Authoress' Notes: Okay, well I realize that it has been forever since I wrote the first part of this, but I've gotten a ton of requests for this and after getting married and a lot of other crazy… TaDa! I don't normally write this eh-hem graphically. I'm happy with the flow of it, but I think I lost his voice here and there. So I would love feedback on this piece.

I hope you all enjoy this; it was a blast to write… Although, it did require some ice water.

Warnings: Adult language and adult situations throughout…well pretty much the whole thing is an adult situation. So if you are offended by adults doing adult things and talking like sailors, you will want to steer clear of this part.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters; they belong to the studio and writers that first created them. I am merely borrowing them for a story or two. This story is for entertainment purposes only and I am drawing no profit from it.

I Might Need Your Help: Part 2 (The night)

"I might need your help with my dress." She was teasing him, but if she expected a smartass remark, she was way off her rocker. That comment and her sexy little smirk ignited something that broke his control all over again.

He caught her in another scorching kiss and backed her up against one of the posts of the gazebo. His hands roamed all over her body, but he kept the dress between them as a barrier. He didn't trust himself enough to risk more contact with her bare skin, and gods there was so much bare skin. She pushed herself up on her tiptoes, trying to get an angle that would allow her to get closer as they kissed. She had balanced on her toes for a second and a half, before he gripped her hips and set her up on the ledge, his lips never leaving hers. He pushed it a little further then he should have and nipped oh so carefully at her bottom lip, causing her to gasp, giving him accesses to her mouth. He let his tongue explore hers: the taste of the alcohol and her invaded his senses. He tangled his fingers in her hair, but forced himself to take his time. He wanted her feel how precious he thought she was.

He struggled with all the emotional shit, didn't have the best role-models in that department. He cared about her and he needed her to know that this was not just a physical thing. If he tried to put how he felt about her into words, it would come out wrong. But he could show her how much he cared with how he touched her. He was better with his hands, innuendo intended. He pulled back slightly and let her catch her breath as he rained kisses down the column of her neck. She pulled at his bandoliers, trying to get him closer again as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

His brain shorted out as her heat pressed against his jeans. The fabric she was wearing was so thin it enough to allow her scent to flood his nostrils. The hand that had been on her hip slammed down onto the ledge she was perched on and the wood creaked in distress at the pressure of his grip. He stopped kissing her and drew a deep breath as he looked straight down… at her chest… Well that might not be the best place to stare if he was trying to focus. He had to get ahold of himself before the minor law they were breaking of being in a park after dark, turned into public nudity and him getting his ass kicked.

Her hands grabbed his face and moved him until they were nose to nose.

"Charley…" He started, but stopped himself, needing to phrase this right, so she didn't confuse 'I need a second so I don't ravage you in a public place' for 'I don't want this.'

"Don't stop." She was breathless, but her emerald eyes were clear. "Please, don't stop." She kissed him soundly and when he didn't respond she did it again. "I want this." A third kiss. "I don't want to slow down." She pressed herself against him, "I want you, Vinnie." Her fingers brushed over his features encouragingly.

His hands moved back to her body and she purred encouragingly. So much for that restraint thing he'd decided to try for once. Her fingers found his ears, tracing each one slowly and his hips bucked against her without his permission "Easy with the ears, Sweetheart." He exhaled into her hair. "It's been a while."

She responded with an almost devious laugh and brushed her lips just beneath his ear with a feather soft kiss.

He groaned, adjusting his footing to keep himself balanced as she laughed again. "Think that's funny, huh?" He smirked and slid a finger down the back of her neck, down between her shoulder blades and lower until he found the zipper for the dress. "Just remember turnabout is fair play." He gave the zipper an experimental tug.

"I'm not afraid to play with you. Bring it on, Hotshot." She leaned back from him a bit, unlocking her legs and pushed his arm down, pulling the zipper down with it.

This is why he couldn't resist this girl: the constant challenge and she was never boring. He kissed her again, letting himself get lost in the sensation of it. His hands roamed over the bare flesh of her upper back and then even lower to where her dress had been. He expected there to be nothing but skin beneath the dress, but there was lace and a lot of it. How many layers did a girl wear? He could feel a crisscross pattern in a smooth fabric following the line of her spine and bypassed trying to figure that out, for the moment.

