Here we go. Here it is. The finale of Merlin, series 4. The Sword in the Stone, part 2! Brace yourself for excitement, slow-motion, badass-ness, Merlin's magic still not being freaking revealed, Morgana channelling every other villain I can think of right at this moment, hopefully at least one more Sword-in-a-Stone than there was in part 1 and (of course) more randomness than you could shake Dragoon's beard at!

*cough* Shameless self-promotion section *cough*

By the way, I will be reviewing each episode of Doctor Who and the new series of Merlin (both as proper reviews and hopefully Merlin with shorter versions of these Amusing Reviews) as they come, on my tumblr, which can be found here. I've done some analytical reviews of a couple of movies and some TV from this year (including Sherlock series 2) over there. Also, I'm hoping to write another edition of the Fourth Wall Saga quite soon as well. Watch this space.

*cough* Anyways, let's get right to it! At long last, I present:

Episode Thirteen - The Sword in the Stone: Part Two

(subtitled: all the shiz goes down in all its epicness (and it was epic))

And then the "previously on" segment makes the cliffhanger look a lot more badass than the sort of weird thing that it actually was…

Y, hello thar, OPENING CREDITS, I wasn't expecting you this early.

I – Well, I'm just glad I didn't get my scene numbers confused

SOUNDTRACK Run awaaaaaay!

OUR HEROES *run awaaaaay!*

MERLIN Keep running awaaaaay! I'll cover our tracks

EVERYONE ELSE *keeps running awaaaaay!*

MERLIN *moves about a foot away and speaks very loudly in dragon-language*

GREAT DRAGON *doesn't show up*

Well, there's no need to look so confused, Merlin, he does have some way to travel. He can't just apperate in front of you when you call him… I think… I'm pretty sure he can't, anyway.

MERLIN Well, I'll just run then

GREAT DRAGON *finally shows the heck up*

Much to Agravaine's bemusement.


And then there was fire. Oh, now you run away from the explosions, Agravaine. Not such a cool guy after all, are you?

II – Some cave tunnels

Merlin is being very reassuring *cough*sarcasm*cough*. Arthur is not amused.

Also, bodies on fire. That's… grim.

And the dragon attacks again.

AGRAVAINE Run like cowards! *runs from more explosions*

GREAT DRAGON Heh heh heh

Agravaine, I think your flappy cape might be a horrible fire hazard. You might want to think about getting rid of it.

Meanwhile, inside the caves that look just like the caves from every other episode of this show, Tristan and Gwen are having a bit of a heart to heart. Because caves are apparently places for meaningful conversation now. Or something.

GWEN I was a servant

TRISTAN What? To Arthur?

GWEN Nope, to his crazy half-sister of craziness

TRISTAIN Sooo… why are you here?

GWEN Because he's my king

EVERYONE *facepalms*

TRISTAN He's rubbish

ARTHUR Yes, I am within hearing range, thank you

Further up the tunnels:

AGRAVAINE Stop being loud for a second, I think I hear someone in denial, and I'm not talking about the river in Egypt

Luckily villains don't know how to be quiet so our heroes hear them coming

MERLIN Well, this I wasn't anticipating. You lot carry on, I'll go and divert them… Again


MERLIN Oh, and take my torch

ARTHUR But won't you need it to see?


And it takes him about five seconds before he literally steps out in front of Agravaine, well done.

MERLIN Hey, you guys! Have you noticed that it's really cold in here? Seriously, I can see my breath and everything; I'm like a freaking dragon over here!


MERLIN Bye! *runs awaaaaaay*


MERLIN Not as planned

AGRAVAINE So… You tell me where Arthur is now, y/y?

MERLIN Be careful

Unfortunately for Agravaine, he doesn't understand a James-Bond-stylee one liner of doom when he hears one, and Merlin teh magics all the enemy knights to be thrown back into walls. Also, Agravaine fails and cheerful evil and must try harder.

AGRAVAINE What the hell? You have the magics!

MERLIN No shit, Sherlock

AGRAVAINE Oh… crap. You're Emrys and you've been totally screwing us over this whole time, right?

MERLIN Just about, yes.

