This is the last chapter TAT I wasn't sure if I wanted to write a happy or sad ending so this happened.


Somewhere downtown near the harbor, something was amiss: a massive monster had suddenly appeared from nowhere, attacking and devouring humans. Dante was on the case already and so were Lady and Trish.

"Get on." Trish said as she appeared from around the corner of the Bull's Eye Bar, and she stopped beside him on her motorcycle. "Lady should be on her way already."

She didn't even bother to hand him a helmet and as he seated himself behind her, she had slammed her foot on the pedal and they were speeding down the streets. It was chaos all around. "This is bad." He heard her say, her voice muffled by her own helmet.

"It's Mia."

"What happened?"

"She was unwell a few hours ago. I should've paid more attention to her." Dante replied as they zoomed through the roads, weaving in and out between parked cars that were stuck within the massive queues. Many of the drivers had stepped out, yelling and screaming, wondering what the holdup was about.

"I'd like to deal with this on my own if you don't mind." Dante said.

Finally, they arrived at the scene to see a throng of screaming harbour workers and sailors running away from the pier and towards the safety of the town. Trish parked the motorcycle at a random spot and they were shortly joined with Lady who was reloading a new clip of bullets into one of her guns.

"Hey," She greeted them both, "Took you long enough."

"How does it look?"

"There's a giant demon inside the main warehouse. It's been snacking on some workers too." Lady replied, as they all settled their eyes onto the warehouse she had just gestured to. Dante had begun striding towards the building. "Hey, where'd you think you're going?"

"I'll do this on my own."

"No way!" Lady snapped, but Trish stopped her by holding out an arm. "Trish?"

"He can handle this on his own. It's his girlfriend." said the blonde.

Lady raised an eyebrow. "You're kidding me, right?" But then her attention was disrupted when someone rammed into her from the side; a screaming sailor had rushed past, accidentally bumping into her. "Hey, watch it, you ass!" Lady hissed, before Trish began to make her way towards the direction of the car park. "And where do you think you're going?"

"I'll be in charge of crowd control." She said with a shrug, whipping out Luce and Ombra from the back of her belt. "I could do with a helping hand."

Lady watched Dante then turned to Trish and promptly followed after her.


The man stared as he saw the massive monster before him. It had trapped him, blocking the exit. He had seen what it had done to his comrades; they had all been devoured, and now he would most likely be next.

"No, no! Please, no!" He screamed as it settled its empty eyes on him; it made a grab for him; he had tried to run but it was faster and it swept him up in one massive swing of its arm. It saw him wriggling in its grip before snorting heavy, warm breath out of its large, salivating jaws. He was screaming now as it crushed him, its talons clamping down and tightening around his tiny body, squeezing.

His bones snapped and blood began leaking out, dripping down its curled fist and onto the floor. He was no longer moving. The stench of blood was strong and the demon's mouth opened to a certain extent. It hadn't feasted on human flesh for a long time. The scent hit its nostrils and it inhaled then exhaled, growling softly. Without a second to delay, the monster lifted him head first into its awaiting mouth and bit down, tearing him in half.

Suddenly, a bullet slammed into it from behind and it turned, with the half-eaten, mangled body in its large, scaly claw. A familiar silver-haired man was standing before it. She was a lot bigger than he had though; he looked so tiny compared to the monster which loomed over him at a great height.

"Mia!" He yelled, holding one of his pistols which was aimed directly at its direction. The demon stared at it before glancing at the nearly-devoured body in its claw. It continued to eat until the whole body disappeared down its gullet head first.

"Hey!" He fired more rounds at it and the monster roared in anger, thrashing wildly. He didn't like being ignored. A dismembered leg dropped out from the corner of its mouth, having been disrupted in its feeding session. "That's right, over here." He crooned as he held his arms out, beckoning it to come closer to him.

