Raven: Well this took a long time...

Grey: Wellllll...

Gecko: What is it? Why are you pausing and looking like that?

Raven:...Are we dying? Is somebody dying in here?

Neon: Well...not exactly.

Gecko: That doesn't make us feel any better!

It was a normal day, birds were chirping and Beast boy was handing the metal teen his butt on a silver platter. He was using X-23 to whoop Cyborg's Dante. Demon guy has nothing on a girl with adamantium claws and a berserk rage that would put even Wolverine's to shame. "Boom! You just got dunked on!"

"Oh you just did not use an Undertale reference on me ya lill' grass stain!" Cyborg growled as this was at least the fifth time he's lost. Beast Boy had a penchant for using the more animalistic characters of Marvel vs Capcom. X-23, Blanka, Wolverine, so on...

"I did! I win! You lose! I'm the best! You las-" Beast Boy then froze in mid victory dance. Stuck in that positiorn as instincts deeper then human understanding blared at him in alarm. "...There's a disturbance in the force!" He screamed out in terror as he latched onto Cyborg's head. "We're all doomed dude! It's like The Fifth Wave only we're all the people who first die instead of being awesome and surviving!"

"What the hell-GET OFF!" Cyborg yanked and pulled on the changeling, only succeeding in stretching him to impossible lengths in his haste to get him off. "Aw man! Ya smell like tofu!" He nearly gagged at the offending stench.

"...QUERY: IS IT MY TURN YET?" Scarlet Scarab asked in his usual robotic voice. Watching the two tumble and fight. Having been invited by Beast boy to play video games. The changeling was confident that he could beat the equivalent of a COM player.

"Forget turns! Forget this game, COME WITH ME!" Beast Boy roared as he sprang up from his glomping position on Cyborg. Cartonishly stretching out his hands, the green teen grabbed the two(a feat that should be impossible since one teen is 60-70 percent metal and the other is a goddamned robot) and dragged the two down the hall. Taking sharp turns and slamming the other two into the wall with bangs and crashes. Metal crashing against metal as the green teen made another turn-

"What the hell-" Raven peeked from her room. Irritated at all the noise and banging echoing through the halls. And she was just getting to the good part in her book-

"NO TIME FOR THIS!" Raven nearly screamed out but caught herself from blowing up any of the innocent light bulbs as Beast Boy seemingly grew an extra hand that grabbed her around the cloak and slammed her against Scarlet Scarab as he continued running down the hall.

"And that is when I said-" Starfire was leaning against a wall. Smiling as she spoke to the lean warrior she was friends with. Telling him of the time she fought off for zanarks and spoke a cheery one liner...Or well, cheery one liner to tamaranians, she's not quite sure how it'll translate-

"Have your sexual tension later!" Robin's quick reflexes and Starfire's warrior training was nothing in the face of the green teen's wild charge. He didn't even bother grabbing them, just tackling them so that they hung from his shoulders for dear life as he continued to run.

"Beast Boyyyy!" Robin shouted. Kicking and elbowing the changeling in the head to get him to stop. But it was no use, Beast Boy wasn't responding, it was like he was driven to a single minded frenzy by fear, no rational thought, just instinct. But fear of what!?

In Japan, the air would probably smell of cherry blossoms. Seeing as it was spring, the flowers were probably in full bloom, with the wind carrying the scent over the mountain where he used to live. He missed it. He missed it with every fiber of his being. But now was not the time for such thoughts.

Gecko calmed his breathing, almost in a trance like state as he swept his katana out in slow motions on the roof of the T Tower. Resting the blade on his forearm before sweeping it out with enough force that a wind gust went out. Then spun around, slamming the handle of his sword into his imaginary enemy before striking up with his fist. Then slashing again, switching his sword hands from his right to his left, spinning and striking one last time before taking another breath. "Now I just need to calm my ki and-"

"HERE!" Gecko blinked and turned when he heard the door slam open and that scream. And his vision was then blocked, pain shooting through his body as weight was thrown on top of them. He struggled to keep the pile of people up in his arms, but then inevitably crashed against the floor.

"Friends..cannot...breath..." He may be a ninja but he definitely wasn't...What was the term? Ah, awesome. He definitely wasn't awesome enough to take the full force and weight of five grown teenagers, including a robot and cyborg who weighed more with their metal body parts.

"It wasn't our fault, Beast boy just went nuts, and dragged us up here!" The boy wonder groaned as he tried to untangle himself from the pile of bodies he was trapped in. And said green teen did nothing to help. Pacing back and forth with wide eyes, shifting into a dog, cheetah, rat, and cat at rapid paces. Almost as if the warning instincts were forcing him to shift to cope. "He better have a good reason for it!"

