Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach.

AN: This Chapter:

The beginning "song" is just some of my random poetry put to what would be the intro to a dark melodic metal tune in my head- hope someone can hear it…

Rukia is angst-ridden- no doubt a part of her captor's plans?

The connection is finally revealed.

Thanatos waxes philosophic as all villains are wont to do.

A small group finds themselves in the Carpathians with blurry purpose and only one possible clue.

It's lacking action (booo), but I should think there will be some clashes next chapter (seriously, I'm craving a little hack and slash).

Thank you reviewers: olivine, Sakura-bell5788, and royale26- you're all too clever and seem to have a grasp on some of the hinted secrets yet to be revealed! Naturally followers and favoriters- you have my gratitude as well! Enjoy!


Chapter 21: Intertwined

Suffer my gaze

I know it's heavy but…

Don't look away

Not while you bury me

Face down in the dirt

This grave is our bed

So kiss me here one last time and I'll rest… rest

Til I'm dust!

Til I'm dust…

The voice stole into her mind as she slept. It was so familiar- so memorable and now it dug even deeper into her reserves of emotion.

Her eyes opened slowly, tendrils of melody floating lazily in her mind- her thoughts led by the wavering images it inspired.

Once again her body ached, but she could only blame her tension- her shock and the rush of sentiment all the revelations caused.

The sheets blurred in her vision as she gazed past their coolness against her cheek to the light of the brazier in the corner. The burning embers, red and gold, ochre, ebbing to black seemed to induce indulgence- frivolous ideas spurring to life.

Would she ever love so desperately- so viciously that she could only see the tragedy of what could never be?


She unconsciously smoothed her fingers over her lower lip in a slow rhythm.

Would she think of him bitterly in longing- watching as he lived out his mortal life from afar? Rukia whimpered softly as a physical stitch of pain bloomed in her chest.

How could she let him go again? Once all was said and done and he had saved the day- as he would- as he always did- how could she fathom setting him free once more? Her faith in him was boundless- to an extent. He'd save her, yes- but she could not put her faith in what might be only unrequited. He'd come for her- stride in with confidence equal to that of her captor and boldly reach for her hand…

Rukia bit down hard on her lip as another sharp stab made her writhe.

It made her heart soar whenever he reached for her- but it also made her feel so far away- much too far to take his hand- to gamble on her feelings.

This trail of melancholy thought was so unlike her, yet she'd plunged into sleep like the true dead- craving the rest only to have awoken with Amarys' sad songs in her head…

Oh Amarys… Your mortal life is out of reach… I'm sorry. I didn't get a mortal life- is that why now- I wonder… A mortal life…

Her thoughts circled dizzyingly- randomly.

It was rumored that Amarys had an ongoing affair with the bassist Radu, who was married to a boutique owner name Chika. Chika, a model-esque beauty, was from the bassist's home town and had loved him since childhood- or so it was told. It was easy to see how the press demonized the singer as an interloper. At the height of this scandal, however, Amarys had given a statement:

"Believe what you want. You can't peer into anyone's heart no matter how close you come. Words are worthless- and emotion is lost on vultures who crave nothing but the aftermath of a kill. There's no murder here- and no theft. I don't take nor claim things that aren't mine. Get on with it- will you? Love me- hate me- you won't catch me crying."

This seemed to calm the storm of outrage and the flurry of oppressive media hounding the band. And as for the fans they rallied behind the singer- loved her even more for her unrepentant stance.

A small smile made its way to Rukia's lips. "You neither confirmed nor denied Amarys… Is it really okay to live in such limbo?" She whispered into the dim.

I wish I knew you better- especially since-

She closed her eyes- they were heavy- weary and her whole body seemed to melt into the bed beneath her as she allowed her anxiety to filter away. It was okay to let sleep claim her for now- she told herself. If she didn't she might be swallowed whole by all the knowledge imparted to her.


A few hours before:

"Little One," Green eyes gleamed, a thoughtful mien to the handsome face, "What do you know of your death? And what pray tell do you know of my pursuits?"

