"This isn't happening. There is no way this is happening." Seven year old Perseus Jackson (Percy for short) repeated in his head over and over again.

His one vibrant green eyes were vacant and dull, starring unblinkingly at the scene before him. He was crouched in a corner of his own kitchen, to scared to move in fear he would make a noise and his step-father would remember he was there.

So he sat, staring with dull, unblinking green eyes at the lump that was in front of him.

He tried to forget what had happened, but it was seared into his brain. Like a video on a loop. He remembered the shouting, which turned into screaming then the blood. His mother hitting the floor and the thump that went with it.

The entire kitchen was still covered in blood.

Percy himself was covered in it, from when he had ran over to his mother trying to get her to wake up.

He understood now that she wasn't going to wake up.

So he sat hidden under the table long into the night, long after the blood had dried on his skin. When Percy finally did move it was after midnight, he crawled out from under the table and stayed as far away from the body as possible until he was in front of the kitchen door.

Percy listening closely for any noise that would tell him if Gabe was still awake or not, eventually Percy decided he had passed out. Opening the door slowly he crept out and saw he was correct. Gabe had passed out on an old worn out recliner surrounded by beer bottles.

Now all he had to do was not wake him up. So Percy dashed down the hall and into his room. Once inside he grabbed his backpack full of school supplies and dumped it out onto his floor carelessly. He wouldn't need a math book for what he was doing.

Finding things he felt he would need he zipped the backpack shut and opened the window leading out to the fire escape. Climbing out Percy was about to leave his old home forever when he remembered something his mom had mentioned only a week ago. He hadn't thought of it much at the time but know he remembered. She had caught him before he could leave to go to school showing him and thick envelope saying if something ever happened to her to read what was inside.

He climbed carefully back inside to get the envelope from under her pillow, wondering if she had somehow seen her death coming. Stuffing it back into his backpack he once again slipped out the fire escape, this time climbing down and into the night.

Percy didn't have a destination in mind all he wanted was to get as far from his old house as possible and never return to New York again. So with a final glance back at the house he could no longer consider a home he walked away.

As he walked, a horrible thought came to his mind.

His mother lying on the cold floor of his kitchen surrounded by her own blood, lying there for days before Gabe decided to take care of the body. Gabe dumping his mothers body into a river or the woods somewhere, never getting the proper funeral she deserved.

There was no way he was going to let that happen.

So he found a payphone and called the number that was taught to every kid as soon as they could talk, 911.

A lady answered the phone. "911 whats your emergency?" Percy took a deep breath before speaking. "A man named Gabe Ugliano has murder a lady named Sally Jackson at..." Percy rattled off his address to the women. Ignoring the woman's orders to stay on the phone, he dropped the payphone, letting it dangle from the cord. He no longer had the strength to move his arms. His only comfort now was knowing that they would be able to arrest Gabe. The blood on his hands, literally, would be more then enough evidence to arrest him. And if not then the bloody knife with his fingerprints all over it would.

Percy felt better knowing his mother would be found and Gabe would be in Prison. The only downside was that the Police would look for him, try and send him to an orphanage. And that was not happening. He needed to leave New York, and he had no intentions of ever going back.

Walking down the street the last few hours finally came crashing down on him. His beautiful mother who had always taken care of him was dead, killed by the man she had married, the man she was supposed to be protected by. Tears fell down his face and Percy didn't try and stop them, his mother deserved the tears.

With the knowledge that people would be looking for him soon Percy managed to walk all night long while crying. When morning finally came Percy walked into the nearest food place, which just happened to be a McDonald's and collapsed into the nearest empty booth.

Percy forced himself to ignore his empty stomach and dug his mothers letter out of his bag and put it in front of him. The envelope was white nothing written on the out side but was thick like an object was inside. Percy wondered what it would explain. Would it explain why she had married Smelly Gabe? There was only one way to find out, he opened the letter. Inside there was a pen and two sheets of paper. Percy curiously pulled out the pen and set it down on the table, wondering why it was in the envelope, and proceeded to unfold the sheet of paper. Percy focused, trying his best to ignore the dyslexia it said;

'Percy, if you are reading this something has happened to me and I can not tell you this in person and for that I am sorry.

