Hey guys!Here's a new fanfic from me :D. I've been so busy with the other fanfics but the plot bunnies had it out for me thus this story was born!This the first story that I have completed so I am very proud!It took a while but its finished!I ended up having to break it into a few sections since it was so long thus the chapters but I hope you enjoy this fanfic like I enjoyed writing it. Its my first time writing a DRRR! fanfic so flames are welcome :D Help me improve on my characters :D otherwise enjoy ^-^


Shizuo:Allisson does not own Durarara,the show and manga all belong to the owners and if any one says she said otherwise I'll punch them in the face!Oh,enjoy the story.

[I've been wanting to do something like that for a while . moving on XP]

It started like any normal day in Ikebukuro. I was out on a job,(one of my lovely humans,a girl,was about to commit suicide because her boyfriend had dumped her and I wasn't gonna let a precious life go to waste without tampering with it first!),when a vending machine came flying past me. I smiled,now was a good enough chance as any if I was going to do it."Ah Shizu-chan,what a lovely day isn't it?"He ripped a stop sign from the sidewalk and glared at me."IZAYYYYAAAAAAA!"

"Now,now Shizu-chan lets not be too hasty. You know I love playing with you,but I have something I have to tell you before we do."

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say!"And with that the chase had begun. We ran all over town and by some point I managed to be cornered in a ally."Any last words?"I opened my mouth to say something but the protozon cuts me off."On second thought you don't deserve that!"He threw a stop sign at me and I jump,barely dodging it in time. I smiled and ran up to him,just as he was ripping another stop sign,and quickly whispered something in his ear,flipping away before he could swing at me with the sign."Stop playing with people's feelings!"He throws the sign my way and I easily dodge it."I wouldn't dream of toying with your feelings Shizu-chan. If you don't believe me fine by me. But when you realize I'm speaking the truth, you know my number."I quickly left the scene before he could break out of his thinking trance and looked down at my phone,checking the time.'The stupid protozon took up most of my time.'I sighed and quickly texted the girl,saying that something came up with my ill mother and that I wouldn't be able to make it today. I smirked a little to myself as I skipped down to the bus station. 'I suppose I should've waited a little longer but no use fretting over the past. It's not like I can magically turn the hand back and just fight with him,destroying more things in Ikebukuro,although the thought does sound intriguing.'I sigh. 'Stupid protozon always lingering in my thoughts...pisses me off. Tch,to think that I'd ever find myself in this position,especially with the stupid brute!'

"Ticket sir."I handed the man the ticket and boarded on the train,already loosing myself in my thoughts.'What do I do if he rejects me?...It's not like I can avoid going to Ikebukuro,most of my business is in the town.'I frown.'No!No!No!NO!I am not working myself up over this like some lovesick girl!I am Izaya Orihara,the most intelligent informant to be!I will not lower my standards to that of what my lovely humans have,I am their God after all. I need to start acting like that again. So what if the brute doesn't return my feelings. It's for the better. At least now that I did this and got it out of the way,I can go back and focus on my work. And if,no when he does reject me it'll help me out a lot. I won't have to prance around like some happy,lovesick girl. This is for the better.'

"Are you okay mister?"I looked down to see a young boy,what seemed to be around the age of seven. I smiled down at him and squatted down to his height."And what makes you think I'm not?"His eyes seemed sad as he looked me directly in the eyes."Because your crying."He wiped the tears off my cheek and smiled at me. I felt my eyes widen as I went and touched my cheek,feeling the moistened skin and bringing my hand close to my face to see none other then the regiments of tears."Don't cry mister,my mommy says crying doesn't help things,it just makes them worse and it gives you a headache."I chuckled quietly and ruffled his hair."Your mom is a very wise women. Where is your mom?"The boy fell silent but after a while he said,"I can't find her."I frowned."Well then I'll help you find her,ne?"He smiled and nodded,"Thank you mister!"He hugged me,laughing out of pure joy. I was taken aback a bit,but smiled and returned it."What's the name of the town you live in?"