She moaned against his mouth has he found a particularly sensitive spot just about above her right shoulder blade and he paid it extra attention before moving on.

Charley inhaled sharply and broke their kiss, leaning her forehead against his shoulder, as her nails found his chest.

It stung. Between the strength in her hands and those long nails, her hands were currently weapons. He didn't think she'd drawn blood, but if things kept up, she probably would. He didn't care. "You shouldn't let yourself stress out so much, Sweetheart." He scolded quietly as he rubbed her tense muscles. She was melting against his touch, and her breath against his fur was making him shudder.

"'Cause you're never the reason of any of that stress." She accused and pulled him back against her with her legs again. She chuckled as he hissed, "Sounds like I'm causing you trouble." Her hands went back to his ears, massaging intently; nearly causing him to lose his balance again. "Feels like it too."

"Sweetheart, you are never the wrong kind of trouble." He tipped her up chin and reminded her, "I like trouble."

She kissed him and he let her control the pace. It was slow, so painfully slow. Her hands roamed over his scalp and as one errant finger brushed over his antenna.

He growled, his hand slamming back into the indent he made earlier, as his body demanded him to act out what had just flashed in his mind. The image that had been in her mind when they had that split second connection was nothing short of pornographic. He kissed her intently, but was careful to keep the physic barrier up between them. He had plans for that later and he was not gonna tip his hand on that trick until the next time. 'Cause there was damn sure gonna be a next time. He was never going to get enough of this woman. Her sounds, her scent, and the feel of her bare skin was type of rush he hadn't felt in way too long and even then it was never as intense this.

He broke their fevered kissing again, but this time he applied his mouth to where her neck met her shoulder. He ran his tongue over her skin, gods of Mars, she tasted amazing. He patted her thigh and she unwrapped her legs from his waist. She reached for the top of her dress, but he stopped her by covering her hands with his. "Last chance to back…"

"Vinnie, do you wanna back out?" She questioned, eyebrow arched.

"Hell no." He pushed the fabric down to her waist and revealed the strapless lace contraption underneath. It was practically see-through, but tinted emerald green just like her dress and it was adorned with a tiny metal heart-shaped charm between her breasts and He froze in his tracks, just staring at her unable to remember where he'd planned to go next.

She glided down from her perch, catching the dress before it could fall. She stepped out of dress and laid it carefully on the railing of the balcony, as if this was normally where and how she got undressed.

She matched… I mean, she um… She matched. Her panties were the same green lace as the top, with ribbons tied on the sides. Wonder if he could just untied one of those bows, or both. She had bands around her thighs in the same material as everything else she had on and while he'd seen pictures of chicks dressed up in… well dressed like this, he was kinda dumbstruck. He ran a finger along the lace of one of the bands, and down the strap that hung down from it.

She wiggled under the scrutiny of his gaze and muttered, "It's just a garter belt."

"It's fucking hot." He informed her, enjoying her startled gasp, which was delightfully out of character for the ordinarily confident mechanic. "What's it for?" His finger kept moving back and forth.

"Not a fan of panty hose. I just thought thigh highs would be easier for tonight." She turned her head away; embarrassed, maybe?

He chuckled, "Any other reason?" He was baiting her; the image he'd seen in her head was her in this outfit.

Her cheeks turned pink and she bit her lip, clearly uncomfortable with his staring; which really, she should be used to by now because he was always staring at her. Did she somehow not understand how amazing she was? How Perfect? How beautiful? How she was…Everything.

He touched her chin, inviting her to look into his eyes again and thankfully she complied, "Any other reason, Sweetheart?"

"I felt sexy in it." Her face was burnt red at this point.

"You are." He kissed her and let his hands roam over her body. There was enough of that 'outfit' to keep his hands off her flesh and that just wouldn't do. He kissed below her ear and whispered, "Turn around, Sweetheart. I wanna see the back."

"Using old lines?" She teased, her voice gaining a bit of her normal confidence again.

"Naw, I just really wanna see the back." He admitted.

"Not much back there."

"Even better, Charley-girl, even better." He let her spin his arms and he admired the view, before achieving what he needed to, which was finding whatever was keeping this thing on her. It was a ribbon crisscrossed all the way down her spine, stopping just short of her amazing ass, and she was right there wasn't a whole lot of anything back there. How the hell did she get into this thing by herself? He traced his fingers down the crisscrossed and noticed the row of hidden hooks that ran directly next to the ribbon.

