Author's Note!

Hey hey everybody :)

I've been wanting to write this story for a long time but I kept saying nahhhh forget it until finally i couldn't ignore it anymore so HERE I AM :D

This story will be worth your time, trust me.

Also, what Sheldon reveals while he and Leonard are in his room is in the actual show, he talked about it in an episode which is where I got the idea for this story from.

Oh and one more thing, this takes place when Leonard and Penny are dating and Howard is single.

So here we go (:

"I don't understand what's been up with Penny lately," Leonard remarked. "She's been ignoring my texts, calls, and when she does answer them it's only to cancel our dates. I haven't seen her for two weeks."

"Members of the female species are hard to understand," Sheldon stated. "But I think she doesn't want a thing to do with you."

Leonard and Sheldon were sitting in their apartment discussing Leonard and Penny's relationship, which had been going down the drain as of lately. Leonard had been talking about it nonstop all day, much to Sheldon's annoyance.

"Everything was going great until two months ago and then boom it's like she hates me," Leonard buried his head in his hands. "Do you think she wants to break up?"

Sheldon didn't answer.

"Sheldon?" Leonard looked up at him to see him staring into space.

"Oh sorry. I was thinking about trains."

Leonard knew Sheldon didn't really give a shit about his relationship problems. Penny was coming over any minute and Leonard was excited to see her after so long. He planned to figure out what the reason was for her odd behavior.

Over the course of their relationship, he had fallen deeply in love with her. Sure, they didn't have much in common, but maybe the phrase opposites attract is true after all. He always enjoyed spending time with her but lately that time was nonexistent and he was missing her like crazy.

There was a knock on the door and Leonard jumped up to answer it. "That must be Penny."

He opened it and there she was. "Penny! I've missed you so much."

"Hey," she said dryly.

"Finally you made it," Leonard stepped to the side so she could come in. "Where have you been?"

"Actually, I'm only here to tell you we can't hang out tonight. I made plans with somebody else."

"Somebody else?" Leonard was taken aback. "Who?"

Penny shrugged. "A person."

"No shit it's a person."

"It wouldn't necessarily have to be a person, Leonard," Sheldon chimed in. "Penny may have made plans with some sort of extraterrestrial being from another planet. This may explain why she wouldn't want to tell you as the situation would spark much controversy within the scientific community as she would be able to prove that aliens do indeed exist."

"Dude, shut up," Leonard snapped.

"Actually he's right," Penny was looking at the ground. "I made friends with an alien. Sorry I didn't wanna tell you!" She laughed nervously.

"Wow, okay. Something is definitely going on and you better tell me what," Leonard was getting pissed off, and then a horrible thought occurred to him. "Are you fucking cheating on me?"

"Okay fine!" Penny threw her hands up in defeat. "I admit it! I'm cheating on you. I'm sorry."

Leonard hadn't expected her to confess so easily. He stood there in shock for a few seconds, trying to process the fact that his girlfriend had been cheating on him. All he could manage to say was, "Really?"

Penny nodded timidly.

"For how long?"

"About 2 months. I was going to tell you but I just wanted to see if I liked him first."

"So you've been dating another guy to try to replace me and once you figured out you like him you were going to dump me for him?"

"Well, it sounds harsh when you put it like that but…"

"You're a fucking slut!"

Penny looked up in surprise. "I am not a slut!"

Their voices were getting louder and louder as they continued to argue.

"Yeah you are. The whole time that I've been thinking we have some sort of future together you've been out fucking some other guy."

"First of all, I haven't slept with him yet. Second, maybe I never wanted to date you in the first place."

"What do you mean?" Leonard's heart sunk.

"I never really wanted to date some geek. I just didn't know anybody else at the time. And we have like nothing in common, you're like so smart and I'm just the dumb blonde slut right?"

"I've never thought that about you, until now. Now that the truth has been revealed. How could you do this to me Penny? You fucking played me."

"You know what, I could stay here and waste even more time but I gotta go. Like I said, I made plans with somebody else." She opened the door to leave but then turned around and said "And if you didn't already get the hint, we're over."

"Fine! I don't need you!" Leonard got up in her face screaming. "I don't need a dumb blonde slut. Yeah I said it!"

"Fuck you!" Penny screamed back before leaving and slamming the door shut behind her.

Leonard stood there shaking his head in disbelief. "Can you believe this shit Sheldon?" He looked at where Sheldon had been sitting on the couch, but he was gone. "Sheldon? Where are you?"

"I'm in here. Don't come in." Sheldon's muffled voice was coming from inside his bedroom.

Ignoring that order, Leonard opened Sheldon's door to see him sitting on his bed with his head in his hands.

"Dude what's wrong?"

"Are you two finished yelling?" Sheldon had an angry tone in his voice.

"Yeah she left. Did you hear what she said to me? She was using me until she found somebody else. And she_"

"Yes I heard everything," Sheldon interrupted him with the same angry tone. He still hadn't lifted his head. "The way you two were yelling, I think the whole damn world heard you. Well, of course that's overly impossible but you understand my point yes?"