A coldness settled into Rukia's bones, a wave of fear and discomfort cloaking her at his inquiries. She swallowed, the dryness of her throat making the action painful.

"I- was- just a baby when I arrived in the Soul Society…" She murmured after a time. There was no gain without some form of give on her end. She resigned herself to following his lead- playing his game for the sake of her own need to know. "And you…" Her own eyes hardened, beautiful Prussian blue dazzling in the torchlight. "You're a war god- your purpose is self-explanatory isn't it? Slaughter without remorse- destruction without consequence?"

An unsettling grin was her answer, "You're so like her… You speak without fear… Though once upon a time her voice was soft- innocent- not hardened by reality and its many disappointments."

"Amarys sees things for what they are." Rukia lifted her chin.

"Oh yes- in that jaded, bitter mortal way… In that melodramatic darkness that settles into the bones of youth of this newest generation." He smirked, clasping his hands behind his back.

Rukia's eyes narrowed further, "Mortals aren't so eager to be led anymore. Your ideals faded long ago."

He laughed and it echoed in the cavern-like room as he shook his head, spreading his hands, "Have you not lingered in the mortal plane? Have you not seen the craving for leadership- they are sheep begging for a shepherd- a dogma to follow! A cult- if you will- is so easily formed it borders on the ridiculous! See how these mortals fall prey to technology- to only what their eyes and ears take in without a filter!"

The god had drawn close again looming in that predatory way that made her aware of how capable he was of grabbing her and breaking her in his hands. There was no denying his presence- the sense that he was a devil clothed in flesh.

She admittedly wavered, a shiver passing over her that she couldn't hide and his jade eyes noted it with obvious glee.

He smiled bemused, cocking his head slightly, "But we're getting off track- are we not? What I want to share with you is not my personal aspirations- but the history that links us…"

Rukia forced her body to a relaxed pose, leaning a bit towards the bed as she let her grip ease on the bed's post. With a deep breath in she adopted a look of bored indulgence, "What links us… You and I and Amarys… She is the priestess isn't she- her reincarnation?"

His eyes had shifted upwards again- gazing into memory or perhaps a portal she herself couldn't see. "She is indeed… But if not for your death, my beautiful little shinigami… It would not be her I sought- but the child of your daughter's daughter… Did you never wonder what would have become of you had you not passed on at such a young age?"

Blindsided Rukia felt gravity snatch at her- her hand slipped, and she lost her balance only to clutch at the bed again. She barely kept herself upright, her breath heaving out of her as she supported herself, back against the foot railings. Her hands behind her, grasping tightly to the wood, were shaking and her stare was full of undisguised anxiety now.

"What- what the hell? What… are you saying?" Her voice was strained, high and uncontrolled.

The smile had faded, swiftly, sinister darkness the only thing left on his countenance. Thanatos seemed to gaze through her now, disappointment rolling off him in heavy waves.

"Listen carefully, Pet… I knew when I saw you- the pull was… It was you. It was you that was meant for the wayward soul of my priestess. My priestess- a pure, chaste woman born to a mortal mother- the seed of a divine god- my father. My little sister- the one that ended up denying me her heart and betraying me by conspiring against me with those self-righteous fools! You would have housed her soul- until such time as you passed on- naturally at ripe old age and that soul fled to another- to a female born of your line. But because life is unpredictable even to one such as I- your life was snatched away- and while one of your blood still inherited the power- it was twisted…" The venom in his voice was nothing compared to the fury of his grip.

Mesmerized by his words, Rukia had barely noted his approach- and now it was too late to run.

She was captured by the eyes that had grown poisonous and nearly as dark as coal. He held her chin in a crushing grip- she couldn't look away even if that had been her intention.

"Another branch of your family took on the power meant for your direct descendants… A line of witches- charlatans- gypsies from the Russian side of your blood- your mother's half-sister. They were already sensitive to the dead- to the spirit world- thus was that soul corrupted… Yes- she'd be more sympathetic to my plight- but the purity I so loved- that would balance me and raise me to new heights- that was banished over the generations… Yet even now I can't help but adore her- and the vicious side that now has hold- how lovely…" His sights were far from her, his voice a hiss of rippling power.