She looked at him over her shoulder and accused, "Worried you wouldn't be able to unhook it without looking?"

"Delicate operation getting this thing off." He defended, undoing the hooks one at a time, counting to three before moving on to the next one, testing the limits of his barely-there self-control. One. Two. Three. Had to go slow, had to take his time, even if he thought he was going to lose his mind. He got to number ten, when he felt her shift slightly.

"Cheater." She smirked, still watching him over her shoulder.

He leaned forward and captured her lips in a kiss as he unhooked number eleven. One. "Didn't want to ruin it." Two. "You look too hot in it." Three. He unhooked number twelve, keeping eye contact with her. "You sure about this um… setting?" One.

She flashed him a flirtatious smile that he woulda walked through hell to see. Two. "Yes."

Three. He unhooked number thirteen and lost the battle with himself making fast work of the remaining three hooks.

She must have felt the final hook give because she grabbed the garment, but it fell from her fingers to the wooden floor.

He dropped to one knee and retrieved it, placing it into Charley's hand.

She set it on top of her dress on the rail, "You could have left…."

Her words were cut short by a tremor as he kissed the small of her back and ran his tongue up her spine as he stood back up effortlessly. Gooseflesh ran up her back, as her skin reacted to being exposed to the air or his touch. He wasn't sure, but he suspected it was the later.

So many things he wanted to do to her, so many things, but he caught himself lost again and settled for hugging her from behind. He crossed his arms over her chest; kissing the back of her neck and letting himself caress the surface of her stomach as he mapped the feel of her bare flesh.

She gripped at his hips and leaned back into him. "Lose the belts."

"Anything you say, Sweetheart." He unbuckled his bandoliers and laid them a top her dress. She turned around to face him and he focused on her face as he wrapped his arms around her, relishing the feeling of her chest against his. He moved slightly, cradling her face in his hands and stared into her eyes, "You have no idea how long…"

She shoved her hands into his back pockets and squeezed his ass. She must have pushed herself up on tiptoe for leverage, because she cut off, what was going to be a romantic declaration, with a much-better-than-anything-he-could-have-said kiss. She moaned as his hands ran up and down her bare back and she trembled ever so slightly as his tongue battled with hers.

He was lost in how she tasted and how freaking hot this whole situation was. He couldn't stop himself from grabbing her ass in response to her earlier boldness. She locked her legs around his waist and he held her effortlessly, relishing how her trust in his strength was immediate.

Intense; was the only word that he could think of to describe what was happening between them. He was pretty sure he was going to die before this was over and he didn't care. What a way to go. He pulled away from the kiss to let her catch her breath and just starred at her.

"You talk too much." She smirked, her lips slightly swollen.

He chuckled, "Like I've never heard that before."

She extricated her hands his back pockets and ran her hands up his sides, making him flinch slightly at one ticklish spot. She rested her hands on his shoulders and kissed his neck, "Maybe you listen for once? Put that mouth to better use."

"Anything you say, Charley-girl." He set her back up onto the railing of the gazebo and without warning cupped one breast in one hand while taking the nipple of the other on into his mouth.

"Holy shit." She cursed.

He ran his tongue over her sensitive skin, which despite the chill in the air was distinctly overheated. He focused on one until she made a desperate sound from somewhere in her chest. He switched sides, paying the other equal attention, no reason to play favorites. He ran his tongue over her skin as his hands continued to play. He found a scar at the edge of her collarbone and nipped at it, making her jump. "What's that from." He questioned.

"Some stupid thing we did. Bit of a laser burn, nothing serious."

He didn't like her answer. Hated that she got hurt it was his responsibility to keep her safe. She couldn't possible understand how protective he was of her, in his own crazy way. He earned a new scar on his right hand from the electrocution he'd received in the Martian jail cell when he thought Limburger's people might have hurt her. He seemed reckless at times, hell, he was reckless almost all of the time but with her… it was different.

Her hands were moving over his chest, but she stopped short as she found the indent in one of his ribs. "What's this from?"

He snatched her hand away, pushing away the unwanted flashback, and brought her knuckles to his lips, "Bad memory. Some other time, Charley-girl."

