidget. "Dammit, talk or something. You two actually being quiet is making me uncomfortable," he snapped, glancing at the rear view mirror. Saphira's only response was to childishly stick out her tongue.

Sam laughed, looking at his brother. "Really? You are usually telling us to shut up. Is it because she's mad at you?" he piqued up, raising an eyebrow. Sending a dirty look his way, Dean turned the radio up higher. If they wouldn't talk about normal stuff, he'd just listen to music then. Yet he wondered if Sam could just read him that easily. Frowning even more, he sped up. They were at the diner in a matter of ten minutes. Crawling out of the car, they took up residence in a corner of the booth. Dean sat next to the woman who scrunched in next to him. Sam sat across from them, eyes flicking between the two.

Putting her phone up, she finally looked at the two. "So... Rock, paper, scissors for payment?" she suggested, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. Not wanting her to sink back into the cold waters of silence, he agreed in a way. Pulling out a deck of cards, he shuffled them. Her hand darted forward, snatching one from the middle. "Just so you don't cheat on me, Dean," she explained, winking at him. He found himself loosening up, smirking at her.

"Your turn, Sammie. The two closest to the Ace of Spades doesn't have to pay." He offered the cards and Sam drew from the top. Dean's card came from the bottom. On three, they flipped over their cards. Saphira and Sam high-fived as Dean laid his head on the table. "God dammit..." he muttered, fishing out his wallet. The waitress came over, and Dean automatically went into flirting mode. Saphira frowned before getting an idea. For once, it was payback for that stunt back in St. Louis. Smirking, she glanced over at the male next to her. Clinging onto his arm, she stuck her bottom lip out and tears swam in her eyes.

"Dean... You promised you wouldn't flirt with anyone anymore... Especially after our kids..." she lamented, a single tear running down her cheek. Dean was speechless, and the waitress quickly gathered their order and left. Satisfied, and covering the wounded heart, she smiled victoriously. He glared at her, turning slightly to her. Fluttering her eyelashes, she gazed innocently at him. "Yes, honey?" Sam could barely contain his laughter at the look of pure incredulity on his brother's face.

He shook his head, leaning back. "You know what this means, right?" he said, resting his arm on the seat behind her. She arched a silvery eyebrow in question. "War. You better what your back." He grinned, and Saphira couldn't help but smile back. He always had an adorable grin. The waitress brought their coffee back before hurrying off. Sipping the hot drink, Saphira looked out the window. In a weird way, things were like before. Losing herself in the moment, she lightly pressed her head against Dean's shoulder. He stiffened before slowly relaxing, drinking more than half of his coffee. Being around her was like a roller coaster ride, never knowing what was going to happen around the next bend. Sam drunk his coffee in silence, looking at all the information they gathered. The final decision was to head down to 9 Mile Road later tonight.

After their hot meal, they loaded up and headed down to the road. Fog was low to the ground, giving the whole thing an eerie feeling to it. Saphira made a face, wanting to get this over with. They parked, hopping out of the vehicle. Going around to the trunk, Dean propped it open with a saw-offed shot gun and fished through the weapons. Handing over another shotgun, he said, "Here you go." Sam looked at him like he was a moron.

"If it is a spirit, buckshot won't do much good." Saphira shook her head, grabbing the rounds out of Dean's hands. Taking the shot gun, she loaded it up and closed it with a snap. She handed it back to the younger Winchester with a smirk.

"Exactly. Which is why it's rock salt, a spirit deterrent. Slows them down," she clarified, snatching the rope from Dean's hands. He rolled his eyes, putting the trunk down. Sam looked impressed, a grin on his face.

They all started to walk towards the tree line, Saphira in the middle. Dean took the rope back with a huff, causing Saphira to stick her tongue out. "That's pretty good. You two think of this?" Before the conversation could continue, noises were heard among the bushes. As a reflex, Saphira stepped behind Dean. She was technically defenseless at the moment. Sam aimed the shotgun before an old sheriff stepped out with his own gun.

"Put the gun down now! NOW! Put your hands behind your head," he barked, keeping the gun aimed at them. Sam laid the gun down slowly, the three of them holding up their hands. Saphira's heart was pounding heavily in her chest. Facing spirits, vampires, demons... Nothing compared to a human holding a gun to your face. "Lay down. Come on, do it!" They dropped to their bellies, hands flat on the ground. Dean couldn't resist yelling out, "He had the gun!"

The next morning, the three walked out of the Calumet Sheriff's department. Saphira had her arms crossed, a grumpy look on her face. "Saved your ass! Talked the sheriff down to a fine. Dude, I am Matlock." He pulled at his jacket, a smirk on his handsome face. She rolled her eyes, choosing to keep quiet.