Falling for the taunt, the creature waddled towards him, its beady eyes fixed on his form. Dante stared at the large, awkward-looking creature. She really was hiding all that under a cute exterior and slim, lithe body. Mia...this was really Mia. The monster reminded him of the one he'd seen in Laurent's basement, except this one's eyes were squid-like and green and its mouth was much bigger, much wider and unlike the other mermaid-Mia had a mouth outlined with circular rows and rows of razor sharp, shark-like fangs sticking out of her gums. Every mermaid must really look like that, he thought. This must be their true forms. And their true forms were hideous.

With an ear-splitting shriek, the demon focused all attention onto Dante; it threw its large webbed claw at him but he evaded by leaping into the air. The fist made contact with the ground and the planks underneath gave way.

"Mia! Cut it out!" He yelled, but his words fell onto deaf ears. He didn't know why she was going berserk or why she had transformed in the first place. She turned her massive weight around and caught him with a swing of her tail. He refused to fight her but she was fighting him and with immense strength, she threw him to the wall of a nearby warehouse.

His back connected with the brick but he was unharmed as he landed. It would take a lot more than that to break a demon hunter.

"Mia!" He tried again, "Mi, snap out of it!"

There was still no response, no matter how much he tried. She was lost. She had lost, succumbing to her demonic, killer instincts. He really didn't want to do this. If he activated his Devil Trigger, the chances of killing her were high. With Ebony and Ivory, he pulled the trigger and the monster was howling, having to shield itself although the bullets were bouncing off rather uselessly off its thick, slime-coated, scaly body. She swung her claws at him, this time smashing them at the wall but he had ducked, and he came at her again.

The creature counteracted with her tail, throwing it towards him in a stabbing motion but he avoided the attacks, even after she hurtled its tail again-this time in a curling motion-and her spikes came shooting off from the flesh, flying at his direction. He knocked them away with his sword but one stabbed him through his thigh, the thin but long spike impaling him cleanly.

He walked across the pier as though the spike did not affect him at all, blood dripping off from his wound. "I know you're still in there, Mi."

She stopped and she stared at him, her massive, bulky body heaving with each laborious breath, and then he thought he might've seen wrong, but he had thought her gaping eyes had turned slightly dilated, wet and somewhat glossy. The mouth was slack and upturned before it closed and she made a was a mournful noise, a wail, a cry for help...

...but no sooner had that happened, it was as though the demonic instinct took over again and her eyes became sharp and narrow, her irises turning into slits...she belted out, shrieking raggedly, exposing her horrid teeth before she lunged at him one more time, using her mouth as though attempting to devour him; he used Rebellion to stop her and the tip of her fangs sunk into his ribs and back before her jaws enclosed around him completely.

"Mia..." He murmured, but the creature was unresponsive as it growled. Its warm breath blew his hair back and its snarls were growing louder and louder as it wrestled with him, wanting to sink its horrid fangs into his body. But he could not see her as this miserable, wretched being in front of him, instead he saw her as the lovely human he had been with, a human with her long, brown hair and those waif-like green eyes.

With a roar, he shoved her back with all his strength and with his sword in hand, he rammed it through her body and the tip of Rebellion went piercing inside her as far as it could go.

She screamed.

It was over.


5 days later.


In Devil May Cry, Lady was standing beside Dante and snapping her fingers in his face, which was conveniently covered by a magazine. Lady and Trish exchanged glances with each other. "What the hell's wrong with him?" Lady muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.

Trish shrugged lightly and proceeded to chew into her pizza slice.

"He's been like this for days." Lady continued, "It's unhealthy."

"Just leave him." The blonde replied, a little nonchalantly, "He'll be back to normal about a week later. Come back then."

"...Fine." Lady barked, before she stormed back out of the doors.

Trish hopped off the desk and finally, Dante removed the magazine from his face. "...You're leaving too?"

"You need to be alone, I understand." Trish replied as she sauntered towards the doors, "I'll come back to check up on you tomorrow." She winked at him, then shut the door behind her.