AGRAVAINE Oh, Morgana is going to be so piiiiissed. You know, you're pretty good at tricking Arthur. Perhaps we're more alike than you think

MERLIN Oh, don't even try to pull that one. Talk to the hand.

AGRAVAINE How about talk to the SWORD!

But Merlin has the slo-motion magics and Agravaine goes crash.

AGRAVAINE My only regret is that my presence was never explaaaaaaaaaaained! *dies and is ded*

SOUNDTRACK Ominooooooooooous!

III – Back with Arthur and co. And yes, we are still in the tunnelly tunnels of caves

ARTHUR We really shouldn't have left Merlin behind

TRISTAN You really are a see-saw on the whole 'Merlin's an idiot/I don't want Merlin to DIEEEE' thing, aren't you?

ARTHUR But I don't want Merlin to DIIIIIIIIIE! I'm gonna go save him. Brb

GWEN That's my man!

ARTHUR *le creeping in the caves*


ARTHUR I really need to learn that generally when I feel the need to go back for you because I think you're dead, you are usually actually fine

MERLIN Well, it is wonderful to know that you care

ARTHUR I know, right. Oh, look, everyone else!

TRISTAN Well, that detour was pointless

FANGIRLS Yes, but we got a Merthur moment out of it

ARTHUR What? Never mind. Oh look, wondrous outdoors!

GWEN Wondrous sunlight!

TRISTAN Wondrous greenscreen!

ARTHUR So… Where do we go now?

MERLIN To Camelot!

EVERYONE *looks at him like he's a crazy person*

MERLIN … What?

TRISTAN Would this be a good time to taunt you, Arthur?


IV – Oh, hi there Camelot, haven't seen you in a while. How's things?


Also, Gaius is dying.

Priorities. I has them.

The good news is that Elyan seems to have recovered from his horrible snake torture.

ELYAN The soundtrack is spiking! Someone must be coming!

It is some guards, to drag Gwaine away. Now, this seems unfair, why is it always Gwaine who has to fight for food and never Elyan. Hm, maybe Morgana just likes her some snarky Irishman.

And yup. Morgana's still kinky.

MORGANA Here. Have a wooden stake. You'll be fine, especially if I ever have you fighting vampires

But we don't get to see the fight. We get more of Tristan taunting Arthur. Are we sure this guy isn't French?


ARTHUR Maybe I don't deserve to be king. There. I said it. Will you shut up now.

TRISTAN Well, you're not king anymore, so lol at you

ARTHUR You have issues man

Oh, apparently Isolde is fine now. So they have that. And they may not have a campfire (yet) but Arthur's feeling stressy so Gwen's decided that now is the appropriate time for a meaningful conversation. Well, this can't be anything except wonderfully awkward for everybody involved ;)

ARTHUR Please go away. I'm still not happy with you for the whole cheating-with-your-zombie-ex thing

GWEN Well, screw you, then.

MOOD WEATHER Rain and thunder and lightning AND SADNESS!

Oh, Gwaine is still alive. Which means he was a badass offscreen. Well, I can live with that. Unfortunately, Morgana seems to be getting bored with this whole fighting-for-food thing because she's making threats about this supper being their last now.

ELYAN Well, this sucks. So very much.

GAIUS Ew, the bread is mouldy.

ELYAN But we don't want you to DIIIIIIE!

GAIUS I've spent my whole life watching the circle of life


GAIUS … Yeah. So, I'm dying now, y/y?

ELYAN Wow. This is depressing.

V – Meanwhile, by a campfire (so must be meaningful tiems, yes?)

ARTHUR Wow. This is depressing.

MERLIN Am I going to have to be councillor to everyone around here? Arthur, sit down on the couch, tell me what's wrong and then MAKE THE HELL UP WITH GWEN GODDAMMIT!

ARTHUR *mopes*

MERLIN Don't listen to Tristan, he doesn't know you

ARTHUR It isn't Tristan. It's Gwen. Every time I see her I get these pains in my chest and I just know it's her fault, that bitch!