Sam shook his head, looking at him. "But how?" The older brother smirked, explaining that he was a dumb ass pledge, and it was a hazing. "What about the shotgun?"

Shrugging, he looked around. "I said that you were hunting ghosts and the spirits were repelled by rock salt. You know, typical Hell Week prank," he remarked, squinting a bit. They were headed towards the Impala before several sheriffs took off in their police cars. Saphira frowned, tugging on Dean's jacket.

"They are headed towards the sorority." Dean realized that she was right. The three of them piled into the Impala and took off. Driving past the sorority, Lori was in the back of an ambulance, shaking slightly. "Park on the next street." He did as she asked, parking out of sight. Saphira hurried out and towards the back of the sorority. Girls came out of the entrance, speaking in hushed tones. "It's a long way from 9 Mile." Behind the bushes, Dean laughed lightly.

"Dude, sorority girls! Think we'll see a naked pillow fight?" Saphira elbowed Dean in his chest, shooting him a look. "What? Isn't that how sorority girls act?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. Both of their attention was drawn to Sam climbing onto the balcony of the house. He helped his brother before looking at the woman. Her eyes looked at her surroundings before she backed up and took a running start. Her foot connected with the right side of the house and her hands grasped the top railing of the balcony. Lifting herself up, she followed Sam to the window. He slid in head first, where as she swung herself in feet first. Dean came in on top of her, knocking them to the ground. "Oh, sorry!"

"Be quiet!" Sam bit out, looking at the two. The two brothers did a little voice out as the older helped her up. Sam glanced out of the door, waiting for the sheriff to leave. The three entered, and Saphira gasped a little. "'Aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light?' That's right out of the legend." She ignored the writing and investigated all the entrances. There was no sulfur, but a strong smell of ozone permeated the air. "Does that look familiar to you?" Saphira glanced where he was pointing at, and it was a cross etched into the wall beneath the writing.

"It is. But come on. They're coming back up," she said, heading towards the window they came in at. A few minutes later, they were seated on the hood of the Impala, looking at the research papers. Sam had Jacob Karns's papers, and at the bottom held the exact same symbol as the room. "So it's the same symbol. We are hunting a spirit of a cliché Jack the Ripper."

Dean chuckled, shrugging. "Whoever it is, let's find the dude's grave, salt and burn the bones, and put him down." For some reason, the plan didn't rest the feeling inside of her. Shaking her head, she stood up. Pulling her jacket closer, she stood away from them.

"'After execution, Jacob Karns was laid to rest in an old North Cemetery. In an unmarked grave." The brothers gave similar annoyed looks, causing her to laugh. "What?"

Shaking her head once more, she walked back to them. "Sam, go keep an eye on Lori. Dean, we'll go find that grave, okay? It seems the spirit has latched onto the reverend. Karns was killed because he preached about and killed immorality, right?" Sam nodded, already gathering the connection. "So Lori's father preaches about immorality. He's the clue. Let's go." The three climbed into the Impala, dropping Sam off near Lori's. Saphira thought about everything, still trying to make sense of it. Why Lori?

The ride was silent, causing Dean to get uncomfortable. Luckily, they pulled up at Old North Cemetery as night started to fall. Getting out, both brought out flashlights. It took a few minutes to locate the grave, but the cross symbol gave them the right sign. She held out the shovel, sitting on the ground. "Get to digging." Dean rolled his eyes, tossing his jacket at her. She caught it, holding the flashlight on the grave.

He began to dig in silence, Saphira looking at the cross symbol. Old memories began to flicker across her vision as she stared, memories of all the murders flashing past. He looked at her, seeing the vacant look. "Hey, you okay?" he asked, shoveling out the dirt. She blinked, gazing at him absently.

She didn't realize she had accessed her powers until Dean's voice brought her back to the present. "No, I'm good. Just a little cold." To emphasize this, she pulled his jacket on. It smelled deeply of him, clearing her head. He nodded, finally hitting through the wooden floor of the grave.

Tossing the shovel out, he grinned. "Hello, preacher." Saphira tossed him the salt and lighter fluid as he crawled out of the grave. Taking them, he poured the items on the remain and lit a match. "Goodbye, preacher." The match ignited the lighter fluid, causing everything to take up into flames. Holding out his hand, Dean hoisted the woman on her feet. "That should do it."

