Matthew gripped the wheel tightly as he accidentally drove over another dead body. That was probably one of the most sickening things in the world. Sometimes you could even feel the bones crunching from underneath them. It was absolutely horrible.

"Where are you going?" Gilbert asked, his eyebrow furrowed in question as they drove into a parking lot. The place was all but empty, and the few cars that were there probably had lots of parts missing and everything stolen out of them. The joys of zombie apocalypses.

"We gotta eat something, right?" He explained, pulling up close to the front of the store. "Plus, there's probably more food in there than you think." Indeed, there probably was. Even though in movies, usually all the grocery stores were empty, but it was just the beginning of the invasion, and this was market was a bit far away from the town. Besides, it looked fairly untouched anyways.

One they were inside the large supermarket, they began walking slowly, each step extremely cautious. Gilbert took a need intake of breath as his heart pounded inside his chest, the only sound he was hearing other than the soft rustle of wind blowing through the empty store and their slow foot steps.

The floor was dirty. Splattered with a mixture of died and fresh blood, dirt, and the most disgusting of all, sticky messes of flesh and bones here and there. The creatures had definitely cleaned the place out. Matthew swallowed thickly, trying to remain calm as his grip on the gun tightened. This place was way too quiet and out of order, there had to be something wrong.

Gilbert glanced back at the Canadian for a moment, an obviously frightened look on his features as he simply nodded, moving closer to the isles. What they really needed was not to kill anything, or even encounter anything so they could just get a nice supply of food and water before leaving that place.

He squinted, trying to see what was in the long isles. They needed things that wouldn't expire easily, things that didn't need to be cooked. That wasn't a very easy task. The taste factor didn't really matter, as long as it wasn't disgusting enough for either of them to vomit.

Matthew suddenly paused just as he was about to grab a can of fruit. He swiftly turned his head, looking down the aisle with a small frown. "Did you hear that...?" He asked softly, swallowing thickly.

Gilbert raised an eyebrow, looking down the aisle for a moment before simply shrugging his shoulders. "Its probably the wind or something." He quickly brushed it off, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.

But he was dead wrong.

There was a few noises at the end of the aisle, followed by a grunt or two. This of course made them both grab food supplies a little faster. They couldn't waste anymore bullets. The creature quickly stepped into view, raising his head as he seemed to begin inhaling – smelling.

And as soon as it caught their sent, it began limping towards them, obviously looking hungry. They were always hungry, anyways.

Gilbert wasted no time, quickly grabbing the Canadian's arm as he led him back outside. Thankfully the zombie wasn't even close to fast. Some of them were, some of them weren't. But usually they were pretty slow creatures. The fastest one had probably ever run was a slow jog.

"Oh no..." It was all but a whisper as Matthew stopped dead in his tracks, still holding a bag of food supplies in one of his hands.

The sky had turned a dark grey as few helicopters scoped the city, probably holding bombs. This wasn't good.

"Get in the car." Gilbert said softly, quickly running over to the vehicle parked in front of the store. He was a bit too slow though as Matthew quickly sat in the front seat. The Prussian quickly gave him a look, obviously not happy.

"Get in the damn car, Gil!" He yelled, swiftly turning the keys as the vehicle hummed to life. Gilbert simply rolled his eyes, getting in the passenger's side. He didn't even have the chance to buckle in as Matthew quickly pulled out of the parking lot, all but speeding down the interstate. Oh well. At least they both knew that there were no police men around to catch them speeding. Besides, who would even care at a time like this?

Matthew eventually relaxed after a few minutes, his grip on the steering wheel slowly loosening as the car gradually began to slow down. Gilbert frowned, glancing over at him. "Are you alright now?" He asked softly, letting out a soft sigh as the other simply nodded. "You don't look alright."

"It's a lot to take in."

"I realize that, but we're gonna just have to leave it all behind, y'know?" He offered softly, looking at the road ahead of them.

Matthew just shook his head, watching as the sky began to go dark again. Looks like it was another night of driving unless they found somewhere that was safe to sleep, which was doubtful at this point. There was nowhere safe to sleep anymore. They had to be driving at all times. Both of them needed sleep. Falling asleep at the wheel would be the end of it. They would be dead if that happened.