Everything then shook, nearly toppling over Cyborg when he tried to get up. He then gasped, looking at his hand that was no longer the streamline white plating with blue circuitry. But a dark grey with black under armor. "I...I think BB had a good reason! Look at my hand!" He stood up and held up his hand, which seemed to be fluctuating like TV static.

"It's not just your hand, look at the buildings..." The mage was set on her feet after being helped up by Scarlet Scarab. Pointing out to the city as Scarlet helped the bruised and gasping ninja to his feet.

The city's buildings were going through the same change as Cyborg's hand underwent. Soft lines fading into sharp edges, Structures bleeding into the background, fuzzy and obscured before coming into focus with a flash. Even the Pizza joint seemed to bleed out as if it was never there, the colors fading and bleeding away. Only then to shoot back into focus as something different, more round then sharp.

"Ah! Gecko!" BB's scream alerted them all to what was happening to the ninja. Whoa form was now blurry, unrecognizable. Like TV static entirely, not unlike Cyborg's hand, which kept fluctuating back and forth between white and blue, and white and black. "Dude! Speak to us!"

They then heard sounds, but that also seemed muffled, static being heard instead of the teen's regular calm tones. Whatever came over the buildings and Cyborg seemed way worse with him.

"Friend Raven, is there nothing we can do?!" Starfire yelled at the sight of their friend having been turned into an unrecognizable blob of fluctuating colors. The tamaranian then eeped as her form blurred out and became static, shifting her hight till she almost towered over the others.

"What could've caused something like this!?" Robin gritted his teeth at the sight of Starfire's fear, he could do nothing as his chest fluctuated. A blue bird being seen on his chest at regular intervals.

"...I have absolutely no idea." The mage admitted as she looked over to the red being next to her. Scarlet was looking at his hands in wonder as smooth armor fluctuated, turning more segmented like the shell of an insect. She knows nothing magic was responsible for this, but something sparked something in the fabric of reality. Resulting in these fluctuations. But she wasn't a scientist, so she was only guessing. "It's like we're getting...paved over." She pulled down her hood, looking at her hair between her fingers. The fluctuations going over even that, the purple melting into darker shades then back again. "Well, if we're going to die, I'll die as I lived." With that said, she took a deep breath, floating a few feet above the ground as she settled into her meditative position.

" . . . Raven. I know we haven't known one another for very long, but given the world's ending... I hope you'll tolerate me being a little bit selfish since reality's going all Marty McFly on us."

"Who said that?" Beast Boy asked looking around, his hyper-agitated senses catching movement in the background. Scarlet Scarab walking over to the meditating mage, the armor on the armored hero's head began to peel away, tanned skin, messy brown hair, and blood-red eyes coming into view.

"He's a human!?" Robin was the first to shout out. Ready to launch into a torrent of questions-

-But was blown into the background of Raven's mind when she suddenly felt arms around her. Body tipped at an angle, everything fading out as soon as she felt the warm, firm lips against hers. If the team said something, she didn't hear. All she could feel right now was the giddy warmth that spread from her head to her toes. Her eyes sliding half shut as her hands unconsciously went around his neck. Everything seemed so small compared to this moment. She didn't think about anything. Not her destiny, the world ending, or the universe getting rewritten. Just...This one moment.

And then it was over. The teen pulled back, blood red eyes gazing into those of amethyst. But still, Raven did not care about her surroundings outside them. " "Raven... I know this might be really sudden, and we haven't known one another all that long, but... if we get reborn after this... I hope we're able to find one another again."

"...I'd like that."

And then everything exploded with one pulse. Colors faded, static...ceased...


"Pancakes!" Was the shout that went out through the room as a brown haired teen shot up in his bed. Blinking slightly, red eyes looking tired as he looked around his room. Just to make sure everything was there and not fading..."Wait, fading? Why fading? Ugh what the hell did I do last night...?" He groaned as he held his head.

"You'll never take me alive! You hear me! NEVER!" That particular shout rang through the hall outside his room. Along with the strange sounds of lasers echoing and the not so strange sound of explosions.

"I wasn't planing on it you green burro! Hold still so I can vaporize you!" More explosions shook the building as the teen didn't look fussed at all by the sounds and stretched.

"Well. Better get up then. I can think about that weird dream later." The brunette sighed before giving out a tired yawn as he got up. "But I suppose weird is the norm now..."

Such was the life of a Titan...A Teen Titan.

Grey: That's right! You're all confused right...Well remain confused! Cus I ain't givin nothin away about my new story!

Neon: Ending one story under mysterious circumstances while teasing them to another right off the bat... I like it!

Grey: Baby you know it.