MERLIN Oh for god's sake-

ARTHUR I'm such an idiot. I should have realised that Agravaine was bad from the moment he turned up without any explanation. Not to mention Morgana/

MERLIN Hey, Morgana started out good. She just flipped slightly when she found out she was a sorceress and Uther was her dad and had been lying to her and all that jazz and suddenly became extremely jealous of you because all of a sudden she had a right to the throne. So far so Marvel Cinematic Universe. And when I say 'slightly' I mean 'took a full on dive off the sanity cliff'. And the whole 'attempted poisoning' thing probably didn't help either…




MERLIN But, anyway, it isn't your fault. So pull yourself together and stop being all 'Oh, I'm not special or a worthy king'. Your people love you!

ARTHUR Most of them are dead

Hey, somebody noticed how high the red-cape death count on this show is at last!

MERLIN No, they'll all be out here in the forest camping and stuff and waiting for you because you're awesome

ARTHUR Well I'm tired. Can't we just be death eaters?

MERLIN *facepalm*

THE MOON *ominooooooous*

MERLIN Well. Nothing better to do than summon the dragon. Whilst running. I'm sure he'll have plenty of non-cryptic advice about how to get Arthur to appreciate his destiny.

And the very first thing he does is thank the dragon for saving them all. So that's nice.

DRAGON Why the long face?

MERLIN Arthur's being depressed

DRAGON Well. The fate of Camelot rests in your hands, then.

MERLIN Yeah, like I haven't heard that before

DRAGON Just make him believe he can be king again

MERLIN Oh sure. That's what I'm asking you to do and as per usual you've been no help a- … Hang on. Plan.

DRAGON Inspiration crypticness. Always works wonders. ;)

VI – The next morning

MERLIN Rise and shine! I hope you've shaken off all this depressed and don't-derserve-to-be-king nonsense because have I got the proof against that for you!

ARTHUR Oh geez. This had better be good

MERLIN Well, I'm glad you've got your snark back. So, I have this story, right. Gaius totally told me this story one day. I know it off by heart because it was such a great story that Gaius told me. Did I mention that Gaius told me?


MERLIN Seriously. I am totally not making this up on the spot.

ARTHUR Whatever

MERLIN So, in the story, many years ago, hypothetically, in the story, that Gaius told me…

ARTHUR Get on with it!

TIM THE ENCHATER Yes! Get on with it!


MERLIN So there was this King and he was wise and stuff and he and his mates were all like "we should totally divide this land into five kingdoms and respect each other's boundaries and stuff because war kind of sucks". And he was the first king of Camelot and ancestor to all the other kings including Uther and you


MERLIN I'm speaking hypothetically here. So, this King had this sword that was made by this blacksmith that totally wasn't the King's girlfriend's dad and forged by a dragon and stuff. And it never spent any time in a lake before being thrown at the King by some watery tart. And the King – totally the king and not his hypothetical warlock sidekick of complete and utter awesomeness who saved his life every five minutes and never got any thanks – thrust his sword into a rock. Because he was weird like that and thought it would be the best place for it. Oh, and only a true King of Camelot could pull the sword from the stone and that's how Equestria was made!

ARTHUR …And nobody has found it until now because-

MERLIN Oh. It was lost in the great purge

ARTHUR How do you lose a sword in a rock in a forest during a great purge, oh, never mind

MERLIN It should be right around this corner!

And the music is dramatic and poignant and the sun is rising and there is the sword in the stone, aka. Excalibur-


ARTHUR Well… I don't think I was expecting that

(alternate take for this line:)

ARTHUR Its preeeeeeeeeety,

And then everybody showed up all of a sudden. And Merlin grins like a smug little smug person.

ARTHUR Well, that doesn't amp up the pressure like crazy or anything.

SIR JEFF AND SIR LEON 'Sup guys. Did we miss anything?

So how did all these people know to come to this exact spot. Now all I can think of is the Great Dragon going up to all these people while he was searching and going "So, you all need to be at this clearing at- hey! Why are you all running away? This is important!"

ARTHUR You are so dead, Merlin

MERLIN Arthur, you're the true king of Camelot. Now pull your socks up and prove it.

ARTHUR … Oh… FINE! *goes to the sword in the stone*

MERLIN Wow. It worked.

