And finally I get to marry you, my soul mate, my love, my husband, my fire fist.

Meeting my reflection in the mirror, I don't see a pirate or criminal, I don't see evil and I don't see the demon child everyone claims me to be. I see a woman. A woman of perfect sun kissed skin, from years of adventures out in the sun's warm rays, a lady of summer and joy. Onyx eyes that looked like a clear night sky full of stars, under voluminous dark lashes. The once wild red hair was curled and swept up into a crown braid with sprays of white wild flowers woven into the crimson locks ( ).

Am I…pretty?

I hardly recognise myself in the mirror, my reflection is of someone beautiful, elegant and I dunno like a princess. I know myself to be a smart alec tomboy who can out fight and out drink any man so when did I become a lady?

Ok I'm not on Foosha right now, as much as I may have wanted to get married there I can pretend that this small forest island village of St Gloria is, but I'm just as happy to be married on the Grandline where all our dreams lie. As I get ready on Red Force to meet my really soon to be husband, I can't help but imagine the future and feel nostalgic about the past. To think that the rude and cold boy I had met as a child while escaping from Benn, the boy whom I had nearly argued with daily –sometimes hourly- with, was the love of my life. But I guess that's fate – it gives you what you need, not what you expect.


"Huh?" Mitsuki looked over her shoulder as the intruder walked into her room anyway, "I could have been naked you know."

"You're my daughter," Shanks chuckled, leaning against the door frame, "I had to hold you down for baths when you were young."

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not 10 years old anymore," turning back to the mirror to fix her hair.

"no," Shanks weakly smiled, looking to the floor with his red hair drooping over his face, "you certainly are not," he walked up behind her, his sullen gaze making her stop her in her tracks. "You're all grown up Mits, a million miles from the little girl I picked up from the docks."

"Daddy," Mitsuki turned to him, smiling threw the tears that were pricking her eyes.

"Hey hey," he forced himself to smile threw the similar sting of tears, "no crying on your wedding day, not at least before the ceremony." He pulled her into a hug before pushing her back to look at her at arm's length, "look at you though, all pretty in white," he took a deep breath, "your mother would be so proud of you…madeline not so much but she'd be happy that you are happy. Ace is a lucky man."

It was true. In her white lace wedding dress ( . image_ ), which was tailored to help hide her bump, Mitsuki was truly a vision of pure beauty.

"Yeah, considering how you didn't murder him," although that was more thanks to Benn's tranquilizer gun if anything. She winced for a second, "never mind kicking, they had to have haki too."

Shanks chuckled, "careful they could be more of a pain in Benn's ass than you." He picked up her veil from the side, fingering the fine white material for a moment, "I never got to marry your mother," helping her to fix it into her hair, "but I'm glad I get to at least see my little girl get married."

"That why you dressed up today?"

It was true though, gone was the scruffy shirt, floral trousers and open toed sandals, he was actually in a suit and had shaved. If that didn't say about how much he loved his daughter then you clearly didn't know the man. "I still have my sabre… just in case."

"just in case what?" Mitsuki raised an eyebrow, "Ace tries to make a run for it? I'd be the first to tackle him and drag him back."

"Ahhh you are my girl," Shanks laughed, "speaking of which…" he strode over to one of the cabinets, opened the drawers and produced a bottle of Sake. "Vintage from my home town," screwing the top off it, "I kept it for special occasions only. For when the Roger pirates conquered the grandline, when I became a Yonko, the night your mother told me she was pregnant with you and now," pouring her a cup, "at your wedding."

"Dad," she took the cup smiling as he poured one for himself, "you know I can't drink since I'm you know…carrying your grandkids."

"I know, it ain't for you, you get double after you have my lil grandkids there," taking the cup away from her, "that one would be for your groom."

"Meany" she stuck her tongue out at him and they both laughed as if it was old times, "although I'm sure Ace would appreciate it."

"I'm sure he will Mrs Portgas," That's right when she walked out of the church that day she'd be Mrs Portgas D. Mitsuki which she had to admit made her smile.

"Mrs Portgas D. Mitsuki," she repeated to herself, not holding back the smile it brought to her lips, "I never thought I could be so happy over a name."

Her father raised his glass, "to your love and happiness my dear, may I never need to hunt down fire fist and beat him to an inch of his life."

"Dad," Mistuki groaned, the perks of having one of the emperors of the sea as a protective father. He could grin all he wanted in that 'I was only joking manner' but when he went dark well no one had lived to tell the tale.

"Cheers!" he grinned before downing the clear liquid, "now how about we get you married?"

