Disclaimer: See Chapter One

A/N: As mentioned in chapter one, I wrote these before the season four premiere. My computer is working again so here is the last one, which I hope to any "PtB" will be considered as more than personal head!canon.

-Also, Joanne Kelly and Jaime Murray ROCK! They both very much ship Myka/HG, and are not afraid to declare that their relationship is "definitely scissor-y" and that "Myka will always love HG". No matter what Jack Kenny does, Joanne and Jaime, your acknowledgements are incredible to have, and we fangirls will always love you for it.

Every Fangirl, Joanne Kelly, and Jaime Murray's Solution

Their bodies blurred in fluid motion. Hearts, minds, and souls finally alive, together in one time and place; no longer hindered by one's own hand nor by higher power.

Forgiveness given, tension released, curiosity satisfied, love offered, love accepted. Each expressed in one never-ending touch, erasing visions of ash, fire, and heartbreaking smiles.

Peaks too numerous to count, sating long held desire. Sweating, heated bodies collapse into each other, intertwining as one. Tears of joy softly kissed away before sliding into raven hair; over a century excruciating pain and grief swept away.

Helena G. Wells had come home at last.