So... as promised, the reveal. I hope you like how I do it.

When the rest of the glee club (minus Mercedes who had chosen instead to go and be with Sam, not that the rest of the glee club knew this) came in to visit Quinn the next morning they found her to be in high spirits compared to the night before.

"You seem a lot better Quinn." Finn pointed out.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better about the future. Sam came to visit me last night and gave me some perspective."

That statement confused everyone except for Kurt, they had not seen Sam yesterday and he couldn't have possibly have come in after visiting hours could he?

"What do you mean Sam was here last night Quinn? Sam wasn't here with us yesterday." Rachel pointed out.

"He came in after you guys left, around 11pm I think." It was only now that Quinn was starting to question again how the hell Sam got in.

"Quinn, Sam couldn't have come in after visiting hours, the hospital was closed. They kicked us all out. The only way that Sam could have been in the hospital was if he was a patient." Mike pointed out.

Images and memories flashed before her eyes of things she had overlooked last night. The fact that he was in his PJs and barefoot, that he had little Aiden with him, that he had been looking sicker and sicker for weeks now. A huge pit was forming in her stomach, "What if he is a patient?" Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kurt trying to rub a hole in the floor with his heel and stay well out of the conversation, they had long given up trying to get what was wrong with Sam out of Kurt.

"Don't be ridiculous, Quinn, Sam's fine I'm sure he is and I'm going to prove it." Rachel said and with that she turned around to leave the room.

"Where are you going Rachel?" Quinn called out.

"I'm going to ask if there is a Sam Evans here as a patient." She stated before leaving to room. Tina and Santana went and followed.

A middle aged nurse was behind the nurses' station down the hall. "Excuse me, can you tell me if Sam Evans is a patient here?" She asked.

The nurse looked up, "Not in this ward he isn't." At that answer Rachel gave the others an 'I told you so' look, but when the nurse continued the look slipped off her face. "He's up in the children's oncology ward."

It was Santana's turn to step forward as Tina promptly burst into tears and Rachel stood in shock. "Yeah, lady, I think we must be talking about different Sam Evans's, the one we want to know about is around 16, blond hair, six foot tall, big lips that kind look like a trout..."

"Green eyes, addicted to comic books and superheros, worships Avatar..." the nurse continued, "I'm sorry darling but I think we are talking about the same Sam Evans."

Quinn was shaking when she saw her three best friends come in, Tina was balling her eyes out while Santana and even Rachel had tears forming in their eyes.

"What is it what did you find out?" Finn questioned.

"Sam is here. He is up in the oncology ward."

Everyone but Puck, Finn and Brittany gasped in shock. Artie shouted out, "God have mercy!" While Mike rushed towards Tina sweeping her up.

"What's oncology?" asked Puck, he Finn and Brittany weren't familiar with the term, "That doesn't sound too bad, no like intensive care or anything."

That pissed off Quinn, how could she have been talked into sleeping with this guy. "It's the cancer ward you moron! Sam has cancer!"

At last they final understood. "Well this really sucks!" Puck finally announced to break the silence.

"Ok!" Quinn ordered, "Someone get me a wheelchair we are going up to see Sam."

Against much protest Quinn had gotten a wheelchair. The nurse, Martha, who had told them about Sam said that going up to see him now wasn't really the best idea. She explained that normally she worked up in the children's oncology ward but had offered to cover this shift for a friend even if it meant she was working a double. She said that Sam wasn't at all well and that she had sat with him most of the night as he suffered through the after effects of the chemo until his parents arrived to take over. Quinn didn't care, he had come down here and been there for her and hell would have to freeze over to stop her going up there and being there for him.

Truthfully Quinn was holding onto the ignorant belief that this couldn't be true. Sam didn't look that sick, yeah he had lost a bit of weight and was more pale than usual but he still had his hair, he didn't look anywhere near as bad as Aiden did.

They made their way up to the children's oncology ward and knocked gently on the door of Sam's room. Mercedes voice answered with a "Yes, who is it?"

Finn and Rachel poked their heads in first and answered, "It's us."

The whole glee club filled in. If any of them had any doubt that Sam had cancer those doubts were put to rest when they saw Sam. He was as white as a sheet and was covered in a thin layer of sweat, his hair was ragged and it looked like his mother and Mercedes who sat on each side of him on the bed were propping him up as the effort of vomiting had worn out his stomach muscles. The gently laid him back against the tilted up bed as he seemed to have finished one particularly bad wave of nausea.

Sam looked really self conscious having the whole glee club staring down at him.

"Kurt you told them!" Mercedes exclaimed, "I thought we were going to wait until after the wedding hype had settled down."

"I didn't tell anyone!" Kurt defended himself, "They worked it out for themselves. Apparently Sam went to visit Quinn last night and they worked it out from there."

Mercedes turned to look at Sam as did his parents, none of them had been told about his midnight adventure, "She was crying!" he croaked trying to defend himself, "What was I ment to do?"

It was clear that Sam's parents had something else to say but they were cut off as Sam moaned holding his stomach and another wave of nausea overcame his body. He tried to sit up but he didn't have the strength. "Sam, there is nothing in your stomach, baby." Mercedes told him gently. "There is nothing to vomit up so you just need to take deep breaths and it will pass. It was her first round of chemo but she was picking it up fast. Sam screwed up his eyes as he breathed deeply trying not to dry wrench. It took a few minutes for this round to subside as his friends looked on with worry. Seeing Sam like this made it all very real.

Once Sam looked ok, Finn dared a question. "Dude how long? And how come you didn't tell us?"

"Six, Seven weeks and I didn't tell you because you were getting married and I didn't want to put a dampener on your mood." Well that was one reason. If only Finn and Rachel's parents had known. It really would have put a stop to their wedding.

Kurt looked at Sam and seeing him in this state he kind of understood why he wanted out. He didn't remember much about his mother with chemo, he must have blocked those horrible memories out of his mind but he could never imagine that it could turn someone as strong as Sam into the weak teenage boy lying in the bed in front of him.

All the girls wanted to rush up and hug him hoping that it would make everything alright but they couldn't. Mercedes had lain back with Sam and drew his head down onto her shoulder while rubbing his back in slow circles.

They had so many questions but were smart enough to realise now was not the time to ask them so instead they all just stood there staring at different parts of the room. After another wave of nausea had passed Sam finally asked them to leave, "Um, guys... I know it must be really fascinating watching me vomit up my guts but I would kinda like not to have such a huge audience, so do you guys mind leaving. I'll answer any questions you have, but not right now." Sam had once again let out a little moan, alerting them all of another round of nausea so they quickly said their goodbyes, wishing him to feel better and left.

Kurt came up and said, "I can answer some of their questions if you want me to?" Sam said that would be good but also gave him a meaningful look not to tell them his deepest secret which he had imparted to Kurt in a moment of weakness. Kurt turned and followed the rest of his friends out who all felt like they had been kicked in the gut, turning back once more to see Sam screw up his face before burying it in Mercedes shirt in the effort of fighting off the waves of nausea.

Ohhh, poor, poor Sam! What did you guys think? Did you like the way I brought it out? I didn't really think Sam was the type of guy to tell everyone. He seems to me like one of those guys who is willing to help everyone with their own problems but is not willing to open up and let others help them. Soooo... how will the glee club handle it?

Please review. It gives me the motivation to keep on writing as I am coming up to the end of my prewritten chapters... plus they make me feel good.

Until next time