A helpless groan escaped Rukia's throat, her spine bowing back as he tilted her chin, forcing her to stand on tiptoe to ease the strain.

Still she managed to argue, and her small hands now clawed into his forearm, "But- she's not! She's not vicious!"

The man looked down at her now and his fingers grew gentle an almost tender look on his face, "You know that, do you? You defend her- she is your distant cousin after all. But compared to you- she is just a sinner. Compared to your virtue she is utterly tainted. Which is why I need you… It's clear in this moment… I need her heart as I need yours… Once I strip her of her soul- you will be the perfect vessel."

Rukia sucked in a sharp breath despite herself as she was overwhelmed- buried under images that had cluttered her dreams and new pieces falling into the puzzle.

"You must die for all of us to live."

"Your sacrifice will mean life to us all."

"His power is your power. His hands will be bound once you've given yourself over to your destiny."

"It is you. You are the only one that can banish the evil that has consumed this world."

"Cleanse us. Restore us. Call the strength back to our hands."

The cave. The frozen waters. The altar.

"Yes! Be the instrument of our salvation!"

"Bring us our vengeance and thus restore the balance!"

"The light will come! You must believe it in your heart!"

"Banish this era of darkness! Save what is left of what we have created!"

"Send the mongrel back to the dark fires- thrust him back into hell!"

The sirens' song. The jackal-headed god. The dagger.

Rukia dropped to the floor, released from Thanatos careless hands. Each breath seared in her chest, her lungs craving air that she couldn't seem to draw.

There were helpless tears in her eyes now as she slowly drew her gaze upward to lock eyes with the villain standing over her.

Her voice quavered, "She died- to protect the world from you. She was killed to keep whatever power she had from your hands… And somehow… this destroyed you?"

The torchlight played across Thanatos face morphing his features into those of men and women haunted by their own horrors. Calculating eyes met her own without remorse, "So it would seem… Yet here I am… Ready to become what I was meant to be. This time, her sacrifice will work in my favor… Tell me… have you a taste for heart's blood?"

"'So free my soul of this empty tragedy- a dead love not meant for me.'" Rukia murmured the words into the blankets, fingers now desperately clinging to their softness.

The fear was palpable.

Ichigo… You fool… You're coming, aren't you?

"Kurosaki!" Uryu called for the third time, eying the other young man with burgeoning irritation.

The squeezing sensation of pain that had captured his heart faded and Ichigo blinked, looking up from beneath the fur-trimmed hood of his jacket.

Eyes of blue-steel accessed the shinigami beneath a white hood that hung low over Uryu's face, nearly obscuring the intense gaze. He sighed as he watched the other young man's face grow guarded, ignoring how the vapor turned ghostly white as it filtered away into the crisp mountain air. The Quincy chose to overlook the concern dwelling just below his impatience with his classmate. Turning his head he settled his sights on his other source of frustration and noted the distinctly frustrated expression on the singer's face.

Seemingly ignorant of the bite to the morning air, Amarys scanned the mountain side, hands wrapped in either side of the hood she had pushed back from her head.

Suddenly her face whipped in his direction and she stated frankly, "This was a send-off."

It wasn't as though he hadn't had the same inkling himself, but the young white-cloaked man could think of nothing helpful to say so he simply remained silent under her snapping gaze.

She huffed, but looked away chewing her lip thoughtfully, her arms now folded below her chest. Uryu was instantly reminded of Kuchiki-san and he cast a glance at his friend to see if he too saw the resemblance. But the shinigami-daiko's eyes were distant.

"It's because of me." Ichigo said, and one could hear the creak of his leather gloves as his fists tensed at his sides.

"I should have known he wouldn't send us to the most likely spot!" He uttered through gritted teeth, eyes boring through the snow at his feet.

A frown pursed the singer's lips and she locked eyes with Uryu who reflected her unease.

To their right the sound of snow crunching beneath heavy boots kept them from commenting and soon Chad's large form rose into view as he treaded up the hill.

