A/N : I know, I know. It's been so long since I've updated this story. But a chapter is here now! Rejoice! ...albeit a short one. There's only so much crack I can write down, haha~

"Hey, have you-"

"NO, I HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING! YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG PERSOOOON!" screamed a teenage girl as she ran away in terror. Shizuo watched in silent shock at the extreme reaction he got from the girl as she disappeared from view, slightly shaking in frustration afterwards. Usually people just silently walk away in fear whenever he approached them, but screaming like a banshee and running away like there's no tomorrow was just pushing it, in Shizuo's opinion.

The ex-bartender cursed under his breath. Darn it, that was the 5th person he had failed to ask. At this rate, he's never going to find any leads as to who had broke his window! Maybe he should save his time and just march up to Izaya's apartment and demand that he pays for the repair costs, since most of the time, it's the flea's fault anyway.

He reached upwards and grabbed his fedora before throwing it down to the pavement in anger. Instead of it slamming down hard and cracking the pavement like Shizuo had intended, the fedora only floated down and made a soft landing.

Not being satisfied with the results, he picked it up again and threw it back down another three times, getting the same results, before a hand stopped his continuing abuse of the second-hand fedora. Shizuo looked up only to see Kadota looking at him with concern.

"I don't really understand what's going on, but there's an overwhelming urge for me to say 'That's not a bowling ball, it's a fedora'."

The blonde blinked a few times. "Huh?"

Kadota patted Shizuo's shoulders and gave the blonde, in what Shizuo could tell, an almost pitying look. "Regardless…uh…" Kadota looked around to find that the street was already devoid of any other life form. "Well, I was going to say that you'd scare the pedestrians off, but it seems like it's a little too late for that."

Shizuo's shoulders sagged a bit as his earlier frustrations went away. "Uh, okay… Sorry."

The other merely nodded distractedly at Shizuo's response before replying, "Well, after spending so much time with you, Shinra and Izaya, I've come to condition myself to not be too surprised with anything anymore."

More patting of Shizuo's shoulders.

"But, just this once…Shizuo, what are you doing?"

"Uh…I can explain…"

Shizuo stopped at the shaking of Kadota's head; a strong sense of Déjà vu hit him hard. "Actually, no need. You must have…some kind of eccentric reason. Yeah…that's it."

Shizuo looked scandalized by Kadota's answer. However, he chose not to comment on that. Instead, now that he managed to get someone to stop long enough, he immediately grabbed Kadota by shoulders to ask the one burning question that has been on his mind since he set sights on the broken shards of window on his bedroom floor that very morning.

"Have you seen someone with a huge flea fetish around here?"


Shizuo looked squarely into his friend's eyes and proceeded to repeat the question with a slower pace. And still Kadota's expression of 'wierded out' didn't change. Shizuo shook Kadota hard.

"Damn it, Kadota! Stop looking at me like I'm wearing a poofy rainbow afro wig! Have…you…seen…someone…with…a…huge…flea…fetish?"

"Uh…flea…as in, Izaya?" asked Kadota.

"Yes, that fucking flea! Oh thank milk I'm finally getting somewhere!" nodded Shizuo vigorously. "That person with the huge fetish of fleas, have you seen him?"

"Someone like that huh? Sure, I'm looking at him," replied Kadota with a serious face.

"But…you're looking right at me…oh, wait. That's not right. You're talking about the person behind me right?!" Shizuo whipped around to see behind him. "Show yourself you retard!"

A howling wind sounded through the street, blowing random fuzzballs across the concrete. There was, try as he might to search, absolutely no one in the empty place behind him.

Shizuo froze as Kadota's answer started to sink in.

Throughout the awkward silence, a ringtone filled the air. It was silenced once Kadota picked up his cell phone in his pocket. After exchanging a few words between him and the caller, Kadota patted Shizuo's hands on his shoulders and removed them.

"Well, Shizuo buddy. Not like I don't want to help you or anything, but Walker said that they've found Erika. Uh, I need to go now. See ya around. Bye," said Kadota simply. "Good luck man."

And with that, Kadota left Shizuo frozen in shock with a nod. It wasn't too long before a shout resounded from behind him.


A/N : Shizuo, just accept the truth already. You so have a huge fetish of fleas... XD