Meanwhile, on the island, Ace had already started pacing the alter as the guests wandered lazily in and took their seats. His brothers were watching him pace and the lazily stood around waiting for the ceremony to start.

"for god sake stop pacing" Sabo was getting neck cramp from just watching him, "your gonna burn tracks in the floor."

"sorry, I'm just nervous" he stopped pacing for a second "what if something goes wrong?"

"nothing will go wrong" Sabo sighed, "everything's fine and…Luffy what are you doing?"

"where's the cake?" Luffy whined for the 176th time that day – like they were going to leave their cake lying around where the forever hungry rubber pirate could find it.

"You get cake later," Sabo rolled his eyes, "I still can't believe the first thing you say after thinking I was dead for years was 'hey do you know where the cake is'?"

"But fooooood" Luffy whined like the man child he was, he was literally 1 more moan away from being tied to a chair with his own limbs and made to watch everyone else eat.

"Ace, it's going to be fine," Sabo smiled at his brother, "we hunted beasts ten times our size, fought bandits for food, survived Gray Terminal and looked death right in the eye, I have never seen you more nervous than right now. But from what I've seen, you've never been happier plus just think of what she's probably got planned for your wedding night," which Ace of course couldn't help but grin at.

"She is very good at that," Ace chuckled, still pacing the church halls, "and yeah this is probably the biggest and most important adventure of my life, that and being a father."

"poor kid."

"hey," that white boiling rage that arose when anyone insulted his family, whether he loved them or not and in this case he loved his unborn children very much, but he managed to push it down for his brother, "and its plural, kids, since there's two."

"I know I know," Sabo still remembered how to wind up his brother, "you're gonna be fine though, as soon as you see her all that worry will just float away. And just a reminder, if you try to run then we're gonna need that headstone from marineford again," was the last thing he said before dragging Luffy away to the designated best men positions.

The bridesmaids, there was more than just Sammi, Nami and Robin because apparently ace had promised the nurses on Whitebeards ship that they could all totally be bridesmaids if he got married (Mitsuki may have thought about throwing her fiancé overboard after hearing this) and ring bearer, Chomper – because let's admit it the reindeer is too freaking adorable to say no to - were pushing in front of each other anxiously in the hope of getting a good view of the church. The more mature ones, like Nami and Robin just smiled and tried to hurry them into their order or dust down the dresses or rearrange the veil till they were satisfied.

On the outside Mitsuki looked calm and confident as always as she watched the group squabble over such petty issues but on the inside she was so nervous, out of everything she had done in life this was what she was most afraid of…ok not as bad as Marineford – she lost a lot of hair that day from stress of you know saving the guy she would turn out to marry – but you get the point of how stressed she was if she was comparing it to a warzone. She'd been worrying since she left Red force, counting a new 'what if?' fear with every step towards the church. What if it went wrong? What if Ace wasn't there? What if someone stood up and told them they couldn't get married for some reason? What if the marines tried to interrupt? Knowing her luck, what if a crazed Teach came charging through the wall on a wild pig wanting to start A Yonko war…

"You'll be fine," her dad whispered to her, "I told you I have my sabre just in case." This actually sounded more helpful, mostly because of the crazy scenarios she was cooking up in her head, than you'd think. "And it's probably just nerves."

"Well drinking would have usually helped with that," Mitsuki muttered under her breath, she was not taking to sobriety very happily even though she knew it was for the good of her kids.

"aww poor baby." Shanks laughed quietly, just wanting to take her mind off the wedding jitters at the expense of rubbing salt in the wound.

But she was so not in the mood for her dad joking around, "dad don't make me slap you before you give me away," well no one on their crew would raise an eyebrow if he walked out with a hand print redder than his hair across his face.

He was luckily saved by the faint sound of the wedding march beginning in the background. And by some miracle everyone was actually ready to go: the bridesmaids had calmed down and were in order, Chomper had stopped fiddling with the rings, and everyone was quiet and calm – for once.

She watched the first of the nurse bridesmaids disappeared behind the curtain into the church then followed soon by the next 2. They hadn't even done it so perfectly and behaved like this during the practises Benn had made them do – yes you heard Benn cheographed the bridesmaids.

"ready?" Shanks gave her one last look, not being able to be any prouder of his little girl, she nodded before taking his arm for him to lead her out,

Yes, this is what she wanted, yes, she was ready for this.

Ace heard the music start behind him which made him instinctively turn round. He couldn't help but smile at the fact that this was actually happening to him, he was actually going to get married as for the first time since he proposed did it finally feel real to him.

He glanced over at his best men for a second: they were smiling as they watched the bridesmaids follow each other down the aisle. In fact Luffy looked over at him for a second and gave him a thumbs up. It's a wedding Luffy, really? Well guess there could have been worse things he could have done.