His breath clouded before him as he drew to a halt a few steps from them. He too wore a furred hood and one could barely make out his face what with the dark waves of his hair falling over his eyes and the way the fabric hugged tight to his chiseled cheeks. Thumb pointing over his shoulder he rumbled, "There's a cave back that way. Something you should see…"

Uryu nodded, but darted a meaningful look Kurosaki's way, "We should take a look."

"Mm." Chad urged.

A quarter of a mile from where the four had gathered, obscured by a forest of firs, was indeed a rocky opening to what was a cave. It was hard to note due to the overhang of rock shadowing the entrance, but as they drew close they noted visible air forming around the cave's mouth.

"It must be warmer inside… Perhaps a hot spring lies deeper within?" Uryu adjusted his glasses.

"I'm all for a heated bath, but there's supposedly a dormant volcano in this region…" Amarys commented.

Ichigo scoffed then, eyes narrowing as he muttered, "Damn mad genius. Said it wrong to throw me off- Saturn he says."

Casting a side glance at the sullen young man, Uryu offered hastily, "A mud volcano- tame really... Any activity is usually prompted by earthquakes… Ugh… Starun is known for its salt deposit as well as oil and is part of Bogorodchany Oblast…" As he trailed off, the perhaps unnecessary trivia left all silent.

Finally Ichigo plodded forward, again his voice low enough to be considered grumbling, "Whatever. Let's have that look so we can head to somewhere of actual import."

Uryu was about to follow when he hesitated and turned back toward Amarys, keeping his face carefully blank as he suggested, "Perhaps you should stay here. If-,"

However the thoroughly unamused look on the woman's face gave him pause as she waved her hands at him, "Okay- you don't have to give me the speech. You're the cavalry, I'm a civilian. I got it. But I think it's safe to assume that my kind of voodoo, just might come in handy…"

The Quincy couldn't quite mask his frown. He knew that Death Diviners if schooled could not only see a future death, but might conjure an image of a past incident. But Amarys herself had admitted to being untrained… He doubted this observation would be appreciated. He had already objected to her presence, but Urahara had insisted that 'the piece of the puzzle could not simply hole up in the Seireitei'. While Uryu had been skeptical about the former captain's reasoning- which seemed lacking- he'd let the issue rest.

Finally he said, "I appreciate your willingness to help-,"

She snorted.

Undeterred Uryu continued, "But it's simply not practical to lead you into what could possibly be a dangerous situation… Still… Would it be acceptable to call on you if necessary?"

The woman glared, that stubborn look crossing her features again seemed instantly familiar. Finally, she rolled her eyes, shrugged, and strode toward the cave only to seat herself on a snow-less rock outside.

Taking a relieved breath the young man nodded to himself and headed toward the dark opening as well.

Ichigo had ducked inside already and Chad stood stooped beneath the overhang, one hand on the rock above, seemingly wavering on indecision. He caught the Quincy's eye and understanding quickly passed between them.

Chad would stay at the mouth, just inside, positioned so that he could gaze into the gloom and also be in sight of their charge.

A flashlight in hand (being the ever prepared young man that he was), Uryu scanned the interior of the cave for a time. He almost immediately noted the niches in the walls, presumably chiseled to accommodate torches.

His eyes narrowed. This place obviously had a purpose, but he wasn't inclined to believe it was exploratory in nature. He wondered about salt deposits, but quickly dismissed the idea as there was no scent that might indicate the rock might hold any wealth of it. He strode forward, noting that he could faintly hear the footsteps of Kurosaki ahead of him.

The cavern seemed spacious, the ceiling far above, looming unseen. The floor seemed well-worn, the rock had been tread for years which made the going easy even as it inclined.

As he ventured further it was obvious why Chad had been insistent about giving the cave a look as the ominous air filtered around Uryu the deeper he went. It wasn't just a breath of warmth that enclosed around him, but a tingling kind of heat that seemed more ethereal than physical. It was strange and discomfiting.

After walking for a few minutes the cave abruptly narrowed considerably and it became apparent that the passage ahead was manmade- only enough room for a man of his height to duck through, the walls close on each side.

He was starting to feel a little claustrophobic and worried about how far this shaft might extend when the distinct flash of beaming light pooled at what seemed to be the mouth of the tunnel. A string of hissed curses hit his ears.

