Hey people this is a story based off the Vocaloid song Wide Knowledge of The Late, Madness. But with Soul Eater characters. The song is a tad bit morbid and if you have a weak stomach I don't recommend looking this up. In case you don't pick up on it, Maka is Patient 09 or "Number Nine" Soul is 00, Kid is 08, and Black*Star is 01. Sadly I don't own the vocaloids, their song, or any of Soul Eater either ); Oh well, Enjoy!


"Number Nine, come on it's lunch time." One of the lab coat grunts opened my secured door and waltzed inside; slipping me out of my straight jacket and grabbing my wrists, not waiting for any response from me. He knew I wouldn't talk; I never did. He then ushered me out and down the hallways; the pristine pure white hallways with the swinging fluorescent lights on the ceiling. No matter how familiar the sight was it was still an eyesore. When I made it to the cafeteria I went through the line silently and grabbed my food, nodding at a plump lunch lady and going to sit at a white table.

I'd been here for several years; ever since the incident in second grade. I remember that day very well; the crimson liquid coating my body and my surroundings, their cold, lifeless bodies lay scattered across the multi-colored carpet. At the time I was too young to be sent to prison so I was submitted to the nearest mental institution. I'd been whisked away in the back of a white medical van with two burly men watching me keenly from the other side of the vehicle. The men talked about me as though I hadn't even been there. When one of them had caught my ferocious glare he became nervous.

"Hey," He'd said to his partner as the car trundled along. "You don't think she can understand what were saying do ya?" The other man scoffed.

"Naw man, she's some psycho bitch, probably got shit for brains." That was when it happened for the first time. I could communicate with my mind. You know if it weren't for this straight jacket I would tear you apart for that comment. I'd enjoy your screams as your filthy blood stained my skin. Just because I made a rash decision doesn't mean I'm stupid. The man froze in utter terror as I filled his head with the words I wouldn't say. What the man had said was a lot like what the boy in class had said to set me off; I'd been solving a math problem up at the board and some kid had called me a nerd for doing it so enthusiastically. I'd started to tear up at his statement then he continued to mock me for that as well. Soon the whole class had joined in with his jeers. The teacher just sat at her neat little desk and did nothing.

I couldn't stand it anymore so I took my teacher's letter opener from her nearby desk and charged forward. I started with the boy and then went through the rest of them. I sat in the middle of the massacre for over an hour before a teacher walked in and discovered what I'd done.

I glowered at the off white table in remembrance; I hadn't spoken a word since that day. At first it was because of fear, fear of being mocked for whatever I'd say. But after awhile I forgot how to speak altogether. I could conjugate words in my head just fine but I could never turn them into verbal statements. With a frown I poked my mush with my metal fork. The doors to the cafeteria swung open and another inmate walked into the room. Normally I couldn't care less about the other people here but there was something intriguing about this one.

I'd never seen him around here before and that was odd right off the bat; I'd been in this white hell hole for seven whole years so there weren't a lot of people here I didn't know. Maybe he was new? But what was even odder about him was that there was a muzzle on his head, keeping his jaw firmly closed. His red eyes shone brightly against his pale skin and his silky white hair lay flattened underneath the leather straps of the muzzle. He saw me looking his way and his lips curled up in a snarl, displaying razor like teeth. When he was out of my line of sight I turned back to my food and picked at it some more. But I couldn't take my mind off the boy with the muzzle.

I glanced over at his back as he received his tray of food; the dark numbers 00 were emblazoned on his loose white shirt. At least now I knew his name; everyone here was referred to as their number, it made it easier on the officials instead of having to remember the names of all those patients. My number was 09. There was a boy with spiky blue hair a stumbled around screaming about becoming a god, his name was 01. Then there was another who had three white stripes set against his jet black hair, he was always re arranging the furniture of rooms so it'd be symmetrical, his number was 08. That was just to name a few.

"Number Nine, times up." I felt my escort grab my wrists again and begin to lead me back to my room. I felt a pair of eyes trained on me and I turned to see 00 staring at me intensely; my green eyes locked with his carnal ruby ones, His stared back at me with strange curiosity. But my vision was abruptly cut off by the swinging doors.

