Disc.- I do not own Harry Potter. All I own is my ~imagination~. You made me sad.

Information…- Fem!Harry in which her name will not begin with an 'H' as I've come to recognize this small fact; his/her mother, aunt and maternal grandmother were named after flowers. James wanted a traditional name and Lily wanted a flower name with Latin roots, hence- Primrose (PRIMROSE: English name derived from the flower name, from Latin 'Prima Rosa', meaning "first rose."). The pairing, as indicated, will be Blaise (who I will always think of as a male, thank you) and my Fem!Harry. Voldemort did not rise in her Fourth Year but will be cropping up later in her Sixth (that is, the year I'm beginning this in). And uh…She has tattoos. Just a warning. Oh and M for a reason dearie.

'Italics in these things'- thoughts.

'Writing'- Letters and notes and books…All that.

("Italics" in parenthesis)-Memories or quotes earlier said.

":(Parseltongue):"- I will not draw out certain 's' and 'c' because you should know it's a serpentine language.

X~Blaise Zabini/Primrose Potter~X

(~October 29; Ballroom; 9:35 p.m.~)

He kneeled down, her delicate hand held lovingly as his head bowed. A grin curled his lips as he raised his head to see her, sparkling gold peering from behind the Colombina Vivian music venetian mask, the crackle finish against the tawny with music notes playing and gold leaves tinged bronze. His tuxedo matched in colors, with deep bronze and golden accents. His date though, lovely that she was, wore startling white against caramel-colored skin. He stood, bringing her close to him and sweeping her along the murmuring crowds to his own group. The white feathers of her own mask stuck out from her inky black tresses that piled languidly yet elegantly, her slender neck free of blemishes of any kind and where a very small silver pendant hung tightly against her throat- a black swan with finely cut emeralds for eyes and hints of silver through the closed wing.

Her mask was decorated in white-silver with Austrian crystals embedded in artistically with the metallic finely-cut swan covering the entirety of her face with sparkling diamonds peeking out from her raven ringlets like stars on a clear night atop her head. Her gown, her gorgeous white gown was of satin and tulle, the bustier sweetheart top and beaded embellishments elegant with a Basque waistline down to the full skirt that was just as elaborate as the strapless top. Satin white opera gloves made their way up her smooth arms as the blooming young woman looked with amazingly vibrant eyes that were beyond emerald- too alive, too compassionate and too deep to be just a pretty hue. The painted lips of the mask were set in a small and serene smile and her eyes reflected the mood easily, the sooty lashes drawing even more attention to the bejeweled orbs.

They were the center of attention and they were ever so gracious about it, always moved with a fluid grace as they moved through the crowds. He took her to his Housemates and watched as their eyes were unmoving from them with quiet pride.

He promised her anonymity in this, to give her a night to be just another girl. But she was now the belle of the ball. His belle of the ball, he thought as he looked down at her tenderly.


(~September 2; Great Hall; Dinner~)

The elderly Headmaster stood from his throne-like seat at the middle of the head table, smiling out at the children and teens that quieted at his wide and joyous smile and listened obediently.

"Ladies and gentlemen- this year there will be a surprise.", his smile widened ever so slightly. Slightly wary looks were spread through the excited and anxious looks. Last year's surprise was a Ministry Official. The year before that was the Tri-Wizard Tournament that Viktor Krum won out over Fleur Delacour and Cedric Diggory. "Nothing too drastic I assure you- a sort of culture celebration. Instead of Halloween and Christmas-", loud exclamations of protest paused him and he sternly held up a hand. It took a moment but they quieted, most of the noise coming from Muggleborns and Halfbloods- the Purebloods looking intrigued. "We will be celebrating Samhain and Yuletide- the original customs of magical kind.", he smiled once more, "Alongside that, there will be three balls held; two of which we will be the guests of our sister Beauxbatons and our brother at Durmstrang. The last shall occur here at Hogwarts. You will be told a month in advance the theme to properly equip yourselves. The week before and the night of the ball itself we shall be guests among our sibling schools.", with that said, he sat and the chatter began immediately. The Deputy Head stood next, her sharp and minty eyes scanning over them quickly.