"She's probably across the hall right now with that bastard," Leonard declared bitterly. "He's probably talking about how much he loves her. And how they'll stay together forever. That prick."

"I'm sure you're feeling quite enervated after all of the yelling you've just done."

"Why are you so fixated on us yelling?"

Sheldon finally looked up to reveal that he had been crying. His eyes were red and there were tear streaks on both of his cheeks.

"What the hell?" Leonard was staring at him in shock. "Were you crying? Why?"

"Perhaps it is time that I tell you about a certain traumatic incident that occurred when I was only just a wee child."

"Okay…" Leonard shifted uncomfortably.

"Sit." Sheldon patted the space next to him on the bed.

Leonard sat down and Sheldon continued, "After a human experiences trauma, they may be prone to flashbacks in which something will trigger them to feel as if they are experiencing the incident all over again. This is called_"

"I already know that," Leonard cut in. "Just tell me what happened."

"Very well. My mother and my father used to fight and bicker constantly. It scared the jeepers out of me and I would seek refuge inside of my bedroom until they calmed down. But they never calmed down for long. My father was an alcoholic. And it was just to much for me to bear."

"So when me and Penny were fighting it reminded you of your parents fighting?"

"Exactly. Anytime people fight I hear my parents voices and it brings back the horrible memories. I feel like a child again cowering in my bedroom waiting for them to stop." He shuddered.

"I'm really sorry," Leonard apologized. "I had no idea. But you know, Penny started it and_"

"I don't care who started it," Sheldon interrupted with a sharpness in his voice. "Just don't do it again."

"Okay, I won't," Leonard attempted to hug Sheldon but Sheldon pulled away giving him a weird look.

After her argument with Leonard, Penny sat in her apartment waiting for her "other man" to arrive. His name was Tyler and he was the opposite of a geek, which Penny liked. As she waited for him, she realized that she didn't mean a lot of the hurtful things that she'd said to Leonard. She just said them out of anger after he'd called her a slut. She did want to date other men but maybe she shouldn't have been so harsh on Leonard.

A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts. She answered it. "Hey Ty!"

"Hey baby," Tyler kissed her before stepping inside. "You look great."

"I'm wearing my new outfit I told you about. You like?"

"I love it. So what have you been up to today?"

"Guess what? I finally dumped Leonard," Penny announced with a grin.

"Wait, what do you mean you finally dumped him?"

"I dumped him like half an hour ago."

"Half an hour ago?" Tyler looked confused. "You told me you dumped him right before we started dating."

Penny thought back to when she first met Tyler. He had known she was dating Leonard and had met him a few times. He often made fun of Leonard behind his back. Penny was going to break up with Leonard so she could date Tyler but at the time she didn't have the nerve. So she lied and told Tyler that she had broken up with him.

The news that she had actually broken up with him today had accidentally slipped and she scrambled to think of a cover up. "I meant I just saw him and, um, he wanted to get back together and, uh, I told him that we, uh, couldn't… because I already have a wonderful boyfriend!" She leaned in to kiss Tyler but he pushed her away.

"You're full of shit," Tyler sneered. "You've been dating him this entire time? You've been cheating on me with that fucking loser?"

Not this again, Penny thought to herself. "No listen, I've barely even seen him or spoke to him since me and you have been together, I just didn't officially break up with him until today."

"You really expect me to believe that? He lives right across the fucking hall you've probably been in and out of there everyday. Do you think you can fool me bitch? Do you really think you can hide things from me?" Tyler's voice had suddenly become low and threatening.

His sudden change in attitude was scaring Penny. He was standing in front of her, his eyes glaring angrily into hers.

"The first time I've seen him in weeks was today I was ignoring him since you and I started dating I promise!" Penny spoke quickly, her voice shaking.

"Bullshit!" Tyler screamed and his fist collided hard with her cheek.

Penny's hand flew to her cheek, which was now red and throbbing. She stared at him in disbelief. "You hit me… you fucking hit me."

This was the first time a guy had ever hit Penny. Tyler had always been nice to her in the past and she couldn't believe that he could hurt her this way.

"I'm so sorry baby," Tyler pulled her into a hug as her eyes filled with tears. "I don't know what got into me. It's just girls have cheated on me before and I don't want it to happen again."

"That's no excuse for you to fucking hit me!" Penny sobbed.

"It won't happen again, I promise," Tyler assured her.

Penny pulled out of his hug. "You know what, get out."

"Get out?"

"Yeah, maybe you'll understand it better if I say it this way. Get the fuck out!" She angrily pointed at the door.

"Fine, I'll leave. But I'll be back." Tyler glared at her for a few seconds before he finally left.

Penny fell back onto her couch as she sobbed and struggled to put together the day's crazy events.

Author's Note!

HEY if you like drama there's going to be a lot more drama in the next chapters ;)

This chapter took me a whole 8 FREAKIN HOURS to write! Not in one sitting of course but in a combined total of 8 freakin hours so please review and tell me what you thought even if you only do like a one word review please and thank youuu (:

I'll update soon I promise (: