Chapter 14

Ok, here is my shot at a little Densi for all of you that have asked for a chapter about them. I hope I do them justice. Ok a warning here, a little bit of smut crept in towards the end, so if you don't like that kind of stuff you best skip this chapter.

Deeks watched in silence as Renko attempted to put Nell's car back together. He had to admire the man's trickery in getting her in Callen's truck for the ride home. Disabling her car had been pure genius and the only way to get the two of them talking. There had definitely been a frosty wall of ice between the two at dinner. Between the choice of asking Nell about it and seeing her get more upset or prying into the senior agents personal business which no one was brave enough to do, they had all let it go.

"Why aren't you helping him Deeks, or don't you know anything about working on cars?" Kensi bumped his shoulder as she pulled his gray hoodie over her swimsuit.

"I was just watching the man work Sugarbear; he's done such a fine job so far I didn't want to interfere at this point." He dropped his arm around her shoulders ignoring the glare she aimed his way. "That looks way better on you than it ever did on me but how am I going to keep warm?"

"Deeks I'm going to use your shaggy head to mop up any drips on Hetty's driveway if you don't get over here and help me. So stop putting the moves on my girl and get over here." Mike had popped up to see what was going on.

"Your girl, really Mike is there something you need to tell me?" Amanda had joined the group watching him work.

Straightening up quickly he sent a smile at the red head. "Come on babe you know I didn't mean it that way, you're the only woman I want or need. Kensi is like a sister to me, which means I don't want to see anybody putting moves on her."

Amanda looked over to where Deeks and Kensi were bickering before walking over to speak to Renko in a quiet voice. "You do know that those two are like a pot of water getting ready to boil over? I know we were all concerned about the super-agent and the brainiac getting their act together but these two are almost as bad."

Mike took a minute to watch the two agents argue while he snaked an arm around Amanda and pulled her in closer to his body. Leaning down he rested his head against her red hair and inhaled deeply.

"Mandy I can't go solving everyone's relationship now can I? I'm just glad to have you and be out of the dating game." A small sigh escaped his lips. "But you're right Kens and Shaggy definitely have a "thing" between them. However I believe they will figure it out themselves; with Callen and Nell it's an entirely different ball game. He never lets anyone in and she's afraid she's not good enough for him. They're both fools; that's why I interfered with them."

Reaching up to give him a lingering kiss on the lips Amanda pulled away from him. "Ok Mike, why don't you fix this car and we can take off. Maybe the two of them can drive it over and drop it off."

"Now that's a great idea, it will save Nell a trip in the morning and give the dynamic due sometime together without being too obvious." He waggled his eyebrows in her direction. "I do love me a devious woman."

He made quick work of putting the part back on the car; as he slammed the hood down and wiped off his hands Mike called over to the Kensi.

"Kens, would you mind dropping Nell's car at her place? I'm sure Shaggy will follow you and give you a lift home. I want to spend some time with Amanda now that I've done my good deed for the day."

"Sure I can do that-but wait suppose we run into Callen dropping her off. That would be very awkward for all of us." She put an extra roll in her step for Deeks benefit as she went over to grab the keys.

"Girl use your imagination; stop for coffee or something to kill some time if you want to. I don't think it will be a problem hopefully Callen is as smart as I think he is and he didn't take her straight home. I'll send them a text letting them know we got it running and you are dropping it off."

Renko took Amanda's hand after saying goodbye to Deeks and Kensi and led her to his SUV. "Come on babe let's get out of here while we can. "

"Sure honey, maybe on the ride home I'll show you how much I appreciate having you around and getting me out of the dating game as well." Amanda laughed at the look on his face as he practically ran around the car to climb in. As he started the car she casually placed one hand on his bare thigh and scraped her nail down his leg.

Mike's hand slid behind her head as he leaned in for a kiss. "You keep that up babe and we'll be making a pit stop on the way home."

No matter how hard he argued Deeks got stuck driving Nell's Mini Cooper. He had seen Kensi double over with laughter at the sight of his long legs squeezed in the driver's seat that he had shoved as far back as possible. Oh he would make her pay for this.

"Quiet Deeks, we don't want to bother anyone. Trust me if Callen thinks we're following him it won't be pretty." Seeing the look on Deeks face sent her into a giggling spasm. "Oh the look on your face, I wish I had a camera."

After finally managing to pry his body out of the small car without too much damage Marty jumped in the Cadillac checking to make sure he didn't see the distinctive blue truck anywhere.

"I think I pulled a muscle getting out of that sardine can, so you can sneak up the stairs and shove her keys thru the door slot." He got a charge at the look of panic on her face as he opened her hand dropped the keys in. "I'll give you a heads up if I see them coming."

Deeks watched her sneak up the stairs admiring the view of her long legs sticking out below the hem of his grey hoodie. His mouth went a little dry when she turned around and gave him a thumbs up as his eyes caught the bounce of her bra free breasts swaying under the soft fabric. Watching her creep down the stairs he kept reciting what had become his mantra under his breath, let her make the first move, you have to keep your cool.

"Well that's done, hey what's wrong with you Deeks you look kind of funny." Her bright eyes surveyed his pale face and glowing eyes. "You better not be getting sick in my car."

"Really Fern that's all you care about, that I might mess up the interior of your car?" He shook his head with a smirk on his face. "You know I might be getting a chill, I could really use that sweatshirt."

"Not going to happen Deeks, I'm too busy driving to take it off. There should be a blanket in the back seat." Kensi kept her eyes looking straight ahead not wanting him to see the blush that crept up her cheeks.

"Look just take one hand off the wheel and slide it off one side at a time, here I'll help you." Marty's hand shot across the console and started to lift the hem of the shirt upwards. "Come on Kensi it's really chilly without a shirt on."

"You should have thought of that earlier, I'm not risking wrecking my car just so you can have your ratty old shirt back." She swatted at the hand that was sliding the soft cotton up towards her ribs. "Stop that Deeks! Look I kind of don't have anything else on. My top was a little damp and I needed a dry shirt, yours was handy so I just took it."

Looking her way with a shocked expression, his hand stopped its upward journey and started rubbing her warm abdomen. "Why Miss Blye I don't know what to say about that. I may never be able to wear that shirt again with the boobie cooties you're infecting it with."

"Boobie Cooties? Come on Deeks that's the best you've got? Are you telling me this is the first time some woman has worn one of your shirts?" As she parked the car in his driveway she made sure to give an extra bounce on the way out of the car.

Deeks caught up with her at the door to his place where she stood with her arms crossed beneath her chest, an evil grin on her face. "Why don't you unlock this door so I can give you the shirt back?"

Wordlessly he reached past her to unlock and push the door open, his bright blue eyes starting to glow as he watched her walk thru the door. Following her in he kicked the door shut and turned to speak just as he was hit in the face by a bundle of soft grey fabric. Shoving the shirt off his face Deeks ran his eyes over the room not seeing where she had gone.

As he walked towards the living area he was tackled and pused up against the wall face first. Kensi ran her hands up and down the sides of his toned, tanned back before they circled around to his chest pressing her bare chest against his back.

"Oh no Marty, I've spread my boobie cooties all over your back." She gave a suggestive little wiggle. "How will you ever get them off?"

Marty easily flipped around and picked her up swinging around to drop Kensi on the brown suede couch. As he straddled her legs his eyes swept up her body landing on her face as he lowered his lips to hers.

"Trust me Sugarbear by the time I'm done with you cooties will be the least of our problems."

Yikes, this chapter had a mind of its own and went places I hadn't planned on. I hope you guys enjoy it.