"For each year there will be stipulations and regulations regarding dress and behavior and for those who do not know the customs of Samhain and Yuletide there will be a class unless you decide to read up on your own, in which case Madame Pince will have a variety of books prepared to choose and learn from. There will be lists and rules posted in your dorms.", she said sharply before taking her seat once more.


"What do you think about all this?", Hermione asked her bestfriend. She tucked a dark lock behind her ear and glanced through thick glasses at the girl as she thought for a second.

"Well I can't dance so I don't really know what I'll do.", she shrugged, "I guess I could always hide out under the pretense of feeling faint like I did in Fourth. As for the whole Samhain and Yuletide…", she shrugged again under the baggy uniform sweater that she always always wore. Hermione laughed a little.

"Yeah, I know. You brought me the books and we stayed up to all sorts of bad hours-", she giggled and her friend responded in kind.

"-And we had to keep on using that time-turner too, remember? And no one even noticed!", she quickly stifled laughter lest someone turn around to look at them weird again.

"We could go missing for days, I think, and our classmates wouldn't notice.", Hermione smiled at her friend in humor, looking at the other with honey-brown eyes that matched tight corkscrew curls of hair. Her skin was also honey-toned, just like her bestfriend's and the two were around the same height as well though Hermione was more willowy with a slender top to her wide hips and long legs (that Viktor Krum had very much appreciated if his many letters said anything). Primrose herself was hidden away in her baggy jumper and trousers underneath the school robes she wore. Primrose gave her friend a rare and sly smile as her eyes glinted.

"So…Gonna get to see Viktor.", she nudged the older girl with her shoulder as Hermione flushed. "I can already picture the beautiful and romantic reunion now,", she told her friend with a wide grin on her pretty face usually hidden by long sheets of unruly black tresses. "'Herm-own-ninny, I haff missed you!', 'Oh Viktor, it was I who missed you!', and then you'll run into eachother's arms and kiss oh so passionately while unicorns sprint out and give their blessings as he proposes!", she said with an exaggerated dreamy sigh as her friend tried to elbowed her but hit nothing as Primrose had already skipped ahead as she had predicted the attack. Primrose snickered as she moved through the crowd with ease, slipping past the forms without touching them and leaving Hermione stuck quite a few people behind.

Golden eyes watched her move beside him and then past, keeping his eyes on her until he could see her no more.


(~Next Morning~)

They looked. Now he was swimming towards the rocky shore with long easy strokes that brought his muscular arms out of the water and gleaming in the sunlight until he did reach the land and he stood in the water where it reached his waist. Lavender gasped as Fay let out an amazed breath while Parvati sighed dreamily and even Hermione blushed at the perfectly chiseled body. Primrose looked him over as she sat up again. Indeed he was carved seemingly from stone for such a flawless body but she didn't see why-

"Primrose!", came the startled whisper as she was once more tugged down. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending who you ask), the sudden movement caught his golden eyes and he looked over as he slicked his hair back with one hand. He grinned over charmingly and the action seemed to freeze the girls before he slowly began to wade his way over. "Oh Merlin, oh Merlin, oh Merlin, oh Merlin…", Lavender was chanting nervously as it was suddenly a scramble to pick up their magazines and pretend to have been reading. Primrose tilted her head before beginning to braid again. Parvati was the last to be done and she'll be damned if she doesn't finish it.

"Good morning, ladies.", the tone of his cultured voice was like satin against the three girlier ones of the five and Hermione was even affected though it had nothing to when Viktor was quietly singing to her in his native tongue. "And what might you lovely ladies be doing out here?", he asked as he leaned on one of the large rocks that covered them from view.

"O-oh, we were just looking at dresses…", Fay told him shyly. His eyes lit up a bit.

"Oh really?", he asked as a grin curled his lips and he heaved himself onto the rock, revealing the short and fitted swimming trunks he wore. His long legs were just as powerful as the rest of his body as he leaned his elbows on his knees to look down at them with a lazy grin. "Perhaps I join you?"

"Well, i-if you want to but we're really not doing anything interesting,", Parvati told him as she glanced at the others. Primrose shrugged as she went on with braiding.

"What are you doing, mia stella?", came the curious question after a few tense moments of silence. She looked up for a second.

