Kensi stormed out of the Ops room. She was furious. How many times will LAPD do this to him? How can Hetty let this happen to him! Again!

A few short minutes earlier Hetty had summoned her and Deeks. She had explained to them that LAPD was in need of an undercover cop and Deeks was the only one not currently working on a case.

Kensi was angry because she knew how LAPD ran. They would probably send him into some hellhole with little information to go on, a lazy handler, and no back up. A year ago, she probably wouldn't have been as adamant as she was now. A year ago she didn't need him. A year ago, he was just some annoying cocky cop who thought he was as charming as the devil. A year ago, she didn't need his jokes that, even though they were lame, made her smile. She didn't crave the way he looked her up and down every time she got into a sexy dress for an operation. She didn't smile at his protectiveness, the possessive way he looked out for her as if she was his and his alone.

But now, now, it was what she lived for. What would she do if he got hurt? If his cover was blown? Or even worse if he… NO! She would not think like that. She just needed to calm down a bit. To breathe.

When she came out of her thoughts she realized that she was in the locker room and that someone was behind her. She slowly turned around.



They said each other's name at the same time.

"You go first." said Deeks.

Kensi drew in a deep breath. "Deeks, How can you let them do this to you again? Why are you so willing to go under cover when you know they'll leave you in the dark? I just…I don't understand. How could you… when you know… I just … I." She paused. She was getting flustered. She couldn't say what she really wanted to know. How could he leave her? After all the work they'd put into their partnership. What about their "thing"? How could he walk away from that? She knew she was being unreasonable to think like that. It wasn't like he was "leaving" her. It wasn't like they were in a "relationship". She wanted to ask him those things but she couldn't so she settled for a long gaze into his eyes hoping he would understand what she was so desperately trying to tell him.

He looked into her eyes and sighed. "Kensi." he said as if he were defeated. He moved forward as if to embrace her, his arms slightly outstretched, but she stepped back immediately. She regretted it as soon as she did it but she couldn't let him think that she was upset enough to let him comfort her. Even if she was desperately aching for his touch, his comfort. He didn't let that faze him, though. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist, burying his face into her neck. She let him hug her, sighing as she wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her head on his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Kens." he whispered into her neck. She shivered slightly which did not go unnoticed by him. He lifted his head from her neck and started stroking her hair. She sighed again and tightened her hold on him. He gently took hold of her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. He understood the hidden questions. He wouldn't leave her. How could he? She was everything to him. Back at LAPD, before NCIS, he had had his fair share of partners. But he had never connected with one so deeply. His bond with Kensi was so strong that nothing could break it. He had never felt welcome at LAPD and was looked upon as sort of an outcast. And never, in his whole life, had he fallen so deeply in love with a woman. Kensi was his best friend. His very best friend. He wasn't sure if she reciprocated the feeling but that didn't matter. And he new he couldn't tell her that stuff. Not yet, at least. He hoped to God one day he could tell her how much she meant to him, how much he loved her. But for now he needed to let her not that he was not going to, nor would he ever, leave her.

"Kensi, I know you don't like it when I go undercover. And sometimes I don't like it. When I signed up for this job, I did it because I wanted to help people. I wanted to make a difference. I wanted people to feel safe. People were my number one priority. But now that I've met you, you're my number one priority. I want to help you. I want you to feel safe. I know that you don't like it when I'm overprotective and possessive. But it's instinct to me. I can't just not protect you. But even then, I still have a job to do. I still have to help people. But Kensi, I swear to God that I will never ever even think of leaving you."

Kensi started to tremble. "You can't promise that." she whispered

The look that he gave her made her want to cry. He looked at her so sadly. As if she were a child that had an abusive father and her mother just left. He pulled her closer, if that was even possible. He whispered, his lips just inches from her, his warm breath fanning over her lips, " I will never voluntarily leave you, Kensi. You know that right? Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? How much I would do for you? I'd do anything for you, Princess. Anything. " He looked deeply into her eyes and to his surprise she blushed. Kensi was adorable when she was flustered. It made him smile. She blushed even deeper and tried to push him away by shoving her hands on his chest. He locked his hands together in an inescapable snare. His smile widened.

"Oh no you don't" he said. Kensi stopped shoving him, sighed, and looked down.

"Look at me, Kens. I want to see your beautiful eyes." That made her blush even further but she still looked up at him. "You know you're really cute when you blush." She just gave him a fake glare that made him laugh. "Look, Kensi, I want to say some things before I go under cover. I know you probably don't want to hear them now but I need you to know so that you won't doubt me. So that you know that I will come back to you."

Kensi suddenly had butterflies in her stomach and she felt a little lightheaded. Her heart pounded against her chest. "He isn't going to say that now is he?" she thought. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for that."

As soon as Deeks opened his mouth to speak Hetty came over the intercom. "Mr. Deeks, Ms. Blye, and Mr. Hanna please report to Ops immediately. Thank you." Deeks didn't even know they had an intercom. It hadn't ever been used before. But it was better than the alternative of someone finding then in the women's locker room wrapped in a tight embrace pouring their hearts out to each other. Well, Deeks guessed that he was doing most of the "pouring" but still. He gently realeased her but not before placing a soft kiss on her cheek. That made her blush again.

"We'll talk later, okay?" Deeks asked.

"Okay." Kensi breathed.

And with that they hurried on up to Ops.

Just a cute little story I came up with. I was planning for it to be a oneshot but there is just so much unresolved sexual tension. But if I continue, rest assured, it will be fully resolved! So what do you think? Shall I continue? Yes? No? Maybe so?