He was left alone. Dante leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. It was silent. He glanced at his desk. He looked at his hands. He checked his clothes. He put down the magazine on the surface. Then he looked at the telephone. Nothing happened. He could put the jukebox on... nah, he wasn't in the mood for music. He could always watch TV...oh wait, he broke it the other day...

Dante stood up. He had always been alone, but not like this. Now he truly felt alone. Although she wasn't in his life for a long period of time, she had been in his life long enough for him to feel as though he was missing something and that quite frankly, without her around, the world had become a cold and lonely place again. He was a half-human, half-demon hybrid...Demons didn't like him...neither did much humans for all that mattered...

And the way things had ended was just...

Suddenly, the door opened and he looked up. There was a man standing at the doorway, looking around curiously before his eyes settled on Dante. Before he could speak, Dante said, "The can's in the back."

"Are you Dante, the devil hunter? Would you be interested in a job?" asked the man, "You see, I've lost something and I want it back but-"

"Sorry, no can do." Dante replied hastily, "I'm not interested."

"B-but!" The man was spluttering, "It's important to me! They stole it off me and I want it back! Please, you're the only one who can help-"

"Here, take this phone number. Name's Lady. She'll help." Normally he wouldn't pass up on jobs but he had a flash of déjà vu although something identical to this had happened before. Dante returned to his seat and grabbed a piece of paper, scribbling down Lady's number before thrusting it out for the man to take.

He stepped forwards meekly and took the slip off him. "O-oh, well...alright, I will. Thank you. Sorry for bothering you..."

The man left. Dante watched him leave, then he left his seat once more and went to the doors where he grabbed the 'CLOSED' sign and stuck it on. However, he could see Lucy outside on the streets, staring at him through the window from her spot. He hesitated, his hand on the string of the blinds.

She was watching him with a rather forlorn expression. No doubt, she was disappointed in him. When she met his gaze, her lip had wobbled slightly before she turned away and began walking the direction she had come from. He guessed she didn't want to come into the shop. Without further ado, Dante pulled the string and lowered the blinds.

Several months later.

"A fishing trip? Are you serious, old man?" Nero growled, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. He was clearly unamused. For obvious reasons.

"Y'know, life's not always about kicking demon butt. Fishing can teach you patience, which unfortunately you don't really have, kid." Dante said, holding up two long fishing rods in hand whilst the younger man glowered at him. "How 'bout it?"

"NO." Nero barked at him, before he turned away and stomped towards the exit. He'd told Kyrie he would be late to see her singing practise for this stupid crap?

"Aw, c'mon, you know want to." Dante yelled after him, yet Nero merely shrugged him off without even glancing over his shoulder.


Many hours later.


Dante was lying on the floor of the boat with a fishing magazine over his face while Nero remained sitting in his corner, scowling. He couldn't believe he actually let himself get dragged by Dante into this. Here they were, stuck in a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean with two fishing poles attached firmly to the sides of the boat with the lures drifting under the water. He'd been waiting for hours but no fish were biting. This part of the ocean they'd decided to fish in was rumored to be the home of fish of unimaginable sizes.

It didn't matter because they hadn't caught anything yet and the sky was darkening. If they didn't return to the shore they'd be stuck in the sea in the night. This was boring and dull and stupid. He'd choose to pummel the living daylights out of a bunch of Scarecrows any day instead of doing this. He was about to stand up in protest and drive his clenched fist into Dante's face if the tiny boat space allowed him to until one of the rods began wavering.

Something had gotten caught.

"Dante!" He hissed, and the older demon hunter pulled the magazine off his face and squinted his eyes up at the young man.


Nero gestured to the jiggling fishing rod. Immediately, Dante leapt up to stand, rubbing his hands together. "Hehe, let's see what we got here..." He grabbed the rod and began to reel the line back towards him. It was not until a few moments later when he yanked the rod upwards fiercely and a large fish came hurtling out of the waves and landed on the floor of the boat.

The fish was huge!

"Way-hey! Check it out!" Dante exclaimed as the helpless fish bounced and jerked around with the lure stuck in its mouth, while Nero scowled at his unmoving, unwavering and un-jiggling fishing rod. "What about you, kid?"

