My Goddess

Well here's the finally! Thank you guys for all the oc's MAANNN IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE! I want to thank all of you, they were amazing but the one I thought suited best for Soul was *drum roll* JASMINE KEYS!Thank you Vembre Isles for letting me use this 'cool' oc. Also thanks to 'Roxy Star' and 'Just-Plain-Sketchy'. Like I said, it wasn't easy to choose. Sorry for taking to long. I was kinda on writers block but now I'm ready! Hope you guys like it.

Soul came back in the house and sat on the couch flipping at each boring channel. There was really nothing good on TV. It was 4:30 and Maka hasn't come out yet.

"Maka hurry up. It's not cool to be late!" Soul yelled hurrying her up.

"I'm coming!" Maka announced then Soul heard a door slam. She came into the living room and Soul could feel a small amount of liquid dropping from his nose. He got a napkin wiping what he found out was blood.

He looked at her again, she looked, beautiful, yet, FUCKING SEXY! She wore black shorts, fuck that, Black BOOTY shorts and a red corset blouse. She also wore a short denim jacket and red high top converse. She looked amazing.

"You done looking, you perv!" Maka exclaimed irritated and slightly amused that she finally gave her partner a half nose bleed.

"No Maka it wasn't like that I promise. But you do look n-ni-nice." Soul said try not to bleed again. Maka sighed and grabbed her black satchel.

"So where are we going?" Maka asked as she waited for Soul at the door. Soul got up and opened the door, proceeded her to go first.

"That's a secret." He said with a smirk, locking the door. Maka gave up after numerous attempts in getting the details.

Soul made it to his back and cranked it up and Maka got as well. They drove off arriving at the park. They got off the bike and Soul got something out of his back pocket. It was a. . . . Bandana?

" Here let me put it on. You can't see the surprise, it would be uncool." Soul said tying it one her head to cover her eyes.

"Soul common. This isn't cool!" Soul grabbed her waste to gesture her to the designated area. As they stopped maka uncovered her eyes. She gasped in realizing why Soul brought her here. Soul really did want her to be happy.

Maka walked a little further from where soul was. There she saw a blue haired assassin with red roses in his arms. She was dressed with a white collared shirt with some regular jeans and white vans. Black*Star got up from the bench he sat on and walked towards Maka.

Maka stood there, she was paralyzed. She couldn't believe he would plan this for her, even though he was going to suffer. The blue haired 'god' walked up and handed her the roses. She gladly accepted them and soon was received in a warm embrace.

"I'm sorry Maka. But I love you too much to let you out of my grasp, I am not you're man whore dad. I made a mistake, but please, I want to be with you.

Maka didn't react. She didn't hug him back she just stood there. But tears swelled up in her eyes and she hugged him back.

"Of course I forgive you baka. I was just so heart -broken because I thought that you would leave me a become a player." Maka sobbed into his shirt getting it wet.

"Let's forget about the past and look forward to the future. Our future!" Black*Star said as he stopped the hug and grabbed her hands. She smiled, and he smiled back. It was true what Soul said the day before, he did fall in love with her because of her smile.

As the two sat down on the bench and held hands they didn't realize an albino boy looking at them with kind, sad eyes. He ducked his head, his bangs covered his eyes. A tear dropped and he smirked.

"I'll move on Maka, don't worry about me. I want you to be happy. But I'll never forget that you were my first love." He said as he walked off. He planned this with Tsubaki. He called her and told her to tell Black*Star that they were arranging a date with him and Maka. He knew everything would be fixed.

Soul walk aimlessly through the park. He saw a group of people gathered and cheering for a person that was in the middle. His curiosity got him and he walked to the crowd. He saw the couple he arranged walk to the crowd as well and walked to the opposite side. He didn't want to interrupt their date.

He realized why all the people were cheering, there was a girl with pale skin, sapphire blue eyes, and beautiful scarlet hair singing and playing her guitar. She was amazing. She wore a bright neon green hoodie with regular denim skinny jeans. She had black high top vans that had green laces. The girl wore big baby blue headphones connected to an ipod that was jammed into her back pocket. She sang beautifully.

