So my angst plunnies overacted again... this was written to Only If For A Night by Florence and the Machine but this time I opted to leave the lyrics out

Warnings: Character Death, angst and um... language? It's kinda short ._.

Disclaimer: If I owned Durarara! it would be much different and less awesome.

The weather was the most noticeable feature that day. The sun was shining from a clear, deep blue sky, a few scattered wispy clouds breaking the monotony of colour. The gentlest of breezes rustled through the leaves in the tree's and the grass was a deep green, perfectly manicured into a single length. People milled about now, some leaving already, others still there and unwilling to go just yet despite the even being over but any conversations were muted, hushed and not lasting more than a few words.

One man stood alone, beneath an oak tree, the others avoiding him. The odd glare was sent in his direction, something the man did notice, though he didn't bother confronting them for ones about odd looks. He knew people were wondering why he was even there, hell, most of them thought it was his fault.

"Come to gloat?" One teen dared approach, her long braid pinned up onto her head neatly. Her hand reached back subconsciously toward her sister, the two wearing proper dresses for the first time since they were only young children.

"No," The man said simply, though the fixated glare didn't leave him until she grabbed the others hand and took off. Others left soon now and the man made his way up rather than out. He had waited for the others to leave. He wanted privacy with the other.

"You're an idiot," He murmured, sitting down, his back pressing against the cool stone. The grass… it was so green today. It contrasted brilliantly with the crisp black pants he wore, the suit brand new, just for this occasion.

"Am I?" The other man leaned over the stone, a small, almost gentle smile on his lips.
"You are… you were never… you shouldn't have…" The first couldn't even finish his sentence, the words wouldn't come.
"Sorry…" The two stared out over the quiet landscape, though it was small. Cemeteries were never that big here. The two sat beside one another quietly, peacefully. It would have been an unusual scene if anyone else could see it, the two had never been so peaceful like this before.

"Izaya-kun… is this really it?" One man asked, his blonde hair glinting in the sunlight.
"Yeah Shizu-chan… I guess it is…" Izaya sighed, leaning against the cold headstone quietly as they watched the graveyard together.
"It's weird to think about it you know… not seeing you unless it's here…" Shizuo frowned a little at the thought.
"Yeah… I never thought this would happen…" Izaya agreed, turning to look at the blonde now.

"I don't hate you… I never did you know," The informant said suddenly making the blonde smile.
"Me neither… but it's too late now isn't it?" Shizuo sighed.
"Yeah… well I guess… I guess it's time to go isn't it?"
"You should concentrate more… Izaya…" Shizuo stood and Izaya frowned up at the blonde.
"What do you mean?"

"I don't want you doing this too just yet…" Shizuo sighed as he faded into the air, as though he was never there. Maybe he never was, Izaya conceded. It could have been something he imagined. A ghost of Shizuo… made by his mind to deal with the loss.

"You shouldn't have died Shizu-chan… I won't forgive you for it…" Izaya murmured, standing as well to look at the tombstone he had rested against, finally reading the inscription.

Shizuo Heiwajima
Brother, Friend and Son.
Until we meet you again.