hey guys some more percussion terms for yea! if i sound like im talking in then i'm talking about music and rhythms for example: a paradiddle is a 16th note with a sticking of Right;left;right;right or left;right;left;left. a diddle is like 2 notes that go really fast and sounds like a roll. a flam is just one stick hitting the drum right before the other one does creating a bigger sound. they get more complicated like a paradiddlediddle or a paraparadiddle (those are spell correctly) sorry about the long wait. it was the 4th then my brother's birthday then my birthday then the dentists then band physicals...so yeah but i'll be making it up tonight/morning. i don't own the hunger games' characters or concepts...

_Katniss' story_

I still remember the day when I had to grow up too soon for my family's sake. My mom came home from work with a letter in her hand. She opened it looking concerned then crumpled to the grown. I panicked. I pried the letter from her grip and read it out loud to Prim. It said tat my dad's troop was never found and deemed dead. I too was heart broken but some one had to be strong and be Prim's anchor. That night we ate in silence, well Prim and I did. My mom locked herself in her room doing god knows what. Not wanting to be alone; Prim slept with me. Once I was sure she was asleep I let my emotions out and silently cried myself to sleep.

The next day mom was gone. She left because "she couldn't handle the stress".

Money was growing tight. I took a part time job at a diner and a bar. We sold the house and moved into the apartment complex right near Cato and Finnick.

While waitressing at the bar they call The Hob, I've seen and experienced terrible things. Drunks paw at me, trip me, or hurt me. Then I met Haymitch, he was Abernathy during the day at school and just Haymitch at the bar at night. He protected me and made sure there was no more groping from the men.

Drum line is my second chance of being a child. We play tag and throw water balloons at each other or play with water guns. It may sound immature but it's great to bond with. Those guys are my family. The creepy uncles are Marvel and Cato. The insane cousins are clove and Johanna. And the stranger who likes to call himself "papa" is Finnick. Thresh and Gale and Peeta are just brothers. Incredible stupid siblings but, what else could you ask from a bass drummer?

Prim and Quinn are best friends which I'm so happy for because if I need a nap or have a late competition or football game the girls can keep themselves busy. Under the care of Cato's mom, of coarse. I'm not about to leave two beautiful, popular high school girls unintended!

They guys take real good care of me. If there was a guy looking to "get with me" then they would tear them a new one. Not that I have any time to date or is interested. They do the same things for the rest of the girls. I wasn't kidding when I said they're family.

We're competitive like hell. It's either a race or rock, paper, scissors or just betting on random things. we always try to win.

The truth is I would never be the person I am without my drumline.

like it?no? tell me what you think and reveiw please! and be a fan! i like those alot!

bro fists for reviews or favorites,
