So after 2 years of reading only other people's stories, I've taken a risk and wrote my first fanfic. If worthy enough of reading I will continue posting the next chapter. M rated later on in the story. Severus Snape x Hermoine Granger.

ABSOLUTE AMATEUR OVER HERE. There may be mistakes but there is no need to be hurtful! :D

Chapter 1

Hermione was so engrossed in her book she didn't even notice Draco enter the room.

'Dear, I'm home.' Draco smirked as he leaned in to kiss Hermione's cheek. She ducked and pushed him away. 'But honey,'

'Don't honey me, I can smell Sarah's cheap perfume from a mile away.'

Since they were both prefects and were forced to share a living quarters they had become some sort of friends, but only in secret. Not Ginny, Harry or Ron and Draco's slimy friends knew of their little understanding, even the prefects of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw didn't know.

'Mmmm ah yes! Sarah, that girl sure has skills.' He smirked as he dropped on the couch in their shared common room.

'That's just nasty Draco! The poor girl and you, that's just unnatural.' She closed her book as she knew she wouldn't be able to concentrate now.

'I can assure you, Granger, what we just did was nothing but natural! We went at it like animals!' Draco couldn't stop laughing as he saw Hermione's facial expression. As she had found out that when Draco would really laugh she just got infected with laughter. 'Draco!' She giggled.

'Draco!' A voice roared through the room and they both stopped laughing.

There stood nobody other than Lucius Malfoy. Both their faces were stricken with fear.

'Father,' Draco quickly stood and stepped up to his father. 'What are you doing here?'

'I was,' Lucius eyed Hermione with a nauseated look. 'Visiting, my only son, to find him with a damn mudblood!' Lucius roughly grabbed a hold of Draco's face.

'Father, I can assure you, we were doing nothing but being forced to share quarters.'

Lucius dangerously eyes his son's face up and down that was now merely inches away from his own.

'Father,' Draco tried.

'Please, spare me your pathetic excuses. I shall call upon your godfather this instant.'

'Father, please!' Draco tried again.

'Linda!' Lucius Malfoy roared once again. Out of thin air, a very large house elf appeared. 'You called Linda, master?' She made out in a high screeched voice.

'Get me Severus now!' With that the elf disappeared. Then Lucius turned to Hermione.

'Ah Granger, aren't you at least in the top 5 of my favorite mud bloods. You've sure grown up since I last saw you. I sure can see what Draco likes about you.'

Lucius hungrily eyed Hermione up and down but his eyes got stuck on her chest. Hermoine quickly felt disgust run through her. 'Draco wishes, you wish!' was the only thing Hermoine could make out and grabbed her wand to point right in Lucius' face as Lucius stepped closer.

Lucius laughed. 'I sure do.'

Right then Severus Snape flooed in and took in the scenario. 'Lucius. Draco.'

Then his eyes caught Hermoine's. 'Miss Granger?'

Panic was running through her veins and she couldn't think straight. She had to make a decision, stand alone or stand with Snape.

She ran as quickly as she could towards Snape and felt great relief as he caught her. She buried her face in his surprisingly rock hard chest and circled his waist with her arms.

'I see you like your men dark, Miss Granger,' Lucius laughed.

Draco recognized his chance. 'Yes father, Severus is probably shagging the mudblood!'

'Lucius shut your son this instant!' Snape demanded.

Lucius was intrigued with the great opportunity that had presented itself before him. Now his son was of no use for him. Lucius let him go and threw him against the wall on the other side of the room.

'Severus, are you calling my son a liar?' Lucius dangerously held his wand up to his face.

Snape gently pushed Hermoine to stand behind him. 'Lucius, we both know how your son is.'

'Ah yes, Severus. How could I be so silly!' Lucius and Severus shared a friendly look.

But Lucius knew that Snape would go to the extreme for his godson. Now to see how far, the extreme is.

'Then I have no choice but to punish the liar.' Lucius turned on Draco.

Draco had already put his arms in front of his face when Snape quickly called for Lucius to stop. Both Draco and Hermoine looked up in surprise, Lucius just smirked. 'Really, Severus?'

