Greetings, Shirou-sempai here!

I just have a few warnings and stuff that you need to know before you start reading this...

First of all, This fanfic is pretty much based on a RP that me and my friends, Eve and Nin, did. And mostly based on POVs of mostly the main characters.

Characters -

Romania - Meh. (Shirou)

Prussia / Germany - Meh (Shirou) ((Prussia and Germany will only appears a little in this story))

America – Nin

Italy - Eve

Guessing that, that was it~ o3o

Second, this is a America X Romania~ :D

Third, warning, there might be some misspelled words and stuff, and the characters might be a bit OOC. (Sowwy)

Fourth, this contains lemon, smut, yaoi, a little bit some comedy parts.~

If you do not like one or some of them, please don't read.

Well, I guess that's it,

Are you Ready?

You sure?

Alright then!

Let's get on with the story! :D

~ 3 ~ 3~ 3 ~~ 3 ~

Romania's POV
I answered the door and saw the familiar cheerful face and the familiar face of my best friend. "Bulgaria!" I said cheerfully and hugged him. And bared my fangs onto his neck. "Romania!". As I tackled him, we fell down the floor. "Veh~ that' looks fun~!" Italy said, smiling and joined the fun. Bulgaria tried to get up, but it was no use, as both of us, me and Italy were on top of him. "Hey~ Bulgaria~ Just one bite, yes?" I plead. Bulgaria looked at me and sighed. "Well, I guess one won't hur-!" As soon as I heard him, I instantly bit him on his neck. "!" I felt the delicious blood flow out. 'Tasty as always~'. Italy was sitting on my back and was waving his white flag and saying, 'Veh~ This is so fun, guys~"

America's POV
I rounded another corner and found the exit. But instead of it being empty there was Vlad tackling and drinking some person, and Italy on top of them, waving a flag. "Italy!" I called out in surprise, what as you doing here?"

Italy's POV
"Veh! I wanted my bunny ears so I came to get them!" I happily replied.

America's POV
"um, oh yeah." I said, "hey Vlad, can you get the bunny ears off?" Vlad looked up from whom he was feeding off of, blood trailing down his chin. "like it told you," he said reaching for the bunny ears, "they won't come off, I've tried everything" Italy was sitting on them still, "Veh, I want my bunny ears back, oh please oh please oh please!" he looked at the vampire, "Please Romania?"

Romania's POV
"As I told you they're freaking STUCK in my head!" I snapped and turned around to face him. Bulgaria is a little pale from blood loss, and his face was covered in confusion. "Huh? Romania, what's stuck?" he asked, arching an eyebrow, and finally noticed the pink bunny ears on my head. "Oh..."

America's POV
I looked at Vlad. "Huh, what does Italy mean when he says 'Romania?'" I looked at him questionably.

Romania's POV
"Hm?" I turned to the american's direction and arched an eyebrow in confusion. "What?"

America's POV
"Italy called you 'Romania' so... What did he mean?" the vampire stood there, with a quizzical look on his face. "don't avoid the question." I warned with a stubborn look on my face.

Romania's POV
"What does he mean? Well, he obviously mean me." I said obviously. 'Huh? Doesn't America know that I'm Romania? We sometimes bump to each other when we're in England's place or at the world meeting, why doesn't he remember? Ah.' It hit me that, I remembered what my dear friend said, that America is quite oblivious and sort of stupid in a way. I sighed.

America's POV
I stood there in shock with a look of complete shock on his face. "Wait," I stuttered, "Y-you're a nation?" I said, motioning to Vla-Romania. He looked at me. "Yes..." he seemed completely calm.

Romania's POV
"Didn't you know?" I questioned him. He just gave me a stupid face, saying I didn't even know. I sighed and rolled my eyes. I look back to Bulgaria and saw that he... "OH GOD, BULGARIA!" I shrieked.

Americas POV
"oh shit oh shit oh shit, is he DEAD? " I said freaking out, I ran over besides the random person whom I think was named Bulgaria, and put my hand to his neck to stop the bleeding. "damn it Romania, how much blood did you take?" I asked him, a bit freaked out over the blood trickling through my fingers. But at least I could feel a pulse. I ripped off a piece of my shirt trying to stop the blood. Romania pushed me aside and began to lick the blood up, desperately drinking up all of the blood. And I just sat there with half a freaking shirt and hands covered in blood. Eventually the bleeding stopped and Romania took him to a room so he could sleep and regain some blood and I had gone to get another shirt and wash my hands.

Romania's POV
I hissed at America, when he tried to stop the bleeding by absorbing it by his shirt. 'Waste of blood!' I hissed and growled at him, and licked the blood, which was dripping. As the blood stops, I carried Bulgaria to a room, so he could sleep and regain some blood back. 'I think I sank my fangs to deep...' I said to myself, feeling a little guilty. I left the American and Italian, all by themselves.


America's POV
Romania had left with the unconscious Bulgaria to let him sleep. While Italy and I were left alone. "Hey America, do you have any pasta here? I like pasta!" he said, doing his little pasta dance. I sat down put my head in my hands and sighed. 'I can't believe I hadn't seen it, it should of been obvious, i am the hero after all!' I thought. I pulled a hamburger out and swallowed it in one bite. I still didn't feel much better so i just resorted to sitting there in silence. Italy came up. "Hey America, I really really want my bunny ears back!" he begged. "Look Italy, they're stuck on Romania's head, I dunno if we can get them off, but I can get you a new pair of bunny ears if that will make you happy." the Italian seemed to be thinking about it, I just really wanted for Italy to be gone is I could talk to Romania. I remembered his tongue sliding against my neck and I shuttered. "Okie-dokie!" the cheery Italian said, "I guess he can have my bunny ears if I can have new ones, by the there any pasta here?"
I sighed.