"Shinjuku."I smiled."Ah,so you live in my area. Well this should be easy then."The kid smiled."Um,whats your name?It doesn't feel right calling you mister."I smiled and laughed but answered,"Izaya,Izaya Orihara and what might yours be?"He smiled and happily replied,"Tatsuomi Yurumate."The train screeched to a halt as the announcer announced our arrival at Shinjuku."Lets get going alright."He nodded and grabbed my hand,staying close to me as we made our way out of the crowded train station."Hm,where to start."I muttered to myself.'I should keep the kid close to me so I don't loose him. The last thing I want is for him to be lost in this city.'"Hey Tatsu-kun,is it alright with you if I give you a piggy-back ride?"His eyes lit up."Really?"I nodded. His smile got bigger,but then he hesitated a small frown replacing the smile."But that would be causing you trouble."I smiled and shook my head."Not at all. I'm used to it really. I used to give my sisters piggy-backs when they were younger."I ruffled his hair."Is it really okay?"I nodded."And it won't cause you any trouble?"I shook my head and knelt down,placing both my hands behind my back."Hop on."He smiled and finally did as I asked him,giggling for no reason.'How odd for a kid to worry about causing trouble for other people. Wonder what happened to him in order for him to think like this.'I balanced him on my left hand and used my other hand to pull out my cellphone. I flipped through my list of contacts and found the one I was looking for,quickly dialing the number and pressing it to my ear. It rung four times before the person answered."Hello?"

"Hey Shinra I-"

"Ah Izaya!Why are you calling me?Is something wrong?Are you in trouble?"

I frowned at being cut off,but decided to just sigh in irritation rather then complain about it."No,I'm not in trouble but I do need you to do something for me."

"Oh,you need a favor. Let me guess,you're injured. Did you and Shizuo get into it again?"

I felt my eyebrow twitch."No Shinra,I actually haven't gotten in a fight with the brute for a while."

"Weren't you in 'Bukuro today?"

"Yes but that doesn't matter right now!"

"Why do you sound so urgent?What's wrong Izaya?"

"I found this kid and I need you to tell Celty to meet me in Shinjuku."

"Shinjuku?And a kid!Izaya,don't you think you should turn him over to the authorities and let them handle it?I mean-"

"NO!"I widened my eyes in surprise.'Why am I so set on making sure Tatsu-kun gets home?Maybe its because...'The line was silent for a while before he answered,"Alright. I'll tell Celty,she'll text you when she's there alright."

"Alright then...thank you Shinra."And before he could say anything else,I hung up on him."Was that a friend of yours?"

"Mm,you can say that. We've known each other since high school."

"Well that doesn't seem like a really long time."

I laughed."How flattering,but I'm we've known each other for six years at least. I'm not really good at things like this."He chuckled."That is a long time then."

"What about you,you have any friends that your close to?"His whole bubbly personality changed and he seemed both sad and angry. He shook his head and said,"I have no need to be friends with humans that don't understand my feelings."My eyes widened.'He's just like...'I looked back at him and saw that he was covering his face with his bangs."Don't you get lonely?"He seemed taken aback by the question and looked up at me."...Yes but I tend to ignore it...those feelings never really do anything for me. So,I decided to throw them away."

"But why?Your such a great kid,I'm more then sure you'd be a great friend to any one."

"Then why does everyone run away from me?"He started crying."No matter how hard I try to be friends with someone,I'm either too different or they just don't know what to say to me...like I'm some freak. It's because of my father!It's all his fault that they treat me like that!"

[Izaya's Memories]

'Hey that's the guy who got abused.'


'Yeah,I heard it was by his father.'

'Dang...you think we should go talk to him?Maybe he needs someone to talk to so he can feel better.'

'No way man!That guys gotta be pretty twisted!I mean it's been happening to him since he was little and we've never noticed!Think on how cold he has to be in order to keep it a secret!'

'Wow,I never thought about it that way...'

It's all his fault...I'd have lots of friends if it wasn't for him!It's all his fault!I hate him!I hate him!I care about everyone else but they don't care about me!I-...that's right. I love all human beings,so it doesn't matter if they return my feelings or not!They wouldn't understand what I've been through any ways!I don't need friends that can't even understand me!AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!I'LL LOVE HUMANS FOREVER!

[Out of his memories]

"Its must be hard for you...you have no one to talk to."

"What do you know?"

"My father did the same thing to me when I was your age,so in a way I know exactly how you feel."'Tch,me sympathizing with a kid!But...If I can I want to...'A bike's motor roared close by us and I turned around to see Celty. I casually walked over to the bike and immediately got greeted with a PDA in my face.

