Okay, this is my first Lord of the Rings fanfic and I plan for it to be a series of comical stories based around Legolas, Elladan, Elrohir and Estel. I have read Lord the Rings and the Hobbit twice and watches the films, but other than that I am rather new to Tolkien's worlds. So if something does not fit in with the brilliant world feel free to point it out. However, the main aim of this story is humour. I would welcome a Beta as well, if anyone wants to fill in that roll.


And let the curtains fall and the show start!

Chapter One

Elrohir lay back on his bed, watching in amusment as Elladan paced up and down, a storm blowing outside the window. It was rare for a storm to reach Imladris and one so strong as this was certainly not something that the two brothers had been expected. At a sudden snap of thunder, Elladan jumped, and looked outside.

"Do you think he's stuck out there?" Elladan asked, not needing to expand on who was the subject of his sentence.

"He will have found shelter." Elrohir replied, calmly, picking up a book to read.

"Did we do the right thing, inviting him over in secret?" Elladan asked.

"Well, depends how you look at it," Elrohir replied, placing the book down on the floor, which was covered in various different items. On the floor there was a pile of books supporting a sword and even an archery target with arrows laying at the floor. One arrow was at the edge, with a note on it. The brothers had been bored and the note bore a challenge to see how far out they could fire while aiming at the centre. Needless to say, Elrond had not been impressed, despite the fact that they never missed the center unless deliberately trying to aim elsewhere.

"We did not know that such a storm would happen. In that case, we were fine to invite him over. And it wasn't right to invite him over in secret so we can plan tricks to play on others." Elrohir finished.

"It's Ada's fault for banning us to have time alone with him, anyway." Elladan muttered.

"Ada has the gift of foresight, he should not worry. Besides when together, we are all young elves and it is fine for us to play mischief." Elrohir commented.

"Still, I don't like to think of him being caught out in such weather." Elladan said, moving to look out the window and at the soaked verander.

"Well, if you opened the door, I wouldn't be so soaked!" Came a voice and startled, Elladan looked around until he noticed a face in the trees, with long blonde hair hanging down, the rest of the elf masked in the tree, as he was wearing only greens and browns.

"Let Legolas in!" Elrohir said, turning to watch as the young elf leaped lightly out of the tree and only the stone. Elladan quickly opened the door and the soaked Sindarin hurried in, his dark green cloak splattering the warmth inside with water.

"It's good to be back in Imladris." Legolas commented, wringing the water out of his hair as he made a small puddle on the floor.

"How are things going in Taur e-Ndaedelos?" Elorhir asked, still not moving from his bed, but leaning up on one hand.

"The shadow is moving, more spiders and orcs, but nothing we can't handle." Legolas replied.

"Why didn't you invite us over!" Protested Elladan.

"Well, Ada is far stricter than Lord Elrond. Ada said that you cannot turn up on the border without a guard and even then we are not to meet unless six others are also in our presence." Legolas laughed.

"Yes, Ada only ordered that you should never be left alone with us." Elladan said.

"A lot less stricter than my Ada, though." The Sindarin commented. "Besides, Lord Elrond thinks that I am coming in a matter of a few days." He shrugged. Another burst of thunder rumbled through Imladris and even the buildings seemed to shake.

"Such a storm is such a rare event here, Legolas, feel glad that you have caught it." Elrohir said. At that moment,a door flung open, someone was entering the twin's room in a hurry.

"No need for that arrow, mellon nin." Elrohir commented, noticing Legolas' immediate reaction to the new presence was to reach for an arrow, with his bow already out and ready. The prince now eyed the little boy, who was nestled into Elladan. Lowering his hand, Legolas watched the boy curiously, and Elladan wrapped his arms around the child, giving Legolas an appologetic face.

"Who is he?" Legolas mouthed.

"Estel." Elrohir mouthed, now sitting up and moving over to the boy. Legolas paused, looking confused. The boy was called Hope?

"He's human." Elrohir silently replied. Focusing closer on the boy, Legolas realised that under the boy's brown hair, his ears were curved, not pointed.

