Summary: He exists now only in my memory, a memory that's been locked away for years. Well, it's time for my past to be unlocked; it's time to talk about the man who sailed into my heart and swam in my ocean of secrets.

A/N: This story is based on the movie Titanic, so to any Titanic movie watchers, you may hear some familiar dialogue and such.

I do not own Kingdom Hearts and of course, the movie Titanic.

Sail into my heart

'Well back the most legendary shipwreck of all, the Titanic has finally been discovered by a team of experts after being on the ocean floor for 73 years. The team of experts from the Massachusetts' Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute were led by Marine geologist, Robert Ballard.'

"Isn't that the ship you went on Grandpa?" My great-granddaughter asked me, typical for a 10 year old to ask that.

"Yes Kairi, I did. Anymore stupid questions you want to ask?" I mumbled, Kairi's face screwed up as she ran into the kitchen, I could hear her sobbing and her mother, Aqua, calming her down.

Aqua walked in and stood in front of the TV, looking at me with a look of disappointment.

"Look, I know talking about the Titanic upsets you but don't take it out on Kairi, she hasn't done anything to deserve the moody remarks you give her. You know she's fascinated about it, come on, tell her about it, it might help you let go of the past" Aqua said quietly, she sat down next to me and looked at me with her piercing blue eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it!" I snapped, I couldn't talk about the Titanic, not now...

Aqua stood up angrily, "Oh come on Roxas! Just let go, I don't blame you for not wanting to talk about it, but you might feel better after you let it go. Besides, your 87 years old, its better you tell your story now and live the rest of your years at peace with it. " Aqua said, frustration in her voice.

I sighed deeply, I knew she was right.

"Okay, your right, I guess it is time to put Titanic at peace... Bring Kairi in, I want to apologise" I croaked.

Aqua smiled at me, she disappeared into the kitchen and took Kairi in by the hand.

"I'm sorry Kairi for being moody, come on sit down, and I'll tell you about the Titanic, will that cheer you up?" I smiled; Kairi returned the smile and sat down next to me, creasing her polka-dot dress. Aqua sat down next to her, fidgeting to get comfortable on the leather sofa.

10th April 1912

Boarding Titanic

The carriage started moving, the sound of the street died down as we headed through private roads until there was silence apart from the sound of the horseshoes bashing against the floor.

"Fix your collar boy! You look a mess, we're meant to be boarding the most luxurious ship in the world and you're not even dressed properly!" My father moaned "You disappoint me Roxas. You really do..." I sighed at my father as I fixed my collar. My father was always like this, I know he's embarrassed by me, the main reason he wants me to marry Naminé as quick as possible. Naminé was the only daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, my father wants me to marry so I'd hopefully 'grow up'. Pfft, like that's going to happen. My mother smiled at me as I caught her gaze, she was talking to my older brother Cloud. Cloud was soon to be married. I looked up at my father; my father was the manager of the local bank in South Hampton, the reason for his high standards, he would always. And then there was my mother, Elizabeth, the kindest person you could ever meet, and the most beautiful. She had blonde curly hair that fell to her shoulders, blue eyes that were as beautiful as a sunny day and pearly white teeth for a perfect smile. Everything about my mother is perfect, trust me. Perfect.

The carriage soon stopped to a halt and the door opened suddenly.

"Come on out Sir, it's truly breath-taking" Our driver smiled, my father got out of the carriage first, as usual, followed by my mother, Cloud, and of course, me.

"Well will you look at that..." My mother breathed fixing her hat; my father took my mothers hand and kissed it gently.

"I'm glad you like it" My father said, my mother linked arms with my father as we went up the stairs leading to our ship of Dreams. Cloud walked up gracefully, as I walked up by myself gazing at the large crowds of people waving goodbye to the crowds below.

As soon as I stepped into Titanic, the fresh smell of furniture and paint hit me, everything in this ship was new, nothing was slept in, and nothing had been used. My father was waiting for me beside the ticket master, he pointed towards me and gave him the tickets and nodded towards the direction of our room. I followed him, not really bothered about finding my room, I just wanted to look around, explore the ship and find out about the things that the newspapers claim to be amazing. At this point, the last thing I wanted to do was unpack all my things into my room.

"Ow, watch where you're going!" Someone hissed. I looked up suddenly to the most peculiar colour of hair and clothes lying on the floor.

"I'm s-so sorry, l-let me pick them up for you s-sir" I stuttered, picking up the clothes.

"No, don't worry about it, anyway, the names Axel" he smiled; he held out his hand kindly, I shook it firmly and smiled back.

"I'm Roxas, urm...I apologise for my rudeness but is your hair usually that red?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't be offended.

"Yes, all natural, don't worry about it, it's good to be curious...I suppose..." Axel grinned.

"Roxas! What do you think you are doing?" My father snapped loudly, trying to keep his voice down.

"You should return to my family and I need to try and find mine..." Axel said worriedly.

"Yeah...but will I see you around?" I asked curiously, Axel smiled.

"Depends if you're adventurous enough to go into third class, well I'll see you around,"

I smiled and waved as I ran back to my father.

"Where did you think you were going boy!" My father snapped angrily, he was unlocking the door to our room, once the door opened he pushed me inside. I looked at the room in shock, the room was perfect, the beds were clean and fresh, and the feeling of being the first to sleep on the sheets was amazing, everything was new!

"Who was that boy you were talking to Roxas?" My mother asked me suddenly, she put her hand on my shoulder and stared at me in the eyes.

"His name was Axel, he was extremely kind" I smiled.

"Is he in first class? Judging by the clothes in his suitcase it didn't look like it..." My mother murmured quietly, I looked at her strangely, it was unlikely for her to judge people by their clothing, and usually it would be me judging them and her telling me to not be unkind. Not the other way round...

"I thought you didn't judge people by their clothing Mother, you always told me it was rude." I replied, she looked at me angrily and slapped me across the face. I fell to the floor in pain.

"Don't you dare tell me what's rude and not! I am your mother, and you should start treating me like one! Now go and get changed, before the other cheek gets slapped!" She spat at me, I ran into my room as I grabbed my suitcase. After I slammed the door shut I fell to the floor in tears. This was nothing like my mother, she would always tell me that hitting was wrong and we should never do it. Now I know that the only thing that was wrong was her words.

"Roxas? It's me, Cloud, please let me in" my brother pleaded. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up shakily, opening the door with caution. Cloud walked in silently, and shut the door. He sat on my bed and told me to sit down too.

"Why was mother so angry?" I asked him quietly, Cloud looked at me disbelievingly.

"Why do you think Roxas? Mother's always been worried about us befriending boys and getting too close...Why do you think that is?" He asked me.

"So, she thinks I'm going to be a homo-sexual?" I whispered silently, Cloud nodded reluctantly, "I only met Axel once, I might not even meet him again...Why did she have to hit me over it?" I asked sadly. Cloud shook his head.

"I don't know Roxas, but it's probably best you don't meet him again. Or this whole situation won't work out well, for any of us..." Cloud warned me, "I'm going to get ready for Dinner now, its best you do the same Roxas" Cloud told me, I nodded and started unpacking my clothes into my wardrobe.

As I emptied my suitcase, I started to realise the furniture in my room, the wardrobe was decorated with intricate carvings, my bed had carvings of words from the Bible and the wood was smooth and polished. Despite today's drama, I think I'm going to have an interesting time...

A/N: I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I apologise if I droned on a bit too much when they were boarding Titanic...anyway, please review, any advice on how to be a better writer will be appreciated. Well, keep reading XD