[What the hell do you think your doing?]

"Trying to get Tatsu-kun home,what does it look like?"

[Tatsu-kun?]I moved to the side so she could see him.[What are you doing with a kid?]

"I met him on the train and I thought I'd help him. Look Celty,I know you don't like me but help me look for the kid's house for him."

[What,no please?]

I froze in horror but put my usual facade on."Come now Celty when have I ever said that-"

[Do it now or else!]I swallowed and then quickly said through gritted teeth,"Please."She nodded her head in satisfaction as I glared at her.[I over heard a few cops talking about a missing kid that lived in this area. Maybe they were talking about him.]

"Let's go there then!"I followed Celty to the police station,then waited outside as she got the information to where the boy lived."I don't want to go home."I looked back at him to see his face buried in my hood."But your mother has to be pretty worried about you."

"I know but..."

"Here,how about I make a deal with you."I felt his head lift and smiled."If you go home,whenever you want to leave,or just get out for a while,you can call me and I'll go and pick you up and we can do whatever you want,okay?"

"Really?"I nod."Really."

"But I don't have a phone."He said frowning. I put him down,picked out one of the many phones in my pocket,deleted every contact except with the phone number to the phone I use the most,and then hand it to him."Here. Now you have a phone and you can text or call me whenever you want."

"And you'll pick up?"I nodded."And you'll pick me up whenever I want you to."I nodded again.'Sheesh is it really that hard to believe me?'"Promise?"He held out his pinky,a determined look an his face. I sighed but linked my pinky with his."Cross my heart hope to die,and if I break it I'll let you stab a needle in my eye."He giggled."I'll have fun doing it too."I gasped in mock horror."That's just hurtful on so many levels."He laughed."Your a good actor."I ruffled his hair."And I just decided that I like you."He smiled."Good 'cause you'll be seeing a lot of me from now on."Celty came out then and told me to follow her,the house apparently being two blocks away. I nodded and picked Tatsu-kun up,"Hey Celty~."She turned around,her helmet tilted in question."Thank you so much for helping me find my dear Tatsu-kun's house~!I couldn't have done it without you."She turned around and drove a little faster then walking speed,her helmet shaking side to side.

'That's as close as a real thank you you'll ever hear from me.'The rest of the walk was quiet since Tatsuomi feel asleep on the way there. Suddenly,Celty pointed to a small,decent looking house.'This is it.'She typed I nodded and walked to the front door. I stared at the doorbell for a while,trying to decide if leaving him here was a good thing. As if she knew I was worried,Celty placed a hand on my shoulder and then rung the doorbell. It was silent for a while before running footsteps were heard and the door ripped open."Tatsuomi!"Tatsuomi slowly woke up,rubbing his eyes as he looked over at his mom."Hi Mommy."His mom lunged at me to scoop him up into her arms but Tatsuomi just dug his body deeper into mine."Tatsuomi..."His mother whispered in shock. I was shocked myself. I thought that he would've leaped into his mother's arms,not pull away from her."I don't wanna be here...can I go with you Izaya-san?"For some reason the single plea tore me apart. I placed Tatsuomi down and squatted down to his level."Now remember our promise Tatsu-kun. I can't keep my end of the bargain if you don't keep yours."He nodded and his eyes started watering."Okay,I'll stay."

"That's my boy."I smiled and opened my arms to him so he could run into them."Can I call you whenever?"He asked into my neck,only soft enough for me to hear."Anytime."I replied just as soft. I squeezed hugged him one last time before standing up and ruffling his hair. "You have to be pretty tired,so you should get some rest."He nodded."You too Izaya-san. Sorry I made you miss dinner."I laughed."Not at all,I don't eat dinner very often any ways so don't worry."

"Thank you so much for bringing Tatsuomi home."

"Not a problem."I say,fake smiling at the mother."He's a wonderful child. You did an amazing job of raising him."She blushed."Thank you. Your welcome back any time. Tatsuomi seems unusually fond of you,so I think he'll like it if you'd visit him."I smiled."I'd like that very much."

"Alright,until next time."

"Of course,good-bye Mrs. Yurumate. See you later Tatsu-kun."

"Later Izaya-san."He said waving good-bye to me then going inside with his mother.