Snape didn't dare to make any eye-contact with neither Draco nor Hermoine.

'I've been seducing Miss Granger for weeks now.' Snape started. 'You know mudbloods, Lucius, and Gryffindor at that. I've requested Draco totalk her nonchalantly into her older but very sexy potions professor.' Snape smirked at Lucius.

It was the same smirk Lucius wore on his awful face when he had eyed her up and down.

She knew Snape was a very good spy, it just scared her how good he was.

Feeling the braveness that Gryffindors were supposed to posses, she winked at Draco.

Draco just looked terrified. She tried to think of the most horrible things. Quickly her eyes began to water. She summoned all her strength and pushed Snape from the back. As Snape hardly stumbled, he quickly found his balance again en whipped his head around. Just as he was about to yell at her, she cried and screamed. 'You just played me! All those sweet whispers and longing touches… they meant nothing.' She clutched her sweater around the neckline as if she was having difficulty breathing. She was glad that she could get a little revenge on him by suggesting he was a big softy underneath but she had to finish big. She definitely wasn't an actrice. 'You were going to be my first,' she sobbed.

As she violently was trying to wipe her tears from her face, she ran to her room and threw the door as hard as she could.

All three men just stood there confused as hell. Both Lucius and Severus recovered quickly, only Draco still sat there as if Glenda the Good Witch herself had just crusioed his new born puppy. Snape cleared his throat. 'Draco, go see if she hasn't killed herself yet.'

'Yes, sir,' Draco stumbled back on his feet and ran to Hermoine's room.

'Lucius, if you would follow me to my own quarters, I don't think we're still welcome here.'

Lucius chuckled. 'Lead the way, my friend.'

As Severus flooed to his own quarters followed by Lucius, he couldn't help but to think about what the hell just happened.

'So, sweet whispers and longing touches…' Lucius questioned as he and Severus sat down in the big black leather arm chairs right in front of his fire place.

Damn girl, he thought. 'The girl is a hopeless romantic.' Snape shrugged.

'First I thought I could play you and the girl to get on the Dark Lord's good side again, but then you tell me it's true. I thought you've softened but you sure surprised me. I salute you my friend!' Lucius smirked. 'Wait until the Dark Lord sees the girl, still a virgin too. You'll be his favorite again.'

Severus sighed. 'No Lucius, we'll figure something out. Narcissa would kill me if I didn't. You and Draco will stay his favorites.'

'You're a good friend, Severus.' Lucius stood.

'I wish I could the same about you, Lucius.' Severus made out as Lucius disappeared into the green flames. Severus could hear Lucius laugh.

'Severus! She won't talk to me.' Draco was still standing outside Hermoine's room as Severus flooed in.

'Can you step back, please.' Severus made out coldly without looking at the boy.

'Are you mad?' And like that the seventeen year old boy turned back in to seven year old Severus once knew. He couldn't go soft on the boy now, he had endangered the girl. Who he was bound to protect also. He stepped close to Draco and forced himself to keep calm.

'Malfoy, what you did was very, very dumb. Do you know in how much danger you just brought your little friend in?'

Draco couldn't look Snape in the eyes. 'I'm sorry.'

'What was that?' He hissed. 'Leave my sight and go to your room.'

Draco quickly made his way to his room and Severus waited for his door to close before he knocked on the girl's door. 'Miss Granger, if you would open the door.'

He waited for five long minutes but a curious Hermoine soon peaked out to see if he'd be there still. 'Professor,' she quickly made out.

Severus didn't care and pushed past her for some privacy. 'I'd expected a less, juvenile, attitude. Besides that, we have some business to discuss. I must admit, Miss Granger, which must have taken a lot of courage.' Severus quietly took in her room, it was all in a calming blue with all kinds of flags and other little things of Gryffindor.

'Very stupid, but courageous none the less.' Severus silkily said.

Hermoine sat down on her bed and eyed him carefully. Severus could say what he came to say or he could play with the girl a bit. He decided to play with it, he smirked.