A/N: I seem to have found a new love for drabbles and little snip-its of a larger story. My muse is engrained in this style, I think. I haven't abandoned any of my other stories, so no worries.

Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn and its characters/trademarks are the property of Akira Amano, and their associates and license holders.

Sweet Tooth

Prompt: Coordination n. balanced and effective interaction of movement, actions, etc.

Aynai wasn't the most coordinated of people. She wasn't a graceful beauty, who flitted along the marble floors. In fact, she was almost the exact opposite.

She found herself becoming intimate with the floor more and more lately, and being none too quiet about it. Heads would poke out of various rooms whenever she succumbed to her clumsy fate and papers went flying.

She caused more problems then Irie liked.


He never understood why Byakuran kept her around.