He sighed and turned back, by now it was Nami and Robin who were coming down now; Nami was slighty blushing at the sight of Luffy – mostly due to the fact that Ace and Sabo had spent hours wrestling him into an actual suit (although the strawhat was apparently a deal breaker)Robin was nudging her to act cool though he could still see a faint blush on the Ravenette as she passed a certain swordsman.

Sammi was the last bridesmaid down the aisle since she was the maid of honour; last night she had not let anyone forget it either. For once she looked calm and sophisticated going down in her bridesmaid dress, you could see the joy beaming off her face.

What happen next just made the whole world melt around him. An angel stepped out from the shadows of the curtains into the light of the church; her white dress illuminating the sunlight that shone down onto it making it look as if it was glowing. The angel was talking to her father, laughing then looking straight at him with onyx black eyes, shining far brighter than any star, and smiled sweetly at him. He couldn't find words to describe her; beautiful just meant nothing compared to her. The world was so far away that he could only see the 2 of them as it faded into white. All of his fears and worries just dissolved into happiness and warmth; it was unnatural but he didn't want it to end.

His Angel. His Love. His Mitsuki.

"Look after her," Shanks gave one last look at his daughter then passed her hand to Ace before taking his seat near the altar. Mitsuki handed over her red and black rose bouquet over to Sammi. The couple knelt down at the altar and in front of the priest; giving each other a sly loving look as their hearts pounded so much they could hardly hear the man speak. The priest was an elderly man and friend of Madeline's, whom had no quarrel with marrying 2 pirates after all love was a gift from God as far as he saw it, with a gruff sounding voice yet his pale eyes still showed signs of youth that had abandoned him in physical appearance.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered today to celebrate the union of Mitsuki Le Roux and Portgas D. Ace in holy matrimony. I believe that they have written their own vows."

At that moment the couple stood up and faced each other. Ace wasn't usually nervous at this type of thing but today he thought he was going to have a heart attack with all these people here. A smooth cool hand touched his; he looked up to meet those kind dark eyes, the world melted away again as he only saw Mitsuki – making him calm again. He took a deep breath and fingering her veil then down to a loose strand of red hair in her fringe before speaking.

"I was always told I was a born a monster," he began, feeling her hand squeezing his at the word monster, "really I was just made into a monster by the way others treated me, except you, even a child you saw me from behind the monster. I put up walls, distanced myself from others with insults and yet this little Habanero girl got passed it all. You understood me better than anyone and no one's ever gonna understand me the same way. I owe you so much, you brought colour to my world, and you brought me love. I had to die before I started truly living since it wasn't until the day I first told you that I love you did my life finally have meaning. I don't need treasure or fame or anything other than you Mits cos what I found in you is far more precious and I will do anything to protect this love I've found with you and the future we've made together, a future I never thought I'd ever have. Mits you changed me for the better, and so I will live every day from this moment on loving you and cherishing every second we have together. And so I take you, Mitsuki Le Roux, to be my lawfully wedded wife from this day until my last."

He took the ring from the ring bearer and gently slid the ring onto her delicate finger. The ring was a pale gold, so pale that it looked almost looked like a little ringlet of sunlight wrapped round her finger.

It was her turn now to speak.

"My mother always used to tell me stories, about the creatures of the sea and princes disguised as pirates. I always thought I could be my own pirate prince and that I could take care of myself all on my own. But I was wrong about that. Taking the weight of the world on your shoulders is a lonely burden. I could smile and tell everyone that I'm ok but you could always see threw those fake smiles because even when I was the centre of attention I still kept everyone else at arms-length which was only made easier by the fact that I was never anywhere long enough to get to know people. I thought I could live without love because loving someone would let them get too close. I've let you in more than anyone because I fell in love with you, I'm not my own prince but, this narcoleptic, hard headed and pain in the ass of pirate is but I wouldn't want it any other way. I have never met anyone as kind, as loving or as warm as you ever because your one in a never going to happen again. I take you Portgas D. Ace, for all that you are, to be my lawfully wedded husband from this day to my last."

Mitsuki took the ring from the ring bearer and slide an identical looking ring onto his finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride"

The two kissed with their arms tightly around each other, when their lips finally parted they gazed into each other's eyes with tears streaming down their faces from happiness as the whole church, filled with old and new friends, threw confetti into the air. Ace picked up his bride, bridal style of course, and carried her down the aisle, smiling and laughing as they went. Behind them the church bells rang up from the church tower making birds nesting inside swarm out towards the sky.

"Now can I have cake?"

