In the Buff

Prologue: Bribery and Blackmail!!!!

rated: PG

genre: First Season Romance

authoress: natia_99 ( dahlings! hint hint)

Author's Notes: Here's my next chapter divided fic minna, while I try to finish allll my other
ones, now that I'm done finals tra la la la la la! Hope ya like! I've been wanting to make
a fic out of this naughty little idea I had a while'll seeeeeee!

Disclaimer: It's me! *I'm* the long lost moon princess! Isn't that a relief? Now I can
rule the Universe....except, I need a Mamo-chan....hmmmmm....foiled again...darnit!


Andrew was putting the last of the dishes away when his long time friend walked into the arcade,
usual stroll and green jacket in place. He smiled.

Darien sat across from him at the counter,
"Hey Andrew, how's it going?"

Andrew sat a coffee down in front of him, "Not too bad, how are things with you?"

"Same as always."

"Say," Andrew began, trying to sound casual, but noticing Darien's eyes narrow suspiciously,
"Got any plans for the long weekend?"

"Noooo, why?"

"Well, a bunch of us guys were going to go camping, it's warm enough now--wanna come?"

"Camping?!" Darien said incredulously, "You know I hate camping!"

"You only went once! How can you say that?!"

"I've got one word for ya pal, BUGS!"

Andrew rolled his eyes, "You sound like Serena."


"She hates camping too. The girls were talking about going this weekend too, but they can't
convince her to go, apparently she hates bugs."

"That's the first intelligent thing I've heard come from the Meatballhead!" He exclaimed with
a chuckle. But the fact that Serena might be there had caught his attention.

"Who's all going?" He asked casually.

"Oh, Chad from Rei's temple, Ken, Greg...."

Just then the girls burst in, chattering, with Serena in tow, violently objecting to camping
of any kind...

"No WAY guys! You KNOW I hate camping! Absolutely NOT!"

"But we're all going Serena!" Objected Lita.

"Yeah, and it won't be the same without you!" Said Mina, hoping flattery would work.

"You're only going because you heard.*mufflemumblewhipser*...was going!" She hissed, careful to
muffle certain names as they were standing nearby.

"Even Ami's going Serena!" Said an exasperated Rei.

Ami looked up from her book, "Yes, I think the lake will be an excellent place to study."
She smiled....then flushed, "And er, I'd like to go swimming too." She added quickly.

Mina laughed, "C'mon Serena! I promise it'll be fun! It's early enough, the bugs won't be
so bad!"

Serena's eyes widened, "Mina! Don't you REMEMBER last time we went???!!! There were
mosquitos EVERYWHERE!!!!!"

Darien stifled a chuckle.

"Looks like you and Darien finally agree on something!" Andrew piped up over the raucous.

Everyone stopped and turned to stare at them.

Serena's eyes narrowed challengingly, "Oh? And what might THAT be?"

Andrew laughed, "Darien hates camping too. He hates bugs."

The two enemies regarded one another oddly for a moment, stunned silent by this strange
point of agreement.

Then they shrugged and the battle began again.

"Disliking bugs might be the ONLY smart thing I've heard from you Meatball head!"

"Oh really? Well then I'm one up on you. I've NEVER heard ANYTHING smart come out of YOUR
mouth jerk!"

He just laughed in response, a deeply amused, half-indulgent laugh that made her want to slap
him silly.

Everyone sighed, rolled their eyes and ofcourse, sweatdropped, collectively.

The girls pushed Serena into a booth and bribed her with several fudge sundaes until she agreed,
reluctantly, to go.

Darien however, required a much heavier hand. The boys came and went, trying everything to
convince him, but to no avail--even if he WAS interested in the Meatball head going--but Andrew
had one last card to play.

"You WILL come with us." He said confidentally to Darien.

Darien rolled his eyes, "And WHY pray tell, might that be?"

"Because I know a little secret you might not what getting out."

"Like what?" (still confident)

Andrew leaned across the counter and gently picked up Darien's wallet, "Oh, about the *little*
picture of one Serena Tsukino that mysteriously found it's way into your wallet..."
He said and began to pull it out to prove his point.

Darien went to snatch the wallet up but Andrew was faster.

"Andrew! You wouldn't!"
Darien felt panic seize him. Andrew would never know what he went through just to GET that
picture! And what if he told...what if he told...Serena...??! He paled.

"Alright, alright, I'll go." He hissed angrily.

Andrew smiled sweetly, "I knew you'd come to see it my way. I promise you'll have a great time."

Darien sighed. ~Yeah right.~
But if the Meatball head was going, at least he could have fun teasing her.
Funny that she didn't like bugs either.....he'd really thought they were complete opposites.

He began to mentally prepare a camp list:
~Bug spray, sun block, swim shorts, bug spray, sleeping bag, marshmellows, bug spray....hmmm
what else....?~

"Don't forget BUG SPRAY!" Andrew teased, watching Darien scribble things down on a napkin.

"Har har." Darien replied darkly, "....blackmailer..." he muttered under his breath.

Andrew just laughed.