And… okay, I'd be lying if I said I didn't love the hell out of this scene. Because I really, really do. So much so that I can't really find anything (or the heart) to make fun of it. So – in essence – Arthur goes to the sword and everyone is watching and Merlin is really glad that Arthur has his back to him right now because he kind of needs to cast teh magics so that the sword will actually come out of the stone and I guess none of the rest of the crowd saw it or something, but Merlin (amazing as it seems) can be subtle when it is required and he can give some really good inspirational speeches as well, apparently, and by the way this music is absolutely wonderful and I want it now please.

In other news: We have our title. Hooray.

ARTHUR *pulls the sword from the stone* … Wow. That actually worked




MERLIN *relieved look*

VII – Happy moment over. Morgana is receiving some bad news

HELIOS So basically, Agravaine is dead and everything sucks

MORGANA Well, you don't have to sound so happy about it

HELIOS He was creeping on you. I thought we were supposed to be all happy evil couple like Morgause and Cenred and he was totally getting in the way


HELIOS See, and now this Emrys keeps getting in the way as well.

MORGANA *walks off all blank eyed*

HELIOS Well, I hope that you and Emrys live happily ever after. I'm just gonna go curl up in my sock drawer and sleep for days

VIII – Arthur's confidence seems to have come back, thankfully, so let's discuss some battle tactics!

ARTHUR We could use the drawbridge

SIR LEON And attack in complete full daylight really obviously where everyone can see us? Think it through.

ARTHUR Well, do you have any better ideas?

SIR JEFF Even if we could get inside, Morgana has an army

ARTHUR We have a… okay that reference isn't going to work, we really are screwed. Thanks for boosting my confidence, mister positive!

MERLIN *cough*Youhaveawarlock*cough*

ISOLDE I'm still here, by the way, just filling in because my trenchcoat man is angsting and can't bring himself to apologise to you… Yet.

ARTHUR It'll happen eventually. I can smell it in the script.

SIR LEON Well, if you need a confidence boost, just remember that the people are fighting for you, because they love you and you're awesome and a brilliant king and all that fun stuff. I personally would ride into the mouth of hell for you

SIR JEFF There's a Buffy reference in there somewhere…

TRISTAN *lounging against a tree looking irritated*



GWEN So did we come up with a battle strategy or not?

Later that evening/night-time, it is Gwen's turn to get a motivational speech from Isodle

ISOLDE Just go and make up with him and then make out with him already

GWEN Oh, okay, I guess I could-

MERLIN *runs up to Arthur*

GWEN Or not

Merlin is just making sure that Arthur's confidence really is up to full capacity, because even though he's proved himself the true king and pulled Excalibur – the sword that makes zombies explode, need I remind you – out of the stone, he's still a bit down in the dumps about this whole fighting his crazy sorceress half-sister thing.

ARTHUR We have nothing to match her power


FINGER OF IRONY Hey guys! You miss me! *pokeage*

MERLIN … So, you know that totally hypothetical story that Gaius told me once that I was telling you about?

ARTHUR Oh for heaven's sake!

MERLIN So this hypothetical king – who wasn't a dragon who told a warlock about this in cryptic riddles because he's a troll dragon – said that the king that pulled the sword from the stone would unite the land of Albion and be really, really majorly awesome. And that means that you are really, really majorly awesome and I've never thought anything otherwise of you. Well, except for when we first met and you were a gigantic prat.


MERLIN And the moral of the story is magicisn'tbad,kthnksby! *buggers off*

IX – And where has he buggered off to? To break into Camelot and turn himself into Dragoon/Emrys, of course!

His plan is, apparently, to drive Morgana even more paranoid and crazy by appearing around random corners and then disappear like he's slenderman or something.


And then Dragoon backhands a guard with magic without even looking, because he is made of badass. Also – straw doll with its head on fire and then he goes and steals a load of stuff from the guard he just magic-backhanded. Whilst laughing like a loon.

And then he turns back into Merlin and walks right past Helios wearing a cloak. Like a boss.

