.:What would you do to protect your child?:.

That was the question my father asked himself nearly 60 years ago...

.:Would you give her the strength to fend off a grizzly bear?:.

October 18, 1944

A baby girl was born. Her mother: dead.

Time of death: unknown.

Cause of death: gun shot.

Last seen: holding her baby girl in her cold lifeless arms; smiling down at her.

Her last words: "You will do great things my child... Raven..."

.:Would you give her wings to soar through the sky and escape death?:.

Her fathers name: John Madison.

His dream: To give his child a life where she will have no fear of death.

Cause of this dream: His wife, Amelia, was a magnet for the mob of killers, rapists, drug lords.

His fears: The mob killing his daughter.

.:Would you protect her with your life?:.

John Madison was a surgeon. He was forced into working for mobs, making the deaths of the people they killed seem natural. When he told the mob boss that he quit, the boss threatened to kill his wife and child. John left the state in hope to start a new life. 8 years John and Raven, his 9 year old daughter, went from state to state, town to town; running from the mob.

One night while watching over Raven he had caught himself in thought of making her a little harder to knock down, so to speak. The next morning he went to the library, in search of books to research his hypothesis. That day he vowed to make sure that if anything were to happen to him, Raven would be able to fend for herself and fight off the mob. That night he had also told his daughter what he was going to try to do for her. Raven, much more mentally older than how old she really was pondered the idea and agreed to proceed with his plans.

During the time she was getting used to her new found strength and retractable wings she began to explore different ancient cultures. She particularly studied the symbols in the books that her father kept in their library. She loved the swirls, and the geometrical shapes of the symbols to ward off evil spirits, to strengthen your will power and many, many more. Her father grew interested in these symbols as well.

One night while testing Ravens wings he asked "Raven dear, do you think we should maybe put some of those symbols on your skin as well? Just in case?" The little girl smiled and nodded. "Yes father, I think that's a wonderful idea. But how will they stay on my skin?" She looked down at her skin, that was now turning green. Don't be frightened child. Her father had told her when she first discovered it. This just means that your body is changing to accept your wings and what not. Just like your eyes, remember? Yes, her eyes had changed indeed. Turning a golden yellow.

"Don't worry my dear, I will find a way to put them on you." He said putting his hand on her shoulder, signaling her to retract her wings.

A few years passed and Raven was now 12. Over those years she discovered she could communicate with birds, she had also grown a tail.To stabilize your wings, dear. Her father had said when she noticed the nub sprouting near the end of her spine. In fact, the tail had grown off the spinal cord; which had shocked her father as well.

One night, while in the study with her father, Raven had a very unsettling feeling that she couldn't put her finger on. But she brushed it off, figuring it was something to do with the birds out side. Probably quarreling over a worm. She thought to her self as she pulled out a book and laid on her stomach in front of the warm fire place. Her father smiled and lit his pipe, happy to know that his daughters body had accepted the alterations and she could now forget about all the testing she had to do before.

Ravens ear twitched, and she looked up from her book. Her father looked at her then asked worriedly "What is it Raven?" "Shh!" She put her finger to her lips. Her tail swayed in frustration as she moved to the study's door. Her eyes widened. Suddenly the front door was knocked in and a man was yelling orders. "You three! Look up stairs! You two! Look in the kitchen! You look in there! You four! Come with me!"

Her father shot up out of his chair. "Raven hide now! Don't come out for any reason what so ever!" He ordered as he pulled his daughter towards the book shelf. He pulled a book and the shelf opened like a door to a dark hallway with a single oil lamp hanging from the wall. "But daddy!" Raven protested. The foot steps were getting louder. "Go to the end and don't come out till you know they're gone!" He ordered pushing her into the hall and closing the door with tears in his eyes. "Daddy..." She whispered to the door, her eyes pooling with tears. Taking the lamp she ran to the end of the hall and sat in the corner.

"Well, well, well. Look at who we have here boys." A man said. Other men started chuckling. "What do you want?" Ravens father asked them coldly. "Oh you want to know what we want? I think you know very well John!" The man says annoyed to him. Raven stands. "Oh no..." She whispers to herself. "Boys... kill him..." "NOOOO!" Raven screams running to the door. But she was too late. The gun fire was loud and unmistakable. Raven flung the door open revealing four men armed with guns, and an other man dressed in a white suit. They stare dumbfounded at Raven. "What the fuck are you?" The man asks.

Raven starts to hover above the ground hiding her face with her hair. Tears stream from her eyes and down her cheeks. Her madness has consumed her, turning her into a completely different person. The other men pile into the room behind their boss. "What the fuck?" One of them asks.


Raven opens her eyes. The only thing in the study now is her father lying on the ground covered in blood. Cold and lifeless. She walks slowly to her father, tears forming in her golden eyes. "Father..." She drops to her knees and clutches him, sobbing into his blood stained shirt. After an hour of mourning she calms her self, then notices something sticking out of his shirt pocket. She pulls out the folded paper. "A note...?"


if your reading this I am either dead or your in the bunker I built behind the book case.

Even if your in the bunker you will come out to find that I am dead.

I need you to do something for me my little crow, Daddy's old friend will keep you safe.

He will protect you, but you will have to make a decision when you get older.

I hope you will make the right choice.

I know you will make me very proud.

You will find the address to where he is in my shirt pocket.

The directions are on that paper as well so you can fly there.

Try not to be seen, you know how people get when they see you.

I will do my best and see to it that I will look after you in heaven.

Have a safe trip, and please don't be too sad.

I don't like it when my little bird is unhappy.

I love you so much, please have a happy and long life.

Love, Daddy