"...Nothin' yet."

"Hmm," Dante muttered as he crouched beside the fish and began petting it even though it was still thrashing and splashing water everywhere, "I'm gonna call you 'Mia'."

Nero scoffed. "You gonna name a fish?"

"Yeah." The older man replied with a casual shrug.

Nero glanced at the poor fish as it continued to wriggle and out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw something bobbing up and down in the water behind Dante, just a short distance away from the boat. He whipped his head up and stared; it was a girl, with white hair and light-green eyes. She was watching them, although her gaze was fixed on Dante the entire time.

However, as quickly as he had spotted her, she had noticed that she had been seen and her eyes met Nero's for a split second before she dived under the water. He saw a large, sleek, orangey-grey tail following her movement before it too, disappeared under the surface.

"Hellooooo? Earth to kid. What's wrong, kid? You look like you just saw a ghost." Dante said, glancing up at Nero who was still gawking at the spot where the girl had been.

"There was a..."

"What?" Dante moved away from the fish and stood up, facing the direction where Nero was staring at, "I don't see anything."

"No, there was a girl."

"Probably just a manatee, Nero. They're pretty common around here."

"Manatee?" Nero barked at him with his clenched, glowing fist, "You think I saw a MANATEE? I'm pretty sure I saw what I saw."

"And it was a girl, huh?"

"Yeah." Nero nodded.

"You sure are deprived. Kyrie's not giving you any, is she?"

"S-shut up!" He fumed, his face reddening.

Dante was howling with laughter, "Relax! I'm kidding. What you saw was probably a Siren."


"Yeah, they're water demons." Dante replied, before he lowered himself to rest on the boat before dumping the fish into a net. "I met one. I called her Mia."

"What? How come I don't know anything about this?" Nero said, as he moved to sit down opposite Dante, who glanced over having realised Nero was now watching him keenly.

"What's the matter, kid? You want a bedtime story?"

Nero was growling again and Dante merely laughed even louder; he enjoyed tormenting the poor kid. "Forget it; forget I asked." Nero grunted under his breath, "But I know what I saw. Sirens, huh?" For some reason he couldn't really find himself believing in them.

"Yep. They're half-woman, half-fish babes. They can come up onto land to mingle and have fun with men. They eat fish and they're fascinated with shiny stuff," Dante mused with a grin. "Maybe one day you'll meet a hot mermaid too, Nero."

"What happened to her?"

"I set her free."

"Which means you're still a lonely old man." Nero muttered, sitting forwards in his seat, "You wanna see her again, dontcha? That's why you dragged me all the way out here."

Dante lazily flicked his gaze to the fishing rod that belonged to Nero. "You've caught something, kid."

"Huh?" Nero's eyes trailed to his fishing rod, which was indeed shaking and quivering. He was by its side in seconds, grabbing the rod and trying to reel in whatever he had caught. Dante watched on, bemused as the younger man wrestled it with much ardor and finally, Nero hauled the line out of the water and they were briefly bathed in the shadow of the massive fish as it went flying.

It landed on the boat with a loud splat! and Nero gaped at the human body attached. It was undoubtedly a female but she had no legs; instead, she had a scaly and dark, ochre-colored fish tail that was outlined with rigid, thick spikes. Her hair was a light brown, long and tangled, and in her mouth was a large chunk of the bait they'd used along with a shiny piece of jewelry.

"I didn't put that on my bait." Nero pointed out.

"Yeah I know, 'cos I put it on." Dante said, grinning, "See? What did I just tell ya?"

Nero merely stared at the back of the half-fish and half-woman creature, transfixed, although when she moaned and turned round and he saw that she was naked, he turned his head away. Dante grinned at him, slapping him on the back, and maneuvered towards the mermaid who was now staring up at them with her blue eyes, wide-eyed with fear. But as Dante approached, she was hissing at him like a cat, shaking her claws and exposing her fangs at him as threateningly as she could.