The Canadian's eyelids fluttered for a moment as he tried to keep himself awake, but it was too difficult at this point. Gilbert frowned, watching him closely for a moment before simply placing a hand on his shoulder. "I think I should drive for a bit, don't wanna get in a car crash right now." He chuckled, offering him a small smile. "Just for the night, you need some sleep, anyways."

He frowned, looking over at him for a moment before looking back at the dark road again, the headlights illuminating the cement slightly. Just enough to see. "I'm fine." He assured softly, but in truth the back of his eyes were starting to hurt and he knew he probably wouldn't last like this much longer. "Why don't you just take a nap instead of worrying about me, eh?"

"I just took one before we came here."

He bit his lip, shaking his head. "I don't care, your hand is still injured, its going to hurt if you try to drive." He mumbled, trying to stay firm about this. Even though sleep sounded oh so tempting right now. "Besides, I'm fine. I've been awake for longer."

"You haven't slept in a really long time. Its been stressful, the least you could have is a nap, alright?" He offered, seeming to have no plans of backing down at this point. It was true that he was worried for the Canadian's safety and his own, but also for the other's well being. "Matthew, I'm being serious, you're gonna fall asleep at the wheel at some point and we're gonna roll off the road and hit a tree or something." He mumbled, shaking his head. "Then there's probably no way we'll survive. So just let me drive, alright?"

Matthew sighed quietly, finally seeming to give in after a moment as he nodded in agreement. "Alright, fine, Gil." He muttered, slowing the car down to a stop. He gave him a seemingly weak glare for a moment, but they both knew that he wasn't mad in the slightest. Probably just exhausted.

Both of them proceeded to get out of the vehicle and quickly trade places.

But they both noticed something. It was almost as if the air outside smelled...toxic, it also made him sort of dizzy. Was the infection getting in the air now? That couldn't be good. That made Matthew frown as he quickly buckled in, biting his lip. "Did you smell that...?"

"I'm sure it was probably just the trees or one of the dead bodies or something." He said far too casually as he gave a soft chuckle, turning the key before buckling in and driving down the road again. "Just try to sleep." He assured, glancing over at him with a grin. "We're almost there."

Matthew nodded, a quiet sigh escaping his lip as he slowly relaxed, resting his head back against his seat. He was almost instantly pulled into a state of unconsciousness, his breathing progressing into long deep breaths, finally getting some well earned rest in what seemed like forever.

They probably would have continued down the road too, watching their backs at every turn if they hadn't driven onto the interstate, Matthew suddenly bolting upright. "Gilbert stop the car!" He nearly screamed.

On instinct Gilbert slammed on the breaks, causing the two to jolt to a rather painful stop. That didn't stop Matthew though, in an instant he was out of the door and running towards an old red pickup that lay abandoned next to a few other cars.

"What the hell Matthew?!" Gilbert yelled, stepping out of the car with a few more muttered complaints.

"This is my brother's car! It's even got the stupid Superhero sticker on the back window!" He explained quickly, reached to pull the car door open.

"Wait Matthew that's not a good idea-" But it was too late, as soon as the Canadian had ripped the door open out fell a stiff body, the man cracking his head as it hit the pavement. He was young, maybe his late teens or early twenties and on his head was a crop of short, dirty blond hair.

"Matthew I-"

"That's not my brother."

The next few moments were filled with a tense silence, Matthew staring down at the body and Gilbert slowly inching forward to prevent the breakdown he was sure was about to happen.

"This is one of my brother's friends, they must have been at the party together and decided to escape... This means he at least made it this far right?" He asked quietly as Gilbert led him back to the car.

"Sure Mattie, of course he did. Just go back to sleep alright? We'll be there soon."

A few hours passed in silence, Matthew sleeping through most of the day. He didn't even wake up when Gilbert stopped to syphen gas from a few other abandoned cars.

What did wake him up however. was the crack of a gun going off in the distance.

"Gil, what was that...?"

Gilbert frowned, glancing over at him as he shook his head. "It was nothing. A bird just got too close to a power line or something." He lied. It wouldn't do either of them any good to worry about what may or may not have been a gunshot.