MORGANA fml fml fml fml fml fml

HELIOS Wow, you really need to chillax over this whole Emrys thing


HELIOS You should get some sleep

MORGANA … Wow. You're starting to become as creepy as Agravaine


MORGANA Okay, fine. Just get out of my room and make sure there are guards. And if you ever use the word 'chillax' again I am shoving one of those mountains of Asgard snakes down your throat.

And then she goes to bed fully clothed. Because.

And that straw doll thing is under her bed, by the way, and whispering creepily, and the way they film it you'd have thought that a badguy put it there.

X – Back in the forest, let's get prepared for battle!

GWEN Seriously, guys, do we even have a strategy?


ARTHUR Wake up, Merlin, and stop pulling that slightly creepy expression!

Banter is fun. But Merlin keeps looking kind of creepy. Meanwhile…

TRISTAN OKAY FINE! I GIVE UP! STOP GUILT TRIPPING ME! I'M SORRY! Arthur, you are awesome and not all kings suck

ARTHUR Well, that's nice to know

GWEN Would now be a good time to mention that I never once stopped loving you?


GWEN And I'm out


I'm feeling an epic of slow motion coming on, as our heroes arm themselves for battle (in the rain, it just makes it that little bit more dramatic) and Arthur raises Excalibur high and leads his army forwards…

ARTHUR To Camelot!

SIR LEON Camelot!

SIR JEFF Camelot!

MERLIN It's only a model



And it's a good thing all those red capes aren't completely conspicuous or anything, especially in the middle of the day.

Sir Leon leads a team of sneaky crossbow people. Tristan, Isolde and Sir Jeff are being not-quite-as-sneaky punching-all-the-guards people. Because that is how they role. The trio of awesome (Arthur, Merlin and Gwen) are taking out guards on a hill (unfortunately, as they are not zombies, Excalibur does not make them explode this time).

Unfortunately, despite all this sneakiness, someone must have noticed them because the warning bell starts going.

SOUNDTRACK Well, to hell with all that quiet sneakiness, LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!

And Sir Leon looks way too pleased about all this (check his expression whilst he's running up th stairs… In slow motion).

HELIOS Well, this sucks. Morgana, it seems we have company.


HELIOS What is your obsession with this guys? No, it Arthur

MORGANA My dearest brother. We must welcome him home.

You two seem way too happy about this as well.

And Helios totally doesn't check out Morgana's arse or anything on the way out.

Tristan and Isolde have some nice in-sync fighting. They could make it an Olympic sport

SIR JEFF *slashing through badguys in slow motion* I'm awesooooooooooome!

GWAINE Oh hey. Just dying down here. Don't mind us.

Gwaine found his shirt again. And then Sir Jeff just walks straight past Gwaine to check if Elyan is alright.

ELYAN I've been locked up with Gwaine for a week! Save me!

GWAINE *draped over Sir Leon's shoulder* I feel so appreciated!


GAIUS I'm still alive too, by the way

Nice to know.

Arthur, Merlin, Tristan, Isolde and Gwen – time to be awesome.

ARTHUR This is a corridor. Those are some guards. Who wants to 300 this shiz?

And it was glorious.

And I think Morgana might be molesting that throne, I'm not quite sure.

MORGANA I'm going to enjoy this

THRONE Personal space?

Arthur snarks about Excalibur being "not bad". And I lolled.



DISAPPOINTED!ARTHUR Oh. You ruined my big moment.

MORGANA I'm just gonna stand here, looking like a Bellatrix, minding my own business

ARTHUR This is my new shiny sword. Do you like it?

And then they get all close and personal and looking into each other's eyes and I was like "Do not want!"

ARTHUR Trying to have a serious moment here


MORGANA I'm actually kind of sad about this whole thing, you know

ARTHUR Yeah, me too

Aw! He's all teary eyed and crying! ARTHUR NEEDS HUGS!

MORGANA Well, it's an awful shame that the whole 'your father was a jerkass about magic and you aren't much better' thing kind of overrides that.

ARTHUR You aren't that much better than him either

MORGANA Well doesn't that just push my berserk button? I UNLEASH TEH MAGICS ON YOU!

NOTHING *happens

MORGANA Wait, what?

MERLIN *smug look*

HELIOS Stand back, I got this

MORGANA *flees*


HELIOS So? Epic sword battle time?

