So, I watched all the way through Thor! Yay! And so, here's another story for ya'll! Enjoy!


Thor rolled over in bed. It was about one at night, and he was out of it.

Loki slipped out of his covers without a sound, and crept into his twelve year old brother's room.

An evil smile was spread on his face.

This was going to be fun.

Before his brother could roll over again, he flattened himself to the floor, and rolled under Thor's semi-clean bed.

"Ew..." he muttered, seeing a stray pair of underwear.

Still, he pushed on, and shimmied up to the headboard of the bed.

Laying on his back, looking straight up, he could see his brother's golden blond hair laying carelessly on the edge of the mattress, just to were he could reach it.

Loki remembered the conversation he had with his brother before they went to bed.

"Sif told me that goblins live under our beds..." Loki mumbled.

"Don't be silly, little brother! There are no goblins!"

"I've read that they grab the hair of royalty while they're asleep, and pull them under the bed, and into their realm by it. It's usually a big bloody mess."

"This has happened before?"

"What do you think?"

A shocked look appeared on Thor's face.

"Stop your myths, brother! We shall sleep safely."

He was scared. You could see it.

A giant grin enveloped Loki's ten year old face as he walked to his bedroom for the night.

This would work wonderfully.

"When will you ever learn, brother?" he whispered, knowing that Thor wouldn't wake up. He was what you would call, a dead sleeper.

Making sure not to touch the wall, and be extra quiet, Loki reached up through the open space, and rapped his small fingers around his brothers shimmering hair.

With one harsh motion, he yanked on the hair, and his brothers head hit the headboard with a thud.


Thor grabbed at his hair, but Loki just kept pulling, making his brother's head bounce off the headbord.

"It's the goblins! Loki was right! Aaaahhh!"

Doing his best to disguise his voice, Loki let out a mad cackle.


The younger brother continued to laugh and pull, until Frigga came to see what all the noise was.

"Thor! Are you alright?"

"The goblin's have got me! Save yourself!"

The women just stared for a moment, trying to process the situation.


The boy let out another evil laugh.

"It's the goblins mother!"

"Loki, come out right now, or I will call your father in here."

Loki spun his body around sideways, to where only his head was sticking out from under the side of the bed.


"You are in so much trouble mister," Frigga grabbed the dark haired boy by the wrist, and dragged him out of the room, after kissing Thor in the head, and telling him to go back to sleep.

"Totally worth it..." Loki muttered.


Once again, I'm relating this Thor story to real life issues. I have really long hair, and usually put it down the headboard of my bed during the summer so I don't get hot. Well, my dear little cat was playing under the bed one night, and found the golden rope that was my hair. We all know she had to play with it. I thought it was the goblin my mother had told me lived under my bed. It ended badly.

Well, I was thinking about it, and figured that would be something that Loki would do.

I do believe I was right. ;)

Please review! Please!

I love you guys! Thank you for reading! :D