"Alive~ Just open your eyes, just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful. Will you swear on your lives~ that no one wil cry, at my funeral~"

The girl sang swaying to the beat of the song. Soul was mesmerized he couldn't believe a chick could sing that, cooly. He walked away dropping a dollar at the opened guitar case.

"Thank You!" She yelled waving goodbye as the people left and other people came. Soul walked away and looked up at the sky. He was happy he hooked up his best buds. He walked for a while and time flew by quickly. An hour already had past.

As his eyes stayed attached to the sky he ran into someone, causing them to both fall back. Soul heard paper falling and flapping and a clank.

"Oh my god I'm sorry. How stupid of me. I was glued onto my music I didn't see where I was going." The feminine voice announced. 'it's the girl from before. The girl who sang awesomely!' soul thought. He was nervous. His heart started beating fast and he bent down to pick up some papers.

"NO it's my fault. It was uncool of me, I didn't pay no attention to wear I was going." Soul said handing her the papers. Soul looked at his surroundings and realized he didn't know where he actually was. So many years in this city, but he still got lost -_-.

"actually, I don't really know where I am." Soul said scratching the back of his head. He was kinda embarrassed. The girl started laughing.

"HAHAHAHA YOUR FUNNY! Well I'm Jasmine Keys. I could take you to your house if you tell me where you live." The scarlet haired girl said giving a small two finger salute.

"Yeah I've seen you play your guitar. You're great! I'm Soul 'Eater' Evans." Soul said. Jasmine got her guitar from the floor and Soul got up. He handed her his hand and she gladly took it.

"I live on Death Boulevard. In the DWMA apartments."

"OH cool. It's gonna be a thirty minute walk." Jasmine said as she tried to figure out how to carry her guitar and music. Soul grabbed her guitar and carried it for her. She blushed and gave him a huge grin (like younger Meldy from Fariy Tail. I love her smile xD).

"Hey can we stop by the park close to the apartments. I forgot my bike, and we could ride it from there to my apartment. And I'll drop you off too. I need to start learning my way through these fucked up streets." Jasmine laughed. She had a beautiful laugh. If soul wasn't so dense, he would realize that this girl would be his perfect mate.

They talked about random stuff while they walked. Things they like and they realized they actually have so many things in common. Like they both like skillet, sixx am, and Framing Hanley. They made it to the park to see the blue haired god and ash blond goddess enjoying themselves. Soul smiled and got one his motorcycle with Jasmine to go home.

~*~With Black*Star and Maka~*~

After they saw the scarlet haired chick sing they left and walked around holding hands. They went to the playground they went before they became a couple. Maka went on swing and Black*Star pushed her. They went to an ice cream cart and got popsicles. They walked all around the park happy that they were back together.

"You know Maka. I'm sorry I teased you. I didn't realize back then that a girl's appearance isn't everything. You are beautiful, smart, and amazing Goddess. And the fact that you're mine, it feels like a dream." Black*Star spun around grabbing Maka in a hug and spinning her with him. He literally swept her off her feet.

"I love you Black*Star." Maka yelled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him into a kiss. It was a passionate kiss. One filled with love and the need to be with each other forever. They were in heaven. They felt like they were the only people in the world. It was only them. They stopped the kiss but were still hugging. Maka clutched the back of Black*Star's shirt as he gave her butterfly kisses on her neck. He stopped and laid his head on her shoulder.

"I really am glad you're mine. For me and only me, my goddess."

Omld. I have to admit. I cried as I finished this story. I actually convinced myself that Soul wasn't a bad guy and I cried he had to move on. But I just love Ma*Star so fuckin mush ^.^ Well that's it. I finally finished a story. I was thinking in making another one. Here's the summary. You tell me if it's good or not, if so, I will make it! :D

Summary: Soul 'Eater' Evans Is the prince of all demons. And to claim his crown to become king, he must kill the princess of the Angels and eat her Soul. Her name, Maka 'Angel' Albarn. As he goes to retrieve her Soul, he meets her, and starts feeling something for her that he never felt before. Will he choose love over his thrown, or will he seep into internal darkness.

That's the summary. If you guys think it's a pretty convincing story, feel free to tell me if It's good.

By the way! I couldn't be able to thank you all for the support you've givin me throughout the story. You guys are all amazing. I love you all. THIS WON'T BE THE END MY FELLOW FANFICTIONERS *point finger in the air* x)