ARTHUR Bring it.

And epic sword battle. It happens. They need to bring back this director for more battle episodes.

MORGANA *300-ing her way through the redcapes*

Also, awesome as heck shot of Morgana turning a corner and standing so that the wings on the banner behind her look like she has wings. Just thought I'd mention it, because it looks cool.

REDCAPE So, I have this sword *stabbity*

MORGANA OW! Should really pay more attention when evil strutting *le stabs back*

REDCAPE At least… I got… to actually… do something useful! *dies*


In the meantime, some very angry sword fighting between Helios and Arthur. Seriously, this is some violent shiz. Aaaaand slow motion punch (because we can't go five seconds without some slow motion, apparently. Not that I'm complaining, it is kind of cool).

ARTHUR Well, great job this apparently-awesome-stone-sword has done me *falls over*

HELIOS Mwahahaha! Mine is an evil laugh! NOW DIE!

ISOLDE *sword*

HELIOS *turns around*

ISOLDE *sworded also*

HELIOS My only regret… Is not wearing better armour *dies*

ISOLDE You know, I think I echo that statement

TRISTAN Sorry, what?

ISOLDE *falls*

But we can't dwell on that, because Gwen has just turned up and I think that she and Morgana are about to have a girlfight.

GWEN I'm just here to remind everyone that I am actually a badass who can use a sword quite well

MORGANA Screw you and your destiny to steal my rightful queenliness! Also, I canon have better sword fighting skillz than you. *disarms*

The shot of Morgana holding the sword up to Gwen's throat is also awesome, by the way. Let's just say that the last fifteen minutes of this episode are just full of awesome shots and just leave it at that, shall we?


TEH MAGICS *blasts Morgana away and drops a chunk of the ceiling on her for good measure*

MERLIN And I win at life.

GWEN What happened?

MERLIN Totally wasn't me casting teh magics *shifty eyes*

And the dust clears and… Morgana is gone. Master of the offscreen teleportation, I guess, seeing as this is the second time she's managed to escape Camelot during a season finale after having half a ceiling dropped on her.


ISOLDE After all that nonsense last episode I guess I'm dying in your arms after all. At least I'm a goodguy, so I automatically get a few minutes before I die to have final words. *dies*


And then Arthur and Gwen made puppy eyes at each other from across the room.


XI – Oh geez, I guess it is time for reconciliation

Well, we all know where this is going. I think Merlin might be hiding in a curtain from the sidelines yelling in his head "JUST FREAKING SNOG EACH OTHER ALREADY!"

But I do like Arthur's shirt. Just saying.

ARTHUR So, would this be a bad time to ask you to marry me?

GWEN Yes! Yes, with all my heart!


That was… a lot less awkward than it could have been. Thank you, writers.

And cut straight to the wedding/crowning of Guinevere as queen. Or perhaps it is both, I dunno, ceremonies in Camelot are confusing, but Gwen gets to wear a beautiful purple dress which is really quite lovely and her crowning crown is a lot nicer than Arthur's. Which still looks very silly.

And Merlin stole Prince Hal's jacket from The Hollow Crown. Although, considering timelines and everything, it's probably more likely that Hal stole Merlin's jacket. But it looks good on Merlin.

Also, Arthur and Guinevere have lensflare kisses/in front of window kisses. I think that is just the rule now.

MERLIN LOOKS SO PROUD AWWWWWWWW! (His OTP is finally realised.)

XII – Meanwhile, in the forest of mood whiplash and possible doom…

Morgana is not having a good time of it.

MORGANA Well, I've lost an inordinate amount of blood from this invisible side-wound and I'm lost. I'll just fall over here and die now.

AITHUSA THE DRAGON BABY *turns up and is still the most adorable thing in the world* WAKE THE HECK UP! (I am assuming that this is the appropriate translation of healing-dragon-breath*


AITHUSA *flies off*


And I start to wonder whether adorable evil is just attracted to Morgana or something

THE AUDIENCE So… what just happened?

ME Well, it isn't exactly a Sherlock cliffhanger, but still…

And here, my good friends, Merlin: Series 4 is


But, of course…


And I, for one, can't bloody wait!
