kxk: heya, I'm back [after forever] [im so sorry]

Disclaimer: I don't own Prince of Tennis.

Ryoma's POV

I'm sitting in a sushi shop with Bunta's team mates and another team it was called Seikaku or was it Seigaki?. I can't concentrate that much since the guy earlier was here. I don't know why but he makes my heart beat faster.

"So you are Marui-kun's childhood friend?!~ OH! Im Kikumaru Eiji by the way~" A hyper active red head asked me, he must have eaten too much sweets before.

"Yeah, best friends actually well he was a bit closer to someone other than me." I said as I watched realization wash over his face then blushed. Yep, my stay here was going to be fun. Seichi smiled and Aka-chan grinned.

"What does that mean?" One of Bunta's team mates asked confused, he didn't have any hair. Not to be rude but that's the only feature I could describe out of him.

"Well it's a long story." Seichi smiled.

I can feel the brunette staring at me. I felt my cheeks heating up and I think Bunta noticed.

[3rd person POV]

"Ryoma, your face is red." Marui stated. "And your hair is red." Ryoma replied, adjusting his cap a bit lower in an attempt to hide his face. [kxk: that never works ryo] "That's not the point. Anyways, what school are you applying to?"

The two teams seemed to pay attention when Marui uttered that question and Ryoma suddenly felt all eyes on him. "Er, it's this school oyaji used to attend. Seigaku, I think."


Ryoma popped a tempura in his mouth.

"NYAAA! Ochibi's gonna be with us! We can eat lunch together and stuff~" Eiji jumped on Ryoma, causing him to interrupt the younger boy's chewing. "Gah, water..." Ryoma tried his best to say.

Tezuka stood up abruptly from his seat and ripped Ryoma out of Eiji's hold. "Here." He offered Ryoma a cup of green tea,which he already consumed half of, and the little boy drank it all in one gulp. "Saa, we're from Seigaku. Isn't this such a nice coincidence to meet?" Fuji smiled at Ryoma but he wasn't paying any attention to him, no. He was too busy blushing over the fact that the brunette, who may or may not be his new found crush, offered him a cup where he already drank from. Wait, wasn't that an indirect kiss?

"Are you okay now?"

Ryoma looked up to find worried orbs looking at him. His blush deepened, words stuck in his throat. "Nn" was all he could muster. The tall brunette nodded and lingered his gaze on Ryoma for a split second before going back and sitting next to Fuji, Ryoma wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not.

'It's rare to see him so concerned.' Fuji thought.

"I'm so sorry, ochibi. I didn't mean for you to choke or anything." Eiji apologized. He sounded so genuinely sad, Ryoma could see cat ears drooped down on him. Ryoma blinked, putting that thought aside. "Eh no, it's okay but what's with the ochibi?"

"Well you're short," Ryoma glared at him. "And you're really ador-" Akaya clasped a hand on Eiji's mouth before he can finish. "Senpai, it's better if you don't continue that sentence." Eiji was confused for a moment but decided to oblige when he saw Ryoma's glare intensify.

"Maa, Eiji. Be nice, you just met." Oishi spoke up, dragging Eiji back to their table.

"Ah Ryo-chan." Yukimura started. "When will you take the entrance exam?"

"Ah!" Everyone looked at Ryoma. "I need to be at that school by 10:00 but I still don't know how to get there. What time is it?"

Kuwahara checked the time. "9:20"

"Crap, I'm going to be late." Ryoma gathered his things. "We'll take you there." Fuji interrupted him as he was about to leave. "Right, Tezuka?" He glanced at Tezuka who maintained his stoic face nonetheless uttering an agreement.


Ryoma's heart paced faster than normal. He's happy. But why?


Yanagi and Inui sat at one table, isolated from the others.

"My observation skills has been improved, Yanagi."

"Really?" The brown haired one of the two questioned.


"Heh, then shall we see? A simple game of toss coin shall be sufficient."

Yanagi pulled out a coin from his wallet and prepared to toss it.

"Heads or Tail?"

"I'll decide as you throw it." Inui muttered.

"Well then."

Yanagi tossed the coin and Inui watched it. As if everything was in slow motion, Inui calculated the landing time.

'By the way you flipped the coin it was heads up, tails down because of the force you put in the coin will spin 3 times then land on the table but roll at least 4.34 centimeters towards the left and finally land on tails.'

"Tails!" Inui yelled with intensity, the coin nearing it's fall.

"Wah, thanks Yanagi." Niou appeared out of nowhere as the coin was in midair, catching it and putting it in his pocket. "I needed money to buy some soda in the vending machine right outside. Thanks again." He grinned showing all his teeth.