She nodded and gave his hand a squeeze as she unlocked her legs. She used her other hand to pull on one of his belt loops dragging him closer. "You still wearing these? I'm much more naked then you."

He grunted in response and trailed his mouth down her front, feeling her muscles tighten beneath her pale skin. She smelled incredible. He kissed the flat of her stomach, "You are perfect. Fucking perfect. I don't know why…"

"Shh." She hushed him, running her hands over his ears, driving him insane as he tried to focus on his task at hand. He gripped her hips and tugged loose the ties on either side of the only thing she had on, besides the garters, pulling it off before she could even protest. He shoved the garment in his pocket not able to himself.

"Reall…" She started, before he caught her off by running his tongue over her core. She pitched forward reflexively; he barely kept her from falling forward. Her hands moved to his shoulders and she gripped him with her nails, trying to balance herself.

There had been a nagging concern in the back of his mind about how compatible they would or would not be. He wasn't as well travelled or educated as his bros were about things like this or anything really. Blame the war and a bunch of other crap, but he'd barely gotten the through the basics before the schools closed. Chaos hadn't been too concerned with his son learning the 'book stuff,' so drunken campfire stories in trenches had been his, um, education about the fairer sex until Trial had set him straight at 18.

When they crashed on Earth he'd been instantly curious about the female side of the population, which had earned him far too many smacks to the back of the head. It didn't help that he and his bros were from different backgrounds, so both Throttle and Modo had very distinct opinions about women (including what you were allowed and weren't allowed talk about) and those opinions were often very different. He couldn't ask Charley, since she was reason he wanted to know and apparently in human culture, sex was something you shouldn't bring up in casual conversation. He was officially banned from two drug stores in Chicago for asking the wrong thing at the wrong time. Never was a book guy, but a couple of magazines and a few nights he'd opted to stay at the board with the television when his bros went out, gave him some reassurance that it would physically work. However, he never thought he'd get beyond a few painful fantasies when it came to the beautiful female currently moaning his name. He'd never forget how that sounded, ever.

He slid one finger inside of her, experimenting, while continuing to lick and suck carefully. She was already so wet, but at the same time so tight… He worked her more intently until he felt her muscles start to tremble. He wanted inside her so badly, but what if he hurt her…

"Please." She whimpered and moved against his tongue; hottest thing ever.

He gathered her up in a scorching kiss, letting her taste herself. His tail ran the length of her spine, provoking another moan from her. "Sweetheart." He whispered against her lips, desperate to get her attention. She responded with a soft sound that was definitely not words. "Charley," He breathed out, struggling to keep his body under control, "need you to look at me."

Her eyes locked with his and before he could say anything else. She ran her hand down his chest and across the front of his jeans. "Still want you. Right here. Right now." She undid his buckle and pulled down his zipper in almost one motion. Her hand was as bold and strong as he imaged it would be as she stroked him.

He growled and cursed in Martian, there were no words in English for what this felt like. He was not going to last very long, which was just not okay with him.

"Make it up to me next time." She exhaled, voice bordering on desperate, as she seemed to read his mind.

He jumped and not just from the pressure she was applying, but out of shock at her words. Next time? Next time. Next time! "Nothing doing, Sweetheart. I want to see you to fall apart." He wouldn't/couldn't leave her hanging.

She nodded took one of his hands, drawing one of his fingers into her mouth, running her tongue up and down the digit as she freed his aching member from his pants.

Don't ever accuse this girl of not being able to multi-task. He was stuck between two amazing sensations and her green eyes. He never imaged anything like this, even in his fantasies. She was a perfect mix of wicked and wonderful.

She lowered his moistened finger to just above her core, moving his hand in a slow circle. "Just like that." She arched her back as he found the right rhythm, "Need you inside me."

His body seemed to take over for his overworked brain and he was suddenly buried inside her. Fuck that was too fast… He should pull back or slow down or something; what were thoughts again? Fuck she felt too good. He kept moving inside her, but ran his hand over her chest and teased her skin with his tail. Painfully aware that he needed more leverage or this wasn't going to work for her.

She gasped in surprise as her back hit the post of the gazebo, but she wrapped her legs around him and nodded. "It's good. Keep going. Fuck Vinnie."

