It had been a year now. A year since the summer Arthur first came here. A year since high school began. A year since I started spiraling into the depths of depression and hardships. So much had changed since that one day at the river I had let myself think about my past. Some had changed for the better...some things had changed for the worst. This was the hardest year Alfred had ever had but it was finally over.

The joy in having a summer and a soon-to-be new school year to start over was overwhelming but that didn't stop the thoughts in the back of his mind.

It's been a year. It's time for Arthur to leave.

Throughout the year, the two had changed themselves. There were many ups and downs. It was more than a roller coaster though. The ups and downs were constant and didn't end as quickly as a roller coaster did. They were more like the waves in the oceans surrounding Florida, his home. Alfred had realized by the end of the year that dating Arthur would have never worked out. Their personalities constantly collided and Arthur had stopped caring about him near the end. Plus long distances are hard, right? probably wouldn't have lasted anyways.

Surprisingly no one near Alfred had actually been there for him. Many chose to leave him instead. The one person who had stayed by him the entire year and was always there for him was a friend he had made online. Yeah, it sounded kinda sad to say that but no one knew how close he was to this person. They had shared everything with each other and became best friends. They shared their insecurities, their times of pain, their pasts, their lives. No one could ever tell Alfred that this person didn't mean anything, that they were just a name on a computer screen. They had even skyped each other quite a few times. It got to the point where the two talked for hours every single day. His friend made time for him. He stayed up past midnight even during exam weeks just to talk to Alfred. This person had become Alfred's entire life in a little less than a year and had been the one to save him. Yes, Arthur had kept him from killing himself but he had done little for him after that. His online friend was so close to him that they had started to date a few weeks after Arthur had finally quite on him.

Even though things ended with Arthur, that didn't mean they weren't still friends and rivals! Arthur ended up being more motherly than anything. So it was still a sad day when Arthur started to pack his bags.

One by one, his things started to get packed away and Arthur's presence began to disappear from Alfred's room. The day after, all of Arthur's bags had been fully packed and stacked in a neat little pile which was such an Arthur way of doing things. The one thing Arthur left was a small British flag placed in a mug on Alfred's shelf. When asked, Arthur had told him to keep it to remember him by. It would mean more than any words sent through a computer over the next few years before they finally lost touch.

Alfred started to lug the bags into the trunk of his mom's car. He couldn't wait to get his license and have his own car instead of always using his mom's. He had gotten his permit a month ago!

Arthur leaned over and helped him situate the second bag into the trunk. " looks like we won't be seeing each other again. I-it was nice meeting you!" a hand was offered to shake from Arthur's stiffened body. A little awkward for a goodbye but hey, this was Arthur we were talking about. The Brit could be social once and then as if he had never met a human in his existence the next moment!

"Yeah...guess this is goodbye then."

"If you're ever sad, just look at that flag I left you and remember all of the fun times we had! Maybe they didn't mean much to you but they did to me! I really wish we didn't have to part like this, mate."

"Well, we'll be able to talk online at least! And-" Alfred was suddenly tackled by Arthur into a huge hug which was very out of the norm for the Englishman in his arms. He didn't know what to do at first but then let his hands rest on his back and hug him also. His shoulder started to feel a little wet as the boy in his hands started to tremble. His crying was silent but it didn't keep Alfred from realizing he was in his tears. Alfred hugged him tighter.

"You are a really good friend, Arthur. I will miss you so much and I wish you could stay longer. Just know that even if we're seas, continents, or worlds apart, you'll always be one of my best friends. Please don't forget me and keep in touch! Maybe someday I'll come visit you in England, you never know!"

Arthur wiped his eyes and gave a small smile to Alfred. "Yeah, you're right. I just have to think that I'll be seeing you soon. Please have a good sophomore year!"

"Have a safe flight back home! I'll see you again soon, dude!"

"You and your silly American slang," a smile graced Arthur's lips. "I'll miss you. I love you, Alfred"

"I...I love you too...Arthur."

"I never did get you to say that without having you apologize to God."

"Well...I didn't apologize this time. So you managed it in the end."

Arthur's smile became wider and spread across his entire face. He hugged Alfred again but tighter this time and much happier. "Please have a good year, Alfred! I'll see you again someday!"

"Yeah, you too! Say hi to your British friends for me, okay? I don't know if they'd think it's cool having an American say hi to them but whatever, do it anyways!" the American chuckled to himself and wrapped his arm over Arthur's shoulder before saying his final goodbyes to him and letting Arthur get into the car.

"Goodbye, Alfred!"

"Bye, dude. I'll miss you! Stay your cool British self until I see you again!"

"Of course I will!"

Alfred watched as the car rolled down the road, a small American flag flying out of the passenger side window waving proudly in the hands of his British friend.

No matter how hard times may become, there will always be another day and another chance. Alfred was glad he let himself live long enough to realize this and gain a close friend and a boyfriend he wouldn't trade for the entire world. He learned to love life and love himself, and to this day he lives by his saying:

"Things may start with the past but they end with the future."


I'm sorry it took so long and that this story is so choppy and messed up. But it's finally finished and I hope that you all enjoyed this. Thank you everyone who read my story! I appreciate every one of you!