You need to understand that I love you very very much and I was just trying to protect you, and yes I will admit I wanted to keep you close to me, and that was a very selfish thing of me to do.

Do you remember when you where very little I would always read you Greek myths? They are not myths, the Greek gods are still very much alive today. And that Percy is who your father is, a Greek god. Poseidon god of the seas to be more accurate. Percy with your dad being a Greek god that makes you a Demigod, and a Demigods life is never easy. They are constantly hunted by the same monsters from the stories I used to tell you about. The monsters are still alive today as well and can not actually die you can only make them go away for a while.

And as much as I hate to say this Percy you will need a weapon. The pen that was in the envelope is a sword all you do is uncap it, don't worry about loosing it, you can't. To turn it back onto a a pen all you have to do is put the cap on the tip of the sword. This is a special sword Percy it can't harm regular people, or mortals like me. It can however harm Demigods so be careful you cant come back to life like the monsters can. It is not a toy and is to be used wisely.

There are only three more things you need to know about. First, the Mist. This is a powerful veil that the gods use to keep mortals from seeing all the monsters. There are few mortals that can see through the mist. I am one of them which is how I know all of this. Second, the more you know of this world the more dangerous it is, it makes what people call your 'scent' stronger. Now that you know what yoy are monsters are going to be able to find you easier, you need to be extremely careful. That is why I married Gabe his awful smell masked how powerful your scent is. I am so sorry for marrying him Percy I was going to divorce him as soon as you found out about your world. Lastly, there is a camp you need to go to. It is a safe place for Demigods...'

Percy never got to read the rest of his mothers letter.

He was interrupted by a large dog barreling through the wall in front of him. The dog was the size of a garbage truck and had glowing red eyes. Its teeth were as long as kitchen knives and looked just as sharp.

Whatever the mortals where seeing wasn't good because they all started screaming and running around.

Percy wasn't sure if he had believed his mothers letter, it was certainly hard to wrap his head around the fact that he was half god, but the demon dog had made up his mind for him. He was a Demigod and now he was facing his first monster.

Percy carefully reached for the pen on the table only to find it missing. Panic seized him and he looked for the pen while keeping a watchful eye on the dog who seemed to find the mortals reactions funny.

The panic didn't go away when he realized the pen was no where to be found. But his mother had said he couldn't loose it. So where was it?

He didn't have anymore time to look, the dog who was striding towards him like it knew he was defenseless (which he was) and it would be an easy kill (also probably true).

And yet, instead of being scared like he knew he should be, it made him mad.

He wouldn't go down without a fight, he wasn't going to die in New York. Not like his mother.

In one last desperate attempt he checked his pockets for Riptide, hoping that he would find it, and was astonished when he pulled it out of his pocket.

Smiling in victory he quickly uncapped the sword as he turned to face the dog that was only ten feet away.

Only jumping slightly when the pen turned into the sword he looked up at the dog monster. It had stopped, still ten feet away when it had seen the sword.

Percy made the first move, charging the monster the best he could as he was not used to the swords weight in his hands. The monster was surprised at the attack and didn't have time to defend itself as Percy clumsily stabbed at it. It must have been pure luck that the swords own weight had driven the sword deeper then it would have gone with Percy strength alone and injured the monster just enough to kill it.

The monster dissolved into gold dust. The dust swirling around like snow and getting stuck in Percy's hair and clothes.

Percy grimaced at the dust on him, thinking that it must have been the equivalent of monster guts. Then he noticed the mortals around him pointing and whispering and decided that he shouldn't stick around much longer.

He capped his sword and looked for an exit. The dog had left a good sized hole in the wall, and it was the closest way out. So he ran for it, jumping over pieces of roof and wall.

It was only after he was on a bus leaving Manhattan that he remember that he had not finished his mothers letter telling him where the safe place for Demigods was and in his rush to leave he hadn't grabbed his mothers letter.

Percy sighed. Things could never just be easy for him could they?