"Are you sure...? Someone might be out here."

"Yes, I'm sure." He said with a small laugh, continuing to drive.

All was going smoothly, the sky beginning to grow dark not long after.

That is until the car began to slow down, eventually sputtering to a stop. "Oh no..." Gilbert grumbled, trying to twist the key and turn the car back on, to no avail.

"And to think that the gate is right there..." Matthew said softly, his frown deepening when the car didn't turn on. "We were so close, Gil..."

It was true, the gate to where everyone was supposed to meet was about three hundred yards away. Only this place was surrounded by the zombies. And they immediately took interest in the car, and they could smell the living humans inside it. No doubt that they were hungry. They were going to die. They were really going to die.

"Matthew, don't think like that!" Gilbert said quickly, turning to face him. "We can still get out of this if we just run to the gate, alright?" He said, grabbing the Canadian's shoulder.

"Stop it, Gilbert." He said, a very large frown on his face as he looked away, simply shaking his head. "You have a chance to get out of this all on your own if you just leave me here..." Matthew murmured quietly, sniffling softly as he tried to hold back tears. "If you just leave me behind, everything will be okay... You'll be safe..."

"What are you talking about? I don't have a chance if you don't come with me! I need you to just run. Run as fast as you can and shoot everything that comes towards you." He assured, shaking his head as the creatures began to close in on the car. "We'll both be safe, alright? And then everything will be okay!"

"Nothing will ever be okay again." Matthew said quietly, continuing to look away from him. "If I go out there, I'll be a distraction and you could run to the gate and save yourself."

The Prussian's eyebrows furrowed for a moment as he quickly leaned forward, roughly pressing their lips together for a moment. Matthew's eyes widened in surprise, not in the least bit prepared for the sudden kiss. Within moments he was relaxing into it, slowly kissing back.

He pulled away after a moment, offering him a grin. "I just need ya to come with me, alright. There's a chance that we can both get out of here alive, so why don't we just take it?"

"Alright..." He finally agreed after a moment, a small smile settling over his lips.


He unbuckled his seatbelt, watching as the zombies pounded against the back window in hopes of breaking the glass. "Now, the plan is simple, as I said earlier. Just run towards the gate as fast as you can, and if anything gets near you, blow its brains out." He said, quickly getting out his gun. "And if you run out of ammo, well, run faster, I guess." He shrugged as Matthew just nodded. "On the count of three we both get out and make a break for it..."

Matthew nodded, biting his lip.


He placed his hand on the door handle, getting ready to open it as his mind swam in thoughts.


What if they didn't get out? What if they car door got stuck? What if they were separated in a flood of zombies after that? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.


There was no time to argue now as they both quickly got out of the car, Matthew needing to kick some of the creatures away, even though the risk of getting bitten was great.

Oh well. He had a boot that they could bite onto.

They quickly began running as fast as their legs could possibly go, pushing and shoving all of the zombies away. Lucky for them, they would never catch up.

Matthew began shooting moments later as one of them got to close, his teeth almost sinking into the flesh of his shoulder. He gasped, quickly pulling the trigger and shooting the poor creature in the head. He let out a soft sigh, continuing to run along side Gilbert.

Gilbert was quick on his feet. He had to admit. All of those early mornings of training seemed very much worth it now as he smirked. They would definitely get out of this now. The gate was only a good one hundred yards away now.

On the other hand, Matthew's calves were starting to ache and burn as he began to get tired. All of the adrenaline in his system was probably used up right now, and that was unfortunately the only fuel he had to keep going. But he kept running, even though the burning sensation got worse. He needed to just convince himself that he needed to get through this with Gilbert. Maybe he would get to see his brother. Maybe he would get to see his parents again. He couldn't just let that just go to waste. What it then were already there and just waiting for him to come through those gates at any moment? With that drive he gritted his teeth, ignoring his quick pulse telling him to stop or at least slow down a bit.

Finally, they crashed through the thick gate, quickly closing it again as they all but collapsed against the cement.

"We did it." Gilbert breathed, looking up at the stars for a moment before letting his eyes flutter shut.

"Yeah...we did."

we did it kids we did chapter 6

praise us