Disclaimer: I do not own WordGirl or Doctor Who.

Also, note that this is Jon Pertwee's (Third) Doctor.

WordGirl (and Doctor Who) in...


Narrator: Listen for 'Spacious' and 'Interrogate'.

It's been quite a strange winter day in our Fair City... no sooner did a massive chunk of ice fall from the sky and nearly flatten the city (until it was caught by WordGirl and deposited outside city limits), than the evil Mr. Big decided to purchase it!...why?

"Because it's BIG, obviously! And I'm all about big!" exclaimed Mr. Big as he, in his cold-weather suit, examined his prize: a large, jagged piece of ice the size of a large house, resting in a field of snow-covered grass outside of town. He also watched as his black-suited employees secured the harnesses, so it could be carried off when the helicopters came.

"Perhaps a little too big, sir." Leslie stated, walking up to her boss with a coat on her person and a clipboard in her hand. "Even though we can get it moving, this thing is too spacious to take into town, let alone display for all people to see."

"First, Leslie, that's 'display for all people to pay to see!' And second...you're right! Where am I going to find a good place to put it?"

"Wow, big surprise, Mr. Big."

"Hmmm...I could use mind control to help me buy the city baseball park, but that would get WordGirl's attention very quickly... surely someone would know something that I could do..." Mr. Big thought, and thought, and thought...eventually deciding that thinking like this was too hard, and it was better to just head back into town in his company limousine.

Meanwile, in the city...

"Thank you so much for helping me distribute this special edition of the Daily Rag, Becky!" said 'Ace Reporter' Scoops to his friend as they, in their coats, walked down the sidewalk (that was freshly snow-shoveled), a wagon full of newspapers behind them. "I'm really proud to have written the headline! One step closer to the Big City Times!"

"Ya gotta chase your dreams, Scoops!" Becky remarked, followed by a longing sigh. Scoops thanked her for the compliment, completely unaware of the double meaning in her words.

Eventually, they came to a suitable street corner, and started shouting: "EXTRA! EXTRA! MR. BIG BUYS GIANT METEORITE!" as they handed out newspapers to the passersby...

...one of whom said, in a British accent: "Don't mind if I do, Becky!" as he took his copy.

Becky was surprised; somebody knew her name, and she hadn't seen him before! She took another look at the stranger: a tall, old man with curly white hair, a prominent nose, and a large plaid coat covering his person. "Excuse me, but I don't think we've met!"

"Well of course we've met...just when I was wearing a different face! I'm the Doctor, after all!"

Upon hearing his name, Becky remembered all her past adventures with the Doctor, and instantly warmed up to him! "Oh, sorry, Doctor!"

"It's OK, I shouldn't have expected you to recognize me right away."

"Wait a second..." said Scoops, surprised: "You're the Doctor? As in, WordGirl's mysterious alien ally with a dozen faces?"

To this, the Doctor answered: "Yes! I'm the Doctor, a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, able to travel through time and space in my TARDIS. I've helped WordGirl out a few times in the past, and the future as well!"

"Wow! Um, do you mind if I ask a few questions? An interview with you could really get my career rolling!"

The Doctor agreed...and Scoops began asking question after question.

"Is it true you're over 600 years old? How does a TARDIS work? Have you traveled with people other than WordGirl? What are the other Time Lords like? Why did you call yourself the 'Doctor'?"

"Er..." the Doctor said nervously, "actually, now that I think about it, I really haven't got the time to answer all those questions; I've got places to be after all! Becky, you mind helping me find what I came here for?"

To this Becky agreed, and the Doctor started dragging her away...but then Scoops asked: "Wait! Can I ask one more question? Is it true that your TARDIS is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside?"

The Doctor sighed, and said, irritated: "Yes... Now could you please leave me alone? I've had enough interrogation for one day."

Scoops thanked him, and then walked away to find another more suitable street corner...but not before calling back: "Meet me again when you have more time!"


The Doctor waited until Scoops was out of sight, and said: "Now who was that irritating fellow?"

"Hey! That's my Scoops you just insulted!"

"Oh, sorry...wait, your Scoops? I thought you and Tobey were-"

"No – um...weren't you here for some reason?" said Becky, desperate to change the subject.

"Oh, that's right...but I still think you ought to give Tobey a chance."

Once Becky had gotten the awkward image out of her head, the Doctor began: "As you know, I'm a Time Lord...well, just recently, the other Time Lords have asked me for help. You see, in this very city, on this very day, someone has a massive weapon of terrible destruction...capable of destroying the entire planet! And there's a good chance it may be used!"