He thrust into her, harder than he intended, but she moved with him encouraging him with touches and moans. He nipped at her neck and that hand that wasn't occupied between their bodies grabbed her ass, kneading her flesh. Her muscles contracted around him; shit. He focused on the pain from her nails gripping his shoulders to keep him going until she exhaled an 'oh my god.' As he felt her let go, he lost his rhythm and with three more desperate movements he released inside her. His knees nearly gave out from the pleasure, but he remembered that he was holding her. Bad form to drop your girl after sex.

She was trying to catch her breath, puffing air against his shoulder. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. She nuzzled against his neck contentedly and wrapped her arms around his neck.

The chill in the air from breeze off the lake caught him off guard and he cuddled up to her smaller frame, just to keep her warm. He couldn't see his breath, but he imagined if it hadn't been July it would have been a different story. Pink light was starting to rise over the horizon; he hadn't realized it was that it was close to dawn. "'Should hit the road before the sun rises." He muttered against her smooth skin, kissing her shoulder lazily.

"I know." She agreed, yawning. "But I don't wanna move."

"Not that I'm anxious to move or argue you with you, Sweetheart," Because he was still buried in her, and moving held no appeal whatsoever, but navigating Chicago's busy Saturday morning traffic with her mostly naked held even less. "But I don't think you want to do your morning after walk when the sun's up."

She craned her neck to look behind her to the light beginning to appear in the sky, "Shit. I gotta get dressed."

"You do, I don't really want anyone else seeing you naked." He felt himself pulse inside her and she gripped his forearms in response.

"You possessive and jealous? Never" She teased before wincing as he pulled out of her and set her back on her feet.

"You okay? Did I hurt you?" His remorse was instant, "I…"

"Vinnie." Her voice was soft and beckoned him to look at her. "I'm good, I promise." She kissed his cheek. "We should head back."

"Yeah. You want help getting that thing back on?" He motioned at the corset thing, as he zipped up his pants. He was going to have to wash these, somehow, without Throttle or Modo noticing.

She shook her head as she wiped her legs down with the blanket. "No, I'll just wear the dress and let you protect me from unwanted eyes."

"That so?" His eyebrow arched, he really couldn't help it.

"Don't let it go to your head, Hotshot." She rolled her eyes, but jumped as he pulled her close to steal a kiss.

His smile was infectious. "Wouldn't dream of it."

"You better make record time." She warned tapping his nose.

"Charley-girl, look who you're talking to."

She shoved him back towards his bike, after handing him the corset and blanket, "Go put these in the hatch." She shimmed back into her dress, but as he turned to walk away she snapped her fingers, "My knickers."

"Nope." He popped the 'p' and grinned at her like a kid that got his hand caught in the cookie jar.

"Vinnie." She stomped her foot.

He smirked, "You want 'em, come get 'em, but we're burning night-light, Doll."

She looked back East at the on-coming dawn then back at white mouse, threatening, "We're gonna chat about this later."

He chuckled knowing the payback would be brutal, but it was so worth the flush that overcame her features. She mounted bike behind him her chest pressing against his back. He tore off through the park, picking up the highway in record time as pre-dawn colors painted across sky.

They flew through the city, weaving through semis and delivery trucks, her dress blowing in the wind, catching his attention randomly. She molded her body against his, wrapping her arms around his waist. He tightened his tail around her, but her skin felt cool beneath dress.

"You cold?" He questioned through the comm.

"A little, just need a warm shower."

He took the left away from Michigan Ave., which meant six more miles and one right turn to the garage and the longest ride in history would finally be over. He was certain that he'd never wanted to get to the Last Chance faster in his life, than she slipped her hand into his pocket. Her fingers flexed, probably looking for her pilfered piece of clothing.

He coughed awkwardly, that was not her underwear. "Sweetheart, you're going to make us crash."

"What's wrong? Gonna lose your skills 'cause of a girl." She wiggled her fingers, getting deeper into his pocket, focusing on stroking him through the fabric. He growled and attempted to keep the bike in the correct lane. But instead of slowing down or easing up, she worked him harder, her deviant laugh echoing in his ears.

"Charley-girl, this is only gonna end one way."

"Hope so. Be boring otherwise."


I probably gonna continue this piece… these two are just too much fun to write.