Riku's POV

I gotta ask Sora about this. "Umm Sora, can I ask you a question?" Sora turned around and faced me.

"Of course you can Riku" Sora said cheerily.

"Um Sora I don't remember having sex with you after Angelina was born, I don't understand how you got pregnant again." I said quietly so the kids wouldn't hear. Sora didn't say anything, but he bit his lip and blushed.

"Well Riku I uh, The last time we had sex I sorta kept a little, JUST A LITTLE! bit of your release and sorta used it when you were at work or when you were asleep." Sora said sheepishly and blushed madly. I just stood there in horror and in shock on how he could have done that.

"Are-Are you serious" I managed to cock out.

"I-I was so sex deprived, baby, I didn't know what else to do!" Sora cried.

"Baby, all you had to do was ask." I said hugging him.

" Hey,what's wrong with mom!" Jessica blurted out pointing at Sora.

"Nothing sweetie, me and mom are gonna go upstairs, please watch Alex." I said and started walking up the stairs with a crying Sora on my shoulder. Once we got to our room I laid Sora on the bed and he curled up and fell asleep. I heard crying and a shout for me downstairs so I walked down to see Alex screaming his head off.

"Awww whats wrong baby" I said picking up Alex and putting him on my shoulder. I patted his bottom, and was relieved he need a change instead of food. I walked upstairs and set him on the changing station, I grabbed powder and wipes and a fresh diaper. When I turned around he wasn't on the station and at first I thought he fell and I panicked. I suddenly heard cooing in the cupboards on the bottom of changing station. I placed the items down, that were in my hands and opened the cupboards. There was Alex and my eyes widened in shock. I picked him up and placed him on the station. I took off his footsie pajamas and changed him. When I was about to put his pajamas back on I noticed a big claw mark on his back,I thought Tifa did it but it looked much like a humans fingernail. I put some neosporin and placed a band-aid on it, I finished putting on his clothes, and sat down with him on the couch down stairs. I turned on the T.V and watched a movie that was on FOX.

In the middle of the movie, Alex started to get fussy so I decided it was time for his feeding. I lifted my shirt and started to feed him and finished the movie. After the movie was over it was 12:04 PM so I got dressed and woke up Sora. I asked him to get dressed, and told the kids to get dressed, also dressed Angelina. After we were all dresses we went to the park. Alex was gumming on his toy , while Angelina and the kids were playing on the play set. Me and Sora were sitting down on a blanket and playing with Alex. Once it started to get dark we walked back home.

I laid Alex and Angelina down for bed and went to bed with Sora.

Sora's POV

I woke up this morning and made breakfast. I just then realized what today was. December 1st. I am all like just great more Christmas shopping. It was around 1:00 PM and I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to it and Opened the door and I almost fainted.

"D-Derrick!" I said in disbelieve, and Shock.

"Hey mom" Derrick said holding Adams hand and rubbing over sized belly.

"Oh my god, I missed you" I said hugging him. "Come in, come in" I said moving out of the way and inviting them in.

"Thanks mom" Derrick said walking in. He sat down on the couch and rubbed his big belly.

When Adam came in he had a carrier in his hand. He sat down next to Derrick and set the blue frilly carrier on the floor next to them.

"So Derrick, how have you been" I asked making a cup of coffee.

"We have been doing great mom. We have a son named Jeremiah he is 11 months old and We have one more on the way." Derrick said with a smile. I walked over and gave Derrick and Adam a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch with them.

"How many months are you?" I asked pointing at Derrick big belly.

"I am 7 months" Derrick said. I heard little whines coming from the carrier and Adam picked up the very adorable baby also know as Jeremiah. He was wearing blues and white stripped footie pajamas and he had a plain blue beanie on. He had little gloves on so he won't scratch himself and he had beautiful jewel green eyes. He was crying and whining when Adam took him out.

"Aww look how precious he is" I said cooing at Jeremiah who was still crying.

"You wanna hold him" Adam asked and I said yes. Adam gave Jeremiah to me and I placed him on my shoulder. I cooed him and he calmed down.

"Wow mom you know how to calm a baby down, So where is Destiny, Daniel, Delilah, And Emma?" Derrick asked.

"Oh Um Destiny is in London living with your grandma, Daniel and Delilah are in college, and Emma is on a 10 year girl scout trip to Costa Rica." I said calmly. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs and I saw Riku with Alex in hands. "Oh" I said getting up and walking to Riku.

"Riku guess what Derrick is here" I said taking Alex out of his hands.

"Seriously, he's here" Riku said getting excited.

"Yeah he's on the couch." I said and he sprinted over there.

"Hey buddy!" Riku said hugging Derrick.

"Hi dad I missed you so much!" Derrick said hugging Riku back.

"where have you been all this time!" Riku asked.

"Well once I moved in with Adam we got married in court and a few years after we got married, we decided to have a baby and After Jeremiah was born 11 months later we tried again and now we want to be surprised with this one." Derrick said rubbing his stomach.

"Well that's good to hear." Riku said with a smile.

I walked in with Alex in my hands and Derrick was so excited about him.

"Oh my god who's this fella!?" Derrick asked looking at Alex.

"This is Alex, your baby brother" I said and he got excited. Then the triplets came running down the stairs calling out to me. "Uh Derrick meet your other brothers and sister. Jessica, Justin, and Jason!" I said. "Jessica, Justin, and Jason that is you oldest brother Derrick." Riku just stared at me while holding Jeremiah. Suddenly the triplets were excited about Derrick and just then Angelina came walking down the stairs. "Oh and Derrick that is also your sister Angelina." I said and pointed at Angelina.

"Woah mom You and dad must have been really bored, By the way you guys are getting old!." Derrick said sarcastically.

"Hey I'm only 28, and your dad is 29!" I said in defense.

So after we talked and played with Derrick and Adam they had to leave. We said our goodbyes and then they left. After that the kids got put to bed and me and Riku laid in bed. I loved that I got to see my son and my godson and my grandson. After I fell asleep I had a horrible nightmare and I think its about to come true.

Ooooooh What might come true.

Btw so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I have been busy. And I totally forgot about some of the kids and Someone reminded me of them, Sorry, But I didn't forget about Derrick. Aww I thought Jeremiah was cute name that's why I picked it :D. Well I hope you liked it :)