Becky gasped, and the Doctor continued: "Now, the Time Lords do not like to interfere in a planet's history...but you see, I met you for the first time at some point in your future. If Earth is destroyed before then, I won't be able to meet you...and all those times I helped you in the past will never happen! A considerable amount of events would be erased, something the Time Lords cannot allow! So you see, they need me to take out that weapon...and I really think WordGirl would be of help to me in that endeavor."

"You can count on me, Doctor!"

"Right!" exclaimed the Doctor proudly. "Now, the weapon is a rather spacious one..."

"And by 'spacious,' do you mean 'taking up a lot of space', or 'containing a lot of space'? Because the word 'spacious' means both those things."

"...Well, I mean 'taking up a lot of space' of course. A weapon capable of destroying a planet like Earth would need to be very large – the Time Lords estimated that it was the size of a small house..."

Becky thought...and then said: "The only thing I know of that's that size...is either Tobey's robots, which are not that destructive; or that ice meteorite that just came in from the sky, that Mr. Big just bought!"

"...I'll give that a look-see; If I need help, I'll signal you with my sonic screwdriver-your super-hearing should pick it up instantly." said the Doctor, as he walked off to investigate the meteor.

"And I'll take the other side of town, see what I can see! And I'll keep my ear open!" said Becky as she ran off in the other direction.

"GOOD LUCK!" both said to each other, and then they took off.

*(one scene transition later)*

"Oh boy! I meet the real Doctor that Becky's told me so much about! And what's more, a few facts about him are true! A machine that's more spacious on the inside than on the outside! Oh, I can't wait to continue my interview with the Doctor!" Scoops said to himself as he walked down the street...

...Unaware that Mr. Big's limousine was driving right next to him when he mentioned 'more spacious on the inside,' and that the evil businessman had heard him mention this, along with some fellow called the 'Doctor'...

*(one scene transition later)*

"Halt! Who goes there?" asked the suit-wearing agent standing next to the ice meteor, addressing an old man who had just walked up to him through the snow.

"Oh," said the elderly stranger, "I'm the Doctor. Mind if I take a look at the meteor? I promise I won't do anything to harm Mr. Big's property."

Mr. Big's agent thought about it for a second, and then agreed to let him take a look; "But only a look. And I'm going to need some-"

"Payment?" the Doctor interrupted, before pulling a few gold nuggets out of his pocket; "I hope that will be sufficient."

And with that, the Doctor proceeded to walk around the mass of ice, taking in every detail...

...while the agent suddenly received a call from his boss, Mr. Big, on his earpiece! He listened, and Mr. Big said: "If you see a guy who calls himself 'The Doctor,' gas him and bring him to me, so I can interrogate him."

"Got it, boss." said the agent, who then walked up to the Doctor, and pulled out a small device from his suit.

The Doctor began to ask: "What now?" when the agent activated the device, sending pink-colored gases into the Doctor's face.

"Oh, now that's not very nice..." (FLUMP!)

Later, at the spacious skyscraper that houses Mr. Big Incorporated...

The Doctor (his plaid overcoat taken off, revealing the greenish jacket underneath), after sitting in the empty-save-for-the-window room for an extended period of time tied to a chair in the center, finally saw something happen: Mr. Big entering the room with two goons and Leslie with him. "I take it you're the Doctor, correct?" the evil businessman asked.

"Indeed. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Mr. Big went straight to the point: "I need to know how to make something more spacious on the inside than it is on the outside, where I can put my new, spacious meteorite.. And you, Doctor, you're going to tell me how to make something like that."


The Doctor laughed. "What on earth are you talking about?"

Mr. Big began to say something indignantly – but then Leslie interrupted him: "Well, to be frank, Mr. Big, we did hear about the Doctor's 'bigger on the inside' thing from a child. He may have been unreliable."

"Nonsense! Children are reliable! Really annoying, but reliable when it comes to chores!...or so I've heard..."

At this point, the Doctor cut in: "Well, since you can't seem to come to a decision over whether or not to interrogate me, can I go now? I've got rather important business to take care of."

And with that, the Doctor casually released himself from the chair he was tied to, and began to walk out...

...only to have his arms grabbed by two of Mr. Big's goons, who had suddenly decided to stop gawking in amazement and seize the prisoner. Mr. Big, meanwhile, still hadn't recovered from the shock.

"Wha...How did you...?" he asked, to which the Doctor responded: "It's a trick I picked up from the famous escape artist Harry Houdini. Now, I really must get going, we can talk later."

The Doctor then struggled...but by then Mr. Big had recovered his air of superiority, and said: "Actually, Doctor, I'd prefer if we talked right now. Gentlemen! Take him away so we can interrogate him!"


"'Interrogate'," the Doctor said to the confused goons, "means 'Ask questions of someone, in an often aggressive manner, with the intention of gathering information.' For instance: Mr. Big, your boss, wants to ask me questions on how to make something bigger on the inside."

"Oh!" the goons said. "Thanks!"

"Alright then, could we please take him for interrogation?" Mr. Big said almost pleadingly.

The goons complied, and led the Doctor away. "It won't be long until the Doctor's ready to talk..." Mr. Big said as he rubbed his hands together.

Why do I get the feeling that there's a montage coming?


"So, are you ready to talk, Doctor?"

"Not really," said the Doctor as he hung by his feet from the ceiling; "This isn't working, you know, you might as well let me down."

Mr. Big growled in frustration.


"How about now?"

"Sorry, this kind of mind control apparently has no effect on me." the Doctor said as he calmly watched the dancing green patterns on the screen. "Nice try, though."

Once again, Mr. Big growled.


"Leslie! Use your kung-fu skills to make him talk!"

"Got it, Mr. Big." Leslie stated, just before she lunged for the Doctor...

...only for the Doctor to calmly toss her across the room!

"Venusian Aikido," said the Doctor, as Mr. Big growled again.


"What if I give you money?" Mr. Big asked the Doctor, tied up once again (this time, with steel ropes) to the chair in Mr. Big's main office.

"No thank you, Mr. Big."


"Already have plenty."

"Your own private island?"

"I don't need something like that anyway."

"Any mind-controlled person you want as a servant?"

"Definitely not."


"Sorry, but no."

"GAAAH!" screamed Mr. Big as he collapsed onto the floor. "What's it going to take with you?" he sobbed.

"Nothing you can throw at me, really..." said the Doctor, as he suddenly thought of something: "Well, there is one thing you could do that may work..."


"Exactly. There's a small device in the left pocket of my jacket; a small, metal rod I call my 'sonic screwdriver. If you could take it out for me, I would really appreciate that..."

Mr. Big sighed, and then said: "OK, you win, Doctor." as he stuck his hand in the pocket... and then pulled out the strange-looking metal rod with a circular attachment on one end.

"Now what?" asked Mr. Big as he sat back at his desk, the weird-looking rod in hand, to which the Doctor responded: "Just make it make noise. That's all you need to do."

And before Mr. Big could ask why, the Doctor explained: "Making something spacious on the inside; that's what you want, right? I've not been giving it to you because I didn't think you were responsible enough. Supervillain, and all that. If you can activate my sonic screwdriver, I'll consider letting you in on the secret."

Instantly, Mr. big became enthusiastic about fiddling with the strange device...and after about twenty seconds of poking at it, it made a brief sound.

A sound which Becky instantly heard via her super-hearing. Remembering that it was the signal for help from the Doctor, she rushed through the snow into a nearby alley and changed into WordGirl, with a cry of "WOOOORRRD UP!"

Seconds later, she stopped by the house, picked up Bob, helped him into his Captain Huggyface uniform, and then made a beeline for Mr. Big Inc.

Mr. Big, meanwhile, made the sonic screwdriver beep several more times. "HA!" he exclaimed, "I think I've figured it out!"

"Well, congratulations, Mr. Big. You've figured out how to annoy your neighbors even more."

"Yes, thanks, Doctor;" said Mr. Big, unaware that the phrase was intended as an insult. "Now, about that 'bigger on the inside' thing I was interrogating you about in the first place..."

"Umm, Mr. Big?" Leslie suddenly said, looking out the window.

"Not now, Leslie! The Doctor's about to give me what I want!"

"Actually, Mr. Big, I said I would consider it. However..."

"Yes?" Mr. Big leaned in closer.

"Mr. Big?" Leslie asked again.

"Well..." the Doctor said.


"...It would appear that, now, I don't need to."

And before Mr. Big could ask him what he meant, a familiar voice, from behind him, said: "Let him go, Mr. Big!" This was immediately followed by a monkey screech. Mr. Big screamed as he looked behind him, to see WordGirl and Captain Huggyface floating outside the window.

"I tried to warn you, Mr. Big." Leslie stated.

Mr. Big, meanwhile, stammered a little...and when he could speak clearly, he said: "Ok, I'll let him go!"

"Good timing, WordGirl!" exclaimed the Doctor as Mr. Big undid his steel bindings; "I don't think the Time Lords would have preferred to keep this mission delayed for very much longer."

"You're welcome, Doctor! But...Why did Mr. Big kidnap you?"

"To interrogate me, of course. He wanted me to make something bigger on the inside, just like my TARDIS, so he would have somewhere to put his rather spacious meteorite. While I was investigating the thing in the first place, to see if it was connected with that terrible weapon I was warned about!"

"Uh huh. So, I guess you go back out to the meteor, while I take Mr. Big to jail-"

"Actually," the Doctor interrupted, "I think it would be best to cut him loose for this once."

