"Do you regret the way she had to come back?" a girl asks her adoptive brother. Her eyes have tears welling up in them.

"No, Katerina I don't and your not to blame she's still going to be with us," He informs her bringing his sister in close. Her hands tremble as she touches her friends cold lifeless body. She looks up to her brother. Her hand shifts on it's own and her attention is brought back there.

"Duck are you okay?" Katerina whispers. She lifts a bag of blood from a bag and tosses it too Duck. Katarina herself is hungry, but she's given up on foolish ways of feeding on humans and their pitiful emotions. She's dying, but her friends will never know. She looks daily for a new way to feed and human food can barely support her although it has been working enough. At school she'll feed off of other students worries and fears. In fact she was beginning to feed off her brother's to help her survive. "Fakir and I have been waiting for you to wake up," her platinum blonde hair seems to sparkle in the moonlight. "You won't have much time outside. You can really only roam around at night. I have a few 'friends' who are studying this necklace. It's supposed to keep one vamp from burning up in the sunlight." Katerina is surprised that Duck even made it out alive from the blood she gave her. Old vampire blood isn't supposed to be affective in turning a human into a vamp, but it worked and it would work out fine. Right?

"What a boring story and to think one of my main charterer is a vampire this won't do for my sequel I'll have to get some more puppets to make this interesting," Drosselmeyer announces. Katerina hears his voice in the back of her mind. "Well my British vampire what will you do? You were to selfish to share your own blood with Duck; who is like a little sister to you. Whose life will you choose to save? Hmm... my creature of the night," Drosselmeyer asks. 'Who the hell is he talking to?' Katerina wonders. She's ashamed to admit it, but she didn't want to be the one sire Duck.

Fakir stares at his sister whose head is in her hands. "Are you okay?" Fakir wonders. He only slightly cares about his sisters sanity.

"Bloody hell, Drosselmeyer is back. I think he plans to use Duck as his main character because of her 'condition'." She clutches her head and screams in agony.


"Wait were going to Gold crown because you had a vision. Buffy I don't mean to sound rude, but come on it's all the way in Germany! I can't speak German and neither can you! I think only Dawn and Giles can!' Xander exclaims. He looks to Willow and Anya for support.

"Anya can speak most human languages she'll be fine and willow will just use a translation spell to help the rest of you," Giles answers. "It would be wise to listen to these visions they helped you get Anya back. Imagine if Buffy didn't meet Kata when she was fleeing from L.A. How would you have her?" Giles asks. Anya looks in confusion.

"Kata lives in Gold Crown I hope she's okay. She said she needed to help her adoptive brother's girlfriend. What happened to her anyway?" Willow asks.

"She... died we were too late," Dawn whispers. Kata became a unofficial member of the Scoobies until she had to return to Germany, but was 'killed' by vamps.

"Well we should pay our respects to her grave," Willow chimes in. The rest nod in agreement.

"I want to meet her brother!" Anya outbursts. Everyone stares at her as the words leave her mouth. "What? He sounds like fun!"

"If fun is an over possessive brother who won't let you pick your own friends, books, jobs, and …... I think that's all they have in that town," Buffy replies.

"Yes, Gold Crown is thought to be Amish," Giles informs them, "It's been very difficult to keep contact with said family Herr Drosselmeyer. That appears to be all we know of Kata. I believe he said they were of-"

"We're going to be late. The last thing our welcoming committee will want is for us to miss our flight Giles," Willow interrupts. Willow finds it will be more exiting to see Dawn's reaction to her happy, healthy, living friend.


"What do you mean I have to welcome a bunch of tourists!" Katerina whines. It's about one in the morning when Fakir wakes her up. "Where are they even from?"

"California," Fakir replies.

"And they'll be arriving?"

"In an hour. Hurry up and get ready you have a long walk," Fakir answers with a smirk. 'If only being the type of demon I am didn't mean I could be infused with vampire blood and still see the sun. I swear I'll kill Drosselmeyer one day.' Katerina thinks. She just barely keeps the thoughts in her head where they belong. She just can't wait until Fakir turns twenty-one, the day she'll finally know if Fakir is a half demon as well. On the bright side, (A/N: *Cough*Sarcasm*Cough*) Katerina gets the strange feeling like the unfortunate people to get pulled into a new and improved supernatural version of our once slightly normal town; brought to them by Drosselmeyer.