(wibbly wobbly timey wimey skip ;3)

It was 4:30 and like clockwork activity time began. I sat against on of the walls with my familiar straight jacket snugly conforming around my slight frame. I gazed dully at the other inmates as they fit legos together or colored blindly on blank sheets of paper. Suddenly a glint of ruby caught my eye; across the room sat 00, giving me the same intense gaze as before. I got up gracefully, after years of getting up without the aid of arms I'd perfected the art, and padded across the cold linoleum to where he was sitting; straight jacket conforming around his lanky frame and his muzzle secured around his head. He must've done something pretty bad, only the most intense patients got the straight jacket, like me. And to top it all off he had his muzzle. As I plopped down next to him I wondered what he had done to get his restraints. I stared over expecting some type of greeting, he said nothing. He kept his jaw clenched shut as the straps of his muzzle dug into his pale face.

I frowned and fully turned to face him, giving him an inquisitive look. He gave me a side glance; one of his silver eyebrows was quirked upward. I gave him a small smile, trying to be friendly no matter how fake the gesture was. I never had friends and I'd forgotten what true happiness and compassion really were. But that didn't mean I couldn't try for this boy. Hi, I thought kindly. You're 00 right? At first he was shocked with what had just happened but then he nodded sullenly. Why so glum? Still no response. Why won't you respond? He just shook his head. Do you not want to? I thought sadly. To this he shook his head fervently. After a short silence he moved his jaw around and shook his head while shrugging. You don't know how to talk? He nodded, I went slack jawed. How could he not know how to talk? I was about to ask more about him when I felt hands grasp my shoulders.

"Nine," My usual guard said in monotone. "Time to go." My eyes widened and I looked over at Soul, he looked at me sadly as I was lifted off the ground and dragged away.

(POV Narrator)

00 sat there dejectedly; this 09 girl was the first person he'd had a conversation with since before he came here. He remembered the last conversation, if you could call it that, he'd had was with his father. He was an itty bitty toddler and he loved to bite whatever he could with his sharp teeth. His father was a very important business man and Soul had gotten a hold of some of his files which the little albino promptly shredded. Furious, 00's father had beaten him senseless for the act. He remembered the words his father uttered afterward as clear as if they were being said to him right there; "You are such a worthless brat, get out of my sight."

His father's back was turned, not caring at all for his battered, crying son. The next couple moments were a blur; he remembered teeth tearing through flesh and bone, blood splashing all over his face and down his throat that was dry from his earlier screaming. And he remembered himself sitting innocently in a pool of blood; his father's corpse, although there wasn't much left of it, laying sprawled before him. That's when one of their maids had entered to find out what all the commotion was. Soul had turned to her and grinned happily as though nothing was wrong. His lips were dyed red from the blood and little bits of flesh and bone were stuck in between his jagged teeth.

Even though 00 had just met her he longed for more conversations with her, the only person in who had remotely tried to care for him in his 13 years of being here. There was hurt in his eyes as 09 was dragged off and all he could was sit there trapped by the confining jacket.

(POV Maka)

He looked so broken at my departure, as though he'd been physically wounded, my heart felt like it was breaking my heart. 01 could you make a huge distraction for me? Something big that could get all the wardens in here to come running? 01 heard the familiar voice in his head and grinned over at her, giving her a huge thumbs up. Suddenly the blue haired patient jumped on top of the table along with his chair and began screaming and swinging around the plastic seat like a monkey. As predicted all the wardens went running to stop 01; even mine. In the commotion I ran towards 00 and urged him up as quickly as possible. We dashed for our lives down a deserted corridor until we found an abandoned janitors closet. (A/N: They shoulder slammed the door till it opened ok? Straight jackets are so difficult to work with =_=") That was close, I thought to him as we caught our breath. Once I sat down on the tiled floor and I heard him sit close by I asked, So can you try and tell me more about yourself?

Phew! Done, I swear the plot will pick up in the next chapter. Hope it was ok..