"He's cute." Legolas informed the twins, without speaking and they smirked. Legolas wondered if this was a new trouble maker companion for the twins.

"Why are you here, Estel?" Elladan asked, stroking the boy's head.

"Thunder scared me." Estel murmered.

"It's not going to hurt you." Elrohir muttered, placing a hand on Estel's back.

Legolas wondered why a human was in Imladris and speaking Elvish.

"It might hurt a tree and make it fall on me." Estel said, looking up at his two larger 'brothers', which is what he viewed them as.

"Do you think a tree would get through the stone of your walls?" Elrohir asked softly.

"But I'm scared." Estel muttered, then he thought. "Your room's messy."

The two twins looked at each other and when they didn't respond Estel stepped back and looked up at them.

"Ada never lets my room get messy, he tells me off. And there is a strange elf in your room, does Ada know?" Estel asked, after glancing around the room.

Elladan and Elrohir exchanged a glance.

"Yes..." They both said in the same time in the same tone.

Estel looked at them, his face innocent. "He doesn't does he?" Estel said, pearing at Legolas.

"Is that the one that I heard others say you caused a lot of trouble so you weren't allowed to meet for a while?" Estel asked.

"One hundred years." Sighed Elladan.

"Sentenced to 100 years of boredom, guilty as charged." Elrohir said, with a small grin.

"What did you do?" Asked Estel, innocently. Legolas had been standing, feeling impatient, the boy should have greeted him by now. Before the twins could reply, Legolas strode forward.

"I am indeed Legolas Thranduilion, prince of Mirkwood." He said, holding out a wet hand.

"I'm Estel Elrondperion. Are you really a prince?" Estel asked, taking Legolas' hand, then giggiling when he found out that it was wet. "You're wet!" He declared.

"Yes." Legolas said, glancing at the twins, a question plain on his face. Both nodded and Legolas suddenly hugged the boy. "And now you are two." He said stepping back, smiling at the now confused Estel, who now was damp.

"And that sort of answers your earlier question." Elrohir replied.

"We play tricks on people." Elladan smirked.

"And each other." Legolas pointed out.

"Leading you into the spiders' lair by throwing my voice." Elladan retorted.

"I was just wondering what if you were as good as you said you were. We merely were thinking about it!" Elrohir also added.

"Besides, remember that boating incident?" Elladan commented.

"Still refering to it as an incident, not as revenge." Legolas replied, taking his soaked cloak out and dumping it on the floor. Estel's eyes widened at how careless the action seemed. Elladan and Elrohir were not bothered.

"It was not our fault you ended up in the spiders' lair, besides we helped get you out of trouble once we'd realised how dangerous it was. And you killed most of the spiders." Elladan protested.

"And we took you back to your father. You were back on your feet in half a week." Elrohir added.

"What happened with the boat?" Asked Estel.

"It sank because of a small knife prick and I ended up safe in the trees and saving the twins, while they ended up in sleep." Legolas replied.

"You took us to our father as well, so he could fix us." Elrohir commented.

"Most normal elves would have woken up by the time we got to Imladris, and we were heading to Imladris anyway, because you had been banned for nearly getting the prince of Mirkwood seriously hurt." Legolas retorted.

"You won't hurt anyone?" Estel asked, nervous, for the first time realising that Legolas was armed.

"Of course not," Legolas grinned. "We only ever play tricks. Its the twins that nearly get people hurt."

"Do not!" They replied.

"You nearly got yourselves hurt, tricking me into a spider's lair!" Legolas protested.

"We thought that you would be sensible not enough to poke your nose in Spiders' Lairs!" Elladan protested.

"You threw your voice so it appeared that you were stuck in the cave at the spiders' mercy!" Legolas protested.

"So Ada doesn't know that Legolas is here and he isn't allowed to meet up with you." Estel said.

"Yeah, so don't tell him." Elrohir said. Estel nodded.

"I'm damp now." He commented. They all laughed.

Feel free to tell me what you think, I'm open to suggestions and I do have a few more plans for the next few chapters.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

Please review/comment!