"Braiding.", she answered simplistically. "What are you doing?", the reply was instantaneous.

"Watching you braid. You have very talented little fingers cara mia.", she paused to look at him with a frown. He grinned back at her, awaiting her response intently.

"S'not polite to talk to someone in another language. What were you doing out here anyways?", she asked while nodding towards the lake.

"Just going for a swim.", he told her as he eased his way from the rock down with them.

"Don't come down here! You're all wet!", she yelped immediately as he sat next to her and pulled her closer via her waist.

"Am I? Terribly sorry.", he told her unrepentantly as he leaned on her. "You smell absolutely divine, cara.", he told her as he leaned on her a bit more heavily, forcing Parvati out of her lap.

"Hey- whoa!", the two fell to the side with Primrose trapped under him as the others disappeared and the background faded and blurred to a nice satin room. Lips attached to her throat as a hand roamed under her sweater and shirt to feel the soft yet toned stomach before moving up higher, higher

"Blaise!", the dark boy was jolted from his daydream as he looked to glare at the one responsible for snapping him out at a good part. Daphne Greengrass had her narrowed gaze on him as she placed her hands on her hips. He very near winced. This was not the black-haired green-eyed girl he wanted to see. Daphne was a pretty girl in a cold way- with her porcelain skin and dark green eyes big and feline-like rather than the exotic almond shape Primrose had and she was slender whereas nobody knew what Primrose really looked like because she always wore big clothing. "Why are you staring over at that-", her darker eyes glanced over to the green-eyed Gryffindor, "Mudblood?", she sneered. Black hair and green eyes both shared, but Daphne always thought people noticed her more and took it as personal offence. He stared at her coolly.

"What I choose to do,", his lip upturned in the slightest sneer, "Is none of your business, girl.", he stood to loom over her but she didn't back down. This time he really did sneer as he nudged her out of his way. This was one of the few times Primrose had been alone and he intended to use that.

He'd been watching her since their Third-Year. It was all Draco's fault, really.

("-I mean, there's that Griffin and it was practically cuddling up to her! What's so special about her anyways! She's just a scrawny-", Pansy was shrieking as the two boys listened. They'd gotten used to it. It seemed Pansy had a special spot on her 'Hate' list for the girl but this time Draco intervened.

"How do you know?"

"What?", her bewildered gaze set to him. His silvery eyes were thoughtful as he shifted, aware of his 'injury'.

"That she's scrawny? How do you know?", both paused to stare at him. "She always wears those oversized rags. I don't think anyone would know if she even had a tattoo."

"A tattoo? On the Girl-Who-Lived?", Pansy scoffed as she crossed her arms. Blaise frowned.

"What if she does have a tattoo?"

"Oh, for- I can't believe you're actually thinking about this!", she shrilled, glaring at them both furiously. Then she stormed out. Draco turned to his friend.

"Blaise,", he murmured, "I need you to do something for me.", Blaise turned to his friend. He looked serious. "Now I'm not asking for this because I like her or anything- Father wants it. He says that he needs 'proof'. I'm not sure what he's talking about, but still. He was very urgent about it."

"What is it?", he couldn't help himself. What would the Lord Malfoy want to have to actually ask his son to get it?

"A picture of Potter.", he blinked once. Twice. A third time before answering.

"A…Picture of…Potter..?", he asked slowly. "There are plenty of them-"

"No no no,", he stopped him with an agitated look coloring his aristocratic features. "I mean a-", he lost his nerve, blushing now. "Like a-"

"What? A nude picture?", the boy scoffed but stopped when his friend said nothing and merely looked away. "You're joking. You must be joking. A- of her? Why would your…Your father want-"

"I don't know okay!", he snapped. "Now are you going to get it or not?", he frowned, thinking about it.

"…What do I get in this?"

"Twenty galleons.", Blaise frowned deeper. His mother sent him a weekly allowance but he certainly wouldn't turn down an extra twenty for something as simple as a photo. He nodded and Draco breathed out a relieved sigh. "Thank Salazar. My father said it was urgent and something about keeping her away from the muggles. Did you know she actually lives with them? Disgusting.")

When he finally had a chance, he was so shocked he couldn't get the picture on the first try. Her body was riddled in welts and old scars. Some were scratchy words in caps. 'FREAK' was carved just below her bust, curving to her ribcage. "ABOMINATION' was crawling up her left thigh. 'ATROCITY' was carved at the small of her back. 'MONSTROSITY' curled around her right hipbone. There were also burn marks present. But aside from those and the welts and deep gashes on her back, there were indeed tattoos. On her slim bicep was a snake seemingly wrapped around- colored a deep sapphire with gleaming bronze eyes that coiled tighter and hissed, the inside of the mouth a deep green and the tongue and fangs a deadly silver. A sleeping lion (he was sure he saw the tail flicker and the ears in the thick mane twitch) that was a faint golden-yellow but with a thick black mane to match the tuft on its' tail rested on the opposite arm. Later on he realized it was the House colors on different House animals. A combination. It was the second time he caught her that he saw the others. An ankh rested below her belly-button, jeweled with sparkling gems in a rainbow of color that sparkled and shone prettily. An equally bejeweled (for that was what they were- the gems were real and embedded in her skin- thank Merlin for magic, eh?) scorpion could move and scuttle about as it pleased. He'd even seen the lion open a lid lazily (the eye color was red) as it passed by. A bejeweled butterfly usually rested at the inside of her left ankle. But that was way back in Third-Year. He'd seen her take certain potions to help with malnutrition and scarring and she may have gotten more tattoos. He never did find out what the photo was used for though he did gain his twenty galleons.

And that was why it was all Draco's fault for Blaise's infatuation with the girl. And Draco knew it. So he didn't bother the girl too much.

Back to now though. He loomed over her and watched as she looked up at him with her wide green eyes. He smiled disarmingly. "Hello, cara mia.", he greeted and watched her brow crinkle for a second. It was adorable. "Can I talk to you for a moment?", she tilted her head this time, but got up nonetheless to follow him. None of the Slytherins ever bothered her after all. She barely reached the middle of his broad chest and he ushered her in front of him, his hand resting on the small of her back where the older scar would've been, if the potions hadn't cleared it away yet. He led her deep into the winding pathways with her absently looking at the books she passed though she remained silent. Once he deemed far enough from any listening ears he paused her. She turned to him questioningly. "I want to take you to the ball.", he told her bluntly and saw her lips part in shock as she stared at him.

"Wh-wha-? But, you don't even know me!"

"Does anyone actually know you?", he asked her silkily, circling her in a somewhat intimidating way. "No, don't answer. I want to take you to the ball, cara mia.", he reinstated. "You didn't give me an answer."

"I can't dance. And I've got nothing to wear. I don't even know your name.", he smiled at her warmly.

"Blaise Zabini. Slytherin Sixth-Year, only child, proudly born in Italy, and also harboring a deep affection for you."

"That doesn't help.", she accused him, pressing against the bookshelf behind her nervously. He came closer, placing either hands at the sides of her head. "And I still can't dance. Nor do I have a dress."

"No? We can always simply buy one for you. And I can teach you how to dance. We can get to know one another better that way yes?", he purred, leaning down close to her. He saw the rosy flush under the delicious tan she had and grinned in satisfaction. "At these balls there are to be themes, correct?", he asked abruptly and she paused before nodding warily. "Then we can wear masks. There is nothing in the rules against them. You can maintain complete secrecy if you want.", he knew that that was his seller. She looked at him hesitantly.

"You mean…I can just be another face in the crowd?", he chuckled darkly. She would never be just that- she was always so much more.

"People won't see the Girl-Who-Lived.", he told her instead. He knew it'd appease the girl. Her big emotional eyes looked up at him again.

"…Then…I guess…", she murmured as she looked away. He smirked smugly before grabbing her delicate chin and making her look at him. Now her eyes were even wider. She had read enough romance novels to know that when guys did that and liked you, they were probably going to kiss you. And he did.

It was very soft, very sweet. Just a gentle push of warm lips against her own, really. But it made her positively melt. 'It's sweeter than chocolate,', she thought absently. 'I'm so telling 'Mione 'bout this.'

X~Blaise Zabini/Primrose Potter~X

And that's the first chapter. Should I continue it or not? And if I do, what do you think should all happen, hum?