Characters: Tony and Steve
Rating: K

Tony strummed his fingers against the cool, dark wood of his desk. The steady rhythm somewhat calmed him as his mind switched between picking up the phone and calling his boyfriend, or being a coward and huddling under a mountain of blankets. He had promised Natasha and Bruce he would, but his stomach as a bundle of nerves. An apology laced his lips as well as loving promises he would make to Steve if he picked up the phone. He had gone off on the Captain when he barged into the lab, demanding Tony eat. Tony knew he had overreacted, but the combined weight of knowing Steve was right and lack of sleep sent him over the edge. Finally gathering courage, he pulled the phone from his pocket and dialed the number. A few rings later, Steve picked up.


"Steve, it's Tony," Of course the Captain wouldn't have remembered caller I.D.

Tony heard an intake of breath and then the releasing of it before, "I wondered if you were ever going to call."

"You know I can't stay away from you too long," The Iron Man heard the cheesy words as they came from his mouth, and silently berated himself. He heard snickering on the other line.

"Still throwing a tantrum?" Steve asked with a timid, but playful voice. "Don't roll your eyes."

Tony looked at the phone after theeye roll, shocked that the Captain knew him so well. An eyebrow rose and he said, "You know, Rogers, I'm beginning to think you don't like when I pout." He earned another laugh and he felt the storm over his heart begin to clear. "I-I...I'm sorry, Steve. I am."

"I know, Tony. I get it."

"I miss you, babe."

"I miss you too. I'll be home as soon as I can."

They finished the conversation and Tony ran a rough hand through his mussed hair, damn if it didn't love that man with everything inside of him.