"It's okay, we're not gonna harm ya. We're gonna let ya go." He said as he crouched down in front of her before he reached into his jacket; he took out a rose from the inner pocket and handed it to her. The rose was a little squashed but the petals were still intact. "Can you pass a message on for me? I want you to give this to her."

The mermaid looked at him, then at the rose in his hand and took it off him, holding the flower with two webbed fingers gently. She nodded.

"Take this with you as well." Dante handed her a large wooden chest which he pulled out from the side of the boat, near the box where they kept their fishing lures. Nero didn't even notice Dante hauling that onto the boat with him. "Oh, and you can keep that." Dante then plucked at the lure from Nero's fishing rod and handed her the shiny jewelry-which turned out to be a ring- and the mermaid was beaming widely at her new gift. She excitedly fitted it around one of her spikes, noticing that it fit perfectly.

"Dante?" Nero began, as he watched Dante pat the mermaid's head and she was blinking at him before he gestured for to return to the ocean. She nodded again, and with the flower and treasure chest in hand, she crawled over the boat's rim and sunk into the water, disappearing underneath. Dante stood back up, shoving his hands into his pockets; Nero casually sidled over to stand beside him.

"They're actually really nice when they're not tryin' to kill ya." Dante said, as the mermaid reappeared at the surface once more, staring at the duo; she was joined by another mermaid with blonde hair and she whispered to the newcomer before they both burst into giggles. Both were gazing rather flirtatiously at Nero's direction and Dante elbowed him with a wide grin while Nero stood awkwardly, his cheeks a little warmer than usual. They watched the mermaids dive, their tails flicking in the air, before they vanished under the surface.

Nero asked, "What do you think it's like down there?"

"Dark, empty, lonely. They don't have castles and oyster beds down there, you know." Dante remarked.

"If she's still alive, why hasn't she returned to you? What's stopping her? What's stopping you?"

He shrugged. "She will, when she's ready." Dante replied, although he didn't reply to Nero's other question; instead, he patted Nero on the head much to the younger demon hunter's annoyance, "Let's fish, shall we? I believe the score is: me one and you nil."

"What! But what about the-"

"It escaped, so it doesn't count."

"You let her go!"

"Don't be a sore loser, kid. That's poor sportsmanship."

"I'm not a sore loser!"

"Kid, siddown and do some fishing. The fish won't catch themselves, y'know."

"Fine, let's make it interesting then: first one to land a fish in the next hour gets a free pizza from the loser." Nero barked before he settled himself down to sit in front of his fishing rod, attaching a new piece of bait onto the hook.

Dante grinned and joined his side. "Now you're talking."


Heeheehee I just love ambiguous endings. Ok it wasn't that ambiguous but whatever. Hope the interaction between Nero and Dante wasn't OOC either since I haven't played DMC 4 in donkeys. It was really fun writing about them! Anyway to finish up I will provide some explanations about the premise of the story:

- Sirens

Sirens are essentially 'mermaids' but in the DMC world they are classified as Lesser Demons with the Siren Queen being their leader. They are rare demons who either work in groups or on their own. Sirens are half-fish, half woman creatures and are incredibly beautiful, using their voices and beauty to lure human prey. They eat mostly fish but also consume human flesh. They also have 3 forms: their initial form where they are half-fish and half-woman (this is most common form), they also have a human form which happens when they are required to mate, forcing them to shed their tails and gain legs (so they can go up on land to mate and feed on humans before returning to sea) and they also have a Siren form where their beautiful exterior breaks away and they turn into a horrific sea monster. For Mia's case, as explained in the story, she was once human and turned into a demon after she had been murdered by her best friend and her lover and her body thrown into the ocean. The Siren Queen pitied her and turned her into a demon. Her White Orb is also shown with an angry expression because her spirit is restless, filled with much anger and hatred over her murder.

Anyway, thank you very much for reading Siren and I hope you enjoyed it very much :333

- Jeralee