Momentarily he paused to roll his eyes, but started forward again. Soon he emerged into a wide grotto and found himself at a standstill as his companion had similarly stopped only a few steps away.

Ichigo's flashlight was strong, but there seemed a natural sort of light- it's source unknown and far above. Still the walls were somewhat dim, but as Ichigo passed his light over them, Uryu could see the reason for his preoccupation.

The cave was painted from wall to wall, a dark ochre stain created drawings of animal and humanoid shapes as well as symbols.

Uryu had to admit his sense of foreboding was replaced by awe for a time as he followed the golden glow along the walls.

"Amazing." He all but whispered.

"Yeah." Ichigo concurred with the same tone of amazement. Uryu heard him take a breath then and the stream of light dropped forward. "But that isn't the half of it…"

After a brief inspection of what his friend was referring to, the Quincy was again tottering on the edge of trepidation. In the center of this 'room' was a table hewn of the rock- an altar- a hole was drilled into one overhanging edge of its surface slab. Around this was a circle dug into the rock floor, a manmade trough that surrounded the platform- its use all too obvious to both studied young men.

A tense silence shrouded them an oppressive sense of guilt and disgust with humanity. That oppressive- real, yet unreal heat was centered here. The energy raw and visceral, rubbing at their nerves.

Voice tight Ichigo finally spoke, "I think we should have Chad bring Amarys."

Uryu eyed Ichigo incredulously, "Kurosaki-,"

While Ichigo avoided his friend's gaze his voice was steady, "Before we left Seireitei I checked out the library… Did a little research on Death Diviners… Urahara may not have wanted us in the center of the action just yet- but I'm sure we're here for a reason. I think… She might be able to tell us- something."

Feeling his stomach roll at the implication, Uryu turned toward the passage, words of unexpressed anger on the tip of his tongue. He steadied himself, easing his crushing grip on the flashlight and said, "That seems uncharacteristically cruel of you, Kurosaki."

Ichigo felt bile rise in his own throat, shame burrowing into his chest until it formed a knot. Was he so desperate to find Rukia? After seeing this… yes. He gritted his teeth, "I don't think we can afford to be passive."

Uryu closed his eyes a moment, but when he opened them he helplessly glanced around at the walls. The depictions were surprisingly simple to translate. This was a spiritual place- one of human worship in a time where gods were all very primal- simple in their desires- and unforgiving in their anger. Gods of nature always needed to be appeased. While the human boy was educated enough to know that animal sacrifice was not uncommon he couldn't ignore the images that led him to believe that far more sinister things took place in this cave.

The hypothesis was not so far-fetched if this place had any correlation to Thanatos- perhaps seen as Erlik to the ancient peoples who followed Tengrism.

He could understand his friend's sense of urgency, but still… His jaw clenched tight as he watched Ichigo send a text to Chad. To distract himself he rather humorlessly thought about the irony of having reception in a cave of all places.

All-too-soon he could hear two sets of footsteps nearing.


Guide to Mythology:

Tengrism is the worship centralized on Tengri a sky god with roots in Central Asia (spread by the Turks and Mongolians most likely) - something that would have taken root in the Ukraine (where Starun is located) and neighboring European countries. It's said to be one of the oldest belief systems- though its actual age of origin isn't confirmed- more suspected to be in the Bronze Age. Like Native culture in the U.S. it is founded in the belief of the nature spirits, animism, ancestor-worship, and totemism.

Erlik: God of the Underworld, said to be the cause of disasters and illness. Sacrifice to him would have been natural to people fearing his wrath. *Human sacrifice is a stretch- it was livestock that was offered- but- creative license!

It's really interesting when you realize how interwoven the foundation of cultures are. Having a belief in something- a religion often grounded and defined a culture. I just thinks its cool that people were centralized in one place and moved about and adapted- that there's this great scheme of interconnection between all peoples and religions when you look at it from a historical standpoint.

Shall we see what the other search parties are up to next chapter- and maybe snap Rukia outta her funk?

Thanks for stopping by!