"Ace are you gonna put me down?" Mistuki laughed, wrapping her arms round his neck, Ace had continued to carry her out of the church and was now following the cliff edge, clearly not telling her the destination he had in mind. "I'm pretty sure that you're walking in the opposite direction to the ship where the reception is."

"Nope, we're having a little detour before we get subjected to that," he smiled at her, walking across the cliff until he got to a certain spot and set her back on her feet gently. He looked at her again, grinning like a prize idiot, "man I thought I had died for sure this time when I saw you, how did I get to marry such a beautiful woman?"

"Well you would have been skewered by a Yonko Crew if you hadn't" Mistuki smirked playfully, intertwining her fingers with his. She didn't blame him for wanting some private time to themselves, away from everyone else, especially after that stupid rule about the bride and groom not being allowed to see each other at all on their wedding day. It felt so weird but she had missed him, even if they were just separated a day. She rested her head on his chest, breathing in that musky burning smell that always hung around him. "Is it weird that I missed you?"

Ace smiled, whispering into her strawberry red hair, "not at all cos I missed you too," before he kissed her forehead, "but now we have the rest of our lives my love."

"Ace," was all she was able to say before he pulled her into a more passionate kiss – because kissing her like this would definitely make Shanks take a swing at him. Every time they kissed like this though it felt like their first, the butterflies and sparks, the inability for them to keep their hands their themselves.

"Mrs Portgas," Ace grinned as they parted for air, "I will never tire of saying that by the way."

"Fine with me," Mitsuki smiled back at him, leaving a few bird kisses on his lips, "you can say it as much as you want now."

"And legally you're related to Luffy now."

"Don't ruin it idiot," She gave him a playful shoulder punch, "So why is it that you wanted to come here specifically?"

"Because," he took her hands and led her towards the cliff edge, carelessly grinning with that cocky smile of his, "I just wanted to watch the sunset with my wifey."

She was shocked for a second for him to call her that so casually already but in the next she was smiling as much as he was. "Ok," letting Ace lead her over to the cliff edge to watch as the sky exploded into fire. The lowering sun colouring the sky in red, orange, pink and purple like a watercolour painting.

"can we get cake now?"

"You really are a D."

"Shut up."

SNS corner!

So…its 2016…opps

I've had so much happen over the last few years – in summary I had not only exams but also health problems as well as now moving to a new city on my own for Uni (with stupidly bad student Wifi) which has taken me a while to fully settle into and find free time. I was literally scanning Fanfiction for a story to read one night and literally found this so was like "oh yeah I wrote this" and when I finally got logged back into the site I saw people are still reading it. So for now while I have some free time. I'M BACK!

And because I've been sooo late with an update (again sooo sorry but life happened) I wrote the first half of the much requested chapter = the wedding. I am playing with the idea of finally doing a lemon (if you guys want it then let me know in the comments) for Ace and Mitsuki's wedding.


Onto comments (if you're still alive):

kage kitsune 14: Awesome. I can't wait to see the wedding..

Ta Da – well this is the first part we still have the reception (aka Luffy meets the wedding cake) and a maybe Wedding night to go.

May May Meow: Awwww! The scene with shanks talking to charlotte! I cried, literally! I cried rocking my harpy/banshee/angel of a baby to sleep :') I was just a bit confused about the 'scarlett' name. Sry, it's been a while that i read the whole story, but it surprised me. Is that her nickname? Or second name? Or...? I love your SNS corner, so please tell me XD thank you! :)

I originally wrote this scene for another OC character (who's more on my wattpad stories) so it had her name in it throughout but I decided to use it for this story instead so had to go back threw and change things. I clearly did not see this one error but it got fixed (so people will have no idea what you're talking about now). Interestingly I had thought about calling Mitsuki Scarlett at first (due to the hair colour) but I came across the name Mitsuki and when I saw it meant moon I just came up with the scene of Shanks asking Charlotte to name her after the moon for all the times they had met at night. I'm sorry I made you cry but it had to be done ToT

K.C.96: I'm crying! I'm laughin so hard :,)

I don't know whether to be happy about that or not but your welcome anyways

Phew! It has been a while! I do believe that this time away though has made me a better writer and story teller as well as planner (I legitimately make storyboards to map out long term plans now for stories now instead of just writing what I may feel like every week).

Again I'm so sorry for being away but I just had a whole tone of stuff thrown at me at one time during this gap period that I never really had time, energy or the right state of mind to write. But now I feel so much better and I'm in a better state of mind now too and I hope to complete this Journal before Oda or Uni exams rip my heart out for good

Hope to hear from you guys soon (if your not all ghosts by this point that died at your laptops waiting for the next chapter)!

See you guys (hopefully) soon!