She gathered their stuff, an idea coming to her. Looking at the perspiring male, she frowned. "Was there a hook in there?" Realization dawned upon him as he shook his head. "Let's go find Sam. He probably knows more." The couple hurried towards the Impala, Dean calling his brother. They arrived at the hospital near morning, and found Sam being interrogated. The sheriff let the two through. "Sam, we need to find the hook."

The younger brother nodded, crossing his arms. "So you burned the body, but not the hook?" Dean smacked the back of his head, glaring at him. "Ow. Then let's find the hook. Maybe the library will have some more information." Saphira walked away, ignoring their conversation. Her eyes were on the necklace around Lori's neck. There was an aura emanating from it. Pushing past Sam, she sat next to her.

Lori looked up, wiping her eyes. They were red rimmed from crying. Wrapping an arm around the younger woman, Saphira grasped her hand. "Lori, let's grab some coffee. The nurse will call if he wakes up, okay?" she coaxed her, eventually getting a nod. She led the distraught girl down to the cafeteria, getting two hot cups of coffee for the both of them. The girls took up a booth in the corner, away from prying ears.

Saphira waited patiently, sipping the hot liquid as Lori collected all of her thoughts. Then the emotions just poured out. She took it all in, holding the crying girl's hand. Lori thought all of this was her fault. Squeezing the shaking appendage, she shook her head. "Lori, it's not your fault. Tell me something... where did you get that necklace?" She could see the confusion in her eyes about the weird question. "Indulge me."

A hand traveled to the silver cross as she smiled a bit. "My father gave it to me... Why?" Pulling out her phone, Saphira sent a text to Sam's phone. 'Meet me at the church.' Standing up, she held out her hand.

"Lori, I know how to stop this man. And it's not your fault, sweetheart." She nodded, grabbing the pale woman's hand. She couldn't help but feel soothed by her words. The two traveled to the church on foot, night falling quickly. Saphira had a queasy feeling in her stomach. She could only hope that it works. The boys sotted them, walking forward. Opening the church doors, Saphira looked at Lori. "You have faith in the Lord. Something I've never had. I am a young mother of two, out of wedlock. My faith ran dry when I was only a child."

She got the desired reaction out of Lori. The younger woman backed up, eyes wide. "But why? Having children out of marriage... It's a sin! Even if you love someone, that-" A loud crash interrupted her, causing her to scream. Saphira tensed up, seeing the imposing figure in black. A silver hook hung from his right arm, glinting despite the lack of light. Two shots rang out, and the spirit vanished into a light mist. "What's happening?!"

Reacting fast, she yanked the necklace off of the hysterical girl's neck and tossed it over to Dean. "Burn it!" Saphira took off running as the spirit appeared once again. It blocked her path, swinging out the hook. Wincing as it caught her stomach, she changed her course. Dean rushed out to the Impala as Sam fumbled for more rock salt. The spirit caught him off guard, hook imbedding in his shoulder. He yelled out in pain. Lori screamed his name, huddling in the corner. Saphira lunged for the shot gun as the Hook Man ripped out the hook. With a scream, he started to melt before disappearing completely.

"Saphira, Sam, Lori!" Dean yelled, hurrying back inside. Saphira got up, going over to the younger Winchester. She placed a hand to the wound, feeling the depth of it. Dean ran over as Sam waved both of them off. The other girl came over with tears running down her cheeks. Saphira looked at Dean, giving him a nod. Shortly, the sheriff department was swarming the church. Sam and Lori were in the ambulance, getting looked over. The older woman was speaking with the police, repeating the story. The man with the hook attacked, they fought, and he ran off. She walked over to Dean, looking up at him. "You okay?" he asked, hands deep in his jacket pockets.

She nodded, gripping her upper arms. The recent hunt had thrilled her to her very core, and reminded her what kind of life she led. Closing her eyes, she sighed. "Dean… I want to come with you. Just for a little bit. Then I'll stay at home with the boys." She turned glittering sapphire orbs onto him, and the male felt his heart constrict a little. He wanted to say no, tell her to go home. But he didn't have the conviction. Nodding his head, he couldn't get the words out. Saphira smiled, leaning up and wrapping her arms around his neck. Pressing her lips to his cheek, she whispered, "Thank you." Hesitantly, he hugged her back.

The two stayed like that for a few moments before Sam cleared his throat. "Am I interrupting something?" Both jumped apart, cheeks bright red. Saphira hid in the Impala as th older brother glared at him. "What?" Shaking his head, the two climbed into the car and headed back to the hotel.

Sorry for the long wait, and the crappy ending. I haven't had time to work on writing while having a job. So…. enjoy and review even to say 'It sucks!' Be warned; you may not get a very polite reply.

Happy Halloween!