Hi everyone! I am new in making a Thor fanfiction and this will be my first time trying to submit a story with the shipping of Loki and Thor. (since I am so in love with their pairing right now) I hope you will find my story interesting somehow.

Read and Review! Thanks!

Complete Summary:

Loki banished himself out of his own world to stop the unbelievable decision of his father in offering him to another kingdom. He started to build his life in the realm his soul has chosen; Midgard—the world of mortals. With years of being happy with his family, in one unexpected and dreadful day, they were taken away from him.

The prince he was supposed to marry embarked on a journey to search for him, but before being successful, another man has showed up in Loki's life. That man is by the name of Thor.



He rolled his shoulders and slowly straightened his back. He has no idea what time it is already but he was aware of the fact that he had been crouching on the same spot even before the dawn broke to welcome the coming day. The muscles on his legs and arms are starting to complain. Shifting slightly, careful not to brush the bushes that he was currently using as a camouflage, he gripped the long gun and repositioned its aim. He closed his eyes for a moment.

Suddenly there is a faint rustle. He navigated his eyes to look at his surroundings.

A minute has passed.

Nothing seems to be moving again.

Before totally giving up, he checked his line of sight for another sixty seconds.

Nothing. He sighed.

That sound might have just come from a smaller, boring kind of animal. Not really a good catch that you would have dedicated your whole morning for waiting.

He hates to be honest, but this has really been another frustrating week. For fourteen consecutive days without a single great beast lingering the forest, hunting had been an awful waste of time. Nevertheless, he couldn't help it. Hunting is the best shot he has for now. The wet markets are also having trouble in business since the dramatic decrease in their meat resources. It disappointed him that he could not bring home a decent meal for his family.

"There must be a plague of some sort." He remembered his wife saying.

He didn't agree at the time and reasoned that it may be just due to the upcoming winter. The animals may have migrated to another forest or that they have started hibernating and is only hiding to keep themselves safe.

"But…in this neighborhood where there has never been a decline in wild meat? Surely, the coming winter isn't the cause for this." He accepted the look she gave him at that time, silently taking her point.

Indeed the town where they are currently living in never lacked the supply for fresh and wild meat regardless of the season. The forests in the vicinity expand hundreds of hectares before it reaches the borderline of the other side of the land. And those woodlands have always sheltered uncountable variety of beasts.

So here he is, treading the pathway back to his log house while pondering over this town's growing predicament. On his left shoulder he carries the four scrawny hares he had stumbled upon getting out of the forest. The small mammals looked like they have been struggling for a span of days. He hated that he had to catch them for they appeared as pitiful as what this forest have become. Although the woods still have its green monstrosity, the odd thing was that it has lost its vitality.

He sighed again. And annoyed himself thinking how it is starting to become a habit for the past days.

There is a smile forming on his lips when he thinks about the look his wife will give him once he arrives. She will pout and complain about him leaving again so early in the morning. He will not mind that as it gives him the proof of why he loves her so much. She can be impatient and sweet at the same time.

But what's making him smile further, as he continued to walk the rough trail, is the lovely face of his daughter. He almost forgot he is carrying his gun with his right when his hand automatically went to hide the snickers escaping his lips. There has been a sudden flash in his mind about the funny moments with his daughter.

My beloved Sigyn…

My dearest Helene… He waves his head and speeds up his pace.

He doesn't know why he is surprisingly being reminiscent of the everyday bonding with his family. But the feeling it is giving him makes the current unsatisfying situation be put in the back of his mind. He isn't feeling vibrant earlier and right now, just the thought of coming home makes his face glow.

In a sudden moment of confusion, he raised his head to look up at the sky. The morning sun was slightly obscured by clouds. The sight is no different from the other days since the regression in wild resources. He scrunched his nose when a thin darker set of clouds passed by the horizon. It diminishes on its own right after crossing. But then once it has gone, there is a new line of the dark gas that appears.

He raised his brow.

Then all of a sudden, the world stilled around him.

Unknown panic triggered his legs to move. He began running.

The four dead hares are dropped forgotten on the ground.

The long gun swings wildly at his side as its strap holds onto his right shoulder.

He doesn't know what this is all about. His ever-powerful instincts have unexpectedly kicked in.


Why is he running?

Why is his heart beating madly in his chest as if it's trying to burst out from him?

The most horrid of thoughts start to bombard his mind.

No…he shouldn't think that way.

The sides of his eyes begin to red. He doesn't notice the way he was gritting his teeth. And being out of breath is the least of his worries.

Oh please…

Please don't…. Not the—…

The manner he stops is painful. He drops on his knees roughly when his foot got caught in a misplaced thick root. His left leg is twisted in the complicated vines and he struggles to get out of it. Using his bare hands and kicking with his free leg like a deranged creature, he unforgivingly disentangled himself out of the begrudging plant. He abruptly runs to the location of his house, not even stopping to care about his twisted ankle.

He can smell it.

The stench of heavy smoke and burnt woods doesn't deny him the thoughts that have been alarming him.

His throat went dry.

And it is when he stops.

He stops because in the very cruel, unjust, and excruciating way, he sees the house sheltering his whole life burnt down to ashes. Gone.

Just gone…

With tremors covering the whole of his body, he moves pace by pace towards his wrecked home. There is still a sliver of hope in his heart that maybe somehow, they are not included in this vanquished happiness. But even that small chance stops short as soon as he saw a glimpse of scorched flesh peeking from under the pieces of blackened wood boards.

The sob he's been holding in escaped his mouth. Tears fall mercilessly over his cheeks. He carefully and slowly picks up the slabs out of the way to reveal the most agonizing sight.

His wife, Sigyn—body seared to a point of no recognition except for the gold necklace with an emerald pendant hanging from her neck. He moves cautiously as not to further damage the dead figure of his beloved and leaned lower to find his daughter's equally charred body, positioned as she clutches the waist of her mother.

He couldn't see clearly anymore. The damned liquid blurring his vision isn't stopping. He gathers the corpses of his family and holds onto them. He tilts his head to look high at the wide spread of horizon. Darker clouds now hid the sun. The wind whispers to all of the destroyed signs of life, teasing it with its eerie breathing sound.

He screams.

With all of the emotions trembling out of his body, he cries out.


Eyes, the color of the richest brown, looks down at the vast expanse of land spread before him. There is an ethereal beauty this certain landscape projects. He lays his fingers on the railing of his terrace, with natural elegance only a royalty can move with. Despite the majestic view, this isn't what's currently claiming his attention. He does not smile for he feels the sadness in what he has seen. Such strong emotions shall not be mocked but only be observed. Gripping the golden railing until his knuckles turn white, he couldn't suppress the longing in his heart.

Turning away from the scene only his eyes could see, his face gradually projects a hint of vibrancy and anticipation. He walks back to his quarters and moves to close double doors.

"It is time for us now, my dear Loki." He whispered to himself; a small twitch finally appearing on his mouth.


Hi! I hope you liked it. I am aware that my story is giving you the vibes of being not really "Thor-ish-based" and well, to be honest it's not. BUT! This does Not mean I will completely deviate from the idea of their realm. There will still be included Norse myth ideas and Thor (movie) characters will still be intact. Although I have to say, they will have different roles here.

This is just the prologue and to make an advance promise, the story will be "THORKI".