Hi! This idea came to my head when... actually, I don't remember; I just know it involved a train.

Warning: Language, some OC's, some violence, and self harm in the form of slapping.

I don't really know the the train system works, so sorry for any mistake involving that.

I don't own Hetalia, it belongs to Himaruya-san.

"Do you want some of the candy, Feliciana?"

"Yay! Thank you Papa!"

I watched him give her some candy that seemed to come out of nowhere. He then went to look at something in his bag. What about me? I mean, I don't even want any candy! He probably knew that, but it wouldn't hurt to ask me anyway.

It's okay though, I can live through it... as I'm not even his kid anyway. I quit looking at them and stared at the feet of people passing by our seat on the train.

For a while now, I knew. I didn't look like him, or Feli's mama for that matter. I remember waking up in the middle of the night and hearing them talk about me in their room- about how I wasn't their child. I scowled now and continued to stare at other people's feet.

Why? If you weren't even going to love me like one of your own, why did you keep me? I would've been better off in an orphanage... maybe. They said something about my parents not mentally stable enough to raise me; something tragic had happened to them. They also said they had to keep me away from them as far as possible. So that meant I knew them- but I don't really keep track of their friends, or anybody that comes over; there are too many, I can't remember them well.

I'm only five, but I can think like this. He told me to try not to think a lot; he said I'm not supposed to be thinking like I'm thinking right now and play with the other kids, like Feli, but I didn't want to. I'd rather sit under a tree somewhere to myself, either thinking or... something one person could do by oneself.

I turned my head to the window; we're heading south now, towards Sicily. Not there yet, but we were going to be, in how many hours- I don't know.

I turned my head to Roberto to ask, "Hey, bastard."

He turned to me. "Yes? And, language." He didn't really like it when I cussed. I had learned it from a friend of his. What was his name again? Ron? Don? Coincidentally, he wasn't getting along with this friend, and I was reminding him of it.

"Sorry. What time are we getting there, ba- I mean Roberto?"

He sighed and straightened the tie he was wearing. "Soon, soon. Don't worry, we will get home before dinner." He looked out the window now, and asked Feliciana, who was still eating candy, if she could count the clouds outside the window.

I frowned and stared at the empty seat in front of me. He didn't look at me once, not even a glance! He treated me like those sale clerks people try to ignore when they're shopping. And he said before dinner like I was hungry; I'm not hungry, we had lunch just a few minutes ago on this train! I crossed my arms in irritation.

This bastard.

The sun was beginning to set now.

Feliciana tried to talk with me, asking me to color with her on a book she brought with her, but Roberto kept interrupting, saying some shit about the scenery in the setting sun. Lately, he always tried to distance me away from her.

Suddenly, I hear the doors within the train slam together. I can hear people yelling in fear, and I can hear men screaming to each other.

*Slam* Someone had come in to our area.

I watched as a man with dark hair came into view in front of us. He looked at Roberto and smiled like a evil villain.

I stared at the man as Roberto spoke to him. "What are you doing here? You're disrupting this train." He sounded angry.

The man narrowed his eyes at him. "I came for what was mine and Chiara's you bastard."

"Don, this isn't the right time to do this-"

"Do you think I really care for- " suddenly, there was smoke. "The hell?"

I can hear another man in the train somewhere. "Ha! Now this will teach you to disrupt my quiet time!"

I can hear someone running towards us; it was probably that man.

"What the?" I hear the other man, Don say as he... was shoved against the wall? It was hard to tell with the smoke.

"Papa, what's happening?" I hear Feli say.

"Don't worry; come on, we need to get out of here." As Roberto said that, the train lurched; we probably stopped somewhere because of the smoke.

I heard the doors open and people running out as fast as they can.

"Come on!" I heard Roberto say. I can see now, a little bit. He was holding on to Feli's hand and hurrying her out- I started to follow him as he ran towards the exit.

I started coughing, the smoke was becoming to much; I had a headache now. As we were almost out the door, I can hear that man Don.

"Damn you Rob! I just want my-" I stopped listening as I tripped. "Damn it!" I say as I feel my knees hurting. My headache was getting worse too- wait. Where were Roberto and Feli?

I swayed as I got up and looked around. They... did they leave me? I started feeling scared now. I started to walk around and look for them, but it was hard to with my headache- it was affecting how I see.

Suddenly I see Feli's curl. "Feli?" I started to run towards what I thought was Feli. I tripped again, but it was harder to get up now and my coughing started to hurt.

"Fe-Feliciana..." I started to cry; it was beginning to hurt. My head hurt, my throat hurt, my knees hurt, and my eyes were clouded in tears.

"Wait... for me.." Can anyone hear me? My throat hurt so much...

No one came to me, are they ignoring me? I was getting so scared; I tried to talk again.

"I'll be a good girl I promise...please come back..." It hurt so much... Did they forget?

"I...I don't want to be alone..." My heart began to ache; they weren't coming back for me, were they?

I suddenly saw a pair of feet in front of me. Before I can look up, I blacked out.

(Next scene)

Julius, dark haired and blue eyed, walked out of the train and sat in the bench, waiting for the next one. As he sat on the bench, he stared at the gold ring resting around his finger and smiled.

He adored his wife to pieces; today, she was in the hospital. He frowned now- he had learned from the doctor that she had gotten a miscarriage. He was relived when he heard that she was alright, but...

They had always wanted children, ever since they were children together. Now, that they married, they could make that dream come true, but now...

He was sad of course, but he was happy that Luciana was okay above all. They'll make it through this, one way or another.

Suddenly he heard a commotion from one of the trains. He watched as smoke came out with people running in different directions in a panic.

'I hoped no one got killed or anything' he thought as he got up with his briefcase and looked at his watch. It was time to go to the next train now.

He saw his train and starting walking to it, going past people that had come out of the train with smoke in it.

"Papa! Papa! Sister, she's still back there!" He watched as a man holding a tiny girl with a curl ran by. He continued to watch as the girl cried.

"Si-sister! Papa, we need to go back!"

The man continued to run, ignoring his daughter's cries. 'What a father!' Julius thought angrily to himself.

'How can a father leave another daughter behind?' Suddenly he stopped; something was in front of his feet.

He looked down to see a small girl with dark brown hair. Her face was a bit dirty; it must be due to the smoke, he assumed silently to himself.

He watched as her eyes closed. He panicked, "No, don't die on me!" he says loudly as he bent down and picked her up. He watched as she started to breathe the slightest bit and sighed in relief.

'It's a good thing I'm on my way to see Luciana at the hospital.'

(Next scene)

"Do you know the parents?" asked a police officer. He was at the hospital now and he had called an officer to see the little girl.

"No, but I saw him running away with his other daughter."

"Sorry, but we can't do anything if we can't identify who she belongs to. We'll have to wait for the parent to file in for a missing child."

"I...I see."

When the girl wakes up, we'll come tak-"

He interrupted him. "If it's alright, I'll take her in."

The officer paused for a moment. "I suppose you can do that. I'll let it up to her when she wakes up. If you excuse me, I'll go be on my break until she wakes up."

As the officer left, Julius decided to go see his wife.

On the fifth floor, in a room that seemed completely lifeless, laid his Luciana.

He sat next to her and clasped his hand in hers. "Hi sweetheart."

She smiled at him, but her eyes said otherwise. "I'm sorry, I wasn't strong enough-"

"Shh, it's not your fault," he caressed her hair, "We will try again someday, after all, we're only 20."

"Do you think we tried too soon?" she whispered.

"No, we just had some bad luck is all," he whispered back.

"Excuse me?" They looked to see a nurse come in.

She looked at Julius. "That little girl, she is waking up."

"Is that so? Can you bring her in here?"

"I'll try." And the nurse left.

"What little girl, Jul?" asked Luciana. He told her what had happened at the last train station he was in.

"That is just..." she straightened up on the bed.

Then the nurse walked in. They watched as she brought in the little girl in a wheelchair.

"Can we be alone?" He asked. The nurse nodded and walked out.

He looked down at her. "Are you alright?"

The little girl frowned. "I... I can't really remember," she paused.

They watched in shock as she started slapping herself, "Damn! Why can't I remember?"

"No, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself," says Luciana, as Julius went to grab on to the girl's hand to make sure she stopped hitting herself.

Her eyes lowered to the ground. "Did I want to forget?" she asked herself in a small voice. Julius stiffened, he could understand why she would want to forget.

"What do you remember?" asked Julius.

"I...remember running- I couldn't really see where I was going. And voices, faint voices..." she paused to remember more, "No one came back for me," she suddenly said in a small voice.

Julius frowned and tried to change the conversation. "What else do you remember about your father?"

The little girl stared and frowned back at him. "The bastard is not my father."

"Oh... then who was he?" He still frowning, but now in confusion and at her vocabulary.

"I guess, he was like my godfather or something, but I know he wasn't my dad."

"Hmm.." he tried to wrap this information around his head.

"...Hey bastard." He looked at the girl. "What?"

"What happens to me now?"

I'll continue this conversation in the next chapter.

How was it? Did you notice that I didn't say her name?

There is going to be some future hints of Spamano in the next chapters

As for Ger/fem!Ita, that's going to be some ways away, along with Pru/fem!Can.

Please review!