In response to the confused reactions of WordGirl and Captain Huggyface (and Mr. Big), the Doctor said: "If Mr. Big was arrested for kidnapping, the police would want to know who he kidnapped...and I'm not very keen on drawing attention to myself at this moment. At least, not after what happened with Scoops."

"I see...OK then. Looks like you've gotten off easy, Mr. Big...but I'll be watching you..." said WordGirl.

Mr. Big sighed in relief. "I owe you, Doctor!"

"Sir," the Doctor said, "the only thing you owe me is my sonic screwdriver." And with that, the Doctor held out his hand, and a grateful Mr. Big handed the 'screwdriver' over. The Doctor thanked him, and proceeded to walk away...

...when suddenly, Mr. Big's personal phone that was sitting on his desk began to ring! The Businessman picked it up, and asked what happened (because he knew that only his minions had this phone's number, and it was only for emergencies).

"...What? Something's going on with the meteor? It's breaking apart? Send me a video!"

Instantly, the window turned into a projector screen, and the meteorite's image appeared. Mr. Big and Leslie looked on intently...as did the Doctor, who was intrigued as well.

What they saw on the screen was a circular area of ice, on the outside of the meteor, was glowing!

"Oh no..." the Doctor said, before he rushed to the window, opened it, and shouted: "WORDGIRL! I THINK YOU NEED TO SEE THIS!"

By the time she came back, however, the circular area on the screen had stopped glowing...and instead revealed a tunnel, leading to the interior of the massive ice chunk!

"What's going on?" everyone asked.

"Well obviously, that meteorite wasn't a meteorite at all! It was just a block of ice formed around another object from space... something with a massive built-in heat ray!"

"A spaceship?" WordGirl asked.

"Yes. And I think we'll meet it's occupants soon..."

Just as the Doctor said that, the screen shook, as the minion holding the camera began to run away...until Mr. Big told him to stop. Then, the screen turned back to the meteor...

...where, out of the tunnel, there stepped out two large figures encased in green, scaly armor, with clamps for hands, and two large red plates covering the eyes! Around their mouths, the only parts of their body not protected by the armor, there appeared to be green cracking skin!

Everyone was shocked...except for the Doctor, who was absolutely horrified! "They're Ice Warriors." he said. "And that means Earth may well be doomed."

What are these mysterious 'Ice Warriors', who've been hiding in the spacious meteorite? And if they're evil, has Mr. Big's interrogation of the Doctor really spelled doom for the entire planet?

For these answers and more, tune in very soon for the next part of this exciting adventure of WORDGIRL!

To Be Continued...

Hello! I'm Beau Handsome, and this is...


As usual, the player who correctly defines today's featured word, will win a fabulous prize! Let's Play...


Yes you may! Today's featured word is 'Sprint!' To give you a clue, here are some clips from WordGirl that show the meaning of the word:


"Hurry!" he exclaimed as he held the door up, "there's no way they could fail to notice that!"

(As the doctor exclaimed that, one of the Daleks turned its eyestalk away from a bag of spilled jelly babies to the raised garage door.)

The workers didn't need to be told twice. They rushed out of the door, and out of sight.


"Oh no!" exclaimed the Master: "I commanded them to eliminate the Doctor, and now that they don't know where the Doctor is…they're coming out of their trances!" Quickly, the Master turned towards the door, and tried to flee…only to trip over the outstretched leg of an oddly-dressed monkey!


Quickly, he ran towards the door, opened it, said: "Sorry I have to leave; I need to get something from the TARDIS so I can track the Cybermen down!"

And before anyone could ask what he was doing, the Doctor rushed out of the house. WordGirl (and Bob, who picked up his Captain Huggyface uniform when no one was looking,) quickly followed him.


"I'll tell you where: where we need to be! Huggy, come with me to the TARDIS!"

Huggy quickly dashed after the Doctor, anxious to save Wordgirl.



Yes, Tommy!

"I'm gonna say that 'Sprint' means the same thing as 'run'. All those clips featured someone running... and sometimes into the wrong things, like that one time where Captain Huggyface tripped the Master."

That is CORRECT! Tommy, you are today's winner! Huggy, show him what he's won!


An official WordGirl Super Secret Spaceship Hideout replica!

"What? that's just a glorified playset..."

Hey, it was either that or the Doctor's TARDIS! And that's a whole lot harder – beyond the console room, there's the Cloister room, the Zero room, the Wardrobe, and a whole ton of other rooms!

"(Sigh) OK, I guess I can take it.."

Awesome! That's it for Today's episode! See you next time on...


That was for you, IsmaelandLuigi21! The Bonus (or, as I like to call it, 'Beau-nus') Round will be available with Part 2.

As for the rest, thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to read this utterly pointless fanfic which I am nonetheless proud of!