He was breathless, Shell-shocked, Flabbergasted, At a complete loss for words. How could they be…? how could this be happening? That was impossible! Not only does it not make sense bu-

"You okay son?" His thoughts were interrupted by worried stares by his mother and father.

"Okay I know I said we were going to be back a bit later, but you don't have to look so…upset!" mentioned his mother.

"B-But you and you and that guy with the mask! And uhh Sakura was just-And the fourth hokage and everybody and-"

"Whoa there kiddo!" His father playfully remarked.

"Why don't we sit down and talk about this 'cause you seem rather flustered." Naruto only nodded and followed.

"And that's pretty much it" Kushina and Minato stared at him for a bit before looking at each other and sharing an innocent chuckle.

"Naruto! I can assure you we are not dead. I'm pretty sure there's plenty of proof simply because we're here, breathing, in front of you. But what I'm really confused about is how you got all these ideas. A guy with a mask? Everybody being 'different', me being Hokage and both your mother and I being dead? Maybe you should go lie down for a bit."

Naruto was quick to retort. "But this is all true! I know it happened and I swear half hour ago I was sitting in my apartment getting ready to go on some mission! Then the guy with the mask-"

"Naruto Namikaze!" Kushina crossly interrupted. "Honestly, I don't know what it was you hit your head on while we were gone, but seriously this isn't funny! Now I want you to just do what your father said and get some rest!"

Naruto sat there for a moment, just ogling at his mother's annoyance. He knew he was right, but he could also tell from the glare of irritation coming from his mother's eyes and the startled look on his father's face that he did not want to see what would happen if he argued with her. "Oh alright" He said with a combination of boldness and dedition. Namikaze? His father's last name,it was very strange. He then turned around to leave when he realized, first off, that he had no idea where he was going and second, he was distracted by the room they were currently standing in. Automatically he felt the atmosphere was warmer than his own home. He assumed they were in the living room from the homey surroundings of pictures of his parents and…him? Yes, it was him! But that didn't make any sense…?

"Naruto! I said Now!" Kushina suddenly hissed

"Oh right! Sorry" he apologized. And was then escorted to his room by his father because his mother wasn't up to dealing with his "charade."

"Here we are!" Minato winked and led Naruto in. "Get some sleep son, I think you need it. We all do, you're mother…well, she had an off day during the mission today. That's why she's so, uh, intolerant" He chuckled. "Don't be too shaken up by her, I'm gonna go talk to her now, you know how she gets?"

Naruto blankly stared into Minato's face.

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot that you're not really yourself either. I swear you're just like her!" He chuckled again "Anyway try to get some sleep, I'll go work on your mother. See you in the morning." He said nonchalantly as he proceeded to exit through the doorway.

Naruto sat for a few minutes just taking in what had happened. So apparently he was in some alternate universe which for some reason, both his parents were alive, and nearly all of his friends were acting just plain weird. He then decided to look through his room and found more pictures of him with his mother and father. One in particular frightened him, it was a picture of his mother and him on a swing, actually the swing. That was the swing he always sat on when he was feeling alone. It was where he always watched and envied the other children for having parents. But this? This picture, it was like straight out of a dream. He put it down and looked around. His "room" was surprisingly compromised of many more things than his actual room. There were posters of comic heroes, plenty of clothes on the floor, in the closet, and on his bed and pictures of him with his friends. Then he remembered how weird his friends had acted while him and Sakura were in the village. He pondered " Hinata, dressed rather risqué, and had actually yelled at him, while Shikamaru was surprisingly energetic and Sasuke, correction, kid who strongly resembles Sasuke, because he obviously could not have been Sasuke from the way he was acting, was flirting with Sakura!" Maybe his supposedly dead, but not anymore parents were right—he needed sleep.

The next morning he was awoken by his father looking for something in his room.

"Hey wha? What are you doing?" Naruto groggily stated.

"Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry, I'm just looking for my other jounin vest. I thought I might have put it here by mistake. My other one's kinda…dirty. You see it?" Minato explained.

"Uh no, can't say I have." Naruto slowly and tiredly replied.

"hmm oh well. You feel any better? Your mother's got some breakfast for you and don't worry she's in a better mood!" Minato laughed slightly and then looked at Naruto for an answer.

Naruto then realized that it wasn't a dream and after a short battle in his head over whether he should play along or continue to have people think he was psychotic, he decided to go along with it.

"Yeah, I'm feeling better. Uhhh what's for breakfast? He asked

Minato replied "Eggs and bacon. You better go down there now, because I might have eaten most of it already…"

A genuine smile appeared on Naruto's face. His father was pretty funny when he wasn't warning him about the evils of Uchiha Madara or stopping him from becoming the kyuubi.

"Okay then!" And Naruto rushed down to get his breakfast. He saw Kushina sitting there drinking tea with a plate of eggs.

"Oh Naruto! You feeling better? I myself feel a lot better after a good night's sleep! You want some eggs? Sorry but you got up a little too late for the bacon!" She smiled at him and casually came over to him, kissed him on the head and said "Good morning sweetie." Naruto was struggling to find words as he had always wondered what it would be like to have this happen. He managed to squeeze out a sentence.

"I-It's okay I'm fine with just eggs."

"Okay good! Oh and I'm pretty sure your father's looking for another vest or something. His is very beaten up! You seen it?" Kushina asked.

"No, he's looking in my room now-"

"Nope! Found it!" Minato interrupted. "It was in the bathroom closet, I don't know how, but at least I found it!" He then walked over to the kitchen, made himself a coffee and sat at the table with Kushina and Naruto.

"Well that's good!" Kushina replied.

"Yeah." Minato looked outside. "Looks like it's gonna be nice out today! Any plans Naruto?"

Naruto froze. Plans? He wasn't sure what happened yesterday let alone what's going to happen today!

"Uhh I don't think so."

"Good! Maybe when I get back from this mission we can train and get some ramen later sound good?"

Naruto's face lit up and let out a too excited "That'd be Awesome!"

"Wow I wasn't expected you to be that happy but I'll take it!" Minato remarked. Kushina then looked at him a little irritated

"Oh okay, don't bother to ask me to come! I happen to enjoy sparring and ramen too!"

"Hey wait! I didn't mean it like that Kushina! I just wanted some father-son bonding you know?" Minato attempted to explain to her.

"Oh sure, whatever I'll just stay at home…in the kitchen…where women belong. At least,according to you that is." Kushina grinned slyly because she'd known she'd made him feel bad.

"You know I don't think that! Come on honey! Naruto and I just haven't done something like this in a while, I'm not trying to sound like a sexist prick." He kept on trying to explain to her.

"In a while? Why just the other day you two were-" Kushina was interrupted by a loud roar of laughter from her son. Because, yes, Naruto was cracking up. He was practically crying. He was just thinking of what great of a moment this was. It was something he had always wondered what it would be like—a casual family breakfast. And it was everything he'd hoped for. At this moment he didn't care that he was in an alternate universe or had no idea why he was with his parents, he was just happy to be with them. Just happy.

His parents then both stopped quarreling and both asked rather flustered "Naruto?" as he continued to chuckle and smile until the end of breakfast.